

8466 Uppsatser om Regional development policy - Sida 66 av 565

A Good Education?: A descriptive study of the implementation of critical thinking, international cooperation and sustainable development in Gy11 and SAMSAM01b

This thesis provides a descriptive study from a pedagogic perspective that analyzesobjectives, directives and content related to the social science core class, SAMSAM01b, atGothenburg public high schools. The purpose is to further explore the role of education inrelation to global development and international relations. The study is built aroundcurriculum representation and course implementation of three aspects considered importantfor global development and knowledge of the operating environment: critical thinking,international cooperation and sustainable development. Knowledge theory and likemindedideas of what constitutes a good education form the core of the study?s theoreticalperspective.

Storbankernas ekonomistyrning : En jämförande studie av planerings- och uppföljningsarbetet idag och hur det förändrats över tiden

En jämförande studie av storbankernas ekonomistyrning på regional nivå där fokus i huvudsak har legat på planering och prognostisering. Undersökningen har genomförts som en kvalitativ studie med hjälp av bland annat intervjuer. Undersökningens slutsatser i huvuddrag:Budgetens betydelse har minskat. Användning av icke-finansiella mått har ökat.Kundernas behov står i centrum..

Kartläggning av kunskap och erfarenhet hos Tjänsteman i Beredskap inom Hälso- och sjukvård : en enkätundersökning

Katastrofer kräver omedelbara beslut och åtgärder för att minimera allvarliga konsekvenser. Undersökningar och analyser från tidigare katastrofer visar att utbildning, övning, samverkan och ledarskap behöver förbättras för att evidensbaserat beslutsfattande ska uppnås. I Sveriges hälso- och sjukvård är det regional Tjänsteman i Beredskap, TiB, som i de flesta fall initialt fattar de övergripande beslut om mobilisering och fördelning av resurser och behov av medicinsk kompetens vid katastrof och allvarlig händelse. Syftet med denna studie var att kartlägga den kunskap och erfarenhet som innehavare av funktionen TiB har för att vara förberedda för sin uppgift. Studien är kvantitativ och bygger på en enkät konstruerad av författaren som har skickats till innehavarna av funktionen regional TiB inom hälso- och sjukvård i Sverige.

Husbåtar - framtidens boende med flyt

Examensarbete om moderna husbåtar med Sverige som utgångspunkt. .

Att möta utmaningen - En diskursanalys av europeiska staters inställningar till utsläppsreduktioner

The European Union is a self proclaimed leader in the field of climate change and has a common target for reductions of greenhouse gas emissions. In spite of this, there are great differences between the member states capacity and dedication to the cause of implementing the Unions climate policy and reduce their emissions. The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to an understanding of how different European states construct their identity in the context of climate change mitigation. By analyzing national documents from three European states and using tools deriving from discourse analysis, I aim to illuminate differences and similarities in their rhetoric. The result is that due to the states relationship to the European Union and the United Nations, there are great similarities in the way they construct mitigation and their identity.

Personalens del i årsredovisningen : En studie på svenska börsföretag

Background: Resources that are hard to put a value on and cannot be classified as assets in the balance sheet as well as the development towards the information society has led to an increasing need and use for voluntary information in the annual reports. The increase of voluntary information can foremost be seen in the field of human resources.Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to describe the development of voluntary information about human resources in the annual report of a number of Swedish quoted companies. The purpose is also to see if there is a difference in the development between manufacturing companies and service companies.Method: Six manufacturing companies and six service companies were chosen from the Stockholm exchange A-list. Using both a qualitative and quantitative research method the annual reports of the chosencompanies were studied for the years 1995, 1997, 1999, 2001, and 2003. A model consisting of seven categories; health, diversity, recruitment, staff turnover and comfort, benefits and motivation, education and competence development, was developed to clarify were the development took place.Conclusions: After finishing the study one can tell that the amount of voluntary information about human resources in the annual report has increased even though the percentage share of the total annual report only has increased appreciably for manufacturing companies.

Landskapsplanering ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv :

Environmental problems are accelerating with energy consumption and the release of greenhouse gases as the major issues. This affects landscape planning mostly through environmentally hazardous transportation and heating of buildings. In environmental work, the term "Sustainable development" is often used. This term was coined in the Bruntland report in 1987. A number of frameworks have been developed to clarify the term and to remind the user about relevant aspects of sustainability.

Miljöanpassad offentlig upphandling : en komparativ flerfallstudie av regionala handlingsprogram för miljöupphandling i Spanien

In Europe, the central governments are the ones to coordinate the international standards and strategies regarding GPP; Green Public Procurement. However in Spain a GPP program was introduced late and only applied to the Central Government Institutions, (AGEA) (BOE nr. 027, 2008). These means that smaller administrations, such as, Autonomous Regions, Municipalities and Town Councils were not included in the program. The absence of a national program which excludes those governments made them introduce their own criteria for GPP, and the difference in criteria varies from one government to the other.

