

1148 Uppsatser om Referential space - Sida 52 av 77

Modellen och materialet

Tycho Hedéns Väg in Uppsala has evolved from being a through fare passage and highwayto the oversized road frame running through the city it is today. At the present time, dueto the relocation of the E4 highway east of Uppsala, Tycho Hedéns road creates a barrierbetween the north eastern area of Uppsala and the remaining parts of the city centre. Theroad is designed to endure heavy traffic and high speed limits, generating a surrounding urbanarea were inhabitants are complied to follow the standards set for a high traffic-accessibleenvironment. Furthermore, the heavy traffic has led to the turning of both urban roadsidesaway from the actual road. The aim of this project and proposal is to show the possibilities ofhow the innate features of Tycho Hedéns road can be used more advantageously to mend thecity area of Uppsala.

Uppsala centrums gator : möjligheterna för stensättning

Throughout the history, the theories which have shaped our cities have varied from time to time. We have gone from a city development characterized by spontaneousness, where commerce and people side by side shared the space, into a function-based planning where people and functions are being increasingly separated. Regardless the forms of planning the city design causes implications for those who live there when the physical environment controls were we live, work and meet. In today's society where `sustainability ' has become a watchword the current community planning needs to be questioned so we, in the best possible way, can meet future changes. Searching for new planning strategies is part of this and in this essay the term `mixed-use´ will be investigated and analyzed in terms of its social aspects.

Implementeringen av Lagen om valfrihetssystem inom primärvården i Västmanlands län : -Information och styrning

Title: Older people's experiences of exercise training: a survey based on a descriptive design.Course: Public Health: Theory and method of application and degree, 30 credits. University of Gävle, health education program.Author: Helena AnderssonPurpose: According to earlier research the western population is aging. This may affect, the older peoples`s physical disability in one form or another. The consequences may be that the need off care can increase. However elderly can prevent a variety of age-related diseases by being physically active.

Kinematisk och dynamisk modellering av den haptiska enheten TAU i sex frihetsgrader

The thesis presents an optimally designed kinematic structure for a new 6-DOF haptic devicebased on TAU configuration. The configuration of the TAU-2 proposed by Suleman Khan andKjell Andersson [1] was modified and its mobility was verified by using Grübler criterion tohave a 6 DOF. Analytical kinematic models for the inverse and forward kinematics weredeveloped for the haptic TAU configuration to determine a set of optimal design parameters.Kinematic performance indices such as volume of the workspace, kinematic isotropy and payload index, were defined based on the singular values of the Jacobian matrix. The Jacobianmatrix was scaled to homogenize the physical units. The Jacobian matrix dependent on theposition and orientation of the end-effector gives local isotropy and pay load index, so globaldesign indices were defined, which represent the performance of the mechanism in the wholeworkspace.

När rummet tar plats i musiken : Om rum musik och meningsskapande i Svenska kyrkan

Elin Redin: When Space Takes Place in Music ? About Room, Music an Meaning in the Swedish ChurchSökord: musikvetenskap, musik, rum, upplevelse, Svenska kyrkan Uppsatsen tar upp relationen mellan musik och rum med utgångspunkt i Svenska kyrkan. Huvudsyftet är att undersöka hur vi upplever kyrkorum och hur det sedan kan påverka vår reception av musik som vi hör i rummet. Metoden som använts är kvalitativa intervjuer med tre organister från Växjö domkyrka och tre vana konsertbesökare. Uppsatsen behandlar kyrkorummet utifrån ett teologiskt och historiskt perspektiv.

Styrtransmission för bandfordon

The purpose of this master thesis is to construct a steering transmission, for a trackedvehicle, containing two hydraulic circuits which are connected. The steeringtransmission should be mechanical to avoid steer-by-wire.BAE Systems Hägglunds has in an earlier study examined a system with two hydraulicpumps and one hydraulic motor, but the safety of the system wasn?t sufficient.To achieve sufficient redundancy there must be two hydraulic motors, which arecontrolled separately. When the two systems are connected in one point, this point is acritical part of the system because it directly affects both circuits. If one of the hydrauliccircuits fails the other should be able to operate independently as a steeringtransmission.

Rummets betydelse för kunskapsproduktion ? en tolkning av Lunds stadsbiblioteks funktioner i ljuset av dess arkitektur

This paper aims to apply a specific architectural theory onto Lund City Library in order to achieve a better understanding of how the physical concept of the library is affecting our knowledge and our production of meaning; and furthermore how it suggests a certain form of usage. This paper discusses the ways in which architecture is affecting us when we use the library. The paper attempts to answer the following question: ? Which one of Koch?s spatial structures could apply to Lund City Library, and in which ways could this spatial structure be a producer of meaning? The specific architectonical theory used is developed by Daniel Koch in his paper Spatial Systems as Producers of Meaning: the Idea of Knowledge in Three Public Libraries. This theory is the method of the paper as well.

Skolbiblioteket ? definition och användning: en innehållsanalys av gymnasieskolans styrdokument 2012

The purpose of this thesis is to systematically describe and map how authorities define the school library and its function based on the current policy documents for the Swedish upper secondary school. The study is guided by the following questions: ? What dimensions does the school library have according to the explicit definitions, descriptions and requirements? ? What implicit arguments, references and unspoken assumptions about the school library and its role, function and significance can be derived? The study is delimited to the national policy documents, which have been divided into two groups ? structural and teaching focused ? corresponding to the two questions above. Further delimitations have been made to avoid noise and to manage a manual content analysis. Each question required its own analysis tool.

