

2114 Uppsatser om Real estate statistics - Sida 26 av 141

Köpare av skogsfastigheter i Småland år 2000-2001 : en undersökning hur den privata ägarstrukturen ser ut i Sverige

The aim of this thesis is to study the private owner structure in the Swedish forestry. This will be done with both a investigation of forest owners in Småland the year 2000 and 2001 and also a statistic research for the private forest owners in Sweden right now and over the years. In Sweden more than half of the total forest area is owned by private forest owner, witch is approximately 22 600 000 ha. Private forestry includes the owner categories private person, ordinary partnership and the estate of deceased persons. The main part of the private forestry is to be found in Norrland but also in the rest of Sweden private forestry constitute a large part of the forestry area.

Janus två ansikten : En studie om kökslärarens dubbla roller

This is a field study based on participant observations and interviews, describing the cooking teacher's complex everyday life. The school's restaurant is a unique arena, freely hovering between two worlds: The school world and the restaurant reality. Here, the students are confronted with real situations and problems, similar to the ones occurring in a restaurant, still having the school's safety net beneath them. It is for real, but still not, a bit like a flight simulator.It is on that arena the cooking teacher works, combining the two roles of the teacher and the chef. Two roles built on their own traditions and values.

Alternativa finansieringsmöjligheter av företagsfastigheter

It is essential to reuse- and recycles residues to decrease the amount of deposit materials and reach sustainable energy use. Two ways to work towards this is to recycle wood ashes to the forest as nutrient compensation and extract biogas from combustion of biomass.The aim with this study was to decide whether wood ashes that been used for biogas upgrading with accelerated carbonation also can be used as a nutrient compensation in the woods according to recommendations from the Swedish Forest Agency (Skogsstyrelsen).The ashes that were used in this study came from Johan Andersson who works at JTI in Uppsala, who also treated the ashes with biogas. The ashes have, in both untreated and treated condition, been analyzed in this study according to contents of elements, leaching properties, hardening properties and contents of crystalline phases, to evaluate what impact carbonation with biogas has on the ashes.The accelerated carbonation led to hardening of the ash, and decreased amount of CaO- and increased amount of CaCO3. The CO2-uptake also entails a dilution of the elements, and the content of nutrients and trace elements decreases. However the results show an indication of an uptake of S from the biogas to the ash, since the dilution had a smaller impact on S than the rest of the elements.

Skönhet vs Skönhetsideal : Hur en grupp unga kvinnor tolkar Doves kampanj ?Campaign for Real Beauty?.

Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka hur en grupp unga, svenska kvinnor mellan 20-30 år upplever de kvinnliga skönhetsidealen, samt att granska vad målgruppen anser om Doves Campaign for Real Beauty. Syftet är att studera om informanterna upplever kampanjen som ett steg i rätt riktning för att öka diskussionen och vidga begreppet skönhet. Med detta hoppas vi uppnå en större förståelse för hur unga svenska kvinnor ser på skönhetsidealen idag och om kampanjer likt Doves, är rätt tillvägagångssätt för att nå ett förändrat ideal.Teori: Delar av feministisk teori, receptionsstudier samt Stuart Halls teori om inkodning och avkodning.Metod: Två kvalitativt semistrukturerade fokusgruppsintervjuer med totalt sju kvinnor.Slutsatser: Informanterna skiljer på skönhet och skönhetsideal. De anser att Doves kampanj, Campaign for Real Beauty är ett steg i rätt riktning för ett förändrat ideal. Däremot ifrågasätter de Doves uttalade budskap med kampanjen och menar att det huvudsakliga målet skulle vara att öka försäljningen och stärka varumärket, snarare än att öka kvinnors självförtroende..

Development of real-time RT-PCR for the detection of human sapovirus in foods

Food-poisoning is a major health problem and an estimated half a million Swedes are food-poisoned annually, with acute gastroenteritis as a consequence. One of the major causes of contaminated foods is related to food- and waterborne viruses. To be able to trace back the source of contaminant, the method of detecting viruses must be specific and sensitive. No standardized method for detecting foods for sapovirus exists today. The aim of the work described in this bachelor thesis is to implement and opti-mize a real-time RT-PCR method for the detection of all genogroups of human sapovirus in foods.

