

871 Uppsatser om Regular classes - Sida 15 av 59

När gamla lagar och nya teknologier möts : En diskussion om den illegala nedladdningen av musik idag

Research shows that almost 30 per cent men and 20 per cent women at the age of 16-24 in Sweden download music on a regular basis instead of buying records. Thanks to modern technologies teenagers of today have become used to downloading music illegally from theInternet. Even though legal alternatives, such as Spotify, have become popular, the behavior of illegal download of music still persists. What do record companies do to prevent this phenomenon and why do they go to such length to stop this widespread movement? The question is, why is illegal download of music a problem ? and for whom? To investigate this I?ve read books about the subject, analyzed web pages of alternative record companies and interviewed a drummer in a local band.

Läs- och skrivsvårigheter : Stöttande arbete för elever med dyslexi

Purpose: my aim was to explore ways that teachers can support students with dyslexia and what/ which tools some teachers / special education teachers use to facilitate students.Method: I used a quantitative method by interviewing some regular teachers and special education teachersResults: In my study, I learned how some teachers can support students by reading loud to them; a main task for the teachers could be to create the love of reading for the students. That task was reinforced by students' self-image..

Arbetssätt för elever med svenska som andraspråk : Tips på hur pedagoger kan arbeta

The purpose of the study was to examine how teachers currently working with students who have a mother tongue other than Swedish. The investigation has been carried out using three qualitative research interviews. It has been shown that some educators believe that inclusion in the regular classroom instruction has been giving the best results for students' language development. It has provided great opportunities for discussion and group work. Teachers have given tips on how to work with these students so that they develop in the Swedish language.

Litteraturundervisning på yrkesförberedande program och på studieförberedande program på gymnasieskolan : en studie över hur litteraturundervisningen anpassas efter studieinriktning

This essay shows how teachers adjust the literature studies in the mother tongue subject to their different classes in upper secondary school.The study is based on interviews with two teachers and an analysis of two different school-books. The conclusion is that the subject of literary education in the vocational programs is a pragmatic subject with focus on the pupils? needs and skills, and the subject in the theoretical programs has more focus on mediation of a literary heritage..

MoPho -enkla lösningar för SMS och MMS

Our project is divided into two parts, one production and written report. The main focus was the production part, were we used PHP to create simple solution for handling SMS and MMS with direct communication with the mobile operator server. We communicate with sockets and can handle CIMD2 and MM7 protocol. To get our components easy to use we have created two classes to handle SMS and MMS. To demonstrate our technical platform we created a website were you can create an account.

Virtuellt musikaliskt lärande - Hur en gitarrlektion fungerar över Internet

Den här studien har genomförts för att undersöka hur en gitarrlektion fungerar över internet och hur den upplevs av dess användare. Undersökningen har genomförts genom att jag och två av mina gitarrelever har utforskat två olika gitarrhemsidor. Vi har tagit lektioner från dessa sidor. Där visas materialet genom video, ljud och med eller utan tabulatur. Därefter har mina elever intervjuats där de bland annat har fått svara på frågor om vad de tyckte om hemsidan, lektionen och lärarens kvalitet och hur det kändes att inte ha en lärare närvarande vid lektionstillfället.

Förebyggande Brounderhåll

AbstractThe Swedish Road Administration in the region of Mälardalen has since 2004 worked to in¬crease the efficiency of the maintance of bridges based on limited functional requirements and time demanded action.The maintenance of the bridges is contracted in the county of Uppsala since 2004, and Örebro since 2007. The county of Nyköping and Västerås is contracted by the traditional system. The contractor will perform a regular maintenance on all bridges. The bridges are inspected by the contractor at least once every year.The contractor registers the result of the inspection in a database called BaTMan. BaTMan is a Bridge and Tunnel Management system and is a strictly web solution were the user logs in via the internet.The Swedish Road Administration also inspects the bridges to se that the demands on the bridges are followed.My work is to compare these different inspections and to see any development..

Effektmätning i pump

The interest for power and energy measurement has greatly raised with todays increasing electricity prices and enviromental awareness. In the search for energy efficient solutions, the measurements are more complex due to increasing of non linear components. Harmonics and non sinusoidal voltages put high demands on sampling and filtering. Meanwhile, the price must be controlled so the customer still will find it interesting to invest in smaller plants. ITT W&WW asks for a robust, heat resistant power meter with compact dimensions to allow mounting inside the casing of a pump.


