

767 Uppsatser om Quick response - Sida 37 av 52

Ungdomars musikvanor : En studie i hur och var svenska ungdomar upptäcker och konsumerar musik ur ett mottagarperspektiv.

This essay is a study of the various attitudes and behavioral habits for music consumption and discovery of new music amongst young people in Sweden from a receivers perspective. The aim of the study is to review and map out the current trends, habits and cultural views on music consumption. An online survey was posted and spread on Facebook with 195 respondents as a result. The analyzed result and conclusions of the survey was then to be of use for understanding how to market and spread new music more efficiently. The study showed that there are three dominating sources of music for youth in Sweden.

Relationship between moose (Alces alces) home range size and crossing wildlife fences

Wildlife fences are today commonly used along highways to reduce the risk of vehicle collisions with wildlife. Since traffic and roads have expanded over the years, wildlife behaviour has become more interesting not only for the prevention of vehicle collisions but also to understand how human activities impact their natural habitats. Moose is one of those animals that have increased in interest in such studies. In this study, I tested if the probability to cross wildlife fences of moose would increase with increasing home range sizes, and also at what time of the year they cross. The study area is situated in Nordmaling municipality, located in Northern Sweden in the County of Västerbotten.

Pojkars och flickors värderande uttryck i narrativa texter. : En studie av elevtexter i årskurs nio.

This study is based on my work as a teacher of Swedish language and literature to upper secondary school students, and my interest in developing the teaching of literature by using both new criticism theories and theories of literary perception focusing on reader response. The purpose of the study is to examine the learning process in trying to develop literary competence and to find out how to describe the competence shown by the students. My starting-point is a discussion about literary competence and the theory and model of literary competence by Örjan Torell. In examining literary competence, by how students use their constitutional competence as well as performance and literary transfer competences, Torell´s model shows the possibility and the need for both knowledge of literature and personal reception by focusing on the dialogue between author and reader.The method is qualitative and the empirics are material collected in one senior high school class in the Social Science programme during their second and third year. The material contains written reading logs, written answers to tasks and transcribed recordings of discussions of literature.The analysis shows a variety among the literary competence shown and developed by the students and points to the complexity of understanding the concept of literary competence.

Vilka faktorer avgör då skogsägaren söker samarbetspartner för planering och genomförande av skogsvård?

Silviculture in young stands in Sweden is below the mark concerning what has to be done in the forest, and it is time to solve the problem. The problem will not be solved only by the private forest owners, professional help is needed. Skogsägarna Mellanskog is one of four forest unions in Sweden who wants to play a role and take responsibility for forestry in the middle of Sweden. This academic essay is based on a market survey sent to 350 forest owners in the Örebro district. 186 of them answered the questions, giving a response frequence of 53 percentage. The purpose of the essay is to find the determining factors which will make a forest owner to find a collaborator when planning and carrying out the silviculture measures in young stands. The result of the survey shows that the forest owners are anxious about the price and the costs. The costs have a severe effect if the silviculture measures in young stands will be carried out or not.

Egen dator i skolan : Den bärbara datorns påverkan på interaktionen mellan elever på raster

I min undersökning studerar jag elevernas interaktion face-to-face på raster där den bärbara datorn finns med. Syftet är att undersöka hur den bärbara datorn påverkar interaktionen mellan eleverna på raster. Mina frågeställningar är hur och när elever är socialt responsiva respektive asocialt responslösa på raster samt hur elevernas interaktionsritualer ser ut? Jag har använt en kvalitativ metod för att kunna besvara mitt syfte och mina frågeställningar. Jag intervjuade fem elever i årskurs ett på en gymnasieskola i Karlstad och genomförde tre observationstillfällen. Studien visar att den egna datorn både kan ses som en tillgång och hinder på raster för elever på gymnasiet vid interaktion.

Att läsa skönlitteratur : Gymnasieelevers arbete med att utveckla litterär kompetens

This study is based on my work as a teacher of Swedish language and literature to upper secondary school students, and my interest in developing the teaching of literature by using both new criticism theories and theories of literary perception focusing on reader response. The purpose of the study is to examine the learning process in trying to develop literary competence and to find out how to describe the competence shown by the students. My starting-point is a discussion about literary competence and the theory and model of literary competence by Örjan Torell. In examining literary competence, by how students use their constitutional competence as well as performance and literary transfer competences, Torell´s model shows the possibility and the need for both knowledge of literature and personal reception by focusing on the dialogue between author and reader.The method is qualitative and the empirics are material collected in one senior high school class in the Social Science programme during their second and third year. The material contains written reading logs, written answers to tasks and transcribed recordings of discussions of literature.The analysis shows a variety among the literary competence shown and developed by the students and points to the complexity of understanding the concept of literary competence.

Miljöfarliga transporter till sjöss : Kartläggning och riskanalys

An increasing number of chemicals are being transported by ships along the Swedish coastline. Many of these chemicals may pose a threat to the environment. Accidents and spills are luckily rare, but nonetheless it is important to be prepared for a possible chemical spill. The Swedish Coast Guard is responsible for responding to chemical spills at sea, and has both equipment and trained personnel for the purpose. In order to prepare for a possible accident one also needs to know what is currently being transported at sea.

