

2538 Uppsatser om Regional policy - Sida 31 av 170

Telecom City : Co-Opetition and Communication within a regional growth cluster

Vår uppsats undersöker, om hur möjligheterna för utbyte av information samt samarbete mellan Telecom Citymedlemmarna kan förbättras, med ändamålet att stärka deras konkurrenskraft gentemot externa konkurrenter..

Handelshinder som policy. Exportkontrollens effektivitet och påverkan på Sveriges handel med krigsmateriel 1984-2010 kopplat till policyutveckling.

The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the regulatory power, efficiency and impact of export control on Swedish arms export from the 1980s onwards, linked to the delegation of authority of permit license to the Inspectorate of Strategic Products in 1997. An increase in the administrative sector, based on a collective decision making process and established criteria and guidelines, aimed to strengthen the control of arms export to non-democratic and problematic states. In short, the aim of the study is to investigate and analyze whether there was a decrease in the arms export to problematic states or not. On one hand, it is reasonable to assume that the introduction of the new regulation entailed a more strict arms export policy. However, previous research has showed that regulations are sometimes not effective since incentives to breach these may be present.The study begins by examining the Swedish case and situation in terms of arms manufacturing and export, as well as the delegation of authority and legislation applied to the field over time.

Varför flyttar studenterna?: Utvärdering av Luleå kommuns policy gentemot studenterna vid Luleå tekniska universitet

Den problembild som denna uppsats uppmärksammar är den att studenter vid Luleå tekniska universitet i hög utsträckning väljer att flytta från Luleå efter avslutade studier. Syftet med denna uppsats är att utvärdera Luleå kommuns policy gentemot studenterna vid Luleå tekniska universitet (LTU) för att dels undersöka om policyn grundas på migrationsteori, samt om målet med policyn uppnås. I uppsatsen kommer Vedungs interventionsteori att användas som redskap för att synligöra hur kommunens policy är tänkt att fungera. Vid undersökningen av hur policyn är konstruerad kommer Luleå kommuns policy, migrationsteori och studenters åsikter att sättas samman med interventionsteori som grund för att visa hur de olika delarna är tänkt att påverka varandra för att policyn ska få väntat resultat. Den metod som använts är dels en litteraturstudie angående ämnet migration för att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar människor att flytta eller stanna.

Från etik till ekonomi?: En analys av förändringar i svensk klimatpolicy 1990-2008

This study analyzes how the Swedish climate policy has changed during the years 1990-2008. Thisis done through a comparative analysis of three climate bills that were developed during this period.With a constructivist approach, and theories about discursive indicators and discursive fields,discursive changes in the bills' content are identified. The results show that changes have occurredin how the problem is described, how the issue is framed, which problem solutions that areadvocated, which legitimizing arguments and key concepts that are used and the extent of theknowledge that the bills are based upon. The conclusions drawn from the results describe adiscursive change between the bills in the form of a shift from a discourse that in a greater extentadvocates active policy responses, based on ethical arguments about fairness towards othercountries and caution towards the environment, to a discourse that more often favor market actionsbased on arguments about the economic viability of Sweden..

Det politiska spelet bakom betygskompromissen år 2015 : En spelteoretisk analys av regeringens och Alliansens överrenskommelse gällande betyg från årskurs fyra

The essay?s main focus has been to investigate and analyze the political actions behind the 2015?s grade compromise; an agreement to introduce grades from the fourth year in primary school. Through a game-theory analysis, mainly based in Leif Lewin?s and Jörgen Herman's research on rationality in politics, this study examined the grade debate  during a fifteen year period. The primary task has thereby been to explain the grade compromise through game-theory.

Inställning och kommunikation kring körskador bland skogstjänstemän och entreprenörer

Körskador i samband med skogsbruk är ett problem. År 2012 togs en branschgemensam policy fram, som innehöll definitioner och rekommendationer för undvikande av allvarliga körskador. Studier har visat att attityder, kunskap och samsyn är viktiga faktorer för att minska körskador. Målet var att belysa hur väl Skogssällskapets policy angående körskador har förmedlats från tjänstemän till maskinförare, samt att undersöka hur kommunikation kring, attityder till och samsyn om körskador ser ut hos maskinförare, produktionsledare och skogsförvaltare. Semi-strukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med 4 maskinförare och 5 tjänstemän. Sedan gjordes en kvantitativ undersökning genom en mejlenkät till 89 maskinförare, 15 produktionsledare och 34 skogsförvaltare, med total svarsfrekvens 36 %.

Att fånga en föränderlig värld : En utredning av omvärldsanalysens nuläge och utvecklingspotential inom Regionförbundet Örebro

The first aim of this thesis is to descriptively identify and chart the activities of the strategic intelligence and environmental scanning that take place at the regional collaboration network Regionförbundet Örebro. This identification is essential in reaching the comprehensive and primary aim of the thesis: to discuss, through normative discourse, what the options of improvement are and in which ways systematic operations can be integrating parts in the organization. In order to offer guidance of development from the perspectives of environmental scanning, the question at issue has emanated from activities concerning the present methods of working at Regionförbundet Örebro.During the creation of this thesis, several interviews have been made with people who are regarded to be key roles within the regional collaboration network. An analysis has been made, based on governing documents and answers from the interviews, where possible improvements of the business have been identified. The inferences become parts of a greater potential of amelioration since they are presented as active solutions and proposals that can be directly adaptable to the organization.Our proposals of improvements/ameliorations are constituted by a number of concrete/explicit points such as: a wider public information supply and an introduction of several annual routines and methods..

