

2538 Uppsatser om Regional policy - Sida 46 av 170

CSR-arbete i SMEs med fallstudie av företag X- möjlig CSR-policy

Under det senaste decenniet har CSR blivit ett alltmer vedertaget begrepp, både inomföretagssektorn men också i samhället. CSR agerar idag verktyg för främjandet av hållbarutveckling och dess allt mer framträdande roll på marknaden tillsammans med företags behovav att förhålla sig till de marknadsanpassade förändringar som sker. Det har skapat ett behovav att företag implementerar, men också förstår vikten av att inneha att engagemang församhällsansvar. Uppsatsen ger en bred teoretisk referensram kring CSRs främsta grundpelarevilka beskrivs ur ett socialt, ekonomiskt och miljömässigt perspektiv där varje område är likaviktigt för ett lyckat CSR-arbete. Idag råder det mindre forskning om CSR inom SMEs, änvad det gör i multinationella företag.

Barns rättigheter - en självklarhet?

Numerous studies have showed that Swedish municipalities are responsible for several of the activities that concern children and their rights, e.g. school and health care. Furthermore, the Convention of the Rights of the Child is an international agreement that Sweden has signed and ratified which also implies the obligations that Swedish municipalities have. The purpose of this study is to investigate and compare, from a social justice perspective, how children?s rights are being emphasized and how children?s opinions are being taken into consideration at the municipality level in Sweden.

IT-säkerhetspolicy : - en studie kring anställdas kunskap om två verksamheters IT-säkerhetspolicys

IT-användandet bland Sveriges företag är mycket stort och utvecklingen går snabbt framåt. Samtidigt som teknologin skapar möjligheter så skapar den även hot mot företagen själva. Dessa hotbilder glöms ofta bort och konsekvenserna kan bli att känslig information hamnar i fel händer.Undersökningen handlar om anställdas kunskap om den egna verskamhetens IT-säkerhetspolicy. I undersökningen granskas och jämförs även IT-säkerhetspolicys från ett mindre företag och en större kommunal organisation. Som metod har enkäter och intervjuer använts.

En fallstudie över miljömålsarbetet på fyra länsstyrelser : Beskrivning och analys av det regionala miljömålsarbetet i Mellansverige.

The Swedish system of environmental quality objectives is a so-called MBO, Management By Objective and has the purpose to guide the Swedish society towards sustainable ecological development. The system involves the whole society from the parliament and the government down to individual citizens. At the regional level, it is the county administrative boards that are responsible for the work with the system of environmental objectives. At the County Administrative Board of Västmanland County, it is the environmental unit who is in charge of work with the environmental objectives and they want input for how to improve their work with the environmental objectives, both internally at the Administrative Board and externally with external parties.The main purpose and goal of the study is to present the work of four other county administrative boards regarding their work with the environmental quality objectives and to identify external parties? opinions of how they want the County Board of Västmanland county to work with them in this matter.The work is designed as a case study of four county councils, where the environmental objectives coordinators at the four county administrative boards were interviewed about their work with environmental quality objectives.

Hållbar tillväxt - möjlighet eller motsägelse? : En granskning av EU:s Lissabonstrategi ur ett humanekologiskt perspektiv

The purpose of this study is to make a close and critical scrutiny of the EU Lisbon Strategy and the assumption of `sustainable growth´. A basic question is to clarify what is meant by `sustainability´ in the economic and the environmental dimension respectively, and also, to analyse the meaning of `sustainable growth´. Secondly, I try to investigate the relationship between the economical and environmental dimensions of the strategy. Are the goals of the dimensions compatible and mutually supporting or are they conflicting? By illuminating these issues the study moves towards a final set of questions: What are the arguments that encourage or counteract the Lisbon assumption of `sustainable growth´? Is the European Union approaching `sustainable growth´ looking at different economical and ecological indicators? What are the prospects for the Lisbon Strategy as a way towards global `sustainable development´?.

Dublinförordningen : en fallstudie av Migrationsverkets implementering av Dublinförordningen i sitt dagliga arbete

The Swedish immigration policy is a subject constantly under scrutiny, especially in the media. The Dublin treaty, which came into effect in 2003, has meant stricter regulations for the handling of asylum seekers, which in turn increases the requirements of the officials at the Swedish Migration Board. Consequently, the staff at the Swedish Migration Board is daily facing difficulties when deciding who is to stay or not. Therefore, it is interesting to investigate how these criteria in the Dublin Treaty, are used in the daily work of the officials. Emphasizing these problematic aspects of the Dublin Treaty, this study aims to answer the following two questions:- How has the Dublin Treaty been implemented in Swedish legislation by the officials at the Swedish Migration Board?- How do these officials work to implement this treaty?This case study is based on interviews with a number of officials working at the Swedish Migration Board.

Forskningsområdet biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap vid Högskolan i Borås ? En bibliometrisk studie av den intellektuella basen 2001?2006

The aim of this study was to map the intellectual base at the Swedish School of Library and Information Science (SSLIS) at the University Collage of Borås, and to compare this intellectual base to the intellectual base of the research area Library and Information Science. This was done by analysing the citations in publications published, between the year of 2001 to the first quarter of 2006, by researchers at the institution, using the technique of author cocitation analysis. Cluster analysis and multidimensional scaling, statistical techniques that are traditional i the author cocitation analysis, formed an objective map of the intellectual base at the SSLIS. This map was then compared with three prior studies, that used the same technique to map the intellectual base of the research area. The result shows that the map of the intellectual base at the SSLIS consists of the specialities: user studies, library studies, culture/cultural policy, information retrieval, bibliometrics and information in organisations.

