

870 Uppsatser om Regular classes - Sida 2 av 58

Simbase: ?Simulator Base Package?

The purpose of this work is to providing a general set of base classes for building simulators, for example a robot system. Instead of every time building a new simulator from the beginning, you get the already completed components from a library. The library should in that way act as a springboard for development.To do this work, there?s a lot of knowledge required in how a general robot system could look like. Therefore it was necessary to gather some information about robotics.

"En skola för alla" med specialklasser? : En intervjustudie bland lärare angående deras uppfattning om specialklasser

This study is about different teacher?s ´conception of remedial classes and its function in Today´s School. ?A school for everyone? the utopia that all schools and teachers aspire for. All pupils, regardless of ethnic background, class, and religious affiliation should be able to go to school without being segregated and are seen as different.

Kostundervisning : En studie av läroplanernas inverkan på lärarnas arbetssätt och ämneskunskaper inom kost.

This study is about different teacher?s ´conception of remedial classes and its function in Today´s School. ?A school for everyone? the utopia that all schools and teachers aspire for. All pupils, regardless of ethnic background, class, and religious affiliation should be able to go to school without being segregated and are seen as different.

Att ljuga för konsten skull : Självframställningen i Jan Myrdals Samtida bekännelser av en europeisk intellektuell och Karl Ove Knausgårds Min kamp. Første bok.

This study is about different teacher?s ´conception of remedial classes and its function in Today´s School. ?A school for everyone? the utopia that all schools and teachers aspire for. All pupils, regardless of ethnic background, class, and religious affiliation should be able to go to school without being segregated and are seen as different.

"ANDAS SKA MAN ÄNDÅ GÖRA" : - Föräldrars förlossningsupplevelser då psykoprofylax använts som förlossningsförberedelse

Several factors can affect the childbirth experience among parents. Previous research showed that parental education was insufficient. Parents who participated in both regular parental classes and psychoprophylaxis education were more satisfied with the psychoprophylaxis education compared to those who participated in only traditional parental classes. Psychoprophylaxis should be more considered as it could help the woman to handle her pain and contribute to increased self-esteem. The aim was to describe and illustrate the parents' childbirth experiences when psychoprophylaxis was used as childbirth preparation.

Varför välja profilklass? : En kvalitativ undersökning om varför vissa föräldrar väljer att skicka sina barn till profilförskolor/skolor eller profilklasser

The aim of this study was to investigate how four families in the Stockholm area reason, what kind of preconception they have and what their horizon of expectations is when they make the choice between sending their children to the profile class of municipal/free schools and sending them to the general classes in those schools. The main research questions asked were:What kind of preconception do the parents have about profile classes?What reasons do the interviewed parents have to send their children to a profile class?What are the interviewed parent?s expectations of the profile class choice?The study is built on qualitative interviews with the parents of the families. The empirical data has been analyzed using a framework of theories drawing on the theory of reproduction, the forms of social capital, the ideas created from the word profile and elite and the horizon of expectations. The results show that the parents of the families have a similar degree of preconception about profile classes.

Musikklass - som del av en livsberättelse

My interest in examining what happens when you as a teenager are exposed to five or six times the amount of time as ordinary classes to music education derrives from my own experience as a music teacher at a school which has those kind of special music classes. During my career as a music teacher in grades 4 ? 9 in Swedish compulsory school I have taught music classes as well as ordinary classes for 18 years. During this time I have often wondered what this exposure means in retrospect. Is it the conquering and mastering of music skills that students remember when they?ve grown up to young adults, or is it something else?The aim of this study is to find out what it means for teenagers to have music as a school subject every day of their years in Swedish high school.

Bilden av kvinnan i Library of Congress Classification En genusstudie av Library of Congress Classifications första och senaste upplaga

I have done a comparative gender study of Library of Congress Classification from 1900 and 2001. I have also used a hermeneutic method and ideological critics to find out what picture of women the both systems shows. In my comparative study of the both systems I have found low update of classes which relates to women in the new classification system. Men seem to be a norm in the system, because men are not defined in classes related to both men and women. But many classes related to women are named Women as and Women in The study also shows that women are more related to subjects about family and marriage than men are.

