

882 Uppsatser om Queer pedagogy - Sida 2 av 59

Queera Barnbiblar - En narratologisk & queerteoretisk analys av transformationen av berättelsen om David och Jonatan

As humans we transfer norms and values, which we are aware or unaware of, to the children near to us. These children embrace them, and the adult´s norms and values become the child's own ones. When a Bible story is going to be transformed into a children?s bible text it goes through shortening and simplification of the story to fit children´s bible edition. The adjustment will be unconscious and conscious choices that change the meaning of the text and the possibility of contextual interpretation.

Kroppsfett, genus och queer sexualitet : en undersökning av meningsskapande kring kroppar och fett i queera sammanhang

This essay examine the meaning produced around bodies and body fat in the queer community, but also in the surrounding straight community. The author has interviewed fat activists, and are using queertehory, to examine and analyze the relationship between body fat and the understanding and construction of sexuality and gender. The author concludes that even if norms around body shape and body fat are overlapping between the two contexts to some degree, they also differ. In the straight community, people with larger body shapes and sizes are punished, and encouraged to stay, or become, slim. However, in the queer community, ?fat? or bigger body sizes are not frowned upon in the same degree.

Queer femininitet? : Icke-heterosexuella, feministiska tjejer kommer till tals

Uppsatsen utgår från syftet att utforska queer femininitet och det sätt som icke-heterosexuella, feministiska tjejer förhåller sig till normativ och queer femininitet. Detta genomförs utifrån samtalsintervjuer, inriktade på hur dessa tjejer upplever samhälleliga och den lesbiska världens normer kring femininitet. Studien har Judith Butlers teorier kring genussubversivitet som utgångspunkt. Materialet tar upp femininitet som begränsande eller subversivt, det hårt reglerade normsystem som återfinns inom den lesbiska världen, butch/femme-fenomenet och bil-den av den icke-heterosexuella tjejen. Slutsatser som kan dras är att normer från den lesbiska världen, den feministiska sfären samt samhällsnormer i stort, alla kraftigt sampåverkar tjejernas förhållningssätt till femininitet.

Skeva flickexemplar : En queerteoretisk studie om femininitet och sexualitet i Sara Stridsbergs Darling River

The aim of this essay is to study constructions of femininity and sexuality in Sara Stridsberg?s novel Darling River (2010). The analysis is based on queer theory and the term ?skev? ? a variation of ?queer? that allows one to focus on additional forms of normativity apart from sexual desire ? and examines how the characters of the novel are challenging the heteronormative framework by performing gender and sexuality in non-normative, subversive ways. In short, I discuss how the relationship between femininity, body and destiny is being portrayed, how the characters question heteronormativity by overdoing femininity, and by being unable (unwilling) to perform adult femininity.

?It was easy to write about whores, but to write about a good woman was much more difficult? : En queer läsning av Charles Bukowskis Women och Love is a Dog from hell

A Queer Reading of Charles Bukowski?s Women and Love is a dog from hellThis thesis aims to examine how the representation of gender is portrayed in relation to sex and power in Charles Bukowski?s novel Women and poetry collection Love is a dog from hell.The theoretical frame of the analysis is based on Judith Butler?s queer theory regarding the heterosexual matrix and gender performativity. The analysis consists of a textual comparison where a specific selection of poems is analysed parallel to the novel to see how they interact and how they oppose each other, through a queer reading.The analysis is divided in three parts where the first one discusses the construction of masculinity in Charles Bukowski?s protagonist Henry Chinaski and how this is presented differently in the two literary genres. The second part reveals how sex is presented in relation to power and how active and passive women are considered as sexually acceptable.

Speciell pedagogik = Specialpedagogik? : En studie i synsättet på dyslexi inom två alternativa pedagogiker

The purpose of this report is to contribute with knowledge about the views within special education. I want to explore and compare the way students with special needs are approached within two different pedagogies in Sweden: Waldorf pedagogy and Montessori pedagogy.I have closely studied these pedagogies, read the literature from existing research and also by conducting two interviews with a representative from each pedagogy Both pedagogies claim that their teaching methods are most suitable for children with reading and writing difficulties..The Waldorf pedagogy was founded in 1919 in Germany by Rudolf Steiner. The pedagogy believes in the development of the students into independent children who can use their bodies as a tool for the learning of knowledge. The Montessori pedagogy was also founded in the beginning of the nineteenth century and stands for developing the students into independent individuals. However, the pedagogical approach to reading, writing and dyslexia is different.

Skapelsens kön (och genus) - en närläsning av Jeanette Wintersons roman Skapelsens kön genom Judith Butler

AbstractThis composition is an analysis of the British writer Jeanette Winterson's novel Sexing the Cherry. My interpretation originates from the tradition of feminist literary criticism and my purpose is to read the novel against the queer theorist Judith Butler to reach an understanding of the characters queer selves.Judith Butler's theory of performative gender and her notion of sex as something derived from cultural manifestations might help me to understand the characters in the novel. For they are ambiguous in their gender identity, and the novel in it self is set forth to expand all boundaries.Keyword: Sexing the cherry, Jeanette Winterson, queer, queer-theory, queer writing, JudithButler, feminist theory.SammanfattningDen här uppsatsen är en undersökning av Jeanette Wintersons roman Skapelsens kön. Genom att läsa romanen mot queerteoretikern Judith Butler hoppas jag kunna bilda en förståelse för romankaraktärernas queera identiter. Butlers teori om genus som performativt görande och hennes resonemang kring könet som härlett från kulturella manifestationer kan hjälpa mig med detta.

