

1319 Uppsatser om Reject water - Sida 60 av 88

Fartförlust på grunt vatten : En jämförelse av bränsleförbrukning och tidsåtgång för rutter med olika djup och distans

Denna studie handlar om den fartförlust och därmed den ökade energiförbrukningen som drabbar fartyg på grunt vatten. Syftet var att ta reda på hur mycket kortare en grund passage behöver vara för att den ska vara ett bättre alternativ än en lång och djup rutt med hänsyn till bränsleförbrukning och tidsåtgång. Resultatet av detta blev att det inte går att dra några generella slutsatser som gäller för alla fartygstyper men att det går att se tydliga tendenser. Studien hade även som målsättning att skapa ett underlag som skulle kunna användas av nautiker vid planering av resor, detta presenterades i form av en sammanställning av de resultat som erhållits vid beräkning av fartförlust i öppet vatten. Någon sammanställning gjordes inte för begränsat vatten eftersom exempelfartygen där fick likadana resultat vilket skulle ha gjort en sådan överflödig.

Informationskrigföring : den nya teknikens hot

The new information society has revolutionised almost the entire world. But the new technique does not only bring good. That which was before only available on paper may today only be available on a computer system. This makes it possible to send data electronically. In the wrong hands that information can become a threat against the security of an individual, a company or even a nation.

Glycerol to dairy calves : effects on intestinal health and fluid balance

The bacterium Lactobacillus reuteri, which natural habitat is in the intestine of mammals and birds, uses glycerol as a substrate for production of the antimicrobial compound reuterin. Glycerol has been shown to decrease the number of Escherichia coli in human feces and it is believed to be due to in situ production of reuterin. E. coli belongs to the large family of Enterobacteriaceae, naturally occurring in the intestine, and pathogenic strains of E. coli have been shown to be one of several bacteria causing diarrhoea in calves.

Kartläggning av Kassationerpå Bubs Godis

The waste of material is a big expense for manufacture companies caused by lack of quality. The cost by lack of quality often totaled to a big percentage share of the turnover when all cost related to lack of quality is included. New manufacturing systems like Lean production or Just In Time demands better internal quality for the manufacturer. To make those manufacturing system with small and none buffer stock successful the quality improvement continuously have to be developed.Measuring of waste of material in Bubs Candy?s factory where not simple due to the products does not have a permanent weight during the manufacturing process.

Composition of fractions from air-classified wheat flour

The unique ability of wheat to produce leavened bread is mainly due to the gluten proteins present. As consumers are more and more attracted to bread with high fibre content the use of wheat gluten will also increase in order to obtain bread with good volume and appetizing characteristics. Air-classification is a technological method used to separate particles by size and shape by means of air-streams into two fractions, fine and coarse. When used on wheat flour it is known to alter the flour composition in the fractions obtained compared to the original flour. This method is not widely used in the milling industry but could possibly be of interest if protein rich fractions with favorable protein quality can be produced.

Utvärdering av effekter hos deltagare i projektet Skogsbruk och vatten inom Landsbygdsprogrammet hos Skogsstyrelsen i Östergötland

Som skoglig sektorsmyndighet är det Skogsstyrelsens uppgift att omsätta regeringens skogspolitiska mål i praktiken. De behöver därför ha kunskap om deras arbete faktiskt ger effekter i skogsbruket. Ett verktyg för att undersöka effekter är utvärderingar. Genom en utvärdering kan Skogsstyrelsen se vilka effekterna är samt få ett underlag till att förändra och utveckla framtida projekt. Denna studie syftade till att utvärdera effekter hos deltagare avseende kunskapsinhämtning och användningsgrad samt deltagarnas upplevelse av vattenkvällarna i projektet Skogsbruk och vatten inom Landsbygdsprogrammet hos Skogsstyrelsen i Östergötland.

Spädningsvätskans påverkan på vaginas mikrobiologiska normalflora hos sto i samband med insemination

Sheep breeding contributes not only with wool, hides, meat and milk but also with openlandscapes. The sheep?s wool is a good raw material thanks to a lot of different qualities as itis water rejecting and easy to form. The wool production today is concentrated to specificplaces in the world which leads to environmental problems and a distorted market. InJämtland, a province in Sweden, there is right now a staking going on for local production andrefining of wool in a project called Ullforum.

Gräv där du står och ända ner till Kina :   En studie av två grundskolors omvärldsrelationer med fokus på hållbar utveckling

The aim of the study was to analyse relations between the school and the surrounding world and how these relations affects the schools? work for sustainable development. This was mainly an interview study but teachers? self-valuations have also been used. Totally six teachers at two primary schools has been interwied.

