

767 Uppsatser om Quick response - Sida 20 av 52

Tillfällen då hemodialyspatienter anser det vara svårast att undvika vätskeintag : En empirisk studie

The aim of this study was to investigate which situations haemodialysis patients consider as the hardest for avoiding fluid intake. The data collection was performed with a questionnaire which was distributed to haemodialysis patients who fulfilled the inclusioncriteria. Of 158 haemodialysis patients 103 haemodialysis patients chose to participate in the study. The participants were chosen from different dialysis centres (n=12) in north and south of sweden, excluding the middle of Sweden. The questionnaire that was given out consisted of 32 situations, the response format included nine alternatives, that included different kind of difficultes.

Gustav Vasa-monumentet i Gävle : en historiebruksanalys

On the 12:th of April 2011, the Swedish tabloid magazine Expressen publishes a story, claiming that Ola Lindholm, presenter of critically acclaimed TV-show ?Wild Kids? has been suspected and apprehended on cocaine allegations. The serious allegation called for Ola Lindholm to defend himself against the allegations. His only public response was a blog-post where he claimed his innocence, albeit with some reservations.  The purpose of this paper is to analyze Lindholm?s rhetorical defense.

En kulturskola för några?

Is culture accessible to all in Sweden or do challenges in accessibility begin in childhood? During the academic year of 2010/2011 the Schools for Music and Arts in Göteborg participated in a project entitled En kulturskola för alla (A School for Music and Arts for All). This thesis' objective is to describe the project as well as examine the method the Schools of Music and Arts use to include children with disabilities and what suggestions can be made to further develop the project. Through En kulturskolla för alla, approximately 200 children with disabilities now haave better teachers. The project included 18 music and arts teachers from eight schools.

Bulleremissioner från vertikalaxlade vindkraftverk

Wind power in Sweden is expanding in response to the government's decision that 49% of Sweden's power should originate from renewable energy sources by the year 2020. Problems with noise and sound emissions related to wind turbines are a constant argument against the wind power expansion and this paper means to examine if vertical axis wind turbines might be a viable alternative to the conventional horizontal design for noise sensitive areas. In order to determine factors like difference in frequency, noise propagation and noise emission level, measurements of both horizontal and vertical axis wind turbines have been completed and the data analyzed with MATLAB. It is shown that there is a difference in how the noise from the two types of turbines propagates due to avariation in the frequency spectra of the emitted sound. It is also shown that vertical axis wind turbines generate a lower sound emission with less intensity inthe lower frequencies..

Restaurerade ängs- och betesmarker : restaureringseffekten på växter och insekter

Semi-natural grasslands have a high biodiversity and host ecologically and economically valuable ecosystems and species. Restoration on these types of land is often done by removing trees and scrubs, mowing, grazing, changing the soil by removing nutrition or changing the structure of the ground. Another way of restoration is planting seeds of common grassland plants. By comparing 18 scientific publications I investigated if the restoration was affecting the plants in a positive way and if the effect was similar for insects. By comparing the publications, time seemed to have an important effect on insects. They needed time to recolonize restored areas.

Rätten att välja fel - Självbestämmande för personer med intellektuella funktionsnedsättningar

The purpose of this paper was to look at the perception of self-determination for adults with intellectual disabilities from their perspective. We wanted to examine the experience of the space available for self-determination in some key areas of life, and how their own thoughts and ideas have been addressed by others. Through interviews with six people with intellectual disabilities, we have found that a single definition of self-determination is elusive. The key seems to be that you get the opportunity to do what you want, to have your voice heard and to receive and take responsibility. The space for self-determination is perceived by respondents as both large and small.

Pulsed inhaled Nitric Oxide - a possible way to treat hypoxemia in colic horses during abdominal surgery

The aim of the present study was to evaluate if pulsed inhaled nitric oxide (PiNO) could be used as a treatment for hypoxemia during general anaesthesia in colic horses. Previous studies have shown a positive response in horses receiving PiNO in comparison to controls, but these studies have only included healthy individuals. A total of 30 horses were included in this present study, they all underwent abdominal surgery because of acute colic that could not be medically treated. Fifteen of the horses received PiNO and 15 horses served as a control group. Arterial oxygenation was improved in all horses receiving PiNO.

Ålandsfrågan : En studie ur ett medieperspektiv

AbstractThe purpose of this essay is to study in what way teachers in preschool work with pupils enabling them to gain influence and involvement in their learning.Influence means being able to make your voice heard which is an important component of a democratic society. Involvement is about being part of a community in which everyone is welcomed regardless of beliefs and opinions. Several of today's researchers believe that learning occurs in interaction between people. Teachers providing meaningful assignments to pupils, they become more motivated to learn.The study is based on observations of how teachers work with influence and involvement in controlled sessions, and interpretations of them. My results show that children become involved in their learning when they are confronted with a variety of pedagogical approaches to learning.