Enkätundersökning hos skogsägare inom SCA Skog Norrbottens Förvaltningsområde

This report has been done in collaboration with SCA Skog, Norrbottens Forest Management Area. The purpose of the survey is to try to find out what the forest owners who either live in Norrbottens Forest Management area or outside but has their forest holdings in the administrative area has the vision of SCA Forest and their forest services offered by the administration. But also to find out the presences of other timber buying players who procures timber in the administrative area. This study seeks to determine if there are deficiencies that may need changes or improvements to the prevailing conditions in Norrbottens management area. The literature study is about how to design a questionnaire based on what you want to know and what to consider in order to eliminate the problem of constructing a questionnaire. A questionnaire was sent to 400 randomly selected forest owners who have their forest holdings within SCA Forest Norrbotten Management Area. And of the 400, it was 181 respondents with 39 women and 138 men.

Pedagogers bemötande av barn i behov av särskilt stöd i förskolan

Nilsson Ulrika & Svensson Therese (2010) Pedagogers bemötande av barn i behov av särskilt stöd i förskolan. Pedagogues response to children with special needs in pre-school. Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka hur några pedagoger bemöter barn i behov av särskilt stöd. Diskussion med pedagogerna angående vilka barn de anser är barn i behov av särskilt stöd är ytterligare något som kommer tas upp. Undersökningen kommer vidare att belysa vilket stöd och handledning pedagogerna har tillgång till för att möta och hjälpa dessa barn att utvecklas efter egna förutsättningar. De frågeställningar som undersökningen utgår ifrån är följande: ? Vilka barn anser pedagogerna är i behov av särskilt stöd? ? Hur bemöter pedagogerna barn i behov av särskilt stöd? ? Vilken handledning och vilket stöd behöver och får pedagogerna för att kunna möta och hjälpa ett barn i behov av särskilt stöd att utvecklas efter sina egna förutsättningar? Undersökningen har ägt rum på två olika förskolor och fyra pedagoger, två rektorer och två specialpedagoger har blivit intervjuade.

Diabetes hos hund : en uppföljning av behandlade hundar ur ett djurägarperspektiv

Diabetes Mellitus is one of the most common endocrinologic disorders among dogs. The disorder has a complex background, and successful treatment requires a well-functioning co-operation between pet owners and the veterinarian. The purpose of this study is to investigate the owners? perspective of diabetic treatments offered, and to estimate expected length of survival post-insulin therapy. The research findings are based on a survey mailed to 77 pet owners, whose dogs were diagnosed with diabetes between 1999 and 2003 at the small animal clinic of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. The median survival for the dogs that underwent insulin treatment was 31 months, i.e.

"Kolla vad jag hittade!" Förskolebarns bilderbokssökning med samspel i fokus

The purpose of this study is to investigate how children search for and choose picture books while visiting the library together in a preschool group. How do children interact with each other and their teacher while searching for picture books? Which aspects of children's everyday lives are apparent in their choice of picture books? The theoretical frame of reference consists of Brenda Dervin's sense-making approach to information seeking and William Corsaro's sociological approach to studying children's routine activities within a peer culture. To capture children's interaction, we have observed a preschool group consisting of six 3- to 5-year olds and their teacher in a library setting during three visits. Our study shows that children's search for picture books is a social activity that involves various verbal and nonverbal strategies in order to include and exclude each other when they find a picture book that interests them.

RAMVERK FÖR EFFEKTIV KUNDSUPPORT : Utifrån ITIL, CRM och supporthantering på mjukvaruföretaget Medius AB

The goal of customer support is to help clients achieve maximum value in their services and products. Customer support is the public face of a company, which means that it is important to give the customer a positive experience and live up to customer expectations. Efficient customer support has become more important and studies show that customers who leave a company do so because of poor service. Customers' growing demands for higher quality and easier access to services means that companies must recognize the need to satisfy each customer. It is important that each customer receives the attention required and that customer needs are met quickly and flawlessly.

Skönlitteraturens kvalitativa värde : sju levnadsberättelser om skönlitteraturens betydelse för äldre ? en life history-studie

The purpose of this thesis is to form an idea about the qualitative value and meaning of reading fiction in a psychological perspective and over a lifetime. Seven women, 68-79 years old, were interviewed about their reading habits of fiction in their lifetime. The material is presented as life stories. I use an inter-nordic research project called the SKRIN project which looks upon reading habits from an individualistic and psychological perspective. I also refer to an American study which focus on reading development with roles readers take in different ages of life written by J A Appleyard.

Vårt älskade Alnarp : en inventering av SLU Alnarps identitet, positionering och image

By surveying conceptions of SLU Alnarp?s resources and competence among its students and personnel, this thesis has the purpose of inventing identity, positioning and image of SLU Alnarp. The underlying idea is that the analysis of the opinions of the students and the personnel will provide the SLU management with new ideas and general advice for an innovative strategy for success. Four quantitative interviews with selected representatives from different staff groups were performed. In order to obtain a differentiated view of the employee thoughts and opinions on the university, five persons were selected to be interviewed ? all with different types of responsibilities.

Vem håller i taktpinnen i krisberedskapsarbetet? - En studie av risk- och sårbarhetsanalyserna i länsstyrelserna

Crisis management planning is a relatively new policy area in the European countries. It has materialized since the fall of the iron curtain and because of the increased interest to prevent wide-ranging national emergencies. In Sweden, the county administrative board has a key obligation to perform risk analysis guidelines. This assessment involves identifying crisis, planning response to the crisis and, if necessary, confronting and resolving the crisis in the geographic area of the region. The purpose of my thesis is to examine if there are any differences in crisis management planning between the county administrative boards? risk analysis guidelines.

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