

240 Uppsatser om Recognition of the genocide - Sida 3 av 16

Parameters having significant impact on FRS matching

Facial Recognition Systems är något som har blivit populärt de senaste åren, speciellt efter den 11 september 2001. Möjligheten att kunna över-vaka personer som rör sig i olika miljöer har varit av intresse för bland annat regeringar, till exempel USA:s regering. Eftersom det finns mängder med olika typer av undersökningar och alla försöker göra så bra matchningar som möjligt av personer mot databaser, fast de utförs på olika sätt, är det intressant att se om det finns någon parameter som har en större påverkan på resultaten, oavsett om undersökningen görs med 2D, 3D eller en kombination av metoderna. Det finns många olika faktorer och parametrar som påverkar matchningsprocenten därför skall denna littera-turstudie försöka lokalisera och se om det finns någon parameter som har en större påverkan på matchningsprocenten. Det visar sig att två parametrar har en större påverkan än övriga parametrar.

Kvinnofridskränkning - ett stort samhällsproblem : En fallstudie av hur ett par kommuner i Kronobergs län hanterar kvinnovåldsproblematiken

Equal opportunity issues are considered to have a clear position in Swedish policy and the making of Swedish gender policy is considered a precursor. Though many experts and scientists have shed light on the fact that the issue of women assault has had a less stable development than other gender issues such as child care, the labour market etc. within the Swedish society, and that it does not attract the wide political support it needs. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the Municipalities', in the county of Kronoberg, policy on the issue of women assault within their local policies of equality. In my thesis I have chosen a theoretical framework that is built on a dilemma of justice based on three different dimensions; the extent, content and influence of the local policies.

Khmer Rougetribunalen - Integritet i personalrekryteringsprocessen för säkerställande av ansvarsutkrävandets syften

The communist party Khmer Rouge took over the power in Cambodia in 1975, and ruled the country until the beginning of 1979. During these years they attempted to create a completely new society, a true Khmer nation, which involved massive economic and social reorganisation and elimination of people which did not fit in the new ideal.Three decades has passed since the genocide, and the senior leaders of the Khmer Rouge will now be tried in the Khmer Rouge tribunal, which consists of both Cambodian and international judges and prosecutors. The integrity of those tribunal representatives will be crucial for the integrity of the tribunal as a whole and thus also for the outcome of the processes. It is hard to determine whether the purposes for demand of accountability will be satisfied, it is though clear that there are many obstacles in the way for an unproblematic and fair procedure..

Hotell Rwanda - Ett pedagogiskt verktyg eller historieförvanskning?

The purpose of this essay is to analyse the movie Hotel Rwanda from a didactic point of view using the movie?s use of history and historical culture as the main analytical tools. We also intend to problematize the use of movies in teaching focusing on the teaching guide from the Swedish film institution concerning Hotel Rwanda. We choose to work with a qualitative method. The reason why we decided to work with a qualitative method is the intention, as mentioned before, to analyse the movie using the tools we described earlier.

Får alla vara med? : En analys av Mångkulturåret 2006 och dess retoriska kontext.

The aim of this paper is to describe the position of the Swedish welfare state within the shaping of a Swedish national identity. This is done through the study of Mångkulturåret 2006, and its rhetorical context. The point of departure is that history is formed continuously in current speech and a text analytical method has been used. Mångkulturåret was issued by the Department of Culture as an extended perspective of Cultural politics. The rhetoric used in the official document Agenda för Mångkultur is analyzed through a comparison with earlier official documents on the field of multiculturalism and integration.

Lagval vid utomobligatoriskt skadestånd - Särskilt vid upphovsrättsintrång

This essay seeks to explore which country´s laws should be applied when a dispute concerning damages in non-contractual obligations arises från illegal copying. In Europe today we have merely a few documented laws regarding choice of law concerning illegal copying. Thus, a proposition regarding a regulation which shall control the choice of laws applied on disputes in non-contractual obligations has been prepared. Another main reason for the existence of such a regulation is the need for a united set of laws to enable recognition of other countries´ judgments in Europe. This proposal will be called the Rome II-regulation.

Methods for Locating Distinct Features in Fingerprint Images

With the advance of the modern information society, the importance of reliable identity authentication has increased dramatically. Using biometrics as a means for verifying the identity of a person increases both the security and the convenience of the systems. By using yourself to verify your identity such risks as lost keys and misplaced passwords are removed and by virtue of this, convenience is also increased. The most mature and well-developed biometric technique is fingerprint recognition. Fingerprints are unique for each individual and they do not change over time, which is very desirable in this application.

