

260 Uppsatser om Recruitment - Sida 8 av 18

Vem är arenachefen? : En studie om arenachefer i Sverige, hur de rekryteras samt vilka arbetsuppgifter och ansvarsområden de har.

Denna studie syftar till att få en ökad förståelse för hur arenachefer i Sverige rekryteras, vi tar även upp hur rekryteringsprocessen såg ut för respondenterna som deltog i denna studie. Vi kommer även att belysa vilka arbetsuppgifter och ansvarsområden de arenacheferna vi har intervjuat har. Arenacheferna är verksamma på arenor vars hemmahörande idrotter är på elitnivå, på dessa arenor arrangeras även allt ifrån uppträdanden med världsartister inom musikbranschen till mindre företagsevent. Ur resultatet framkommer det att rekryteringsprocessen, ansvarsområden och arbetsuppgifterna skiljer sig mellan de olika arenacheferna. Gemensamma nämnare för arenacheferna är att samtliga har ett ansvar för personal, ekonomi och säkerhet..

Svarar människor mer eller mindre socialt önskvärt beroende på hur de genomför ett personlighetstest?

A personality test is a useful tool in Recruitment contexts. Studies have shown that participants distort their answers in a socially desirable manner. The purpose of this study was to investigate if people respond more or less socially desirable depending on how they rate themselves in a personality test, based on the "big five" personality dimensions.Eighty people, (40 women and 40 men), 19-42 years, (M= 24,1 SD= 3,76) rated themselves on a personality test. Group one, (20 women and 20 men) completed the test on paper. Group two, (20 women and 20 men) completed the test verbally.

Skanska 21 - en fallstudie av ett studentprogram

Skanska 21 is a student program for university students. The program runs for a year and a half parallel to university studies. It is aimed at those studying a few specific master engineering programs at Lund University, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Chalmers University of Technology or Luleå University of Technology. The program consists of a number of program meetings such as company presentations, a boarding school week, rhetoric training and project visits. The aim of the project is to evaluate the Skanska 21 student program.

En ledarutvecklingskurs utvärderas

Purpose: To evaluate the management development course held at FöreningsSparbanken in Ronneby during 2000. The evaluation aims to map and describe what effects the course has had on the participants. We will assess to what degree the effects meets the objectives of the course set by the manager of the bank (future management Recruitment, leadership, change catalyst, aligning the strive towards a shared organisational objective). Above mentioned also implies that the organisation should be influenced in some regards. Conclusion: Our conclusion is that all of the participants have as a result of the course increased their emotional intelligence in varying levels. We also conclude that the course participants? progress has not spread to the non-participants.

Användaren & LinkedIn, ett nischat socialt medium : Professionellt nätverk, digital identitet och tillit

During recent years, the labor market has changed. Social media currently plays a larger role within Recruitment for both job seekers and employers, while company policies and routines addressing background checks become less strict. The result of these changes are higher demands upon social media users to censure their online image. This study focuses on LinkedIn, which is a website intended to provide users with tools for career development. The study is aimed at user interaction with LinkedIn and how this interaction can influence career development.

Sista generationens renskötare?

The purpose of this paper is to present a possible understanding of why the company Tekola is segregated according to sex. In accordance to this purpose, an understanding of how the segregation affects the employees in relation to power, values and possibilities is discussed. The theoretical understanding is that the organization of men and women within Tekola is done in close connection to creation of the meaning of gender in Tekola. This, in turn, affects and is affected by the Recruitment to and within the company. Through the study of statistics from a survey, five interviews with employees and former employees and Tekolas? equality plan, we are able to see the possible existence of a glass ceiling, and a culture of homosociality, which affects the possibilities of women to enter the company and also to gain full entrance to power-positions in a negative way.

När handling säger mer än ord

The purpose of this paper is to present a possible understanding of why the company Tekola is segregated according to sex. In accordance to this purpose, an understanding of how the segregation affects the employees in relation to power, values and possibilities is discussed. The theoretical understanding is that the organization of men and women within Tekola is done in close connection to creation of the meaning of gender in Tekola. This, in turn, affects and is affected by the Recruitment to and within the company. Through the study of statistics from a survey, five interviews with employees and former employees and Tekolas? equality plan, we are able to see the possible existence of a glass ceiling, and a culture of homosociality, which affects the possibilities of women to enter the company and also to gain full entrance to power-positions in a negative way.

Ideellt kårengagemang - Drivkrafter och resultat

The purpose of this study was to examine how modern information and communication technology influence collective action within the framework of social movements. By studying the protests in the Arab World 2011, and focusing on the social movements in Suleimanya in northern Iraq, by observation taken on place, the essay discusses that collective action is closely related to the use of technology, for example cell phones and Internet.Result shows that modern communication technology has enabled immeasurable access andconnection between individuals throughout the world, which seems to be different from previouscollective action. The new communication channels in the form of social media, has been used for the dissemination of information and news, documentation, organization and membership Recruitment in the social movements in the Arab World and Suleimanya. The new social movements have the tendency to be decentralized and flattened organized, they are now self-organizing and that they only do a whole as global patterns, as evidenced by the social movements in the Arab World andSuleimanya..

