

264 Uppsatser om Reception - Sida 3 av 18

Vem pratar niondeklassare med om preventivmedel? : en kvantitativ studie

The purpose of this study was to find out who young people of today talk to about contraceptive. The main questions that we wanted to answer was from who young people wish to get information about contraceptive and whose advice they listen to and trust the most. Our purpose was also to illustrate the questions from a gender-perspective.We chose two equivalent rural districts, when it comes to the number of inhabitants. The young people who took part are students in ninth grade. We wanted to get a great sample so that the study would be representative of the population.

Medvetandets anatomi. Antonio Damasios avtryck i svensk mylla

This paper aims to explore the Reception in Sweden of the work and ideas of neuroscientist Antonio R Damasio, expressed in his four published books. The material used is mainly articled and reviews published in Sweden between 1995 and 2011 regarding Damasio?s books. To analyze the Reception, paradigm theories by Kuhn, and Bourdieu?s ideas regarding field, habitus and capital has been used.

Får man skriva så här? : En feministisk undersökning av mottagandet i recensioner i svensk dagspress av fyra romaner med bekännelsekaraktär

The purpose with this thesis is to examine how four novels with a trait of confession written between 1996 and 2001 have been received in the Swedish daily press. This is done from a feministic perspective. The study is based on 36 reviews and the method which is used consists of a close-reading of the reviews, where the following questions are asked to the texts: Are there examples of Reception in sexual analogies?; Are the novels ascribed a status of universality or are they considered to be something private?; How does the reviewers comment the exposure of the authors themselves and persons close to them?; What does the positive versus negative criticism concentrate on?; How does the reviewers comment the sexual element in the novels? The theoretical framework focuses on how womens literature has been treated in literary criticism and the treatment of the confession novels in the 1970s. The analysis of the reviews has, among many other things, showed that the novels mostly are regarded as something private; that the reviewers for different reasons question the publishing of the novels and that there are things concerning women and sexuality that is not accepted to write about.

Att identifiera och förstå estetiska kunskapskvaliteter

Vår uppsats handlar om estetiska kunskapskvaliteter inom det estetiska programmet på gymnasiet. Syftet med undersökningen är att försöka definiera vilka estetiska kunskapskvaliteter betygs-kriterierna kännetecknar.Vi redogör för delar av befintliga teorier om, diskurser kring och perspektiv på estetisk verksamhet i skolan. Där finner vi begreppen produktion och Reception, vilka vi sedan använder i en närläsning av de estetiska ämnenas nationellt formulerade betygskriterier. I undersökningen kompletterar vi begreppen produktion och Reception med att och hur, som motsvarar två tydliga kategorier inom de kriterier vi studerat. Vi har dels funnit att hur-kvaliteterna nästan uteslutande beskriver produktionskvaliteter, dels att kunskapskvaliteternas progression från G till MVG går från att eleven gör någonting, till hur eleven gör det.

Längtar du också till Fairadise : En studie om att ta emot och tolka en social marketing kampanj om hållbar turism

The basis for this study is the question of what happens at the point of impact between receiver and message in the case of a social marketing campaign on Facebook promoting sustainable travel. Hence the aim of this study is to analyse the Reception of the social marketing campaign Fairadise in a sample of 19 individuals. The design of the study is therefore Reception analysis with the help of four focus groups and thematic analysis to later identify patterns and themes in the gathered material. The theoretical approaches were collected from the field of media and communication and focused on public communication campaigns, public understanding of public communication campaigns as well as decoding of messages. The questions posed were; how is the Facebook campaign Fairadise received by the focus group participants? How do the participants read (decode) the campaign; dominant, negotiated or oppositional? And what assessments do the participants have regarding the visual versus textual information in the campaign? Previous research has shown that visual and emotional attributes are of great importance when it comes to interpreting messages about sustainable tourism and that rational information attributes are of less importance. The findings in this study agree with this previous research except when it comes to rational information.

Jakten på berättelsen : en modell för att testa berättelsers potential tillämpad på valfilmerna vid Riksdagsvalet 2010

In 2010 Swedish political parties used commercials broadcasted on TV for the first time in order to gain votes in a general election. In connection with the election the parties were criticized for not succeeding to formulate a story to the voters that conveyed how they wanted to change Sweden. In this paper I use central concepts from rhetoric, storytelling, postmodernism and psychology to formulate three demands each on the narrator, the story and its Reception. Using the resulting image of what distinguishes a good narrator, a good story and a good Reception as a starting point, I investigate to what extent the critique was justified. My findings indicate that the degree to which the commercials fulfill these demands vary greatly.

Värdegrundsfrågor och estetiska uttryck/medier i samverkan. En undervisningsmetod prövas

Vi har med detta examensarbete gjort en undersökning med syfte att prova ett engagerande arbetssätt för att kunna arbeta med värdegrundsfrågor. Vi ville också pröva bildens möjligheter som igångsättare av samtal om värdegrundsfrågor, både elevers egna bilder och mediabilder. Vår kvalitativa studie bygger på ett praktiskt undervisningsförsök där vi själva varit aktiva deltagare tillsammans med barn i klass fem. Vi har använt en arbetsmetod som innefattar introduktionsfas, estetisk produktion, Reception samt slutfas. Vi har också valt ett tema för att pröva arbetsmetoden.

