

767 Uppsatser om Quick response - Sida 19 av 52

Epoxidised linseed oil as hydrophobic substance for wood protection : technology of treatment and properties of modified wood

Public concern about the release of toxic compounds from wood-based products drives legislation towards enforcing industries to find and use more sustainable solutions for wood treatment. Plant oils are good alternatives to treat wood, minimizing or even neutralizing the impact on the environment. Wood modification with epoxidised linseed oil (ELO) and acetic acid as catalyst has proven a suitable method to impregnate and protect wood. However, the mixture presents a serious inconvenience because of the quick polymerization of the ingredients that limits its practical application. Therefore, this study was designed to evaluate an alternative method using a two-step process which bypassed the problem above.

Måltiden som symboliskt kapital - en etnologisk studie av mat, medelklass & identitetsskapande

This paper aims to investigate how human beings uses food to found an identity, with regards to how social class affects their choice of food and if trends play a part when it comes to cooking and purchasing food. The paper applies theorist Pierre Bourdieu's concepts such as habitus, capital and field.The main part of the material is composed of four interviews with seven informants; all of which is middle class. The paper also looks at how lifestyle, taste and attitudes to consumption are used when the informants build identity. The empirical part is split into three main subjects, where I first seek to find each informants food habits. What do they eat, and what do they not eat?It showed that a large part was due to their varied lifestyles, however generally speaking the day to day meals should be quick while meals during the weekends could take longer and also cost more.

Implementation of a Data Handling System for a Scientific  Magnetometer on a CubeSat

Since their invention in 1999, CubeSats have become a widespread standard for small picosatellite missions. CubeSats allow for quick development of satellite payloads and launch in space without the high costs of a normal satellite. Emphasis during the CubeSat design process is placed on use of commercialoff- the-shelf (COTS) components and reuse of previously-designed units.This report describes the interfacing of a scientific magnetometer, the Small Magnetometer in Low-Mass Experiment (SMILE) to such a CubeSat mission, the Space Weather using Ion spectrometers and Magnetometers (SWIM). Design of a complete platform for use in multiple such missions is presented here.Modularity is one of the key aspects followed in the course of the work. A new board containing the analog pick-up and compensation circuitry for SMILE has been designed to fit inside a CubeSat frame.

Validering som kommunikationsfärdighet till par där kvinnan har vaginism

Vaginism är ett sexuellt problem som förekommer hos kvinnor och som i tidigare utvärderade behandlingar betraktats som kvinnans problem. Forskning inom området vaginism är begränsad och kunskap om parrelationens roll för vidmakthållandet av problematiken och upplevd relationstillfredsställelse saknas. Studiens syfte var att utforma en parbehandling där kommunikationsinterventionen validering lärs ut som färdighet, utforska om det fanns ett intresse för deltagande, samt utvärdera om behandlingen kan påverka relationskvalitet och individuellt välbefinnande. Studien använde en single subject design där ett par fullföljde behandlingen. Resultatet visar ett begränsat intresse för deltagande och ingen större effekt av interventionen.

Leva med Lean : Hur involveras och motiveras medarbetare till att ständigt arbeta med förbättringar?

The European Union is struggling to maintain democracy and tries to increase the participation among the citizens in Europe. The European Citizens? Initiative, ECI, is a platform established by the European Commission to allow citizens to propose new legislation. ?Water and sanitation are a human right! Water is a public good, not a commodity!? is the first ECI that has met the requirements.

Inflytande i teori och praktik : En kvalitativ maktanalys över arbetet med individuella planer enligt LSS

People with certain types of disabilities have the legal right to ask for an individual plan. The idea is that the plan should be a tool for the disabled to get more power and influence over the planned actions that involves their lives. The aim of this thesis was to study the individual circumstances of interpersonal power and influence in the work of individual plans. The study was done with a qualitative approach, where three executing officers and three individuals were interviewed. The results show that the conditions for the individual?s influence are far more complicated than at first glance.

Ljudisolering - Teknisk felsökning och kvalitetssäkring av lätta bygg-system

By using industrialized building, pre-installed modules can be delivered to the construction site where they are easily mounted. This method has many advantages compared to on-site manufacturing, for example, the precision during the production process should be much higher than building each wall and floor on site. Furthermore, the quick erection procedure when using prefabricated elements and the possibility to use weather protection has the advantage of not being dependent on weather conditions, and many other factors.Masonite Beams AB is a Swedish company (a member of the Norwegian company, Byggma ASA) with a relatively new technology using light weight beams as bearing elements in the walls and a certain stiff board lamella slap which is mounted on the top of the floor structure creating an integrated stiff beam / board floor structure. The elements are flat which make it much easier to transport the elements from the factory to the building site where the building parts are easily mounted with special mounting stud.One of the main drawbacks of lightweight structure is the sound transmission. The main topic is low frequency annoyance, however the complex structural elements and their mutual sensitive connections other acoustical problems might appear.

