

1319 Uppsatser om Reject water - Sida 42 av 88

Implementering av uppförandekod i Kina - Like a bridge over troubled water

Examensarbetets titel: Implementering av uppförandekod i Kina ? Like a bridge over troubled water Seminariedatum: 21 Januari 2009 Ämne/kurs: FEK K01, Examensarbete kandidatnivå, 15 ECTS Författare: Johanna Jeppsson, Anna Svensson Henning och Gustav Petersson Handledare: Gösta Wijk Nyckelord: Uppförandekod, Implementering, Kina, Sverige, Kultur Syfte: Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats är att undersöka om nationella kulturer och organisationskulturer kan ge upphov till svårigheter med implementering av uppförandekod, och vilka dessa svårigheter i så fall kan vara. Metod: Uppsatsen är en kvalitativ studie som till stor del grundas på semistrukturerade intervjuer med tre svenska fallföretag inom modebranschen med produktion i Kina. Uppsatsen har en abduktiv ansats. Teoretiska perspektiv: Uppsatsen har främst två teoretiska baser, Hofstedes teori rörande skillnader i nationella kulturer samt Scheins tre kulturnivåer.

Optimalt ekologiskt : att gestalta praktfulla parker som kan skötas på ett hållbart sätt

This is a graduate work at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, The Department of Urban and Rural Development, Ultuna. The purpose of this paper has been to find out and describe principles for designing parks that offers good recreational and aesthetical values and require little amount of carbon dioxide emissions during their maintenance. The purpose has also been to see if it's possible to use city wastewater in some extent to assure the plants water supply and to find other means to make it less necessary to use purified water for watering. Recently made studies as well as older ones show how important green areas are in dense city structures both from a health and a climate perspective. Trees and other plants adsorbs different forms of air pollution and can also lower the temperature in the surrounding area through their transpiration.

Överföringsproblematiken med ett styrinstrument ? en fallstudie av Kemira Water

Syftet med vår studie är att undersöka de problem som kan uppstå vid en överföring av ett styrinstrument, innehållande Key Performance Indicators, från en organisation till en annan i samband med förvärv. Uppsatsen utgår från en fallstudie av ett företag i kemibranschen. I vår fallstudie använder vi ett abduktivt angreppssätt och en kvalitativ metod. I den teoretiska referensramen utgår vi ifrån teorierna om The Balanced Scorecard och Key Performance Indicators. Empiriinsamlingen har skett med semistrukturerade intervjuer..

Det självförsörjande passivhuset

The housing sector uses 40 % of the energy in Sweden and half of the electricity usage. Theuse of energy is the main reason to the increasing rate of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.This is the main motive but also a wish of higher safety, that is a higher rate of selfsufficientenergy production in Sweden, we want to decrease the need of using fossil fuel. Now whenthe energy price rise, the interest in energy issues increase and more people discuss thepossibility of reducing the usage of fossil fuel. A change to renewable energy such as sun,wind and water is the only solution where we can get a sustainable development.One way to contribute to a better use of energy is to build in the principle of passive house.The house is being built with a thick and tight insulation. If you use a heat-exchanger withhigh degree of efficiency and a final heating battery on the ventilation system, the heat fromlamps, devices and the ones living in the house should be enough to fulfil the criteria ofliving.

Fiskevård och delning av fiske vid lantmäteriförrättningar : Studie av FBL 3 kap 8 §

AbstractThis bachelor thesis was performed at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm on behalf of the Land Survey Authority. The thesis is about fish conservation and division of fishing water at official duty. It is the Land Survey Authority that examines division of fisheries, but before a case can be implemented, certain requirements must be achieved such as FBL 3:8, which prevent divisions that are deleterious for fish conservation. The purpose of this thesis is: to obtain a clearer view how FBL 3:8 should be applied in practice, how the application differs between the offices in central Sweden, and how fish care is regulated at both international and national levels.At an international level, in EU the commercial fishery is regulated through the common fisheries policy (CFP). The fisheries policy consists of a reform that will last for 10 years.

Avgränsning av tillrinningsområden till grundvattenmagasin : vilken information ger berggrundens överyta?

Delineation of recharge areas for aquifers is performed in the groundwater mapping process at the Swedish geological survey, SGU. This work is time consuming and performed manually. It is therefore desirable to develop a more general and repeatable method for defining recharge areas for aquifers.The purpose of this study was to investigate two other possible methods to delineate recharge areas for aquifers. The first method was to examine the possibility of using the topography of the bedrock to define the recharge areas for aquifers. To enable this, a method for generating the topography of the bedrock was developed.

Individers upplevelse av att bo och leva i bostadsomra?det Kronoparken

This is a qualitative study made to find out individuals experience of life in the residential Kronoparken in Karlstad. The study is a part of a municipality supported project aiming to find points of improvement and work for the area's development. This study is a first step to hear in what way the residents themselves describe their neighborhood and their lives. A total of thirteen people participated in focus groups with semi-structured interviews as data collection and the study was based on an availability sample which in this case meant that citizens of the residential Kronoparken were asked to participate. Data were analyzed through thematic analysis and in the analysis three themes appeared that summed up what the participants talk about and emphasized most: a divided area, anticipation and valuation as well as a comfortable and healthy every day living.