Kvalitetssäkring av servicelämnare för skogsbrukets arbetsmaskiner : Intervjuer och förslag till utveckling

In this study we have examined the possible quality standards and methods for applications with service workshops in the forest industry. The purpose of the methods presented here was to start the work of standarardising the maintenance service in the industry and be of use for service providers in their quality effort.The methods we used to accomplish the study were interviews and field visits together with a comprehensive literature research. Our results are presented in the form of four solution proposals: a standard based on existing SIS standards for terminology and key indicators, checklists that are filled in by mechanics with customer participation, the construction of a instructions database, and the implementation of the method 5s.We believe our suggestions can help the service providers in the four problem areas that we have identified: long term strategy, documentation, Recruitment of competent technicians, and standard procedures in their operations. These improvements will be beneficial for both the service provider and the customer..

Styrmedel för att hantera kreditrisk: En fallstudie av Handelsbanken Sergel

The Swedish bank Handelsbanken has, according to their own way of measuring, been more successful than a weighted average of their competitors during the last 38 years. They have also handled the recent financial crisis, as well as the one in the 1990´s, better than most other banks. This paper studies their management control system at branch level in order to identify the controls which have been enforced to ensure that a low risk level is retained in the lending. The controls that have been identified are; (1) A decentralized organization with the offices as profit centers where the manager has restrictions regarding risk level and the results are measured as K/I (cost/revenue). (2) The absence of bonuses and individual follow-up regarding performance measurement.

Upproren i Arabvärlden. En studie i kommunikationskanalernas roll i kollektiv handling

The purpose of this study was to examine how modern information and communication technology influence collective action within the framework of social movements. By studying the protests in the Arab World 2011, and focusing on the social movements in Suleimanya in northern Iraq, by observation taken on place, the essay discusses that collective action is closely related to the use of technology, for example cell phones and Internet.Result shows that modern communication technology has enabled immeasurable access andconnection between individuals throughout the world, which seems to be different from previouscollective action. The new communication channels in the form of social media, has been used for the dissemination of information and news, documentation, organization and membership Recruitment in the social movements in the Arab World and Suleimanya. The new social movements have the tendency to be decentralized and flattened organized, they are now self-organizing and that they only do a whole as global patterns, as evidenced by the social movements in the Arab World andSuleimanya..

Pulsen på personlighetstest : Individens upplevelse av och förhållningssätt till personlighetstest.

Personlighetstester är en urvalsmetod som blivit vanligt förekommande vid re-krytering av ny personal inom ett flertal yrkeskategorier och branscher i Sveri-ge. Det är därför intressant att studera människors upplevelse av personlighets-test vid rekryteringssammanhang. Studiens syfte var att undersöka individers upplevelse av och förhållningssätt till personlighetstester under en rekryterings-process. Åtta deltagare valdes ut utifrån bekvämlighet och tre kriterier. Delta-garna skulle ha olika yrken, gjort ett personlighetstest under de senaste två åren och blivit anställda.

Emotionell intelligens : En studie av den dskursiva produktionen av begreppet emotionell intelligens i ett organisationssammanhang

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a highly used concept in contemporary organizations, especially in the Recruitment process or education of employees and managers. The aim of this study was to examine the discursive production of the concept emotional intelligence and how it, linked to an organizational context, is expressed in web-based articles and course homepages. In total 11 texts related to emotional intelligence and organizational contexts were used as the object of study. A three-stage model was used as a method for analysis. The model included a content analysis, argument analysis and a deconstruction analysis in order to expose what was said about emotional intelligence and how it was said.

IT-konsultens konsultationsprocess

How does IT-consultants reason in their consulting process regarding the development of a clients IT-based internal Recruitment system? The purpose with this paper is to investigate how an IT-consultant is reasoning in a consulting process and investigate whether consultants are using established models and methods in their work. We have chosen to work with a qualitative examination to attain our purpose. In our work gathering the empirical facts we have been working with a case study, an observation and a simulation exercise. The combination of these has made it possible to carry out the paper and produce the most correct data possible.

Faktorer som påverkar effektivitet och kvalitet vid outsourcing

With an IT outsourcing project there are many factors affecting how efficiency andquality develop in the outsourced activity. The Purpose of this study is to identifythese factors through a case study in a global company that is dissatisfied with theefficiency and quality of their outsourced helpdesk. For data collection methodsinterviews and observations were used. Interviews were conducted with people fromdifferent parts of the company in three different countries, all somehow involved inthe outsourced system. The observations were made with the outsourced company tosee how the employees work and fill information gaps that the interviews could notcover.

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