Business- to businessrelationer i det föränderliga nätverkssamhället : - En kvalitativ studie om hur business- to businessföretag kommunicerar & marknadsför sig på Internet

We are living in network society, where information and communication together with the technical development stands in the centre. Characteristic for network society is quick changes, new meaning of time and space, convergence and new possibilities of communication. Network society contains new technical developments, several with thepurpose to improve the possibilities of communication between human beings, which in some ways creates new social demands and expectations. In this study, I focus on the Internet, which is an important channel for the information, communication and marketing in network society. As whole network society, the Internet is constantly developing.This study, implemented with qualitative interviews, has the purpose to give new, deep and interesting knowledge about business to business companies? communication and marketing on the Internet.

Sova med fienden: Ingredient Branding: Ett strategiskt alternativ för EMV och LMV inom dagligvaruhandeln

We have conducted a quantitative study investigating whether an Ingredient Branding collaboration between private label and national brands could be executed with success in the Swedish market. The objective was to measure the consumers? response to two products from different product categories, representing hedonic and utilitarian products. We have been able to establish that by adding a branded ingredient to a private label product, one obtains a more positive product attitude as well as a higher perceived product quality and taste. The study also shows that attitudes towards the ingredient brands were improved by the collaboration whereas the brand attitude towards the private label did not change significantly.

Identifiering av synkronmaskinsmodell genom SSFR-test

At the Division of Electricity at Uppsala University there is an experimental rig forhydroelectric generators. The experimental rig?s vital part is a 12-pole synchronousmachine, whose electrical characterizing parameters (resistances, inductances andtime constants) are unknown. The aim of this thesis is to characterize the machine inits current state by perform a Standstill Frequency Response (SSFR) test. From theanalysis of the measurement data, which is a part of the test, a set of basic parametershave been received.

Barns upplevelse av dagkirurgi : Från ovisshet till lättnad med nyvunnen erfarenhet

Background: An increasing number of operations on children are performed as day surgery and this experience of health care may affect future hospital stays. The aim of this qualitative study was to describe children´s experiences in connection with day surgery. Method: Ten children aged six to fifteen who had gone through general anesthesia at examinations or surgery were interviewed and the content was analyzed by systematic text condensation. Result: The core category ?From uncertainty to relief with newly acquired experience? could summarize the result of this interview study.

The effects of Joint Ventures announcements on stock returns behaviour - An Event Study of the Stock Market

The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of joint venture announcements on stock prices behavior and simultaneously to test the German stock market (Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse) for efficiency. We tried not only to analyze the general impacts of a JV-announcement but also to look for differences in the market response to announcements of different types of joint ventures, namely: domestic, international, horizontal and vertical. Our expectations of efficient market were confirmed during our paper, which employed the technique of the standard event study. The calculation of abnormal returns which are the signals for market efficiency or inefficiency respectively were based on the market model, establishing linear relationship between the return on the market and the return on an individual security. The parameters of the model were obtained through regression analysis..

The role of mast cells and mast cell mediators in the development of atopic dermatitis in a mouse model

Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a complex, often lifelong allergic disease affecting around 10 % of both dogs and humans. The hallmark symptom is severe pruritus, causing a lowered quality of life. Mast cells (MCs) are known to play an important part of the immunopathogenesis, promoting a faulty T helper cell type 2 (Th-2) response which follows by a production of specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies towards environmental allergens (Ag). To further investigate the role of MCs and its mediators in the progression of AD, a low-calcemic vitamin D3 analog (MC903) was used to induce AD-like symptoms locally on the ears of two different knock-out (KO) mouse strains. The first strain was Wsh-/- mice deficient in MCs.

Den uppkopplade enkätundersökningen : En studie av informationsvisualiseringen i Mentimeter

A new phenomenon on the Internet is the online audience response. Mentimeter is a web-based tool where you can create online polls. The users can then cast a vote and the result is shown in real time. We want to test the information visualization in Mentimeter and we base our hypothesis, that a better graph design is possible, on the work of Edward Tufte and Stephen Few. Edward Tufte is an emeritus at Yale University, where he held courses in statistical evidence and information design and has created theories about how visual information should be designed.

Diktens dubbla röst - en undersökning kring läsarens upplevelsen av kön hos den okönade berättarrösten i två dikter av David Uppgren och Mariam Naraghi

I en enkätundersökning har jag undersökt om det finns något samband mellan upplevelsen av kön hos den okönade autodiegetiska berättaren och författarens kön i två dikter av David Uppgren och Mariam Naraghi. Jag kom fram till att så inte var fallet utan att det fanns större bevis för att läsarna i huvudsak projicerade sitt eget kön på berättarrösten. Sedan analyserade jag även enkätsvaren för att undersöka vad i dikterna som avgjorde om berättarrösten upplevdes som man eller kvinna. Det framkom att stereotypa uppfattningar om kön låg till grunden för majoriteten av läsarnas upplevelse. Efter detta applicerade jag stereotyperna på dikten för att se om diktens innehåll påverkades av om berättarrösten upplevdes som man eller kvinna.

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