Scenografi till Batboy - the musical

This is the project of making a stage design for Batboy ? the musical, a cooporation with a network of musical artists. The aim of the project was to create a space on stage that strengthens and expands the experience of the story told, and find design solutions that give an extra dimension to the story. The prerequisites for my work were partly defined from the produc¬tion, as were my limitations. In the cast of ten artists some were to play more than one role, often one of the opposite sex.

Utvärdering av en FPGA för rymdbruk

A new FPGA suitable for space applications has just reached the market. To investigate whether there are any possible flaws or limitations similar to those previously seen on FPGAs, an evaluation has to be done. This master thesis contains the evaluation of this new radhard FPGA with focus on possible design limitations and package related electrical phenomena.Areas evaluated: Ground-/VDD bounce, Cross talk, Rise time sensitivit, Power cycling, Power consumption, Place and route tool, Radiation hardnessThis report contains all steps in the evaluation. From method to measurements, comparisons, theory, results and conclusions. In the evaluation work, special effort has been made to develop designs that really stress the FPGA to find potential problems.

Läggning och resning hos ungtjurar i liggbås : inverkan av båsfrontsutförande

Cattle have a species specific movement pattern when lying down and getting up. They need sufficient space for their heads to perform these movements normally. The aim of this study was to investigate the lying down and getting up behaviour of beef bulls at a Swedish farm operation. The hypothesis was that bulls older than 10 months (over approximately 400 kg) were disturbed by a horizontal front rail and that the time to lie down and get up differed from what can be regarded as normal based on earlier scientific studies. The bulls were Swedish Red and White (SRB), Swedish Friesian (SLB) or crossbreeds of these two, and were kept in a cubicle system with a stall front design where there was a horizontal rail 40 cm above the stall floor.

(O)trygghet i det offentliga rummet : En kvalitativ studie om ungdomars upplevelse av trygghet och otrygghet utifrån ett genusperspektiv.

SammanfattningSyftet med studien är att undersöka ungdomars upplevelse av trygghet respektive otrygghet i det offentliga rummet i Skärholmen, samt vilka strategier de har för att öka trygghetskänslan. Studien intar ett genusperspektiv och bygger på forskning och teorier om trygghet, otrygghet, genus och offentliga rum. Genom ett bekvämlighetsurval kontaktades sex respondenter och semistrukturerade, kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes. Resultatet visar att ungdomarna generellt är trygga i det offentliga rummet i Skärholmen, särskilt på välbekanta platser, på platser där de känner många människor, samt på dagtid. De mest framträdande faktorerna som ligger till grund för upplevelsen av trygghet är kunskap och erfarenheter, kontroll och samhörighet.

Share anything Swedish : -En studie av CommunityOfSweden.com

Title: Share anything Swedish ? a study of CommunityOfSweden.com (Share anything Swedish ? en studie av CommunityOfSweden.com).Number of pages: 57 (64 including attachments).Author: Daniela Brandel.Tutor: Else Nygren.Course: Media and Communication Studies C.Period: Fall 2008.University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University.Purposes/Aims: To learn what happens when the public-private tourism organisation VisitSweden starts an online community, where anyone is free to post stories and photos about a Swedish experience, and to understand how a participatory culture can help an organisation develop relevant material and thereby reach a wider audience.Material/Method: The study is an analysis of VisitSweden's community CommunityOfSweden, its structures as well as VisitSweden's use of the information posted by the readers on the community. Hence the material consists mainly of content from the community www.communityofsweden.com and the webpage www.visitsweden.com. In addition, the study is also based on an interview with VisitSwedens communitydriver Tommy Sollén.Main results: Members of CommunityOfSweden help VisitSweden to promote Sweden. This is possible because the community posting format and the participatory culture within the community are well designed and planned by VisitSweden, even though the organisation was not completely sure about the outcome.

Tillbyggnad, Nationalmuseum

The project description is to draw an extension or annex to the existing Nationalmuseum building from 1866.The annex is designed to complement Nationalmusems activities and contain internal and public functions. Artentering the building must not be crossed by public visitors. Art and staff must be able to seamlessly move betweenthe extension and the main building. The new building includes a public study room for scholars working withthe collection of art on paper, workshops, conservation studios, art spaces and warehouses. Additionally, theannex is designed to host a large number of office spaces.With the renovation of Nationalmuseum they intend to open up the today built in south atrium.

Utforskning av ungdomar med problematisk bakgrund och deras syn på möjligheter och hinder för att förbättra sin hälsa : Samhällsinsatser riktade mot ungdomar

Gistrand, C. has studied ?Explore young people's problematic backgrounds and their views on the opportunities and obstacles in order to improve their health?, University of Gävle in the course theory and method of application and thesis work.The object of the study was to give young people space to make their voices heard. Further on to make unemployed youths perceptions of perceived opportunities and obstacles in their way to get a job, internship or study, visible. The object of the study was also to show youths? views of health and what they thought about the contributions to society.The method was qualitative, with three semi-structured interviews with men between 20-24 years old (and problematic childhoods, for instance alcohol and drug use) was conducted..The result shows that unemployment increases the risk of illness and unhealthy habits.

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