"A Queer Fish" : En Queerläsning av John Galsworthys The Forsyte Saga.

This paper aims to examine the heteronormativity that is present in John Galsworthy?s The Forsyte Saga. This is achieved by performing a queer reading of the text with the help of Swedish Queer theorists Fanny Ambjörnsson and Tiina Rosenberg. I study the norm and how it is enforced by law, society and family. To get a complete image of the heteronormativity I also need to analyze the gender presented in the saga.

"Det finns en ram, men inom ramen är det ganska fritt" : En kvalitativ studie om genrepedagogik

The purpose with my essay was to investigate how genre pedagogy works in a practical manor? I wanted to reach a deeper understanding for the genre pedagogy and to find out if it fits all students. To investigate this issue I have asked following questions:What is genre pedagogy?How do teachers work with different genres in the genre pedagogy?For whom is the genre pedagogy?Is the critic right that Frøydis Hertzberg is proposing about the genre pedagogy formalism? I have been using qualitative methods, to gather my empirical data. I have been using two unstructured interviews and one unsystematically observation, in a third grade class in a school south of Stockholm, with 30% second language students.

Under konstruktion? Om likabehandlingsarbete och heteronormativitet i Malmös högstadieskolor

Denna uppsats undersöker hur Malmös högstadieskolor arbetar mot homofobi och heteronormativitet. Uppsatsen utgår från ett queerteoretiskt perspektiv och materialet består av två enkäter bland lärare och skolledare på sammanlagt tretton skolor. Resultaten tyder bl a på att kränkningar pga sexuell läggning och kön är vanliga på skolorna samt att lärarna nästan helt saknar utbildning och kompetensutveckling på området. Vidare saknas det sammanhållna strategier för likabehandlingsarbetet från skolledarnas sida, vilka i stället överlåter detta arbete på hugade lärare. Detta lämnar fältet öppet för de heteronormaliserande processerna upprätthållande av tystnader, patologisering av homosexualiteter och bevakning av genusgränser.

"I feel that I was being written..." : Identitetsskapande i William S Burroughs romaner Junky och Queer

In this essay I examine how identity is created in William S. Burroughs two early novels Junky andQueer. The theoretic starting points are Lacans psychoanlytic concepts ?ideal ego?, ?egoideal? and the ?superego? and also queertheory as presented by Tiina Rosenberg in her book Queerfeministisk agenda.The examination contains an analysis of how Burroughs creates identity in both Junky and Queer with main focus on the second novel. I look at how the desire in the maincharacter Lee is described and what the desire is aimed at.

Queera läckage i Henry & June ur Anaïs Nins ocensurerade dagbok

The study analysis Anaïs Nin's work, Henry & June from a queer theoretical perspective. The purpose is to show what the work makes with text and how it produces ambivalence with sex and gender and thereby demonstrate the queer leakage in heteronormative performativities. The first part analyzes how it is working with self-representation in diary form. In order to view the work historically and linguistically the work has been related to analyzes and essays by other researchers mentioned in the analysis. The analysis shows that the writer Anaïs Nin has a clear agenda with her work.

?Den seriösare heterosexuella mannen som har en homosexuell läggning.? : en studie om maskulinitet, manlig sexualitet & representation i tv-serien Queer as folk

Purpose/Aim: This study is an analysis of the view on masculinity, male sexuality and creation of identity with the television series Queer as folk as a base. The analysis is partly based on a semiotic analysis of the representation of masculinity and male sexuality from an episode of the chosen television series Queer as folk, and partly based on a thematic analysis of focus group discussions with young men with different sexualities.Material/Method: This study is based on focus group interviews and a semiotic and thematic analysis. The focus groups consisted of three men in three different groups and were chosen on the criteria of gender and sexuality. All groups were presented with an episode of the television series Queer as folk to see how they perceived masculinity and male sexuality. Their discussions were analyzed with a thematic analysis and the television series Queer as folk with a semiotic analysis.Main results: The three analyzed characters in Queer as folk showed different representations of masculinity and male sexuality.

Kompetens och ansvar kring hbt och homofobi i skolan : Intervjustudie med lärare i årskurs 7-9

Many reports infer that questions of HBT and homophobia are either poorly addressed or not addressed at all in schools today. This study is based on interviews with teachers of students aged 13 to 15. It is an inquiry to the teacher's thoughts about, knowledge of, and sense of responsibility to inform students of the subjects 'Queer', 'HBT', and 'Homophobia'. Who is responsible for educating the students regarding these subjects and what do teachers think about including these subjects in their curriculum? How do the teachers describe their knowledge of the subjects? Do they require further knowledge themselves in order to educate others in a proper way? The study is grounded in queer theories.

På låtsas och på riktigt. Verklighetsnära lärande i Freinetpedagogik och entreprenöriell pedagogik

Structuring education so that students can discover connections between schoolwork and their everyday lives is a crucial task for a teacher. This is especially true in today?s school system that seeks to foster a spirit of lifelong learning, since educational motivation depends on being able to connect to the tasks at hand. In a system where these connections are not present, students will be motivated only by institutional mechanisms such as test results and grades. This leads to them using a number of techniques for ?optimizing the system? by getting maximal results for minimal effort. This essay looks at two pedagogical movements that aim to decrease the gap between schoolwork and students? reality.

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