The aim of this final thesis is to make it easier for the customer of a new designed house to get a picture of what the house will look like inside before it has been built.A method, which can be applied by any construction company who likes to visualize there buildings, has been designed and tested. One works after a regular design planning which is transformed into a three dimensional model of the house. In a rendering program, materials and surfaces are chosen for the model and then a picture of the finished product is made. The programs used for this work are ADT 2006 and VIZ Render.To evaluate the use of this method I?ve chosen to cooperate with LB-Hus which is a housing company that is specialized in building detached houses.

Vem har bäst betyg? : en kvantitativ studie om betygsfördelning

Aim: The study aims to investigate the distribution of grades between students in a practical subject and in a theoretical subject.The problem:What is the grade distribution in physical education and mathematics, with respect to gender, socioeconomic background, parental education, ethnicity, and physical activity?Method:To answer the aim of the study a quantitative method was chosen. As the collection method used was questionnaires to 620 students in the 9th grade in Stockholm. Of the 620 questionnaires, 597 questionnaires were used for the static analysis. The method of analysis used cross tables and logistic regression analysis.

Picea mariana ((P. Mill.) B.P.S), P. abies (L.), Pinus contorta (Dougl.) och P. sylvestris (L.) : en jämförelse av produktion och potentiell kvalitet hos försöksbestånd i Jämtlands län

Swedish forests are dominated by just two conifer species Norway spruce and Scotch pine. They are not able to achieve the highest possible production or fulfill industry demands for raw materials. The introduction of exotic conifers can potentially meet these shortcomings and present a relevant solution. This study was conducted in a block experiment with ten blocks planted in 1987 by SCA in North Sweden. The objective of the block experiment was to study if Black spruce is an appropriate alternative to Lodgepole pine, Norway spruce and Scotch pine on different site classes.

Arbetar ämneslärare språkutvecklande?

In this essay I analyze the way my collection of poetry relates to the concept cyclic. What is cyclic and what different interpretations are there concerning the concept? Which other related concepts are there regarding things that seem to reoccur regularly? How does the cyclical, the circular, relate to the linear in regard, for example, to the perception of time? Life often creates the sense that different phenomena and experiences repeat themselves. Different processes are conducted according to regular or irregular cyclical phases, situations seem familiar and events can be relived.         Starting from my writing project Sinnligt kviller, a collection of poems, I discuss these questions in themselves and the impact they have had on my collection. I describe the phenomenon cyclic as a result of the emotions and moods this term creates in a more or less decisive way.         The intention with this paper is to show how Sinnligt kviller offers different perspectives of and reflections upon the various feelings provoked by the cyclic in our lives, feelings that are given my own voice in the literary text under study..

Hur kvalitetsstyrning kan förebygga avvikelser i en terminalprocess.

In todays competitive business climate the concept of ?quality management? is a significant part of daily work for many companies, as they want to achieve high performance quality and delivery success. Within the services sector third-party logistics companies play an increasingly central role when it comes to the goods that are being transported. These companies are presented with continuous challenges to ensure that goods are loaded on trucks efficiently and delivered on time, at the right place and in the right condition. The present case study was conducted in collaboration with Schenker AB and Schenker Åkeri in Jönköping, to help these two company branches serving under the same major corporation to solve a common problem they both encounter, namely the fact that it regularly occurs handling abnormalities in the terminal process that affects overall quality for customers.The study aims to find out how the daily quality control concerning the handling of goods in the terminal process can be improved hopefully resulting in a higher quality in cargo shipments.

Framgångsfaktorer i integrationen av elever med särskilda behov i den allmänna skolan

The purpose of this paper is to identify and analyze success factors in the integration of students with special needs in regular schools. This will be done through the case study of a nine year old autistic student in a small town public school ? a fairly representative case for the Swedish school system. The data collection methods used in the paper are; three participant observations of the student, and a qualitative interview with two of the student?s teachers.

Hur skapas en journalist? : En biografisk studie på nyexaminerade journalister

The study - Hur skapas en journalist? - examines why so many people choose to turn tothe journalist profession when the conditions for a secure position on the labor market ispoor. The study also highlights how recently graduated journalist perceives their temporary and insecure position on the labor market.The study was performed trough ten biographical interviews with recently graduated journalists. Via the interviews I examined what has formed the individuals to perceive journalism as a rational or pragmatic choice for a career. The study shows that journalists, who come from families with high cultural capital, have been shaped by a particular culture of education, which focuses on education as a step towards selfrealization.

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