

8519 Uppsatser om Rehabilitation process - Sida 6 av 568

ERP-implementation och processkartläggning : En studie om implementering av ett ERP-syste, och vilka fördelar en processkartläggning kan ge för kravställandet.

To implement an ERP-system is not an easy process. The success of the implementation depend on many different variables. The most important one is perhaps the requirement process, to define what the organization wants and expects from the system. In this study, the advantages of a process mapping are examined, in relation to the phase where the requirements are expressed in an ERP-implementation. The conclusion is that a process mapping generates an increased communication with the supplier of the ERP-system, hence the business knows their processes and thereby what they want from the system.

?Tvärtom kan det gagna att vara bipolär. Kreativitet och sånt.? : - En kvalitativ studie om hinder och möjligheter för personer med ett psykiskt funktionshinder att komma ut på den reguljära arbetsmarknaden

Our aim of this study was to investigate barriers and opportunities for people with mental disorders getting in to the labor market. This from experiences by people whose daily job contains work rehabilitation for this group in particular. On the basis of five qualitative interviews the results showed that prejudices towards people with mental disorders are a barrier for them to get a wage labor. Furthermore the results showed that low self-esteem within the target group and also high educational demands becomes a barrier to a wage labor. The results also showed that to focus on the healthy aspects may serve as an opportunity for people with mental disorders to get in to the labor market and be able to have a paid job.

En granskning av det internationellt använda frågeformuläret International Outcome Inventory for Hearing Aids (IOI-HA).

Assessment of hearing aids can be done by inventories. The result of the inventories can show the patients need and how the hearing aids works in the patients daily life. The result of the inventories can be influenced by the difference in languages and the cultures. The inventory IOI-HA should not be sensitive to those factors.The aim of this study was to compare and analyse material, method and to report and analyse the result from a pilot study made at Sahlgrenska University.The result showed that IOI-HA is a natural inventory which is able to be used internationally. The four studies in England, USA, the Netherlands, and Germany showed that the psychometric properties are similar across languages and cultures.

Trädgårdsterapi inom kriminalvården : en möjlighet för Sverige?

The main objective of this study was to investigate the possible design of a horticultural therapy program in Swedish correctional treatment facilities. In the USA the use of horticultural therapy in offender rehabilitation is much more frequent compared with Sweden. The aim of these programs typically contains education for inmates. Research has been made indicating that these programs can have positive effects on psychosocial behavior and on vulnerability to substance abuse among incarcerated offenders. In this study the examples of these programs was categorized and analyzed from three perspectives; Vocational, social and therapeutic horticultural programs.

Tree species traits response to different canopy cover for 34 tree species in an enrichment planted tropical secondary rain forest in Sabah, Malaysia

Tropical rain forests only cover around six percent of the world?s land area and contain around 70 % of the world´s animals and plants. Tropical rainforests have been, and still are, negatively affected by human activities. These activities lead to forest degradation which has negative impacts on production and biodiversity. Between 1970-1980 forests in Borneo, Sabah, Malaysia, was subjected to intense logging.

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Schizophrenia can cause symptoms such as auditory hallucinations, delusions, emotional blunting, apathy and lack of motivation. These result in a diminished ability to participate in daily activities and bring the client group into the domain of occupational therapists. The purpose of this literature review is to compile the latest findings in occupational therapy interventions for individuals with schizophrenia. Furthermore guidance regarding the utility of the interventions will be given based on the author?s assessment of the evidence in the 22 articles included.

Samband mellan arbetsgrad och kinesiofobi hos vuxna individer med långvarig smärta och förändring av dessa variabler efter fyra veckors smärtrehabilitering

ABSTRACTPurpose: The purpose of the study was threefold. Firstly, to investigate if a four week program in pain rehabilitation had any effect on how much individuals with persistent pain worked and their degree of kinesiophobia. Secondly, to study if there was a correlation between how much these individuals worked and their degree of kinesiophobia. Thirdly, to study if there was a correlation between the change in these variables.Method: 112 patients who had participated in a four week rehabilitation program took part in the study. The study had a retrospective design, which was based on a review on medical records and consisted of three minor parts.

Kundanpassning av ett rehabiliteringsverktyg

To be able to move around without having to think about each movement is for most people amatter of course. Todays society contributes to a life at high speed where the sparetime is oftenspend doing somekind of sport, even extreme sports which earlier only a few people wheredoing. This leads to not only good health effects but also to more injuries. One of the mostcommon injuries is the knee injury.Capio Artro Clinic is a clinic specialized in sports medicine and particulary patients with injuriesin knee, shoulder, foot, hip or elbow. They perform a great part of all the crucial ligamentsurgeries in Sweden and has therefor also a lot of patients in need for rehabilitation of the knee.During the rehabilitation the load of the injuried knee is increased in steps.

