

884 Uppsatser om Queer pedagogy - Sida 30 av 59

Kulturfrämjande arbete i förskolan : Sex pedagogers syn på hur de arbetar med barnens olika kulturella bakgrunder

The purpose of this study has been to examine what approach and experience pedagogues at pre-schools, with a limited amount of nationalities, have regarding cultural promoting work in pre-schools. The concept ?cultural promoting? mainly regards the children's cultural backgrounds. The first question formulation focussed on the what the concepts ?cultural promoting? and ?cultural diversity? meant to the pedagogues.

Alexanderteknik - olika tankar om alexanderteknik och om metodens inverkan på sångrösten.

Title: Alexander Technique - Different thoughts on the Alexander Technique and its effect on the singing voice. Does singing lessons cause tension in the student? What should you as a teacher consider to avoid situations that cause tension? This examination is based on interviews. The persons who have been interviewed are singing students, singing teachers and teachers in the Alexander Technique. The literature and the interviews describe the Alexander Technique as a method that, with support of a teacher of the Alexander Technique, helps you to recreate the balance between the cranium, neck and spine.

Läraren- en avgörande person i arbetet med elever med särskilda behov : En jämförande studie mellan Sverige och Kroatien om lärarnas insatser i undervisningen

The purpose of this study is to explore how teachers in Sweden and Croatia work with children that have problems like ADHD and dyslexia in school. I have chosen to compare pedagogical methods between Swedish and Croatian teachers which are used in work with children with difficulties when it comes to the education and teachers approach to these children. I have done a qualified study and have interviewed teachers in both Sweden and Croatia and one specialist in pedagogy in Croatia. I compared with these interviews information from earlier studies and literature. Results show that teachers in Sweden are of the opinion that every student who has these difficulties is different and therefore the use a variation of pedagogical strategies is crucial.

Kan ett studieprojekt i icke-västerländsk kulturmiljö bidra till att förändra elevernas värdegrundsuppfattningar? : En jämförande studie kring värdegrundens centrala delar; Etik och moral, sociala relationer, demokrati och livsåskådningar

The purpose of this study is to explore how teachers in Sweden and Croatia work with children that have problems like ADHD and dyslexia in school. I have chosen to compare pedagogical methods between Swedish and Croatian teachers which are used in work with children with difficulties when it comes to the education and teachers approach to these children. I have done a qualified study and have interviewed teachers in both Sweden and Croatia and one specialist in pedagogy in Croatia. I compared with these interviews information from earlier studies and literature. Results show that teachers in Sweden are of the opinion that every student who has these difficulties is different and therefore the use a variation of pedagogical strategies is crucial.

Det virtuella studielandskapet -ett projekt vid Linköpings Universitetsbibliotek

The aim of the thesis is to investigate to what extent the pedagogy process has been affected by the close collaboration between librarians and teachers when it comes to education on the information search process. The thesis shows that the librarian is seen as an acting intermediate for information, and is regarded as a part of the learning process. The issues covered comprise of how students, teachers and librarians perceive that the students becomes information literate, how they perceive that the subject fields are covered, and how information has been transmitted, and how all this has been affected by the fact that the librarian is actually less available in person. Also, the following questions are discussed; how do librarians, teachers and students interact through the homepages of the course and "the landscape of studying"? And in what respect have the old library halls changed into that, which is available 24 hours a day, with different kinds of meeting opportunities where the search of information has been integrated with group projects? The foundation of this study is built on an evaluation of a project comprising of virtual study environment at the University of Linköping.

Lärarens jämställdhetsarbete : Ordval & Litteratur i genusöverblick

The aim of this thesis is to show gender equality in school for teacher's choice of words with gender-sensitive language related to children's literature "Do you know Pippi Longstocking?". Work has focused on preschool and grade 1. The theme of the thesis is that the teaching profession should look human. The study provides a literature review of the teacher's choice of words in the gender order as the words hen, man, gender, sex, etc., and a review of Pippi Longstocking by Astrid Lindgren on the basis of the related concepts.

Vilka av Skolverkets aspekter tycker du är viktigast i din språkinlärning? : En studie om vad somaliska unga vuxna anser är viktigt vid språkinlärning

Diagnosis of adhd, the cause and consequence. A study about the teachers thought about it.The purpose of this study was to examine teachers experience and views about children diagnosed with adhd, and what implication and effects it gives to the pedagogy strategies in the classroom.This is a qualitative study based on the experience of six teachers from primary school. My results have been compiled and compared to special educational research about adhd, from three different perspectives.The results showed that the teachers who have been working as teachers for a longer period, think that the problems of adhd occur primarily due to environmental causes, but then also say that they think the individual causes matters. It is also these teachers that talks very well about medication as a treatment to cure adhd symptoms. The teachers who have worked the shortest time, most of them have some special education from the teacher education.

Omständigheter och motiv : Om hur öppna lärresurser blir till, används och återanvänds

With the purpose of finding the motives behind use, production and reuse of Open Educational Resources (OER), the writer has conducted a qualitative survey. The three main questions in this two years master?s thesis are:? Why do people use others? unmodified OER?? Why do people produce OER?? Why do people alter and reuse OER?The theoretic framework is built around Manuel Castells? network society, with its social and efficiency seeking dimension, along with the Knowledge commons. Some pedagogy is included as well.A web survey was distributed to 796 users of the Connexions OER repository. 95 responses were received.

Hatbrott & nationalism i Sverige, finns det ett samband?

AbstractMedia presents hate crimes and nationalism as phenomenon that has increased both internationally and nationally in recent years. Further media largely pair these phenomenon together. The groups mostly exposed to hate and nationalism are people of different ethnic origin and LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bi, trans and queer) people. In Sweden's general election in 2010 a RHP-party, Sweden Democrats, made it in to Parliament. The purpose of this study was to examine how hate crimes and nationalism, in the form of the Sweden Democrats, has increased in Sweden and if there was any link between them.