Den europeiska exekutionstiteln : En studie av förordning (EG) nr. 805/2004

Increased trade and exchange within the European Community has brought with it the need for less restricted circulation of judgments. The situation has improved greatly due to the enactment of Regulation (EC) No. 44/2001 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters (the Brussels I Regulation).Despite recent improvements the proceedings are still time-consuming and difficult. Many creditors refrain from having judgments recognized and enforced as the proceedings cost too much time and are too time-consuming. On January the 21st 2005 a new Regulation entered into force, Regulation (EC) No.

Automatiserad matchning av relaterad data från olika datakällor

Sociala medier innehåller idag massor av information som kan bidra till att ge applikationer och produkter ett stort mervärde genom att ge en förbättrad användarupplevelse. I vissa fall kan sådan information inte erhållas utan att först matcha data från en eller flera datakällor genom en data fusion. Eniro Initiatives AB vill undersöka möjligheter för att genomföra en automatiserad data fusion genom att koppla företag från sitt API till motsvarande företag på sociala medier. Problematiken ligger i att den enda helt säkra källan till matchning av alla svenska företag är dess organisationsnummer, vilket är data som inte finns tillgänglig hos API:er från utländska företag. Syftet var att undersöka möjligheter för att på automatiserat sätt kunna matcha relaterad data från olika datakällor. I detta examensarbete har en prototyp utvecklats som matchar företag från Eniros API med företags sidor från Facebooks API. Resultatet från tester av denna prototyp visar dock brister, då det uppkom fall där redundant information bidrog till att prototypen kunde godkänna inofficiella sidor med koppling till det relevanta företaget, vilket inte var önskvärt..

Tusen röda plastbåtar : En studie av framgångsrik gerillamarknadsföring

Background: Swedish consumers are daily bombarded with 1500 advertising messages. 22 percent of the Swedish people are avoiding all advertising in traditional media according to SIFO's research. To master this problem innovative methods are a necessity to reach consumers. Guerrilla marketing is such a method.Purpose: The purpose of this dissertation is to describe the components and the activities that asuccessful guerrilla campaign consists of. He purpose is also to examine the motives behind theseactivities, why they were chosen and what objectives they were supposed to accomplish.

Det mångfacetterade islam : En studie i hur islam och muslimer framställs i ledare

The way in which media discusses religion has changed over time. Due to the separation of state and church in 2000, the Swedish state to a lesser extent legitimizes its political ruling with references to religious concepts. As a result, a higher tolerance towards religious minorities can be said to have taken place. This is an ambiguous change however, where critique raised towards religious practices and expressions of minorities also occurs to a higher extent. The public debate is in large part conducted through the media, but is also seen to be produced and reproduced through the media?s discourse.

Vägen till god användbarhet : En fallstudie inom informationsarkitektur med fokus på ett informations- och filhanteringssystem

Since Internet has become a more important and more certain source of information the user require greater and more demands than ever before on the layout and function of different web pages. When search engines gives us the opportunity to millions of hits in just a fraction of a second it?s essential to optimize the structure and architecture, which forms the foundations of all the content. In a time when a company?s digital footprint plays an important role for the costumer and the transmitter it?s of utmost importance to have a steady, well-structured foundation to build new platforms of information on.But how do you manage to build a good foundation? Some of the most important key elements in Information architecture are Organizing, Navigation, Search and Labeling.The aim of this study was to create guidelines for a user-friendlier interface, by analyzing the principals and gathered data.

IFRS 15 - Revenue From Contracts With Customers : En kvantitativ undersökning gällande den nya intäktsredovisningen

Målet med vår uppsats är att ur ett sociologiskt perspektiv undersöka den upplevda tryggheten i Halmstad utifrån unga kvinnors syn. Vi vill även undersöka diverse strategier som används för att hantera situationer som känns mindre trygga. Vi använde oss av kvalitativa intervjuer där åtta unga kvinnor i åldrarna 18-25 intervjuades. Det framgick att de unga kvinnorna upplever att Halmstad är en relativt trygg stad, men att det trots detta helst inte vistas i centrum kvällstider utan sällskap. De unga kvinnorna använde sig av olika strategier i hopp om att förebygga otrygghet.

Hur långt sträcker sig den svenska välfärdspolitikens strävan efter jämlikhet? : en diskursanalytisk fallstudie av storstadssatsningen

The aim of this study is to analyse the Swedish state´s ambition in achieving equality among its citizens. By studying the new urban policy introduced by the government in 1998 from a theoretical perspective the purpose of this essay is to understand the ideational dimensions in this policy project, in regard to established understandings about equality.The theoretical framework on which this study is based consists of two different parts. The first presents dominating models on welfare states, mainly focusing on the socialdemocratic welfare state. The second introduces influential theoretical views on equality, primarily discussing universalism and a differentiated equality view. It also presents theoretical views on how to understand the relationship between the state an its citizens.

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