1907 Uppsatser om Regulation and corporate governance - Sida 14 av 128
Fördelning av ankomst- och avgångstider på flygplatser i Europeiska Unionen : Reglering av andrahandshandel - nu och i framtiden
In order to make take-off and landing procedures possible at an airport, an organized allo- cation of slots is necessary. How these slots shall be distributed among airlines is, at pre- sent, governed by the European Parliament and Council Regulation (EEC) No 95/93 of 18 Janu- ary 1993 on common rules for the allocation of slots at Community airports. It is important for the air- lines to be allocated a beneficial slot. Hence it is of great interest for the airlines to ex- change and transfer the allocated times among themselves, a form of secondary market. Whether such practices are allowed or not is not regulated by specific detail in the regula- tion, which leads to legal uncertainty.
Bolagskoden inspiration för idrottsföreningars förtroendearbete?
Titel: Bolagskoden ? inspiration för idrottsföreningars förtroendearbete?Nivå: Ekonomie magisterexamen med ämnesdjupUniversity: Institutionen för ekonomiHögskolan i Gävle801 76 GävleSverigeTelefon: 026-64 85 00Telefax: 026-64 86 86E-mail: www.hig.seFörfattare: Britta LindmanSusanne TärnblomDatum: Juni 2006Handledare: Tomas KällkvistSyfte: Det primära syftet är att se vad idrottsföreningarna själva anser om hur förtroende för deras verksamhet kan skapas och om de tror att en uppförandekod kan öka förtroendet för dem. Aktiebolag använder sig av en kod för bolagsstyrning för att öka förtroendet för sin verksamhet. Vi vill i arbetet undersöka om tankarna bakom denna kod även går att applicera på idrottsföreningar..
"Sour Milk" Corporate Branding under Surrogate Boycotts - the case of Arla Foods in the Muhammad Crisis
Surrogate boycotts are highly threatening for corporations in terms of both economical cost and image damage. All corporations are due to our globalized environment and increased stakeholder fragmentation gradually more risking to become victims of surrogate boycotts, which of nature is hard if not impossible to predict and prevent. Corporations are generally recommended to build clear and strong corporate identities, which should be reflected in their most important stakeholders, as this will secure minimum damage on the corporate image.
Even a surrogate boycott situation can have positive effects on corporations, especially in terms of image, as such situation increases the brand involvement and thereby make it possible for corporations to connect with important stakeholders on an emotional level.
(Hur) har distans- och hybridarbetet p?verkat f?retagskulturen? En kvalitativ fallstudie om distans- och hybridarbetets p?verkan p? f?retagskulturen inom 5 organisationer
In recent decades, the concept of corporate culture has emerged as an increasingly important factor in the business world, as evidenced by a rise in research and efforts to direct it in various ways. The pandemic has led to significant changes in work processes and office environments as operations shifted to remote work. The purpose of this report is to investigate the impact of remote work on corporate culture and its potential advantages and disadvantages. Additionally, the report aims to analyze how corporate culture currently looks, considering the potential presence and adaptation to hybrid work. Based on a multi-case
study, it includes interviews with ten individuals from five different organizations.
Alla ska med : en etnografisk studie om Stena Bulks unika företagskultur
AbstractCorporate cultures have since the 80's, when the phenomenon was associated with a company's economic success, been a frequent research object. Corporate culture is then often described as something that can create efficiency, success and loyal employees. Often discussed about strong corporate cultures are that members in the organization have accepted the same norms, values and goals. Research also mention unique corporate cultures, where no organization is alike, depending their different stories, leaders, backgrounds or geographical locations.?? This study aims, through observations and interviews on an ethnographic basis, to describe the corporate culture in Stena Bulk.
Managing Credit Risk: Assessing the Probability of Corporate Bankruptcy using Quantitative Risk Analysis
Managing credit risk might be the single most important business area for any commercial bank. The assessment of "good" and "bad" corporate clients is a important task for a creditor. A bad debtor is a corporate client with hardships in meeting the continous claims (interest payments) that a creditor requires. One way of evaluating or separating a "bad" client from a "good" client is to assess the propensity for the client to file for bankruptcy. This thesis examines 226 firms in the Swedsh market in the quest of predicting corporate bankruptcy.
Captureteorin : Regleringar och konsten att fånga politiska beslut i den demokratiska processen tillämpad på den svenska läkemedelsmarknaden
The Capturetheory wants to give an alternative explanation for the need of regulation. From this point if view the government does not have enough information to make an optimal regulation. There is a possibility for different interest groups to take advantage of the political arena by rent- seeking behaviour. An industry may be willing to be regulated to protect itself from competition. The objective of this paper is to account for the pros and cons of the theory of regulatory capture and also if it can be applied to the Swedish market of pharmaceuticals.