Förutsättningar och strategier en analys av lärarhandledningar

Detta arbete utgår från en kvalitativ textanalys av lärarhandledningar och andra texter från museilektioner.se. Mitt syfte är att försöka se vilka strategier som finns för att legitimera den institutionsförlagda kulturpedagogiken i skolan, vilka argument som återfinns för ett sådant arbete och därmed hur kulturen positionerar sig gentemot skolan. I de handledningar jag undersöker gör jag ett försök att se hur eleven är tänkt att agera, vilken roll denne tillskrivs och därmed hur kulturen förhåller sig till den enskilde eleven. Konst och kulturpedagogik står traditionellt inför ett dilemma där pedagogen väger en sträng förmedling av föremål och konst mot en öppen Reception där mottagaren lämnas fri att se vad denne vill. Genom att undersöka vem som har makt över situationen och hur besökarnas erfarenhet hanteras kan jag närma mig en förståelse för hur ovanstående dilemma hanteras i handledningarna. Min analys visar att institutionens funktion som kulturbärare eller kulturskapare har inverkan på hur pedagogiken utformas och därmed hur Receptionen blir behäftad med olika ramar..

Från periferi till piedestal

AbstractThis paper is a study in press Reception with the intent to examine how twelve female actionheroes have been portrayed in Swedish media between 1974 ? 2006. The purpose is to discern patterns and differences in how the female movie character is received by their contemporary journalists and to relate their views to social and gender related theories. The female actionhero is an independent and brutal character, often alone and without a mother or a child. This separates her from typical female roles, which historically been characterized by passivity, fear and dependency on the male characters in the movie. The female actionhero as a character opens up for complex Reception. One perspective in the research identifies the independent woman as a feministic icon.

Eva Klasson : En analys av verk, karriär och reception

The Swedish photographer and artist Eva Klasson, based in Paris in the 1970s, gained attention for her series of black-and-white photography of her own naked body, which opened up for an international artistic career in the late 1970s. Despite a promising career she however abandoned photography and disappeared from the artistic sphere only a few years after her debut. There has been a renewed interest in Klasson?s work in Sweden the last decade where she has been exhibited at museums and galleries. Today she is represented at art museums and institutions including Moderna Museet, The Modern Museum of Art, in Stockholm.

Engelska lucktester för elever med annat modersmål än svenska : En undersökning av hur elever med annat modersmål än svenska presterar på lucktester och läsförståelsedelen i nationella provet i engelska jämfört med elever som har svenska som modersmål.

Syftet med denna undersökning var att ta reda på hur elever med annat modersmål än svenska presterar på lucktestet i läsförståelsedelen i nationella provet i engelska jämfört med elever med svenska som modersmål. En kvantitativ undersökning av 80 nationella prov visade att resultaten på lucktestet var mycket lägre än på läsförståelsedelen i elevgruppen med annat modersmål, medan dessa båda resultat överensstämde i elevgruppen med svenska som modersmål.  En slutsats av resultatet är att lucktester inte bara mäter läsförståelse, det vill säga Reception av text, utan även formell grammatisk kompetens, det vill säga egen skriftlig produktion. Detta ställer större krav på behärskningen av språket i fråga och tidigare forskning kring tredjespråksinlärning och lucktester har visat att dessa orsakar tredjespråksinlärare problem..

Relation för livet. En studie om ensamkommande asylsökande barn

The aim of this study was to describe and to analyze needs and social efforts concerning unaccompanied/separated asylum-seeking children. The responsibility for the Reception of this target group was transferred on July 1, 2006 from the Swedish Migration Board to the municipalities that sign an agreement with the Swedish Migration Board. Eight qualitative interviews were carried out with representatives for transit-residents and assigned municipalities in Skåne. Our main questions were: How has the Reception of unaccompanied/separated asylum-seeking children been planned, how do the municipalities and the transit-residents consider their needs and what is the level of qualifications and competence within the municipalities in order to work with unaccompanied/separated asylum-seeking children on the basis of social efforts? We chose to clarify our findings on the basis of the attachment theory, which is applicable during the critical emancipation phase that the vast majority of the unaccompanied/separated asylum-seeking children find themselves in.

Flickan i ögat - en kammaropera : Analys av ett drama som utgångspunkt för en fältstudie av Frödingbilden

 The image of the poet Gustaf Fröding is the main theme of this essay. It opens with an analysis of the chamber opera Flickan i ögat. This opera has never been translated but a direct translation would be The Girl in the Eye. It refers to a story that when a man looks into the mirror and sees a picture of a girl in his eye, she will be his future love.  Fröding has written a poem "Flickan i ögat" where the person in the poem only observes himself.

Vad är manlighet och vad innebär det att vara man? : En undersökning av gymnasieelevers syn på kön, genus och manlighet i anslutning till Ernest Hemingways Öar i strömmen.

What is masculinity and what does it mean to be a man?This study involves two different areas: gender and literary Reception. I wanted to find out what students think about masculinity and what possible strategies they use when they read and interpret literature. The investigation consists of three parts: an introductory survey, classroom observations and an ending text analysis based on ten different questions. The investigation has taken place in second grade at an upper secondary school as part of the course Swedish B.

Ett hotell i det gotländska landskapet : Landskapshotell

Landskapshotell vid Hoburgen Gotland.

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