

126 Uppsatser om RR-interval - Sida 8 av 9

Tungmetaller i lakvatten : avskiljning med mineraliska filtermaterial

Four different kinds of filter-materials with reactive surfaces have been studied concerning their capacity to absorb heavy metals in leachate from a municipal waste deposit. The heavy metals studied were: lead, cadmium, copper, mercury, chromium, nickel and zinc. The leachate contains high levels of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and has a high pH-value along with a high buffer capacity. These characteristics of the leachate make it difficult to remove pollutants and require efficient filters. The filters that were examined in the report are blast-furnace slag with CaO, sand covered with iron oxides, olivine and nepheline.

Det ensamkommande barnet Ansvarstagande, mottagande & skyddsnät : En kvalitativ textanalys med inslag av en förvaltnings/implementeringsmodell

Based on the Migration Board's statistics report, the number of children that has gone missing within a time interval of 4 years (2010-2014) comprises 1331 children in total, of whom 146 are girls and 1185 are boys. A rising interest about what has happened to those children created a fundamental platform for this thesis. By reading Åkerman?s report from 2012, and the book De förlorade barnen: en rapport by Mikkelsen and Wagner (2013) the curiosity grew deeper. The research questions that were established were divided into three parts.

Metadon till hund : klinisk farmakologi

Methadone is frequently used as an analgesic drug for dogs although there are very few studies describing the pharmacokinetics of methadone in this species. In man methadone has a long half-life and there are considerable differences in pharmacokinetics between individuals. The dose interval is lengthened when the drug is used fore longer periods of time due to prolonged half-life. Therefore the drug dose must be adjusted individually. The purpose of this study was to study the fundamental pharmacokinetics of methadone in dogs, and to find an optimal drug dosage.

Evaluation of the animal welfare work performed by the licensing committees and a proposal on how to establish an enhanced animal welfare assurance program for the Swedish Trotting Association

According to the basic values of the Swedish Trotting Association the horse and its welfare should always be held in highest consideration. One part of the animal welfare work in the organization is to ensure good horse management practices by controlling all active trainers through the local licensing committees situated at the Swedish racetracks. The Swedish Board of Agriculture stated that high quality animal welfare assurance programs used by the industry organizations can be used in the risk assessment of the official animal welfare control to make the official control work more effective and the ambition of the Swedish Trotting Association is to establish an animal welfare assurance program which may be approved by the Swedish Board of Agriculture. Racehorses are exposed to welfare hazards both in their management as well as during training and racing and factors like handling, training, feedstuff, stable environment, medication and the possibility to express natural behavior all affect the welfare of the horses. The aim of the project is to investigate and evaluate the animal welfare work performed by the licensing committees and to give advice on how to improve the industry?s animal welfare control.

Hackelselängden beroende av skördemetod :

The conditions for a good silage process start with good wheather and choice of crop, then choice of harvesting machinery. The shorter and more mechanically treated crop, the better quality of the forage. (Pauly 1994). This study has examined the variations in chopping length depending on harvest method. Precision choppers works with a rotating chopping cylinder, where the crop is cut into pieces.

Fullfoder för får :

During recent years the use of TMR (total mixed rations) has increased in Swedish lamb production. For many years TMR has been used for cattle and hence the information and knowledge is vast, while the knowledge concerning sheep and TMR is more limited. The aim of this thesis is to present an overview of the scientific knowledge on the subject, and also to compile practical experience from sheep farmers using TMR. The thesis begins with a literature review where different aspects relevant to the usage of TMR are dealt with. It is concluded that there are differences between sheep and cattle that must be taken into account.

Beskrivning och analys av superovuleringsresultat och andra fertilitetsregistreringar vid Nötcenter Viken :

Recording and analyses of superovulation results and fertility records at the nucleus herd Viken The development of different reproductive technologies aim at increasing the number of progeny per individual parent, and in that improving the possibility of genetic progress. One technique, embryo transfer, have facilitated genetic dissemination and shortened the generation interval also in females. Nötcenter Viken is a company that run embryo collection and embryo transfer in the breeds Swedish Red and Swedish Holstein. It is located outside Falköping. Information is continuously gathered about cows tested at the nucleus herd.

Fordonsbestånd och nyregistreringar - en statistisk analys av regionala skillnader och strukturella faktorer

The official statistics on communication and transports in Sweden is administered by Statens Institut för kommunikationsanalys (SIKA). SIKA?s commission includes production of statistics on the Swedish vehicle fleet. These statistics provide important information tofinancial institutes, ministries, industry and mass media among others. Furthermore, the vehicle statistics include measures of comparison between different counties and municipalities.

Timmersorteringens inverkan på sågverksekonomin :

Modern sawmills are using the raw-material and the production-capacity more efficiently today, due to rising raw-material prices and higher production costs. Log sweepness has a negative effect on the sawn yield, for sawmills with straight-sawing. It is desirable that these logs could be sorted based on more criteria, if it increases value-yield and consequently the utilization of raw-material. Bow-heights over 1 cm have a negative effect on sawn yield, since the surface of the mantle cuts down in the sawn pattern. Some of these small bow-heights reduce the logs yield of value which affects the production planning negatively. Nearly half of all the Swedish logs have a bow-height over 1 cm.