Barn med språkstörning möter svenskämnet i skolan : föräldrars berättelser

The overall aim of this study is to clarify the situation in school for children with language disorder from the parents? perspective.Data were collected through five interviews with parents who have children of different ages and with various diagnosis within the language disorder spectra. A qualitative method based on a narrative inquiry was used and each interview was based on a interview guide with the following themes: the child?s difficulties, starting school, the school?s pedagogy, homework, action plans, participation and the future.Each story has its own themes, but there are also themes that are common in all interviews. One common theme in the parents? stories is that school has a lack of knowledge when it comes to language disorder.

Identitetsbegreppet i religionsundervisning vid svensk gymnasieskola Analys av identitetsteorier

In this study I try to answer the question what to consider when teaching about identity andreligious identity in Religious Studies at Upper Secondary Schools in Sweden. This inquiry isbased on the fact that the latest Program manuals for upper secondary school, GY11, instructsthe teachers to talk about identity and religion, while in the Curriculum for upper secondaryscool, Lpf 94, as well as the latest curriculum, SKOLFS 2011, the idea of identity seemslinked with ethnicity.With this in mind I want to clarify what might be meant with the concept of identity. Byreferring to several different identity theories I propose to illustrate the complexity of theconcept. I study gender, queer and postcolonial theory as well as different aspects of classstructure and commodification of identity, all through the perspective of intersectionality.Intersectionality is not a theory as such but a method of studying various perspectives of anissue. It is an analytical praxis of using several angles of investigation and explanationtogether, all phrased with the background of the question of power.

"DET BOR EN POJKE I MIG" : En kvalitativ studie om transpersoners plats i ett heteronormativt samhälle

Studiens övergripande syfte är att göra en kvalitativ studie om hur transpersoners livsvillkor påverkas av deras könsidentitet, könsuttryck samt heteronormen. Ytterligare ett syfte var att undersöka hur transpersoner upplever att de blivit bemötta när de passerat som kvinnor och/eller uttryckt en kvinnlig könsidentitet jämfört med när de passerat som män och/eller uttryckt en manlig könsidentitet. Data samlades in genom kvalitativa intervjuer med fem självidentifierade transpersoner, varav tre identifierade sig som MtF (Male to female), en som FtM (Female to male) och en som intergender eller genderqueer. Deltagarna rekryterades med hjälp av Internet samt med hjälp av personliga kontakter. Med utgångspunkt i socialkonstruktivistiska teorier som queerteori har en tematisk analys av insamlad data genomförts, av vilken det framgått att transpersoners livsvillkor i stor utsträckning påverkas av heteronormen samt att de blivit bemötta på mycket olika sätt beroende på om de passerat som män eller kvinnor.

Eva och lagen - En studie av bibliska syner på kvinnor utifrån skapelseberättelsen i Gen 2-3 och lagar i Gamla testamentet

The purpose of this C-essay within the subject of religion is to form a notion as to how the attitudes towards women and their position in a theoretical biblical society might have been perceived, based upon a select number of texts from the first five books of the Bible (the Pentateuch).Since this essay was written under the framework of the teacher education programme, it is also integrated with the pedagogy subject. This manifests itself with the didactic reflection at the end of this essay, where I try to relate the subject of this essay to the teaching profession.The material, which consists of excerpts from the first and second chapters of Genesis, and aselection of the laws in the first five books of the Bible (from Genesis to Deuteronomy), wasanalysed according to an ideological model, where themes and patterns have been more important than specific word choices.The analysis showed that the views on women vary depending on who writes and who interprets a specific text extract, and the conclusion was that since laws reflect the society it is likely that they were created to improve women's status to make it as equal to the man's as possible.The didactic reflection offers suggestions for lesson plans on the themes gender, feminism andfeministic theology..

Flickstaden : Flickbokens diskurs och sadomasochism i Agnes von Krusenstjernas Ninas dagbok, Helenas första kärlek och Fröknarna von Pahlen

The object of this essay is the Swedish author Agnes von Krusenstjerna's novels Ninas dagbok (The diary of Nina) and Helenas första kärlek (Helena's first love) as well as the cycle novel Fröknarna von Pahlen (The misses von Pahlen). The purpose is to explore her use of the discourse of girls' fiction, which I analyse by the depiciton of women's sexual awakening, and her depiction of sadomasochism. The theories of Elaine Showalter, Jacques Derrida, Michel Foucault and Judith Butler are used.Women's sexual awakening is depicted similarly in the novels but more explicitly in Fröknarna von Pahlen. In Ninas dagbok and Helenas första kärlek there is an eroticization of dominance and submission, which is not explicitly sadomasochistic. In Fröknarna von Pahlen, sadomasochism is explicitly described as a "perverted" sexuality and reveals the inequality in the violent sexuality, which is described as "normal".

Delad glädje är dubbel glädje: en kvalitativ studie om delat ledarskap

Denna uppsats behandlar delat ledarskap. Syftet har varit att ur ledares synvinkel undersöka orsakerna till delat ledarskap samt de konsekvenser som uppkommer av delat ledarskap för ledarna, medarbetarna, familjerna och organisationerna. Vår metod för att lyckas med detta har varit intervjuer och vårt tillvägagångssätt vid insamling av teori och empiri har varit abduktivt. Analysen visade att orsakerna till att intervjupersonerna ville dela sitt ledarskap var att det skulle bli roligt samt möjligheten att alltid ha ett bollplank. De flesta menar att de tack vare sin arbetspartner har möjlighet att utnyttja sina styrkor och att arbetet därigenom blir mer effektivt vilket gynnar organisationen.

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