Varför välja profilklass? : En kvalitativ studie om varför vissa föräldrar väljer att skicka sina barn till profilförskolor/skolor eller profilklasser

The aim of this study was to investigate how four families in the Stockholm area reason, what kind of preconception they have and what their horizon of expectations is when they make the choice between sending their children to the profile class of municipal/free schools and sending them to the general classes in those schools. The main research questions asked were:What kind of preconception do the parents have about profile classes?What reasons do the interviewed parents have to send their children to a profile class?What are the interviewed parent?s expectations of the profile class choice?The study is built on qualitative interviews with the parents of the families. The empirical data has been analyzed using a framework of theories drawing on the theory of reproduction, the forms of social capital, the ideas created from the word profile and elite and the horizon of expectations. The results show that the parents of the families have a similar degree of preconception about profile classes.

Självframställningens dilemma : En biografisk och tematisk undersökning av självframställningen i Bret Easton Ellis roman Lunar Park

This study is about different teacher?s ´conception of remedial classes and its function in Today´s School. ?A school for everyone? the utopia that all schools and teachers aspire for. All pupils, regardless of ethnic background, class, and religious affiliation should be able to go to school without being segregated and are seen as different.

Göt, Göte, Gös eller Geter? : Bro-stenen under 400 år

A school is a social area in which children and adults meet each other. The school is were friendship, love and also enmity arise. The process to establish, maintain, split up and end relationships is constantly continuously. A Childs way of creating relationships is complex. Bullying and similar offending treatment occur and has always been a huge problem in school.

Barns relationsarbete i skolan : Inneslutning, uteslutning och mobbning

A school is a social area in which children and adults meet each other. The school is were friendship, love and also enmity arise. The process to establish, maintain, split up and end relationships is constantly continuously. A Childs way of creating relationships is complex. Bullying and similar offending treatment occur and has always been a huge problem in school.

Psykologisk diagnosticering av tvåspråkiga barn Hur tar skolan emot elever med inlärningssvårigheter i förberedelseklass?

Abstract Abstract The aim of this essay was to investigate the level of the organizational state of readiness for receiving students with learning disabilities in classes specialized in working with students recently arrived in Sweden, called förberedelseklasser, which could be translated as preparational classes. I tried to do so by answering two questions: *What routines do principals believe that the particular School has for dealing with cases in which a student in a preparational class is suspected to have some form of learning disability? *What perception do teachers have in regards to whether or not the system at their School is well prepared for discovering and aiding students in preparational classes suspected to have learning disabilities? The first question was directed to principals currently working in schools where a large part of the students are bilingual, and many of those recently arrived in Sweden. The second question was aimed at teachers that work in preparational classes. By interviewing two principals and three teachers I came to the conclusion that the teachers believe that their students are often misplaced in preparational classes when in deed they should be placed in a special educations group. My essay also shows that both principals and teachers are dissatisfied with the amount of time the process of discovering, investigating and diagnosing a student with learning disabilities takes.

Bring your own device i små och medelstora företag inom IT-sektorn

The aim of this study was to gain a better understanding of resource schools 1 as a human services organization and institution, based on teachers and principals? perspectives. The purpose of resource schools is to provide the students tools and resources to enable them to return to the regular school within two years. The study also aims to examine more closely how this objective applies to the studied resource schools in the studied municipality, as well as highlighting the success factors and barriers that exist to achieve the goal. Previous studies show that this kind of differential practice tends to become a permanent solution.

In-store behaviour of healthy consumers- A study of behavioural differences between consumers who choose healthy products and consumers who choose regular products

This study examines if there are any behavioural differences in-store between consumers who choose a healthy product and consumers who choose a regular product. 540 observations were conducted were different variables were studied. Tthe results indicate that there are some variables that show a significant difference in behaviour at the point of choice between consumer who choose healthy products and those who choose regular products..

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