Stockholms Lokaltrafik, SL : kundinvolvering i trygghetspolicyn

Society has seen a tremendous increase in threats, violence and especially unprovoked violence perpetrated by youths. Violence and more seriously unprovoked violence has become a major problem for many service corporations as it gives them bad image and reputation. Corporate Social Responsibility CSR encourages many companies to engage in social activities as they realize that the company is part of the society and the environment. What affects society may sooner or later affect the corporate. For any business to prosper and create a long-term relationship with its customers, it needs a safe environment both for the customers and staff.Feedback from customers and staff is survival and these two (customer and staff) are the most vital assets any firm could have.

Dokumentärfilmare - konstnär eller journalist? : En intervjustudie på hur dokumentärfilmare upplever sin yrkesroll sett utifrån de journalistiska idealen

Inom den regionala utvecklingen har ekonomisk tillväxt fått en allt större roll, fler och flerregioner arbetar efter att sträva en så hög ekonomiskt tillväxt som möjligt. Men i och meddetta så skapas en geografiskt differentierad utveckling där de områden som genererar tillväxtanses har starka utvecklingsmöjligheter medan de områden som inte alls genererar likamycket riskerar att hamna efter och bli outvecklade. Detta är något som kan ses i Värmlanddär Karlstadsregionen utvecklas medan de svagare delarna av länet, så somlandsbygdsområdena inte alls har lika stort fokus på sig inom det regionalautvecklingsarbetet. En lösning på detta kan vara att arbeta fram en inkluderande tillväxt därdet inte bara handlar om de ekonomiska värden utan även inkluderar sociala faktorer.Syftet med min studie är därför att lyfta fram och belysa frågor som rör inkluderande tillväxtpå regional nivå med Värmland som fallstudie. Syftet är även att undersöka hur en merinkluderad tillväxt kan arbetas in den regionala kontexten, samt se hur det regionalaperspektivet och utvecklingsarbetet i Värmland kan påverkas av detta.

Stabil växelkurs och låg inflation - Inbördes oförenliga? En studie av implikationerna av en real appreciering

This paper examines a long run macroeconomic dilemma. This dilemma states that given a real appreciation, i.e. a continuous increase in the real exchange rate, an economy has two options open with respect to inflation and nominal exchange rate. Either the economy chooses a fixed exchange rate- regime but has to allow for a rising inflation. Or the economy can choose an inflation targeting- regime, but then has to allow for an appreciating nominal exchange rate.

Tingsryds Travbana

Our bachelor thesis is a visualisation made in 3D-graphics of how the horserace track in Tingsryd perhaps will look like in the future, complete with a miletrack, steeplechase, and other horserace courses. Today, the race track is only in it?s building phase. The inner field-group in Tingsryd needed presentation material to show their eventual sponsors, so they contacted us at Media Technology, and we instantly decided to give their idea a try..

Det mångspråkiga skolbiblioteket : En viktig fråga i teorin men en icke-fråga i praktiken?

While almost 23 percent of the students in the Swedish upper secondary school are foreigners, only a fraction of the school libraries? collections consists of literature written in other languages than Swedish or English. This study examines how five school librarians experience the task of working with literature composed in foreign languages in the multicultural and multilingual school of today. The results of the qualitative interviews are analyzed in relation to the legislation and policy documents that the school libraries are working by, and also in relation to the theoretical framework of sociocultural theory and the theories on second language acquisition developed by linguist Jim Cummins.The study shows that while multilingualism is discussed as an important matter in the legislation and policy documents that the school libraries work by, the librarians in this study largely view the question of foreign literature as peripheral. Most part of the librarians connects first language reading to leisure-time activities rather than curricular activities, and stresses that the Swedish language should be prioritized in Swedish schools.

Barnfattigdom i Sverige, finns den? : En studie om Socialdemokraternas och Moderaternas välfärdspolitik mot den svenska fattigdomen sedan 1960-talet

This essay is regarding the problematic facts about child poverty in Sweden. Since the beginning of the new millennium child poverty has increased, in Sweden. The last report which came out in the spring this year (2012) opened up for a lively political debate as well as big headlines in news papers and other media. The attention it got in Society became hard for the politicians to avoid. The Swedish section of Save the Children, demanded in their report concerning child poverty in Sweden that the Swedish Government need to do an inquiry about the increasing child poverty.  Today in Sweden, there are two big parties, and they have been the biggest for a long time now.

Ledarskap i organisationsförändring.

This study investigates the use of the social network Facebook among 67 Swedish libraries; 27 academic libraries and 40 public libraries. Data is collected through an analysis of the libraries? Facebook pages and through an email survey. To analyze the data, a series of statistical analyses were performed.The results indicate that the public libraries more actively posted Facebook updates than the academic libraries and that the libraries that had a policy for use of Facebook/social media more actively posted updates than those libraries that did not have such policy. The libraries use Facebook mainly to post links and photos and to announce events, provide book recommendations, and to emphasize special occasions.

Katterna på Kattstallet i Åkeshov : vilka katter är det som insjuknar?

The aim of this study was to see if there is any group of cats that are at greater risk to get sick and/or be euthanized during their stay at a cat shelter with no-kill policy. The study was conducted at Åkeshov cat rescue center in Sweden and cats that entered the center between the 1th of June 2010 and the 31th of December 2011 was used in the study. This study focused on factors regarding gender, origin, level of socialization, incubation period and the proportion of euthanized cats. In this study, the kind of illness weren?t taken into account. This study showed that the gender of the cat didn´t affect the risk for illness.

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