

5109 Uppsatser om Public and private actors - Sida 66 av 341

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The transformation within the swedish infrastructure has been a slow process from thebeginning of time. For almost a decade, the traditional form of contracting regardingbuildings and foremost infrastructure has evolved contracting involving the owner to definethe outcome of the product, regardless involvement from the supposed contractor. As forthe swedish market, the traditional design-bid-build (DBB) have been the primary choice ofcontracting. Although changes have been made over time regarding contracting formswithin the road administration, the railway sector has not improved or justified changesregarding choice of contracting, they have conducted same contracting relationshipsbetween them and the contractor.This bachelor thesis, conducted at the Swedish railway administration with supervision ofprofessor Kristian Widén at Lunds University, explores the forces behind the new era ofcontracting within the railway administration. This bachelor thesis focuses mainly oncontracting regarding design-build-operate-main (DBOM), the new contracting formulabetween the owner and the contractor.

Funktionsentreprenader inom Järnväg - möjligheter och hinder

The transformation within the swedish infrastructure has been a slow process from thebeginning of time. For almost a decade, the traditional form of contracting regardingbuildings and foremost infrastructure has evolved contracting involving the owner to definethe outcome of the product, regardless involvement from the supposed contractor. As forthe swedish market, the traditional design-bid-build (DBB) have been the primary choice ofcontracting. Although changes have been made over time regarding contracting formswithin the road administration, the railway sector has not improved or justified changesregarding choice of contracting, they have conducted same contracting relationshipsbetween them and the contractor.This bachelor thesis, conducted at the Swedish railway administration with supervision ofprofessor Kristian Widén at Lunds University, explores the forces behind the new era ofcontracting within the railway administration. This bachelor thesis focuses mainly oncontracting regarding design-build-operate-main (DBOM), the new contracting formulabetween the owner and the contractor.

Från passiv till aktiv strategi - Näringspolitisk förändring och handlingskapacitet i industrikommunerna Bromölla och Östra Göinge

Since the 1980's economic policies has become an important issue in municipalities and more resources are put into projects that are intended to have a positive influence on the local economic growth. From a theoretical perspective of regime theory and a model of local political economy, concerning the strategies chosen by the actors involved designed by Jon Pierre, the discussion points to the fact that it is possible to affect the local development. The municipalities discussed and compared in this thesis, Bromölla and Östra Göinge, have similar prerequisite for growth mainly due to their dependence to large industrial companies.In order to fulfill the aim of the thesis and examine the change in economic policies over time and between the two municipalities a comparative method is used. The creation of local governing coalitions is emphasized which makes efforts and intentions of individual actors crucial for the success of the local economic policies. Bromölla started their more active efforts in the area of economic policies earlier than Östra Göinge and has also come a bit further in the process.

En analys av hur subjektspositioneringar kan påverka rekryteringsprocessen via internet

The purpose of this thesis was to study descriptions of companies on their webpages on the Internet. This was performed from a socialconstructionist point of view with focus being on subject positionings and gender. A critical discourse analysis was carried out on two texts from the webpages of two organizations on the Internet. Using the three dimensional model for critical discourse analysis by Fairclough, the discourses and subject positionings that the texts included could be revealed. The purpose of this thesis was also to point out the importance of the use of language in recruiting personnel and to hopefully encourage organizations to put effort into text production to avoid discrimination.

Plantar fasciit : Sjukgymnastiska behandlingsmetoder inom primärvården i Dalarnas-, Gävleborgs- och Västmanlands län

AbstractBackground: Plantar fasciitis is the most common heel injury and is a long-term pain syndrom in the attachment of the plantar fascia to the calcaneus bone. The condition is treated mainly in primary care, but there is currently no treatment guideline for the treatment of plantar fasciitis in Sweden. The purpose of this study was to investigate which treatment that occurred in primary care in Dalarna, Gävleborg and Västmanland counties, which treatments that were most common alone and in combination with each other. The aim was also to investigate if the four most commonly used treatment methods as physical therapists said they had used were supported in the literature, and if there was any difference between county employees and private physical therapists in the choice of treatment method.Method: 100 physiotherapists in primary care in Dalarna, Gävleborg and Västmanland counties, received a questionnaire by mail. 80 of the 100 physiotherapists were county employees and 20 were private employees.

