

1431 Uppsatser om Region Gotland - Sida 31 av 96

Vård på distans via videokonferens i Sverige - En rekommendation för ett första införande i Region Örebro län baserat på tidigare erfarenheter

Den här C-uppsatsen utforskar möjligheterna att utforma applikationer till interaktiva plattformar som lär barn att lösa abstrakta problem och samtidigt är användbara för lärare i skolmiljö. Uppsatsen presenterar olika teorier och använder sedan det insamlade materialet som utgångspunkt för att testa om och hur dessa teorier kan tillämpas i ett specifikt fall. Resultatet sammanställs i form av en prototyp som testas på en klass förstaårselever i Stockholm..

Variation in protein precipitation and phenolic content within and among species across an elevational gradient in subarctic Sweden

This project investigated how elevation and vegetation type influences variation in plant litter phenolic content and protein precipitation capacity among and within common plant species for two different vegetation types, heath and meadow, in a subarctic ecosystem in the Abisko region of northern Sweden. As nutrient availability generally decreases with increasing elevation as a result of decreasing temperature, I hypothesised that phenolic content would increase with elevation and be higher on the heath than the meadow. To test this, the total phenolic content and protein precipitation capacity was estimated in leaf litter from 13 species in both heath and meadow vegetation across an elevational gradient ranging from 500 to 1000 meters above sea level (m.a.s.l.) in the study region. The results showed that elevation and vegetation type both had a strong impact on both variables. Total phenolic concentrations decreased with elevation for the meadow, and were greater for the heath than the meadow.

Prisbildningen för småhus och fritidshus i Stockholms län : En ekonometrisk tidsserieanalys 1993 - 2009

Determinants of Small Housing Prices in Stockholm 1993-2009, is an econometric study. Regression analysis is used to identify and measure the dominant factors that determine small house prices in Stockholm. Economical fundamenta and neo-liberal varaibles are in use to explain nominal overprices in the house market, as well as the steady development of real house prices in the region..

Anonyma internetkulturer : En studie av ?lurkers? upplevelser

Introduktion: Internet består idag av flertalet forum som var och en kan karaktäriseras som eninternetkultur. Dessa forum inriktar sig till att antingen anonymisera sina användare för attutnyttja yttrandefrihetens maximala potential, eller icke-anonymitet där användare kankopplas till personliga uppgifter tillgängliga till de som vistas på forumet. Allt fler svenskarväljer anonymiseringstjänster på grund av de digitala övervakningslagarna som har trätt i kraftunder 2000-talet. Syftet: syftet med studien är explorativt, det vill säga att ta reda på hur såkallade lurkers, åskådare, uppfattar anonymitet på internet. Metod: för att samla empirigenomfördes kvalitativa intervjuer med sex stycken så kallade lurkers.

Kalkbrottstvisten i Bunge Ducker : En ACF-analys av två kolliderande riksintressen

Abstract This thesis is based on a case study of the drawn out legal process on the question of establish a limestone quarry in Bunge Ducker in north Gotland (Sweden). The current fields are located next to areas that are protected by virtue of being EU-certified Natura 2000-areas. Despite this, the Swedish governments and courts have not agreed in witch national interest that should be prevail when decisions are made on this issue. This phenomenon are reflected in the judicial process and different court have evaluate information differently in the case. A change among governmental actors where priority is given to the importance of national interest have occur in the later part in the process.

Increased growth in Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) through small annual additions of nitrogen (N) fertilizer

This project investigated how elevation and vegetation type influences variation in plant litter phenolic content and protein precipitation capacity among and within common plant species for two different vegetation types, heath and meadow, in a subarctic ecosystem in the Abisko region of northern Sweden. As nutrient availability generally decreases with increasing elevation as a result of decreasing temperature, I hypothesised that phenolic content would increase with elevation and be higher on the heath than the meadow. To test this, the total phenolic content and protein precipitation capacity was estimated in leaf litter from 13 species in both heath and meadow vegetation across an elevational gradient ranging from 500 to 1000 meters above sea level (m.a.s.l.) in the study region. The results showed that elevation and vegetation type both had a strong impact on both variables. Total phenolic concentrations decreased with elevation for the meadow, and were greater for the heath than the meadow.

Gotland och Montenegro - att söka Bysans i den västerländska kulturen : en undersökning av Manastir Mora?asoch Mästerby kyrkas muralmålningar

In this essay the author has chosen to analyze the similarities and differences between some of the northern Europe?s late Mesolithic and Neolithic cultures. The research is of a processual standpoint and the information is mainly gathered from secondary sources as well as ethnological studies. The material collected has been analyzed in both a processual and a post-processual manner to most accurately study the foundations of the three primary theories describing the Pitted Ware Culture?s origin.