Mätning av partikelmassa i avgaser från en dieselmotor

This master thesis was a continuation of a previous study in the diesel exhaust characterization, which is part of the academical work embedded in the EMIR-1 project. The main objective of this thesis work was to finish the installation and make the proper modifications of the particulate mass measuring system located in one of the engine test cells at KTH, in order to be able to measure the mass of the particles from the exhaust of diesel engines.This experiment requires a diluted flow sample from the exhaust that should be sent to the device that makes possible the measurement of particle mass, called TEOM. In the first stage of this project, the objective was to study and make the proper modifications in the existing KTH diluter because there were several problems to obtain a constant dilution ratio from it during tests.This modifications were made and it resulted in a great improvement in the maximum inlet and outlet flow that this diluter can handle. Therefore another modification is proposed for controlling the inlet exhaust flow so it will be possible to regulate the dilution ratio and make it constant along a wide range of engine loads and speeds.The second and most important stage was to make particulate mass measurements possible by analyzing the frequency signal from the TEOM device. The idea was to obtain the frequency of oscillation from the tapered element in the TEOM, and therefore with the proper correlations, be able to predict the particulate mass concentration in the exhaust flow from the engine.An electrical problem in the TEOM circuit was detected and corrected, so the signal that carries the frequency from the TEOM can be analyzed properly.

Habitat preference and foraging behaviour in adult red-tailed monkeys (Cercopithecus ascanius)

The red-tailed monkey (Cercopithecus ascanius) is a small, alert and active animal inhabiting forests with dense vegetation and as such hard to observe in its natural habitat. The principal aim of this study was to scrutinize whether the methods, previously used in a behavioural study of the blue monkey (Cercopithecus mitis) can be applied in studies of the red-tailed monkey?s behaviour as well. Additionally, habitat preference and foraging behaviour of the red-tailed monkey were examined. The study was carried out between the 16th and the 22nd of March 2009 in the Sabaringo forest, located on the western border of the Masai Mara National Reserve.

Estimation of heterosis and performance of crossbred Swedish dairy cows

The heterosis effect and breed group effect of crossbreds between Swedish Holstein (SH) and Swedish Red (SRB) was estimated in this study. Observations on cows born between 1990 and 2012 were used to estimate the heterosis effect and breed group effect for several traits included in the Nordic breeding goals: production, fertility, udder health, calving performance, survival and other diseases. Breeding within the Holstein dairy breed has earlier been focused on increased milk production and conformation. This, combined with an intensive use of individual animals, has resulted in a radical increase of milk yield in the Holstein dairy cow population all over the world. However, this breeding strategy has resulted in increased inbreeding and several functional traits have impaired.

Management factors influencing sow productivity in successful Swedish and Danish herds

The number of weaned piglets per sow and year is a good measurement of sow productivity since it is affected by the number of piglets born alive, the pre weaning mortality (i.e. mortality of live born piglets between birth and weaning) and the number of litters per sow and year. This measure is also closely connected to the number of piglets produced per year, which partly determines the profitability of the piglet producer. During this study, eleven successful piglet-producing herds were visited. Eight of the producers were Swedish and three of the producers were Danish.

The major food trees of the Angola black-andwhitecolobus (Colobus angolensis palliatus)in Diani Forest, Kenya

The Angola black-and-white colobus (Colobus angolensis palliatus) is a subspecies of Colobus angolensis inhabiting fragmented forests in coastal Kenya and Tanzania. C. angolensis is regarded as Least Concern in the red list of IUCN because its populations are abundant. However, the populations of C. a.

Geografiska informationssystem för studier av polyaromatiska kolväten (PAH) : undersökning av djupvariation i BO01-området, Västra hamnen, Malmö, samt utveckling av en matematisk formel för beräkning av PAH-koncentrationer från ett kontinuerligt utsläpp

At the end of August 1999, the local government council of Malmö city decided thatthe area known as Kvarteret Bilen would be made available for the European HousingExhibition 2001 (Bo01-mässan). Kvarteret Bilen extends over approximately 80hectars and includes the western parts of the Western Harbour area (Västra hamnen)of Malmö.Kvarteret Bilen as a whole, but especially the western sections of this area, the socalledBo01 section, has been the subject of heated discussions. This is mainly due tothe fact that the ground in question has proven to be contaminated to a certain extentby different chemical compounds. Investigations undertaken during 1998 showed sporadically high concentrations forespecially one chemical group: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH).The first part of the paper describes the use of a mathematical equation (Fetter 1994)to calculate the concentration of PAH from a continuous discharge at a given time byemploying Geographical Information System (GIS). Even the constraints of theequation are discussed, as well as the consequences that follow as a result of usingGIS.The second part of the paper focuses on the connections between the content ofcarcinogenic PAH in Kvarteret Bilen and the ground water level and type of fillingmaterial.

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