Stortorget i Lund : en kandidatuppsats om torgets utveckling från 1000-talet till 2007...

Abstract Squares, these public rooms have always fascinated me. I find them interesting because of their variety in shapes, functions, design etc. Stortorget in Lund is one of Sweden?s oldest squares, this essay is dedicated to this particular square. Of all the possible ways that you could approach Stortorget in Lund I have decided to do it from an urban design point of view.

Rörelseanalys med tillämpning av inversdynamik : en pilotstudie på frisk labrador retriever

Sheep breeding contributes not only with wool, hides, meat and milk but also with openlandscapes. The sheep?s wool is a good raw material thanks to a lot of different qualities as itis water rejecting and easy to form. The wool production today is concentrated to specificplaces in the world which leads to environmental problems and a distorted market. InJämtland, a province in Sweden, there is right now a staking going on for local production andrefining of wool in a project called Ullforum.

Bakterietillväxt i strömedel till mjölkkor

The resting area is the most important place in the barn for the dairy cow, sometimes called the heart of the free stall system. Inadequate design of the lying area, and lack of or poor quality of bedding materials may reduce the hygiene of the stall. Poor management regarding the cleanliness of the resting area may lead to poor animal hygiene and increased bacterial growth. This in turn will lead to increased risk for environmental mastitis as well as impairing milk quality through contamination with spores. In this literature study the most commonly used bedding materials; straw, sawdust, wood shavings, clean sand, recycled sand, peat and recycled manure solids, are compared to one another with regards to their ability to resist bacterial growth. Effects of adding hydrated lime to bedding materials have also been studied. Most bacteria need humidity and prefer a quite high water activity to be able to grow.

Tillsats av biokol till en svensk sandjord : effekter på lustgasavgång, kväveretention och andel vattenfyllda porer

In a column experiment the effect of three different biochars on nitrous gas emissions, nitrogenretention and water filled pore space (WFPS) were studied in a Swedish sandy soil, classified as aCryopsamment. Ammonium retention was positively correlated, while KCl-extractable ammoniumwas negatively correlated, with the specific area of the biochars. The question was raised whether thenegative correlation between extractable ammonium and biochar specific area reflects the amount ofammonium present in the soil or its extractability from the biochar, and whether methods forextracting soil mineral nitrogen, like KCl-extractions, have to be modified for application on biocharamended soils. There was a tendency of increased nitrate retention and KCl-extractable nitrate withbiochar and KCl-extractable nitrate was positively correlated with the specific area of the biochar. pHwas higher for all biochars compared with control, although the differences were not significant, andWFPS was lowered by biochar addition, significantly in one case.

Varmvatten i flerbostadshus : Erfarenhet, kunskap och mätning för en klokare användning

Det pågår idag arbete på många håll för att göra våra bostäder mer energieffektiva, ofta genom tekniska förbättringar av till exempel klimatskärm och värmesystem. En post i energianvändningen som inte alltid får lika mycket fokus är varmvattenanvändningen. Varmvattenanvändningen mäts sällan i flerbostadshus, vilket gör att kunskapen kring den är relativt låg. På senare år har dock allt fler bostadsbolag börjat arbeta för att minska vattenanvändningen och en metod som har blivit allt vanligare är individuell mätning och debitering.I denna rapport redovisas ett examensarbete kring olika aspekter på vattenanvändning i flerbostadshus. Vattenanvändningen i ett bostadsbolag som överväger att införa individuell mätning och debitering undersöktes och jämfördes med statistik från ca 2000 lägenheter i två bostadsbolag som redan infört individuell mätning.

Moderna tider : modernitet i Visbys bouppteckningar och press 1880-1910

It is a difficult task to define the little word ?modernity?. One may argue quite a lot about what modernity is as well as when modernity breaks trough. The burgess class was the group who initiated modernity in most cases. Since these people mainly dwelled in the cities it was in the cities were modernity started.

Utvärdering av ett Bränslecellsdrivet Flygplan.

 With the increases in fuel costs due to the depletion of the world oil reserves and the increase of greenhouse gasses as a consequence to using oil as a fuel many companies are looking to new and innovative ways to power their aircraft. One of these new ways to power an aircraft is using fuel cells powered using hydrogen and oxygen, thus producing nothing but water vapour and small amounts of nitrogen dioxide as well as trace amounts of other emissions. Both Boeing (1) and Politecnico di Torino (2) have shown that it is possible to build an all-electric aircraft powered by fuel cells. Both flights used small, two-seater aircraft and a constant between them was the loss of the co-pilot seat due to weight and lack of space. As this paper will deal with a commercial aircraft a primary concern is the cargo and passenger capacity and whatever impact switching propulsion system has on these.

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