1907 Uppsatser om Regulation and corporate governance - Sida 27 av 128
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In recent years, several scandals have been revealed where public employees been involved. Some researchers argue, moreover, that the NPM's rampage has led to an increase in the risk of corruption in public administration. The Regulation on Internal Control shall, according to the government, lead to adequate protection against corruption by analyzing and managing risks. However, Riksrevisionen have criticized the authorities' protection against corruption to be too unstructured and unsystematic. In addition, they questioned whether the regulation really has significance in the work against corruption.
Aspekter på decentraliseringens effekter i svensk äldreomsorg : En kvalitativ studie om tre kommuners myndighetskontor
AbstractFörfattare ? Malin Andersson och Slaven MarasTitel ? Aspects of decentralizations effect on eldercare ? a qualitative study of three municipal authority office/ Aspekter på decentraliseringens effekter på äldreomsorg ? En kvalitativ studie i tre kommuners myndighetskontorHandledare ? Linda ErlandssonExaminator: Jan Petersson This is a qualitative study of the phenomenon of decentralization and its impact on care managers working in elderly care. The aim of the study was to examine how care managers margin for maneuver and need assessments continually are shaped by organizational conditions and municipal governance. With these aspects in mind, we wanted to identify similarities and differences in three different municipalities? ways to work with care management in the elderly care.
Kundinvolveringen & värde : En studie av lastbilar
I denna uppsats belyses Polisen i Uppsala län ur ett varumärkesbyggande perspektiv med syfte att undersöka om teorier avsedda för företag i konkurrenssituation även kan appliceras på en offentlig myndighet. En kartläggning av Polisen Uppsalas arbete med personifiering av sitt varumärke i sociala media görs genom intervjuer, innehållsanalys och sekundärdata. Insamlad data avseende hur deras varumärkesbyggande stämmer överens med teorier om corporate brand, corporate brand personality och corporate brand personality traits avser besvara uppsatsens syfte. Resultatet visar att en stark koppling mellan Polisen Uppsalas varumärkesbyggande och uppsatsens teoretiska ramverk finns. I undersökningen framkommer att arbetet med personifiering är grundligt utformat genom Polisens värdegrund.
ESF-projektet ?Kvinnokraft?. En kvalitativ studie om nyckelaktörers uppfattningar om hinder för integration och projekt för somaliska kvinnor
Compared to all existing ethnic groups in Sweden, the integration of Somali women has failed the most within the aspect of employment. This bachelor?s thesis investigates the obstacles in the integration of Somali women by focusing on one case, a project named ?Kvinnokraft?, partly financed by the European Socialfund.By interviewing eight key actors, opinions about obstacles in the project have been identified. A theoretical framework that incorporates integration, project research, multi-level governance and intersectionality contributes to explaining difficulties in integrating Somali women.The empirical findings show that there are individual, social and institutional holdbacks. Stereotypical perceptions were common amongst officials, which contributes to a creation of an inferior position in the structures of the society for Somali women.
"ESS avgörs i Bryssel": Nätverk söker förankring i institutionell beslutsstruktur
This paper aims at describing and explaining the bi-and multilateral negotiations that are, and have been, taking place between Sweden's chief negotiator Allan Larsson and European countries, and within the EU institutions in Brussels, in order to seek support for the Swedish offer to host the European Spallation Source, ESS. It applies a case study method using political science theories ? governance and government ? and to a large extent information from the involved actors in the policy process. The paper also presents a constructive position, in showing how the negotiations on ESS can turn into a process leading to a decision on the construction of this research facility. ESS is negotiated in networks on bi- and multilateral levels consisting of European research representatives and financiers.
Företagsbibliotekariers identitet, kompetens och professionsutveckling : Exemplet Astra Zeneca
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the identity, competences and professional development of corporate librarians. I have done an empirical study based on semi structured interviews with 11 information professionals who were working at Astra Zeneca at the time of the re-organizations of the company in 2009 which ultimately led to the closing of the libraries. I have also examined the views on competences and professional development of librarians in general, both in Sweden and in Denmark. I have used Thomas Brante?s theories on profession types as well as Anders Ørom?s theories on librarian identities as my theoretical framework.
Försvarsstrategier och strategisk trovärdighet vid fientliga övertagningsförsök - En fallstudie av Scania och Skandia
Background: Mergers and acquisitions have evolved from initially almost exclusively having been an American phenomenon, to becoming a common occurrence throughout the world. Companies though, are not defenseless against hostile bids, but must take many factors into account when selecting defense measures. Purpose: This paper aims to enhance the understanding of acquisitions through hostile bids on the companies studied. More specifically, this study aims to create a deeper understanding in how Scania and Skandia have chosen their defense measures, or could have chosen, before and during their hostile bidding processes with specific concern for their strategic credibility. Method: This paper is based on two companies listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange exposed to hostile takeover attempts in a similar time period.
