

767 Uppsatser om Quick response - Sida 38 av 52

Kvinnor, kriminalitet och könsmaktsordning : En kvalitativ studie om återanpassningsarbete på Färingsöanstalten ur ett genusperspektiv

This thesis explore women?s needs when reentering society after having served a sentence at the female prison Färingsö, outside Stockholm and whether those needs are being met in the reentry strategies that are being provided. Parallel to this the thesis also examines if there, based on nonconformity and gender theories, is a socially constructed representation of women maintained in the rehabilitation work.The method of this thesis applied semi-structured interviews and used snowball sampling to expand the network of informants to obtain the data necessary. Totally five interviews were carried out. Previous research has shown that women in prison have much more complex problems than men and that there is a need for reentry strategies that take gender in account.The results showed that in terms of being able to reenter back in society, women needed help to structure a previously chaotic life.

Miljö- och Handelsgåtan : Intellektuella egendomsrätter och dess implikationer i en globaliserad verklighet

This paper seeks to discern the political factors that determine the results of negotiations in international cooperation. On the one hand, it makes a contribution to the broader theoretical debate on international regimes by combining regime theory and theories on globalisation into an integrated framework for the analysis of international policy results, or in this case treaties (theoretical objective). More generally, globalisation theory will help us understand why it has become important to initiate international cooperation, and regime theory to elucidate how these international cooperations emerge. To many observers, it is the large transnational corporations of the rich North, which have done best out of free trade. Through the huge influence they wield over governments at the WTO (World Trade Organisation), these corporations have won the freedom to move around the globe without restriction, making use of cheap labour, and locating wherever they can best tap into the largest and most lucrative markets.

"Vill du ha mitt utförsäkrade liv?" : en studie om människors upplevelser efter att de utförsäkrats

The purpose of this thesis is to find out the reasons and perhaps some answers to the problem as we see it, the sickness benefit expiration of those who experience this. By this said we have also taken into account the different laws and adjustments in the long-term sickness benefit, but also major reformation of the security net in the Swedish society. The efficiency of the law on passive long-term sickness absence was added in July 2008, but was later in January 2010 supplemented. The purpose of this law wasn?t only to reduce the long-term sickness absence but also to reduce exclusion.

Välkommen till familjen! : En studie om effekten av en stark företagskulturs påverkan på medarbetarnas identitet

The purpose of this study is to examine in what way a strong corporate culture can have an effect on the ways that individuals perceive their own identity based on different social aspects, thereby meaning the influence of personalities in relation to the environment. In this essay I have used the theory of employer branding in an analysis of the corporate culture at Ikea Barkarby, with the purpose to answer the following questions: How does the relation between the employee and the corporate culture appear from an identity perspective, i.e can an individual?s identity be affected by the influence of a strong corporate culture? If the corporate culture has an influence on the individual?s identity, what rhetorical tools are part of this? How can the surrounding corporate cultures possibly influence the employee?s process of becoming a part of the corporate culture? The method of research that was used in this study is a framing analysis and a semistructured interview method. In the discussion of the influence of social environment on identity I have used the rhetorical term doxa. The material that was examined was an advertisement for employment from the Ikea Barkarby website as well as the response from my interviews of some of the employees.The result of the analysis shows that it is possible for an individual to negotiate with himself about his identity in relation to the actual situation and environment, meaning a possible transformation of the individual?s behavior in different social contexts, in this example the corporate culture at work.

Pig behaviour during crowding : a study in organic and conventional herds

Rearing in organic pig production differs from conventional rearing; pigs have outdoor access and larger space allowances. Regardless of production system all pigs are transported before slaughter and during transport pigs are crowded together in a new environment and in a space smaller than they are used to. As pigs in organic herds are reared at even larger space allowances than conventional pigs, such crowding could possibly have a stronger impact on pig behaviour and well-being. Six pig producing herds, three conventional and three organic, were visited and pigs from each herd were enclosed during 12 minutes in a test area corresponding to the crowding on a transport vehicle. During the crowding, pigs? behaviour was observed, before and after enclosure in the test area skin lesion scores were recorded, and also measures of heart girth (for weight estimation) was done.