Vad påverkar redovisningen av goodwill och immateriella tillgångar? - En studie om tillämpningen av IFRS 3
The first of January 2005 all companies listed on a stock exchange within the European Unionhad to implement International Financial Accounting Standards (IFRS) in their annual report.But is this regulation for the good or worse and does the benefits outweigh the cost? The goalwith the regulation is to make it easier for investors, shareholders and other stakeholders tomake financial decisions, compare domestic as well as international companies at the samecondition. One of the differences with the introduction of the new regulation is IFRS 3 thathandles business combination and how goodwill and intangible assets from the acquiredcompany should be accounted for. The objectives of our dissertation is to identify those listedcompanies that have made one or more acquisition between the years 2005 to 2006 andmeasure their level of disclosure concerning goodwill and intangible assets through theacquisition. We concluded trough the results that positive accounting theory and systemorientated theory didn?t explain all the verities in the companies? disclosures.
?H?LLBAR MIGRATION?? En kritisk diskursanalys av Europeiska unionens reglering av asylansvar
This bachelor?s thesis aims to examine how the ?New Pact on Migration and Asylum? construct
the discourse on ?sustainable migration? and ?efficiency? in the European Union. The new
jurisprudence concerning migration and asylum in the European Union seeks to establish a
more ?fair, efficient and sustainable migration and asylum system?. To analyze the discourses,
a critical discourse analysis is applied to the former asylum regulation, Dublin regulation III, a
revised and withdrawn proposal, Dublin regulation IV, and future legislation.
Non-state actors? role in the EU forest policy making : a study of Swedish actors and the Timber Regulation negotiations
The purpose of this research is to identify how E-NGO and forest stakeholders, in the study referred to as non-state actors, have influenced the EU timber regulation; through participation and lobbyism towards the decision- makers (policy makers) at EU and national level, to achieve adjustments in the legislative text. The study also examines the relationships between the forest stakeholders, the E-NGOs and the EU-institutions, regarding communication, cooperation, informal and formal consultation where interviews were accomplished with decision-makers from the EU-institutions, forest stakeholders, E-NGOS and representatives from Swedish authorities that participated under the development of the EUTR during the period of 2008-2013. The participation and lobbying from non-state actors have most likely affected the outcome of the regulation, through alterations in the legislative text and through influencing the EU-institutions. Several factors that have affected the efficiency and timing of the influence have been identified through interviews as well as various approaches to influence the decision makers. The findings of the study may be useful for forest related interest groups that are involved in decision-making procedures at EU-level and as substance and material for further research in the subject of forest policy making at supranational level..
Investmentföretagens risktagande : En fallstudie på Industrivärden och Svolder
Investmentföretag har funnits sedan urminnes tider men har under senare år ofta fått stå tillbaka som investeringsalternativ till fördel för aktiefonder. Detta är lite motsägelsefullt då svenska investmentföretagen historiskt har haft en högre avkastning än den svenska aktiefondförvaltaren. Större delen av forskningen kring investmentföretag har fokuserat på substansrabatten. Vi fann väldigt få studier som berört investmentföretagens risktagande, speciellt ur ett portföljperspektiv. För att underlätta för den individuella investeraren ville vi använda ett riskmått som är lätt att förstå.
Anseende - Hot or Not? : En explorativ studie i hur stora svenska företag ser på begreppet anseende
There are many views in the concept of corporate reputation and the massive research in the area tends to result in many new definitions. Research has shown that a good corporate reputation has a positive relation to Sustainable Competitive Advantage, financial performance and attraction to competent employees. The many views in the concept make it especially interesting to examine the view on corporate reputation in a perspective of big Swedish corporations. Another interesting area to examine is whether the companies manage their reputation or not. The empirical findings of this essay are based on qualitative interviews to get a deeper understanding in the area of reputation.
Att arbeta internt med Corporate Social Responsibility : Hur Corporate Social Responsibility påverkar hållbarhet och välmående bland socialarbetare
Corporate Social Responsiblity is today a well known concept in the business world. The concept contains responsibility and sustainability for those who chose to work with Corporate Social Responsibility and the three responsibility areas within the concept. Responsibility and sustainability is of importance, no matter what core business a corporation has. The responsibility goes both out from the corporation, to take care of the surrounding society and the environment. The responsibility also concerns the corporation interal, aiming for a sustainable work enivornment and good working conditions.
"Sour Milk" Corporate Branding under Surrogate Boycotts - the case of Arla Foods in the Muhammad Crisis
Surrogate boycotts are highly threatening for corporations in terms of both economical cost and image damage. All corporations are due to our globalized environment and increased stakeholder fragmentation gradually more risking to become victims of surrogate boycotts, which of nature is hard if not impossible to predict and prevent. Corporations are generally recommended to build clear and strong corporate identities, which should be reflected in their most important stakeholders, as this will secure minimum damage on the corporate image.Even a surrogate boycott situation can have positive effects on corporations, especially in terms of image, as such situation increases the brand involvement and thereby make it possible for corporations to connect with important stakeholders on an emotional level..
Stationsområde i Landskrona - En studie om exploateringen av jordbruksmark, stadsutveckling och stadsstyre med Landskronas stationsområde som exempel
In this essay a proposal of city renewal is made for the new train station area
built on highly productive agricultural land in Landskrona. The proposal is
based on how the situation for the agricultural land in terms of exploitation
looks like today and also on theories of urban governance to find out why the
area turned out the way it did..