När vi två blir en : relations- och nätverksbyggande i musikbranschen

The purpose of this paper is to investigate and analyze the importance of networking and relationships in the music industry. We also want to see whether these factors have any impact on the Swedish music exports.These musings have led to the formulation of the following question; -          How can the musiclabels in the music industry make use of networks and relationships to strengthen the Swedish music exports to the U.S. and make it more efficient? The essay is written with a qualitative method with an abductive perspective. That?s because our research question has demanded that we get a deeper view of the subject to be able to answer it.The empirical data is collected through telephone or email interviews.

Kvinnor är tysta och män avbryter : En studie om hur män och kvinnor kommer till tals i SVT:s program Debatt

In this study we have examined how men and women are heard on Sveriges Televisions program Debatt. Debatt broadcast on Sveriges Televison which is a public service broadcaster. Through the use of a quantitative content analysis and a dialogical approach, we have documented how many men and women who speak, how they speak, how long they have the word and the subjects they will be heard in, in the program Debatt. We have investigated the ten last broadcast programs from the fallseason 2011. Every program is 45 minutes long and contains from two to three discussiontopics each time. By categorizing our survey and enter the result in four different tables, we found that the majority, 63%, of those that are heard are men.

Ett folkbibliotek och dess användare: användares uppfattningar av service relaterade till verksamhetsintentioner

The aim of this MA thesis is to examine how users regard and receive the services offered by a specific public library. We also examine what the conception of service means to the users and how they perceive this service being offered by the library. We look upon if and to what extent the service conception depends on contact with the library staff. The methods used are qualitative interviews and analyses of documents directing the library activities. The public library we have examined in this respect is the public library of Västerås.

Svensk Miljömodell i Fransk Offentlig Regi? : En studie om möjligheterna för policy transfer av en svensk miljöpolicy till fransk lokal nivå

This study aims at examining the prospects for a policy transfer of a Swedish municipal environmental policy (that of Växjö) to the French urban commune Blois, for which an ambition of becoming a leading eco-city in France, was declared by the mayor in 2008.In the analysis, emphasis is laid on mechanisms to institutionalize the main environmental policy principles, such as political and institutional structures and processes. Other prospects for an institutionalization of a new environmental policy that are to be investigated are economic structures as well as visions of the different decision-makers concerned. Research methods used in the study are qualitative interviews, document studies and a questionnaire.The findings of the analysis show that today?s prospects for an environmental policy in Blois close to that of Växjö, are clearly limited. The limitations can partly be found in economic structures but these seem to be rather related to a lack of priority amongst actors.

Varandets villkor : att knäppa sina spretande händer och åstadkomma en förtätning, åtskillnader blir sammanflätningar, tudelningar blir tvetydighet

Descartes sharp distinction between body and mind has had a severe influence on the culture of the western world. We now have a constructed system of knowledge that discards perception asunreliable and instead admits only deduction as the adequate method of understanding oursurroundings and ourselves.But what are we, if not human?And what would our lives be like without our dreams, the passions of our hearts and the sensationsof our sense organs?Irrational as it all may seem, these aspects form our existence, giving us pleasure, experience andknowledge beyond what we plan or try to predict. It is the fuel that keeps us going, fighting, loving.So how come we seek to explain everything? How come we seek the approval of others in matters we should be confident enough to judgeourselves? Why can't we embrace all the aspects of what it means to be alive? I state that the society and culture of the western world offers great possibilities for expression andcommunication.

