
(Hur) har distans- och hybridarbetet p?verkat f?retagskulturen? En kvalitativ fallstudie om distans- och hybridarbetets p?verkan p? f?retagskulturen inom 5 organisationer

In recent decades, the concept of corporate culture has emerged as an increasingly important factor in the business world, as evidenced by a rise in research and efforts to direct it in various ways. The pandemic has led to significant changes in work processes and office environments as operations shifted to remote work. The purpose of this report is to investigate the impact of remote work on corporate culture and its potential advantages and disadvantages. Additionally, the report aims to analyze how corporate culture currently looks, considering the potential presence and adaptation to hybrid work. Based on a multi-case study, it includes interviews with ten individuals from five different organizations. A commonality in how companies responded to remote work was observed, yet the outcomes of their actions and the culture they have created today varied. This report highlights the cultural opportunities some organizations seized and the challenges others faced due to remote work. The main conclusion suggests that remote work has affected corporate culture to varying degrees among different companies. Moreover, cultural changes and variations inorganizations' approaches to hybrid work were observed. The organizations now face a significant challenge: responding to the growing trend of hybrid work while preserving a strong corporate culture.


Ludwig Robbst?l Gabriel Andersch

Lärosäte och institution

G?teborgs universitet/F?retagsekonomiska institutionen


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