Att betala utan pengar : En studie om Sveriges största bankkoncerners produktutvecklingsprocesser av betalningslösningar och hur dessa kan effektiviseras genom ökad kundinvolvering 

New innovation and technology have influenced the development of product development processes and the four largest banks in Sweden have more or less been forced to adapt their products and services along new customer requirements. It may therefore be considered appropriate to involve customers in this process. This by collecting customer information and allow customers to influence the process to a greater extent. The payment solutions of Sweden?s largest banks' continue to evolve and to pay with electronic money has come to change banks' product development processes of payment solutions.

Barns lärande och meningsskapande i den fria leken : En intervjustudie om fem pedagogers syn på den fria leken och den fria lekens lärande och utveckling

The purpose of this thesis is to study five pedagogue?s view of the free play and their view of the importance of the free play for children´s learning and development. I have chosen to use a qualitative research method in the form of interviews with five pedagogue´s from a preschool. The main research questions asked were:What have the pedagogues of view on the free play? How important believe the pedagogue that the free play is for children?s learning and development? What has emerged in the study is that educators have a positive view of the free play. They believed that the free play is important for children´s skills.

Kvalitet och jämställdhet : En undersökning av kvalitetsbegreppets definition och dess relation till jämställdhet mellan könen inom bildkonsten

Quality is a vague concept, it seems to be about a ?gut feeling? but is used as if it were a concrete property. This paper examines the defenition of the concept of quality, the relation between quality and gender equality and also what the representation between the genders in exhibitions, purchases and donations looks like in this day. As method for this paper text analysis, with searchlight on the two parameters of quality and equality, have been used on documents that provide a historical and a cultural policy perspective. The main part of the paper is an analysis of the visual arts on Värmlands museum, Kristinehamns konstmuseum and Rackstadmuseet.In the discussion of the paper, chapter 5, the result of the research is presented.

"Jag ser det som ett smörgåsbord" : En studie om två olika läs- och skrivutvecklingsmetoder

In this study I have compared two different development methods of reading and writing. I have done this by interviewing five first grade teachers in elementary schools and it is based on qualitative research interviews. The aim of the study was to immerse myself in which methods these five teachers describe that they have used. They got to describe how they work and how they have tought the students to read and write. I have investigated if the teachers think that the computer is a good tool. The investigation also shows if the teachers believe that the students´ writing skills deteriorate if they can use the keyboard instead. I came to the conclusion that four of the teachers used Arne Trageton´s method (2005) which means that the students learn how to write by using to computer.

Venture capitalistens bedömningsgrunder i nyetablerade företag

Intresset för begreppet venture capital väcktes av den anledning att det är ett dagsaktuellt ämne som ständigt florerar i massmedia. Denna studie behandlar individens beslutsfattande i ett venture capitalbolag och har landat i ett syfte där vi vill skapa en förståelse för hur individerna i ett venture capitalbolag fattar investeringsbeslut. Detta genom att beskriva vad individuella beslutsfattare grundar sina beslut på i nyetablerade IT-företag. Vi har utgått från teorier kring erfarenhet, information, förtroende och vilka huvudsakliga beslutskriterier venture capitalister använder sig av i sitt beslutsfattande. Eftersom vi har använts oss av teorier och därefter genomfört en empirisk undersökning har vi ett deduktivt angreppssätt.

Kostnadseffektivisering i utvecklingsprocessen av specialemballage i bilindustrin

The automotive industry is a highly competitive market characterised by low profit margins or huge losses. Cost reductions have been of top priority for all OEM?s (Original Equipment Manufacturer) and will continue to be so for many years to come. Beside cost reductions, reducing the time-to-market is of greatest importance to stay in the competition. OEM?s that are slow to market with products that neither matches customer expectations nor the products of their competitors, will soon loose market shares and see their economical performance falter.

Geografiskt avstånd & venture capital

Venture capital koncentreras till stockholmsregionen, vilket kan leda till problem för skånska företag i deras sökande av denna typen av kapital. Vi tror att de nätverk som företagen förfogar över kan vara avgörande för deras framgång i sökandet. Vidare påstår vi att de skånska företagens nätverk kan vara svaga i Stockholm i jämförelse med de stockholmsbaserade företagens, detta beroende på det geografiska avståndet. Vi anser inte att företagens struktur är avgörande för möjligheten att tillskansa sig venture capital, utan att det är avståndet som avgör. Om det geografiska avståndet till Stockholm ställer till problem kan det även hämma de skånska företagens utveckling.

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