Ledtidens betydelse för privata skogsägares kundnöjdhet i samband med gallring

Today, a large proportion of wood supplied for the Swedish forest industry is bought from private forest owners while forest companies at the same time provide the forest owners with services such as logging services and transportation. Today, forest companies work extensively with keeping the time used for transport and logging short. But what does the private forest owners think about the time required for the timber deal, also called lead time, and the different parts of the timber deal. In this thesis, the forest owners? perception of the different lead times in their contracts with Stora Enso and their communication with the purchasers is examined.

Kommunikationen av ett internationellt varumärke -En studie om IKEA

The transformation within the swedish infrastructure has been a slow process from thebeginning of time. For almost a decade, the traditional form of contracting regardingbuildings and foremost infrastructure has evolved contracting involving the owner to definethe outcome of the product, regardless involvement from the supposed contractor. As forthe swedish market, the traditional design-bid-build (DBB) have been the primary choice ofcontracting. Although changes have been made over time regarding contracting formswithin the road administration, the railway sector has not improved or justified changesregarding choice of contracting, they have conducted same contracting relationshipsbetween them and the contractor.This bachelor thesis, conducted at the Swedish railway administration with supervision ofprofessor Kristian Widén at Lunds University, explores the forces behind the new era ofcontracting within the railway administration. This bachelor thesis focuses mainly oncontracting regarding design-build-operate-main (DBOM), the new contracting formulabetween the owner and the contractor.

Kund eller patient? ? Till kritik mot en marknadsanpassning av patientbemötandet

Syftet med denna uppsats är att, utifrån en analys om läkarprofessionens eventuellt förändrade syn på patientbemötandet - gällande både sin egen och patientens roll - kritisera och kontrastera New Public Management och Service Management angående marknadsanpassning av läkar- och patientrollen. Vi utgår från ett tolkande paradigm och använder oss av en kvalitativ metod. Vi kritiserar New Public Management och Service Management inom svensk sjukvård huvudsakligen utifrån Etienne Wengers teori om sociala grupper i samhället, men även utifrån Michel Foucaults och Jean Baudrillards teorier. Empirisk data presenteras tillsammans med teorin och tolkas utifrån teorin. Empirin härstammar från åtta intervjuer och en observation, men består även av sekundärdata i form av artiklar från läkarfackpress.

Religionens plats inom sfi

This study aims at using discourse analysis to analyze SFI students attitudes to religion and religiosity in an SFI-context. The questions are: How is the discourse constructed and maintained by religion and religiosity of SFI students in an SFI context? How do SFI participants experience that their religion has affected their time at SFI?Using a case study approach, interviews were conducted with a group of SFI students. The results show that the religious discourse in SFI is influenced by the SFI-context and affected based on the current education discourse that exists there. Furthermore, the discourse is designed and maintained by the participants private religious beliefs and the religion of the majority of the group, One canhere speak of a strong social unit forming a plausibility structure The power structure that emerges is that the majority has the power to define the significance of religion and place within the SFI context. In the SFI-context the participants view is that religion is something private that should not be expressed in the school environment.

Lärares arbetsmotivation och arbetstillfredsställelse - Skiljer sig upplevelsen beroende på organisationsform och kön?

Studiens syfte var att undersöka om det förelåg några skillnader i upplevelsen av arbetsmotivation och arbetstillfredsställelse bland lärare avseende organisationsform och kön samt om det fanns en interaktion mellan organisationsform och kön avseende arbetsmotivation och arbetstillfredsställelse. Totalt deltog 84 respondenter i undersökningen. Mätinstrumenten som användes var Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire och Basic Need Satisfaction at work scale. Resultatet visade att det inte förelåg några signifikanta skillnader i arbetsmotivation beroende på organisationsform och kön. Vidare visade resultatet att det fanns signifikanta skillnader i yttre, inre och generell arbetstillfredsställelse beroende på organisationsform, där privatanställda var mer tillfredsställda i jämförelse med offentligt anställda.

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