Prissättningen av bostadsrätter: Vilka faktorer påverkar priserna, vad är riktpriset för en lägenhet?: - En mikrostudie av Södermalm i Stockholm

Those who have invested in apartments, i.e. tenant-ownership, within the city centre of Stockholm have gained a higher than expected return on investment due to a buoyant real estate market. During the latest twelve-month period, the prices have risen more than 20 per cent in the city of Stockholm, resulting in an increased wealth together with a higher debt burden among investors. The aim of this thesis is to investigate which factors determine the prices from a micro perspective, and to what extent. An attempt is particularly made to estimate the degree of capitalization of the monthly fees; a factor which has turned out to be important according to other studies; but also to construct pricing models in order to set target prices for apartments.

Energieffektiviserande åtgärderpå Robertsfors VA-nät : En förstudie av vilka energieffektiviserande åtgärdersom kan göras på pumpstationer och reningsverk

The objective of this work was to introduce measures to reduce energy and water demand at Gävle Söder 17:10. To succeed, this energy audit has been made. The work is based on collected statistics from the property owner Norrporten, measurements, literature review and through consultation with experts in the field. Two models, one for each building, have been created in the simulation program BV2 to estimate the potential of energy measures based on the collected information. The models in BV2 have been verified against the statistics of the energy consumption.With the help of calculations and simulations, seven cost-effective measures have been identified.

Hållbara konkurrensfördelar för fristående mäklarbyråer

Dagens marknad för mäklarbyråer är hårt konkurrensutsatt och domineras av stora nationella mäklarkedjor. Mindre, fristående mäklarbyråer har svårt att etablera sig och enligt Timmons mfl. överlever bara 30 procent av alla företag de fem första aktiva åren (refererad i Brundin & Johansson 2006). Detta är ett hot mot den fria konkurrensen som behövs för en välfungerande marknad där konsumenternas nytta har högsta prioritet.Studien undersöker vilka som är de framgångsrika och hållbara konkurrensfördelarna för fristående mäklarbyråer. De fyra områden vi belyser för att hitta konkurrensfördelar är:? Marknadsföring? Kundsupport och service? Bra ledning och personal? Benchmarking och konkurrenshanteringStudiens resultat bygger på telefonintervjuer med åtta fristående mäklarbyråer med störst marknadsandel i Sverige.

Skyddar aktiekapitalet borgenärerna? : Eller utgör aktiekapitalet de facto ett legalt hinder för entreprenörerna?

The purpose with this essay is to investigate whether the legal capital can be justified as creditor protection and whether the legal capital prevent entrepreneurship.Historically the legal capital has been justified by means of creditor protection. Nowdays the development within EU rather reduces or abolish the legal capital. Sweden has recently, 1 of April 2010, reduced the legal capital from 100 000 Swedish crowns to 50 000 Swedish crowns. In the preparatory work it has been admitted that the legal capital does not in reality offer creditors much protection. Although the lawmaker decides to retain the legal capital and justifies the legal capitals existence with the argument that involuntary creditors has the need of the legal capital.

Undersökning om spelares uppfattning om latency i realtidsstrategispel

In this study we examine how much latency is required in an RTS-game (Real-Time Strategy) before the player quits the game. In the study latency is simulated in the games Age of Mythology and Starcraft: Brood War with the program WANem, and then the testplayers are asked ?Do you want to quit because of latency??. This data is then gathered and compiled into graphs to show the results. These results show that the limit for when players want to quit differs between the two games and that there are two factors that play into this.