Att organisera kunskap på ett företag : en fallstudie vid Ecophon AB:s utvecklingsavdelningar
Organising knowledge in a corporate environment : a case study at the development departments of Ecophon ABThe purpose of this master's thesis is to investigate how three development departments of a technical firm could organise their collection of documents and information resources to improve their management of information. Three sets of questions have been posed: 1) How does the target group of engineers deal with information, and what problems can be identified in this process? 2) What does their collection of resources consist of, how is it organised, and what problems are apparent? 3) How can principles of knowledge organisation be applied in a corporate environment?The investigation has been carried out as a case study. Three main methods of collecting empirical data have been used: surveys, unstructured interviews and collection observations. The results of the study have highlighted three major problem areas: the collection's lack of structure and searchability, the absence of policy regarding how employers should deal with information, and the inadequate knowledge among staff on how to search for, use and disseminate information.By looking at previous research on knowledge organisation, we have been able to draw conclusions regarding how the target group could organise and manage its information and knowledge in order to achieve greater efficiency in dealing with information and carrying out work tasks.
Corporate Social Responsibility : Varför ska banker ta ett ansvar?
The purpose of this thesis is to gain a deeper understanding about why Swedish banks choose to work and report CSR and also analyze differences and similarities between two banks.Research question: Why do Swedish companies within the financial sector choose to report and work with Corporate Social Responsibility?The major incentives to work and report CSR are because it benefits bank´s businesses, which is driven by stakeholders. Stakeholder pressure is also an important incentive, especially pressure from customers and employees. The incentives that differed between the two banks were morality of the business leader, society and the priority of stakeholders. The incentives that we could not support were guidelines and competitors-.
När de blir vi: institutioner, governance och förändring i Öresundskomiteen
In January 2007 the Öresund committy changed its statutes to become a more politically oriented lobby organization. This change can be interpreted as one part of a continuously evolving process where the Öresund region is emancipating itself from the national states in a multi-level European environment. By focusing on this latest development the thesis puts forward the importance of political institutions, as well as politicians and civil servants as actors in them, as crucial factors in the process where the region is gaining political power. The thesis shows how the political cross-border cooperation in the Öresund region is being institutionalized which affects its power relations to other levels in the multi-level system, predominantly the national states. In other words, there is a connection between power and institutionalization.The Öresund committee has by gaining better access to policymaking agendas on the national levels proven that the organizational change has already started to bear fruit.
Ofarliga aktörer med osynlig makt : Regionplaneringens kommunikativa genomförande via sociala nätverk
I samband med att de två senaste regionala utvecklingsplanerna upprättats har regionplaneringen i Stockholms län kommit att utvecklas till att fokusera mer på dialog och process via sociala nätverk. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka varför denna utveckling kommit till stånd och hur den sett ut samt analysera hur regionplaneringen bedrivs genom dessa sociala nätverk. Det empiriska materialet har bestått av intervjuer med representanter från olika samverkansprocesser som bedrivs eller har bedrivits inom det fallstudieområde jag valt; Stockholmsregionens gröna kilar. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten har varit territorial governance samt kommunikativ och kollaborativ planering. Slutsatserna är att regionplaneringens frånvaro av lagstiftad genomförandemakt ger dem en annan makt över den regionala utvecklingen i form av tillgång till governancenätverk.
Tillväxt med Corporate Social Responsibility : En studie om huruvida CSR påverkar Volkswagen Groups strategi till att bli den största bilförsäljarkoncernen.
The report assesses the typical questions regarding Corporate Social Responsibility within the automotive industry. An attempt as to whether Corporate Social Responsibility has an impact on growth companies is demonstrated. Volkswagen Group is within the required analytical criteria, which are to be studied. Also, the fact that they recently launched ?Strategy 2018? makes it even more interesting to immerse into.
Offentlig upphandling och Kundval : Hur skall kundvalsmodellen tillämpas i förhållande till lagen om offentlig upphandling?
The overriding purpose of this graduate thesis is to evaluate if municipalities and county councils can deviate from the legislation of public procurement during procurement of customer choice agreements within the health and social care area. The intention of this Quasi-market is to provide the users with competition in terms of quality rather then the general principal rule of economic value.My conclusion results in a legal situation without rules of general procedure. So far the authorities make their own regulation in the field of customer choice agreements. The problem lies within the authorization of new contractors and their right to make an appeal against resolutions made by the authorities social care divisions.One solution is to legislate within the present law of public procurement. Another way to solve the problem is to create a lex specialis apart from the present public procurement regulation..
Företags sociala ansvar: En genomgång av forskningsområdet
Syftet med denna undersökning är att finna en möjlig förklaring till hur det teoretiska området angående corporate social responsibility har utvecklats i ett tidsperspektiv. Uppsatsen undersöker hur definitionen av CSR växt fram och vad definition har påverkats utav. Det andra som studerades var hur ämnet CSR har växt fram. Ser CSR likadant ut idag som det gjorde för femtio år sedan eller hur har det utvecklats?För att göra denna studie, används följande metod.
Konditionalitet, effektivitet och legitimitet. En normativ studie av politisk konditionalitet.
Since the end of the Cold War, foreign aid donors have been using political conditionality to promote human rights, democracy and good governance in recipient countries. This phenomenon has been analyzed and criticized, but mainly from a strictly empirical point of view. In this paper, the legitimacy of political conditionality is analyzed through a normative perspective based on the extrinsic value of efficiency. If the political conditions don?t result in a democratic development, including respect of human rights and good governance, they can not be justified.With at theoretical focus on the donors, based on the unequal relationship between donor and recipient, I am examining the donors? possibility and supposed will to use political conditions in development cooperation.