Gilla, dela och kommentera - användarnas inställning till tävlingar på Facebook

This essay is how companies are using Facebook to appear. The two companies in this study, Fritz Olsson AB Kalix and Promentum AB shows how Like, share and comment-contest communicates via Facebook. The purpose of this essay is to examine how Facebook users attitude and perception is to Like, share and comment- contest.The thesis was conducted in two parts, first a qualitative interview with the two companies that stand as examples in the paper and a quantitative online survey. The online survey was sent out to the 256 Media and Communication students at Umea? University, who read or has read the program from 2010 to 2016, via Facebook.

Price transmission dynamics of Chinese ADRs listed on the NYSE

Purpose: This study aims to examine the price transmission among ADRs (American Depositary Receipts) and their underlying shares, US market index and Hong Kong market index. We will attempt to capture how a shock in the home market is transmitted to the foreign (and vice versa). In addition we will attempt to assess the relative weight of each variable in the system generating unexpected variations of its own and other variables and at what speed the shocks are absorbed.Methodology: ADF unit root test, Johansen?s co-integration test, Granger causality test, VECM, impulse response, variance decomposition Empirical foundation: Five Chinese ADRs listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Each ADR represents a specific industry.

Digitala och sociala medier i undervisningen för elevers ökade motivation, delaktighet och måluppfyllelse.

The aim of the study was to examine both 1) how aware teachers in a specific area are about ICT tools in teaching ; and 2) how likely teachers are to use ICT tools to reverse the trend of unmotivated students and low achievement scores . I will look for answers through the following questions:How extensive is the knowledge of the teachers on digital and social media in education? How have teachers in the past year used various social media in their teaching? In what grade does ICT-supported teaching lead to higher motivation, participation and achievement? Is there a difference between the sexes, different stages (1-3, 4-6, 7-9) and number of years in the profession in knowledge of and openness to the use of ICT in education?The method used is a questionnaire in which a number of respondents have answered a number of questions about ICT tools in teaching. Validity of the study can be said to be high when the survey has measured what it intended to measure, however, I need to be careful in draw full account of the result as the response rate is low with only 39%. In summary, the results show that there is low awareness among respondents about the methods and the digital and social tools I lift in the survey.Mainly the respondents use some of the methods and the digital and social tools in preparation for the lesson.

Från "Zigenarfrågan" 1956 till "Romers rätt" 2010 : En studie om den strukturella diskrimineringen av romer i två statliga utredningar

This thesis will deal with the development of the situation of the Roma minority in the Swedish school system in the period between 1954 to 2010, based on two Swedish Government Official Reports of the group's situation in the Swedish schools. The study is done by the report Zigenarfrågan (SOU 1956:43) and with the report Romers rätt (SOU 2010:55). The report Romers rätt was written by the Delegation for Roma issues and gives an updated picture of the situation of Roma in the Swedish school system. The state investigation Zigenarfrågan, is also important as the latter resulted in the Roma children enrolled in Swedish schools. This work will look at the various governmental investigations by the theory used for analysis called ?structural discrimination theory?.

Elevers uppfattningar av vad man bör uppnå efter avslutad kurs i Idrott och Hälsa A : En studie av två gymnasieskolor i årskurs 2 ? ett elevperspektiv

The purpose of this work is to see if the students, on two separate high schools, understand what skills you should achieve after completing the course in physical education and health A 100 points. The entire study is based on a student perspective. In order to best answer the purpose, the questionnaire used in the "available groups" in schools. The questions for the work are: To what extent and how students perceive what they should achieve after completing the course in Sport and Health A?, Which is the goal, based on the curriculum in Physical Education, that students feel are important to achieve? and how do a comparison like between these two schools on the basis of what students perceive that they must achieve in Sport and Health A?The result shows that the main goal that finds support in the course objectives is an assertion; Has knowledge of what to eat to maintain or improve health, which over 90% of students had checked in.