Bemötande av självskadebeteende ur omvårdnadspersonalens perspektiv : En litteraturstudie.

Background: Patients with self-harm seek hospital care when something traumatic occurred. Self-harm was a way to cure pain and was expressed overdose, cutting, or by swallowing objects. They described that the staff were derisive, didn?t show empathy and engagement. Aim: The aim was to describe factors that effects staffs answer to self-harm behaviour through their perspective.

Motåtgärder vid IT-forensisk liveanalys

Liveanalys är ett begrepp som i detta arbete innebär att man undersöker ett datorsystem under tiden det är igång. Detta kan göras av flera skäl, t.ex. när det är risk för att kryptering finns på systemet vilket kan aktiveras när det stängs ner. Annars är det vanligt om man vill undersöka nätverkskopplingar, aktiva processer eller andra företeelser som kan vara volatila, dvs. försvinner när systemet stängs ner.

När man inte vet - Patienters upplevelser av att vårdas för ospecifik buksmärta på kirurgiska akutvårdsavdelningar

Introduction: To become acute ill and to be forced to seek treatment involves a difficult but also a vulnerable time for the individual. This acquires a good relationship between the nurse and the patient. At a surgical emergency ward patients with different diagnoses and trauma are treated. What distinguishes this specific type of ward is that care often occurs in a rapid rate and as a patient the environment may be experienced as stressed. The relationship with the nurse at the ward establishes a foundation for how the patient experiences the health care.

Dimensionering av industrilager för biobränsle :

The aim of this study was to develop a simple model for calculating stock costs for bio fuel at Billerud Karlsborg and subsequently recommending a suitable stock level of bio fuel. The stock components considered in the model are GROT (branches and tops), bark, dry wood chips, raw wood chips from barking and sawdust. The calculations are based on a probability distribution of historical deviations between ordered and delivered volumes. The model presents two different ways to manage the supply in case of irregular deliveries. The first way is to stock enough volume to cover the deviations and the second way is to compensate with a quick purchase from the spot market (at extra high purchase prices).

Temperatursprickor i ung betong : Utvärdering av projektering och utförande av åtgärder, samt utveckling av dimensioneringsmetod för kylsystem

The report contains three parts. The first part is a summary and overall presentation of thermalcracks and preventing measures against such cracks. This is a theoretical part where theinterested designer can get acquainted with various alternatives, be guided to more detailedliterature, and receive some practical information regarding the design of the respectivemeasures.The second part deals with calculation of the risk for thermal cracks and design of water coolingas a limiting measure. Two complementary methods are reviewed for efficient calculation:?the handbook method CraX1(by Lulea University of Technology) is used for quickverification?finite differential analysis in the calculationtool ConTeSt Pro for more precise projectingHere is also presented a development of existing standards through design of the cooling systemby means of the Bernoulli equation.

Nya regler i sjukförsäkringen - fler personer i utanförskap?

The purpose of this paper is to study the rules of the bill 2007/08: 136 "Areformed sick-leave process of increased return to work" as related to therehabilitation chain. In the interpretation of the material I have used the ?practicallegal method? and a minor empirical study has been conducted to find out howRegion Skåne and UMAS adjust their activities to the new regulations.The government aims to reduce sick leave and on March 19, 2008,the above mentioned bill was presented to the Riksdag. The bill is a part of thegovernment's package of measures and contains proposals for a revised sick-leaveprocess. The rehabilitation chain is a part of the package and includes actions witha tighter schedule.The employer is still after the new rules playing a central role in thesick-leave process and must through early and continuous contact with theworkers start the rehabilitation process.

Bildregistrering i teorin och praktiken: Mid-Manhattan Picture Collection och Kungliga biblioteket.

This thesis presents a comparative study of image registration at two picture collection libraries. The two registration systems are analyzed as to the theoretical principles behind them and their practical application, and related to theoretical tools for subject analysis and bibliographic standards. While a growing number of picture collections now digitize their material, generally accepted standards and methods for the registration of digital images are still lacking. Many different systems coexist, often developed in-house in response to ad hoc needs and based on traditional registration tools created for textual documents, resulting in internationally incompatible mixed-format systems. The two picture collections examined here, however, have opted for similar, standardized tools for registration and subject analysis, and while there are differences in their application and focus, they have both considered issues of cross-system compatibility.

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