Privat och kollektivt : Lås- och nyckelanvändning under sen järnålder i Mälardalen

The aim of this work is to give a broader and more nuanced picture of the use of locks and keys during the Iron Age, in particular the late Iron Age, in the Lake Mälaren region. This has been done by comparing two buildings: the hall on Helgö and the living quarters in the garrison on Birka. Here we can see two very different areas where locks and keys were important parts of the daily life. The study also includes a typology of padlocks based on the findings from the same places as the building study and their surroundings..

Meningsskapande i formella och informella möten : En studie av Räddningstjänsten Karlstadsregionen

To work in an unpredictable work environment requires communication that functions well. In every organization it?s important that employees receive information that is relevant yet not confusing. Due to that, our ambition with this study is to understand how rescue effort organizations communicate in meetings; and whether their communication is clear or not. Our subject for this case study is the Emergency Services in the region of Karlstad.

Det medeltida Fårö - en studie av en ödegård utifrån ett genusperspektiv

The aim of this study was through applying a new perspective reach the people who during medieval time lived and worked on the farm. On the basis of my previously study and a gender perspective this study have compared general literature with local and then interpreted the farm from a local context. The questions raised here concerns division of work and spatial distribution on the farm as well as local impact on gender constructions.This study resulted in interesting problems within the archaeology itself but also in significant details about the farm. No gender restrictions could be seen in the houses except in Hus 1 were a smaller space, which probably used as storage or a workshop had been restricted tomales. Instead the buildings social space mainly consisted of a mixed gender environment.

Industriella avloppsvatten i Chile : Identifiering av problem samt förslag på åtgärder

Chile and Santiago are struggling with heavy environmental problems as a consequence of urbanisation and industrialisation. In the Santiago region the air is seriously contaminated and most of the rivers are classified as heavily polluted.The aim of this thesis is to survey the industrial fluid waste situation in the Santiago region and to make suggestions on technological improvements or process changes. The purpose is also to study five different enterprises more closely and to give more detailed suggestions for improvement. Another purpose is to summarize relevant Chilean legislation.Information, provided by the supervisory authority, about the release of industrial wastewater to rivers has been analysed. Deep interviews have been made with authorities and consultants.

Utskiftningsdjup i Region Norr

Ett vanligt och kostsamt problem i nordliga trakter av världen är tjällyftningar i vägar. Ojämna tjällyftningar bryter sönder och förstör vägarna, dessutom försämras åkkomforten och säkerheten avsevärt. För att åtgärda dessa problem görs vanligtvis utskiftningar, det vill säga att gräva bort tjälfarligt material och ersätta detta med ett mindre tjällyftande material. Inom Vägverket Region Norr används i dagsläget en schablonkostnad per meter väg vid planering av framtida vägåtgärder. Denna schablon är relativt grov och innehåller inte alltid alla nödvändiga förutsättningar.

Riskkommunikation i kundrelationen - att skrämma eller informera?

Kongressindustrin är en miljardindustri i världen och utvecklingen av kongressindustrin ser olika ut i Sveriges städer. Med en jämförelse mellan Göteborg, Malmö och Lund var syftet att med frågeställningarna; hur samarbetar privat och offentlig sektor vid utveckling av kongressindustrin i en region?, vilka intressenter kan utgöra kärnan i ett sådant samarbete? och vilka resurser kan ses som primära i ett sådant samarbete? undersöka hur privat och offentlig sektor samarbetar för att utveckla kongressindustrin i en region. Med hjälp av ett omfattande empiriskt material och ett fåtal väl valda teorier genomfördes en analys. Analysen resulterade i ett konstaterande om att det existerande samarbetet i Göteborg verkar vara i nätverksform.

Inomorganisatorisk kreativitet och innovation

This essay discusses organizational culture and focus on corporate creativity and innovation. The aim is to see which organizational factors that foster creativity and innovation in organizations. The essay will provide answer on how organizational culture can encourage creativity and innovation and how organizations can promote the rise of a creative work environment. The research design of this essay is a qualitative case study with interviews at Gotland Energi AB (GEAB). The interviews provided insight in factors that can foster creativity and innovation in organizations.

Gränsöverskridande natur-och kulturvård : Konflikt, motsättning och samarbete i den pyreneiska gränstrakten Monte Perdido

Transboundary protected areas are a fairly recent concept that have been increasing in popularity and are increasingly being integrated into large international organizations? environmental policy making. This essay examines the phenomena through the cooperation between two national parks, Parc National des Pyrénées in France and Parque Nacional Ordesa Monte Perdido in Spain. The theoretical framework used in this essay is based upon border theory, focusing on the different factors that influence the behavior of the border dweller and how the different social conceptions of nature influence the way it is managed. The results in this study result from researching published and private documents from the national parks and interviews carried out with staff from the park administrations from both countries.

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