?Jag tycker att det är en bra bok samtidigt som den inte tilltalar mig alls? : Diskursen i litteraturbloggars kommentarsfält

Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka kommentarsfälten på svenska litteraturbloggar, och diskursanalys används för att avgöra hur diskursen ser ut. Diskussionen i kommentarsfälten ställs i relation till forskning om traditionella läsgrupper, för att se om och hur fenomenen kompletterar varandra. Uppsatsens frågeställning är ?Hur diskuteras och tolkas litteratur i bloggkommentarer??.Uppsatsens resultat visar att en tiondel av de 165 kommentarer som studerats innehåller tolkning. Detta innebär att de läsare som söker sig till de studerade litteraturbloggarnas kommentarsfält inte huvudsakligen gör det för att tolka litteratur.

Konflikter på jobbet : En kvalitativ studie om enhetschefens dialog med medarbetarna i konfliktsituationer

The aim of this study was to get knowledge of the communicationprocess between the branch head and the co-worker in communal geriatric care. To narrow it down we focused on how the branch head experience the communicationprocess in conflictsituations between co-workers and what she or he usually do to resolve the conflict. We made qualitative interviews with ten of the branch heads in communal geriatric care, in four communes. The questions we had in mind throughout the study was based on four keywords (communication, leadership, conflict and conflict management) of which we created a narrative story from every interviewing person to get hold of the experience and knowledge behind their interviews. In our analysis as theoretical perspectives we used system theory, communication theory, attribution theory and the philosophy of Dialogue by Martin Buber.

Hotellverksamheter på Makarska rivieran : en undersökning av dess kvalitet, servicenivå och tillgänglighet

Background and problem: In Croatia, the hotel industry has undergone difficult and unstable conditions since the 90s. Since 2001, however the results in the sector has improved due to increased investment in the renovation of facilities and construction of new hotels.Purpose: The study aims to examine hotel operations on the Makarska Riviera on the basis of tourist business perspective, and examine its quality, service and accessibility.Method: In this study we used a qualitative approach. The survey was conducted through structured interviews and a non-participant observation.Result and conclusions: Satisfied and fulfilled employees, in turn that the hotels will have satisfied customers and may have profitable operations. Many hotels aim at constantly working to improve profitability and customer satisfaction. When measuring customer satisfaction, many hotel owners felt that the service is good and that they have received a good response from their guests.

Upprepade ljusstimuli orsakar interferens i mörkeradapterade elektroretinogram hos hund : en utvärdering av några av European College of Veterinary Ophthalmology´s rekommendationer för elektroretinografi på hund

Electroretinography is an examination method where the function of the retina is objectively assessed. In 2002 the European College of Veterinary Ophthalmology (ECVO) published a proposition to a standard on how to perform ERG examinations, to facilitate comparison of results and to make it possible to repeat examinations. The purpose of this study was to validate parts of the canine ERG protocol suggested by the ECVO. Our principal aim was to study if there is any interference at the recommended stimulus intervals for dark-adapted rod- and combined rod-/cone responses. The results show that there is an effect on the a- and b-wave amplitudes when different stimulus intervals are employed. When all examined intervals are pooled, there is an increase in the median b-wave to each consecutive dim, white (rod) stimulus in a series of four.

Hur påverkar hörselskadan det dagliga livet? En jämförande studie mellan barndomsdöva och vuxendöva.

The study emanates from the national quality registry for persons with severe and profound hearing impairment. The aim was to examine possible differences between signing deaf and adults with acquired severe hearing loss, with reference to self-assessed problems, how the hearing loss influences daily life.In total 234 adults aged 30-90 years were included (128 women, 106 men). In the registry, there are background variables and questions that the patients have answered. The results, indicated on a visual analogue scale (VAS) from 0-100, from a question ?To which extent does your hearing loss at present influence your life?? were analysed.The study was performed by pooling the results of VAS and dividing the patients into signing deaf and those with acquired severe hearing loss, and in age groups 30-60 and 61-90 years.

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