

126 Uppsatser om RR-interval - Sida 9 av 9

Att återställa en naturlig ordning : skogshistoria och restaureringsbränning i Långsidbergets naturreservat

During the late 1800s fire suppression became increasingly effective in northern Sweden which led to decreased areas of fire-disturbed woodland and successive changes in the structure of forests. In the long run this can pose a serious threat to fire-dependent and fire-favored species. Today some fire-prone forest reserves are burned as a nature conservation act. Often partial cuttings are made before burning, with somewhat different motives. The purpose of the study in Långsidberget nature reserve was to give a general picture of forest history and its affect on today?s forest condition, and to show how partial cuttings affect burning conditions and results. Långsidberget is located close to areas that were colonized during the Middle Ages.

Utveckling av en diameterklassmodell för grandominerade bestånd i Sverige :

Growth models are very useful tools for forestry to predict growth and yield. With growth models and optimising tools you can manage forest stands in a way that maximize benefit and income. There are three major types of growth models. Stand models; stage structured models and single-tree models. The most advanced models give the most accurate forecasts.

Behandlingsresultat av kliniska mastiter : en studie av mastitbehandlingar utförda i mjölkkobesättningen på Jälla naturbruksgymnasium 1997-2008

Mastitis is an important disease in dairy cattle. It is very costly for the farmers and affects a large number of animals. Few studies have been made investigating the outcome of treatment for acute clinical mastitis under Swedish conditions, and it can be problematic to use the results in foreign studies since both the microbial flora as well as treatments may be different from the situation in Sweden. In this project we have investigated data on clinical mastitis and antibiotic treatment in the dairy herd at Jällaskolan, Uppsala based on recordings during the last ten years. The material includes both Swedish Red (SRB) and Swedish Holstein (SLB) breeds, which have been kept at the farm under similar conditions.

Vad är verklig kostnad per koplats? :

Purpose There are almost infinite numbers of ways to build dairy farms in Sweden. When building a new free stall barn you have the possibility to affect both working environment and animal welfare for many years to come. The construction costs are influenced by which type of barn that is built and what functions it contains, for example one can predict that automatic milking systems are more expensive to integrate than milking parlours. But what is the real cost of today for the construction of free stall barns with milking centres and how is it affected by construction methods and functions? Is the labour time influenced by the building costs? These are some of the questions this report will try to answer.

Ligghallsareans inverkan på beteenden hos högdräktiga ston i lösdrift :

SUMMARY This pilot study tried to answer the question however the present animal welfare regulations for horses regarding lying hall area requirements are adequate for horses older than 24 months. The study was carried out at one of the largest stud farms for standard bred horses in Sweden. Mares in late pregnancy with an initial mean age of 10 years was used in a behaviour study. The influence of varying space per animal in a loose-housing system on behaviours like the horses' lying hall use, standing, resting, moving behaviour and threats was studied. The behaviour at three different horse densities ? 18 mares, 13 mares and 8 mares (7.4 m2, 10.3 m2 and 16.7 m2 per mare, respectively) ? was recorded by use of video.

Älgbete och skogsskador på beståndsnivå :

The modern silvicultural practices of today, with cutting by compartments, have led to a large benefit for the moose population through the cleared areas which produces large amount of fodder. This new landscape can produce and feed a large moose population. But it will cause a conflict effect towards the landowners; the conflict consists of browsing mainly in the young pine forest. The result from browsing and damage will be sparse stands with reduced growth and technical damage like leader shoot browsing, stem breaking and damage of the bark. Technical damage can kill the tree or damage it so hard that it would not work as future saw timber.

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