To start a project ? post-rehabilitation within substance abuse care

Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka hur ett projekt startas upp, leds och drivs då det är kopplat till socialt arbete och efterbehandling för hemlösa kvinnor med missbruksproblematik. Bakgrunden är en tidigare b-uppsats som visade på brister i eftervården för dessa kvinnor. Examensarbetet har gjorts genom en litteraturstudie där vi undersökt projekt och projektledning, samt en halvstrukturerad personlig intervju och en telefonintervju med en nyckelperson med erfarenhet av projektarbete. Resultatet visade på att det är viktigt med samarbete och nätverk då det oftast finns många aktörer som kan hjälpa målgruppen, så som socialtjänsten, beroendecenter samt Röda Korset. Genom ett lösningsfokuserat arbete och en upplevelsebaserad metod kan målgruppen få hjälp att komma tillbaka in i samhället och få ett självständigt och värdigare liv.

En privatisering av arbetsskadeförsäkringen

The main purpose of this thesis is to analyse the possibilities and problems facing a privatised work injury insurance. This discussion includes the element of premium differentiation. Todays´ Swedish social insurance system is ineffectively formed. The costs have dramatically increased during the 1990´s. The Swedish government is now looking for ways to improve the efficiency of the system.

Den nya rehabiliteringskedjan och arbetslivsinriktad rehabilitering ur försäkringskassahandläggarens perspektiv

Den nya rehabiliteringskedjan med sina fasta tidsgränser för långtidssjukskrivna har fått stor uppmärksamhet i svensk media under senare tid. De nya reglerna fokuserar framförallt på tidiga insatser för långtidssjukskrivna med målet återgång i arbete. Intervjuerna i föreliggande studie utfördes med sju försäkrings-kassahandläggare på olika försäkringskontor. Syftet var att undersöka vilka erfarenheter och upplevelser handläggarna på Försäkringskassan har av den nya rehabiliteringskedjan och arbetslivsinriktad rehabilitering. Resultatet visade att det är en mängd olika faktorer som påverkar handläggarnas arbete.

Från plats till resmål : Etableringsprocessen

In this thesis we have examined why the establishment process of travel destination is essential for the tour operators and how the process can be influenced by different conditions. The thesis is written from the perspective of the tour operators and with the tour operator Ving as our case study, we have been able to create a picture of how the establishment process of travel destination may look like.We have chosen to deal with some different areas in this thesis that all are important for the creation of a holistic picture of the process. The overall segments listed in this thesis are the process itself, the tourist, marketing, the product creation and demand. By connecting our theoretical framework to the collected empirical data from our case study, we have analyzed the establishment process and drawn our conclusions..

Effektivisering av kravspecifikationsprocessen

The goal of this project was to make the requirement process at the Swedish Coastguard more effective. The first step to achieve this was done by locating bottle necks in the process with value stream mapping method. The result of this study showed that the biggest restriction in the requirement process was while examining older requirement documents to understand what elements were suitable for the particular project. This was followed by a study of literature, interviews and theory of Lean Production with the ambition to investigate how the requirement process was handled on other companies and how to improve the process on the Swedish coast guard. This led to a number of potential enhancements of the process which later was evaluated.

Metadon - drog eller medicin: en diskursanalys av Socialstyrelsens föreskrifter för läkemedelsassisterad behandling vid opiatberoende.

This thesis discusses the attitudes versus methadone assisted rehabilitation ad modum Dole Nyswander in Sweden during the period 1972-2004. This is done by means of a Foucault inspired discourse analysis applied on the directions issued by the Board of Health and Social Affairs. The context in which these directions were created is also described, in which scientific achievements on methadone treatments during the period, and the main actors struggling to establish and define the discourse on narcotics and narcomania, are juxtaposed to the effects of the work of the Board. It is stated that the directions were largely affected not by scientific results and knowledge on methadone, but by the symbolic connotations of narcotics in Sweden established in the discourse already in the mid 1960´s. Also during the end of the studied period, after the occurence of AIDS had begun making methadone more broadly accepted, the findings of this thesis showed that the legacy of the 1970´s symtomtheory and its severe antagonism against methadone, was still present, in effect, in the discourse around methadone and subutex assisted rehabilitation, and so in the directions issued by the Board of Health and Social Affairs..

Arbetsterapeutiska interventioner för personer med Schizofreni ur ett evidensperspektiv - Litteraturstudie

Schizophrenia can cause symptoms such as auditory hallucinations, delusions, emotional blunting, apathy and lack of motivation. These result in a diminished ability to participate in daily activities and bring the client group into the domain of occupational therapists. The purpose of this literature review is to compile the latest findings in occupational therapy interventions for individuals with schizophrenia. Furthermore guidance regarding the utility of the interventions will be given based on the author?s assessment of the evidence in the 22 articles included.

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