Vilken roll spelar förvaltningens förståelse, kunskap och vilja för att genomföra beslut? : En jämförande fallstudie mellan Hässleholms och Landskrona Kommun gällande förstärkt stöd till våldsutsatta kvinnor och barn som bevittnar våld

The objective of this thesis was to investigate factors that influence local government implementation. The study is a comparative case study between two local governments in Sweden; Hässleholm and Landskrona. Primarily the thesis aimed to look at the conditions faced by those implementing a new government directive aimed at supporting women who face violence, and their children who bear witness, by focusing on three key aspects for successful implementation: Implementers level of understanding, knowledge and will to implement decisions. Material in the form of documents and 14 interviews with key actors in the two authorities constitute the empirical foundation of the analysis. According to the results, are the two local governments pretty equal in achieving their projectgoal but the local government of Hässleholm had better policy-making, policy-design and policy process.

Kommunernas politisering : En studie av det politiska styret i Nyeds landskommun 1950-1962

This essay deals with the question of lines of development within the politics in the rural municipality of Nyed 1950-1962. The aim is to explore how local politics and policies were handled from two perspectives. Firstly the issue of conflict and consensus or majority rule and consensus. Here Arend Lijphard's theory of majority and consensus provides a theoretical base for the essay. Secondly the aim is to explore the actions of the local politicians with regards to leisure time policies to find out whether or not they ideologically belonged to the concept of ?folkhemmets kommun? by Ulla Ekström von Essen.The source material for this essay has been the minutes from the two major bodies of local politics in Nyed, kommunalfullmäktige and kommunalnämnden.

Preaching to the choir? A Comparison of Fiscal Forecasts by Governments, Fiscal Policy Councils and the European Commission in the European Semester Framework

The high debt levels experienced in European Countries have lead to academic interest in the deficit bias -the tendency for governments to run budget deficits and accumulate debt. In part one of this thesis a surveyof the economic literature on the origins and solutions to the deficit bias are conducted. The proposedinstitutional solution to the deficit bias in the form of Fiscal Policy Councils (FPC) are outlined and existingEuropean FPCs presented. Based on the works of Calmfors and Wren-Lewis (2011) the EuropeanCommission (EC) is defined as an FPC. Based on this survey, two hypothesis are formulated: (1) theforecasts of future macro-economic events and fiscal performance will differ between the national FPCs andthe national government.

Hur p?verkar olika f?ruts?ttningar det systematiska kvalitetsarbetet?

Syftet med studien ?r att unders?ka om det finns en samsyn bland l?rare i fritidshem g?llande begreppet kvalitet, samt att unders?ka l?rares beskrivningar av f?ruts?ttningarna f?r genomf?randet av det systematiska kvalitetsarbetet. Detta genomf?rs genom en kvalitativ intervjustudie med verksamma l?rare och pedagoger i fritidshem. Det teoretiska ramverket f?r analysen baseras p? en socialkonstruktivistisk teori, likv?rdighetsbegreppet, teorier kring policy och praktik samt det systematiska kvalitetsarbetets definierade grundprinciper.

Det dubbla uppdraget: relationen mellan INGO och staten i Vietnam

Due to the political system in Vietnam, all organizations in Vietnam need a permit to operate in the country and consequently, have to balance their mission, their main purpose of being in the country, with the fact that they are dependant on the government to give them the permit they need to stay in the country.With this as our basis, the main focus of this essay has been to identify different types of relations that exist between the Vietnamese state and International Non Governmental Organisations (INGOs) in Vietnam. Since we have interviewed people representing INGOs, our result is based on their experience of this relationship. By using Najam's Four-C's Model, we established that the more traditional INGOs which principally provide services, predominantly have a cooperative relationship with the state, whereas radical INGOs which are committed to policy change, mostly have a relationship which is characterised by conflict..

Att arbeta smartare en fallstudie om teorier och modeller inom Lean kan tillämpas i akutsjukvården

The emergency medical care in Sweden has been under persistent debate, due to factors such as long waiting hours, inefficient patient flow, and understaffed departments. In an effort to meet the critique and with a willingness to improve the problems, an increasing amount of emergency clinics are adopting theories and models within Lean. Positive outcomes are evident, there has been some criticism directed towards Lean. Among these is the argument that in order for Lean to be successful it needs to be used within standardized and foreseeable processes, and that it therefore only is applicable to those kind of processes found within industrial production. This prompted the question of whether Lean was a suitable strategy within emergency medical care, considering the large variation of patients and non-foreseeable processes that in fact share little resemblance to that of industrial production.

A Swedish national forest programme ? participation and international agreements

Sweden is in the initial phase of forming a national forest programme (nfp). The establishment of an nfp has been evoked by international policy developments and a national debate questioning Swedish forestry and forest policy. National forest programmes are participatory processes for the development and implementation of forest-related policies and international commitments. Hence, the aim of this master thesis is to assess the stakeholders? acceptance of participation and integration of international issues within the Swedish national forest programme.

Sverige, Förenta Nationerna och Polisens utlandsstyrka : En fallstudie av policy och praktik i freds- och säkerhetsfrämjande arbete

Sverige har alltid uttalat ett starkt stöd till Förenta Nationerna, FN. I den allmänna debatten har det på senare tid dock handlat om att Sveriges och i-ländernas allt mindre deltagande i FN-ledda missioner gör att FN:s insatser tappar i trovärdighet och legitimitet. För att se om det finns fog för kritik om minskat deltagande i FN-ledda insatser i Sveriges internationella freds- och säkerhetsfrämjande arbete, så undersöks i denna uppsats om Polisens utlandsstyrkas deltagande i internationella insatser har förändrats över tiden 2001-2011. I uppsatsen undersöks även hur Sveriges uttalade policy om stöd för FN samspelar med vad som sedan implementeras i praktiken genom regeringens uppdrag till den svenska polisen. De som förvaltar och genomför regeringens beslut på området är Polisens Utlandssektion och dess utlandsstyrka.

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