Rotningsstimulerande effekt och kemisk analys av vattenbaserad extraktion av vedartade och örtartade skott av Salix smithiana Willd. :

Cuttings of Lonicera xylosteum L. were treated with willow extract to study the response in rooting capacity. The extracts were prepared by mixing chopped pieces of Salix x smithiana Willd. with water in a warring blender. The investigation comprised 2 types of salix extracts based on differences and dynamics between twigs in winter dormancy and twigs with new shoots. To explore the rooting response, three tests were made.

Metoder för lastprioritering i fjärrvärmecentraler

A problem in the field of district heating is the oil burners needed to provide power when a peak load occurs. One possible way of reducing the needed amount of oil is to reduce the power demand for space heating in the district-heating substations when the need for district heating water exceeds a certain limit. This can be done by use of a locally working controller function.In this Thesis the options concerning load priority are evaluated. To evaluate the potential for using controller functions concerning peak load priority an experiment was brought out in a chosen district-heating substation. The impact on the indoor thermal comfort during a heat reduction was also taken into account.

Simulering av simulinkmodeller med Extended Kalman Filter

Simulations of simulink models using Kalman filters are often very time-consuming. This problem depends mainly on the fact that the Kalman correction has to be performed at each sample instance through the whole simulation. The goal for this thesis work is to reduce that time-consumption for the filtering part (the integration partis treated in a complementary report) of a simulation. Furthermore a Matlab routine to perform parameter tuning and finally a graphical user interface is developed.The filtering part of the simulation in this thesis is based on an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). The time optimization of this filter considers searching for the possibility to replace the today?s existing Matlab functions that is used to perform the filtering calculations.

Implementation & utvärdering av spelmotor i WebGL

This report describes an analysis of WebGL together with JavaScript with the aim to examine its limitations, strengths and weaknesses. This analysis was performed by building a 2D game engine containing some dynamic elements such as water, smoke, fire, light, and more. Different algorithms have been tested and analyzed to provide a clearer picture of how these work together. The report will go through the most basic functions of the game engine and describe briefly how these work.The result shows that JavaScript with WebGL can be considered to be a potent toolsets, despite the difficulties caused by JavaScript.In summary, similar projects can be recommended as Javascript and WebGL proved both fun and incredibly rewarding to work with..

Utvärdering av en väggkonstruktion utan PE-folie : Med en undersökning av hårdvaxolja som diffusions-/konvektionsspärr

District heating covers around 80 % of the heating demand in apartment buildings and 10 % in single-family homes in Sweden. In the year 2010 the total input of energy to the Swedish district heating grids was about 70 TWh, which corresponds to 11 % of the total energy input to the whole energy system in the country. Through the combined production of heat and power the CHP-plants often reaches an efficiency of 90 % from energy in the fuel to produced heat and power. In order to keep the efficiency high it is important for the owners of the plant to have good knowledge about the plants performance at different operation points. Strängnäs Energi AB initiated this diploma work together with FVB Sverige ab in order to come up with a program for short term planning of the production of heat and power at the company´s CHP-plant.The work consists of three main parts.

Vätedriven förbränningsmotor : Klarläggande av framtida hållbarhet

Today when new and harder demands on CO2 emissions are developed, vehicle manufacturers must work to develop new engine solutions to new kinds of fuels to replace fossil fuels. A fuel that could be applied is hydrogen. When hydrogen is combusted only water vapor occurs. Hydrogen is known to be explosive and flammable. These properties are both good and bad for combustion.

Skattning av den integrerade hydrauliska konduktivitetens variation kring Tunåsens infiltrationsanläggning : En utredning av påverkan från möjliga osäkerheter i befintlig information

Estimation of the variation in the integrated hydraulic conductivity around the Tunåsen infiltration facility - An investigation of the effects of uncertainties in existing informationAlmost half of Sweden?s drinking water volume is produced from groundwater. The main fraction of this is extracted from eskers, some of which allow for very large extraction rates. Despite this, the groundwater volume is not sufficient in some areas. This has led to an extensive use of artificial recharge.In Uppsala, the total volume added through artificial recharge is divided between four infiltration facilities.

Dagvattenhantering i den täta staden

This thesis adresses the subject of stormwater management and the problematic with stormwatermanagment and landuse in the compact city. The thesis research different solutions in stormwater managment and how to implement them in the context of the compact city. And at the same time preserve and make good recreaational places and keep quality green land per capita. The thesis also analyses risks and problems that could effect the environment with focus on stormwater managment and hov to minimize these problematic factors an create a good environment. In an urban context where the water has a natrual place, and is used as a asset.

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