Energianalys mellan programmen IES (Integrated Environmental Solutions) och Enorm

An increase interest of new methods and tools has begun to grow in the real estate business, this new trend causes an increase in new programs that aim to simplify processes of energy-efficiency and environmental issues.After consulting with Björn Alsmark from Bjerking AB, an architect and engineering company, we made a decision that the Degree Project is going to examine the program IES (Integrated Environmental Solutions) with some integrations from Revit Architecture application.To be able to examine IES, we got access to a completed project from Bjerking. The project is a nursery school in Uppsala. An application has been handed in from Bjerking to make this project to a Green Building-certificated project. According to Bjerking own calculations (with the energy-calculation program Enorm), the consumption of energy of the nursery school is 48 percent lesser than required by BBR.An evaluation of IES and Enorm has been made with an aim to compare these two programs and find out if IES is an appropriate program to replace Enorm. Does Enorm or IES come up to BBR´s recommendations?The Degree Project cover 15 ECT, that required several adjusting and delimitations, and the study sketch ended with a literature study.After finishing the study sketch the modeling of the nursery school began.

Hur påverkas allmännyttiga företags varumärken? : - utifrån "image heritage" och "image-in-use"

Syfte: Syftet med va?r studie a?r att fo?rsta? hur allma?nnyttiga bostadsbolag arbetar med sitt varuma?rke. I och med att den nya lagstiftningen har lett till o?kad konkurrens pa? bostadshyresmarknaden de senaste a?ren kra?vs ett sto?rre engagemang hos fo?retagen. Hur arbetar de med ?image-in-use? och ?image heritage? fo?r att sta?rka varuma?rket? Genom studien vill vi o?ka kunskapen om hur fo?retag kommunicerar ut den nya bilden, efter a?ndrade ekonomiska fo?rutsa?ttningar, sa? att den a?r framtra?dande och inte pa?verkas allt fo?r mycket av den traditionella bilden.Metod: Fo?r att genomfo?ra studien har vi samlat information fra?n artiklar och litteratur samt genomfo?rt intervjuer med ansta?llda pa? tre kommunala bostadsbolag och delat ut enka?ter till bolagens hyresga?ster.Slutsats: Fo?retag beho?ver arbeta aktivt med ?image-in-use? som a?r starkt pa?verkad av ?image heritage? fo?r att fo?ra?ndra bilden av sig sja?lva i kundernas medvetande.

Innovativ tjänsteutveckling för fastighetsföretag : Metoder för att skapa nya tjänster som matchar interna och externa krav

Ur ett företagsekonomiskt perspektiv finns det ett stort intresse av att utveckla innovativa tjänster då forskning visar att det skapar hållbara konkurrensfördelar. Fastighetsföretag arbetar med tjänsteutveckling för att fylla sina fastigheter och arbetar tätt ihop med sina kunder där efterfrågan styr utvecklingsprocessen. Föreliggande studie testar Wang & Tsais (2012) tjänsteutvecklingsmodell där metoderna tjänstekartläggning, ?service blueprint? och ?axiomatic design? utgör verktyg för fastighetsföretag. Med dessa metoder ska företaget identifiera kundernas behov och leverera en ny tjänst som uppfyller både interna och externa krav.

Julgransodlingar i Sverige : utbud, efterfrågan och lönsamhet

This thesis is about Christmas tree plantations in Sweden, and if its profitable to produce Christmas trees in Sweden. Sweden has 4,3 million households, 3 million of these households buys Christmas trees. 80 % of these Christmas trees are Norway Spruce (Picea abies), which is the most common Spruce in Sweden. Every year over 170 000 Christmas trees are imported to Sweden. The main import comes from Denmark.

Landsbygd i förändring : en jämförelse mellan bouppteckningar från1840-talet och sekelskiftet 1900 på Gotlands södra landsbygd

During the beginning of the 19th century Sweden is effected by the Napoleonic Wars and in the aftermath of the war Sweden looses Finland to Russia. This loss leads to the dismissal of King Gustav IV Adolf and the introduction of the Bernadotte dynasty on the Swedish throne. Over the century the industrialization plays a big part in the progress of Sweden. The growth of the industries leads to developments in the areas of agriculture. With this essay I would like to examine if the people on the countryside of Gotland keep the same pace as the people on the mainland in their introduction of new things.

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