

5109 Uppsatser om Public and private actors - Sida 64 av 341

Läsa och samtala : Vad betyder folkbibliotekets bokcirkel för användaren?

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to investigate the meaning the reading group of the public library has to a number of users. To fulfill the aim the following three questions have been formulated: 1) What do a number of users expect from the reading group of the public library? 2) Which approach/attitude or approaches/attitudes do a number of users have to reading and to talking about reading? 3) How do a number of users experience the ongoing reading group?The research is founded on qualitative interviews with five users that take part in three different reading groups in public libraries. The theories that are used is the theory of three so called strategies - the pragmatic, the traditionalistic, the emancipatory ? and the theory of flow.

Jag Twittrar för Er : Nytänkande och ambassadörskap i medielandskapet

Syfte: Projektet har som syfte att ta reda på hur fenomenet Rotationcuration har förändrat arbetet med Sverige som varumärke.Frågeställningar: Den övergripande frågeställningen som uppsatsen utgår ifrån är: Hur har rotationcuration förändrat arbetet med varumärket Sverige för VisitSweden?För att besvara huvudfrågeställningen på ett enklare sätt används ett flertal underfrågor vilket följer:Vilka strategier använder VisitSweden (VisitSweden.) sig av för att marknadsföra Sverige på Twitter?Vilken syn har VisitSweden. på Sociala medier?Hur ser varumärkesbyggandet ut på twitterkanalen @sweden när det kommer till varumärket Sverige?Hur användandet av kuratorer demokratiserat arbetet med projektet Curators of Sweden?Teori: De teorier som uppsatsen huvudsakligen utgår ifrån är Nations branding, Public diplomacy och Medialisering med tyngden på Public diplomacy. Förutom dessa har även teorier om Public relations och Publika sfären använts i viss mån.Metod: Uppsatsen är en fallstudie av Curators of Sweden.

Due Diligence - En resurskrävande process : En checklista som mindre privata aktiebolag kan följa innan de ska utföra en Due Diligence

Abstract                ?Due diligence - A resource demanding process?Date:                     June 8th 2012Level:                    Master thesis in business economics, 15 ECTSInstitution:           School of Sustainable development of society and technology, Mälardalen UniversityAuthors:                Erdinc Kirik                                  Pär Matsson                               11th January 1987                      31th May 1985Title:                      Due diligence - A resource demanding processTutor:                     Staffan BoströmKeywords:             Due diligence, the acquisition process, acquisitions, business valuationResearchquestions:              What are the main factors that Bank X, Nordea and Almi is focused on an examination of a due diligence for an acquisition, focusing on private limited companies?Does the approach between the various banks and Almi differ?Purpose:                The purpose of this paper is to create a checklist for private limited companies to use in the context of application for fundingMethod:                 The study was based on a qualitative study, based on primary data in terms of interviews in the subject of due diligence. Secondary data used in the study consisted of relevant literature and scientific articles.Conclusion:            The study showed that the respondents in general focuses on the same areas within Due diligence. The most important point which the respondents agreed on was profitability and repayment capacity. In overall, all elements in a Due diligence process that has an impact on profitability is important to examine.

Konstupplevelsen, platsen och företeelsen: Tillfälliga konstutställningar på folkbibliotek

The main purpose of this master thesis is to give the reader a picture of the experience of art and of its room in the public libraries, but above all to examine the phenomenon temporary art exhibitions in public libraries in the county of Östergötland. The study is limited to a specific activity of art, namely temporary exhibitions in libraries. Geographically, the investigation is limited to the public libraries and their branch libraries in Östergötland. Time concentrates on the present situation in 2000 and 2001. Methodologies are partly observations in some libraries, partly qualitative questionnaires to all primary libraries and their affiliates in Östergötland.

Högskolestudenters biblioteksanvändande: En intervjuundersökning av några storanvändare

The purpose of this master?s thesis is to examine how some university students, who are using the libraries extensively, use and experience the public and the university library and what they expect from the two different library types. I also compare their expectations with the different tasks and aims of the two library types. To answer this I have interviewed seven students at the department of history of literature at Göteborg University. I have also studied some literature and research related to this subject, for example user studies about students and libraries and the information behaviour of distance students.

Vårdvalets påverkan på styrningen av Närhälsans vårdcentraler i Västra Götalandsregionen ? ett New Public Management-perspektiv

I och med vårdvalets införande, dvs. att patienterna själva fick bestämma var de skullefå sina basala vårdbehov tillfredsställda, har primärvården i Västra Götalandsregionen öppnats upp för privata aktörer. Från att ha agerat på en starkt reglerad marknad har de offentliga aktörerna nu blivit konkurrensutsatta. Studien behandlar vårdvalets påverkan på styrningen inom den offentliga Närhälsan utifrån ett New Public Management-perspektiv. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med totalt fyra vårdcentralschefer och två primärvårdschefer visar denna studie att styrning av den offentliga Närhälsan i den uppkomna konkurrenssituationen har lett till ett marknadstänkande i linje med New Public Management-teorin.

Anstaltspersonals erfarenheter och påverkan av hot och våld på arbetet : en kvalitativ studie

The aim of this paper was to describe the phenomenon of threats and violence within a Swedish penal institution. The study was thematized according to the three main research questions. These were as follows; The threats and violence prison staff have experienced in their workplace (I) how these experiences affected them in their work performances (II) and in their private life (III). By a qualitative design, in-depth interviews were carried out with four persons who are, or formerly have been, gainfully employed at a penal institution. Concepts from the theory of symbolic interactionism and a theory of human action have been used in the analysing process of this paper.

New Public Management och frivårdsinspektören

Med termen New Public Management, NPM, vill samhällsvetenskapliga forskare beskriva den våg av organisationsförändringar inom offentlig förvaltning som svept över västvärlden de senaste cirka 30 åren. Den här uppsatsen undersöker hur frivårdsinspektörer inom den svenska kriminalvården upplever sin arbetssituation utifrån förekomsten av NPM-principer. Fem frivårdsinspektörer intervjuades utifrån tre temata som är kopplade till NPM - mål, kontroll och utvärdering. Undersökningen visar att verksamheten tycks ha förändrats påtagligt under den tid intervjupersonerna arbetet inom kriminalvården och att dessa förändringar kan kopplas till uppkomsten av NPM. Delar av arbetets organisering beskrevs som positiv för såväl kriminalvårdens anställda som för dess klienter.

Jämlika villkor? En diskursanalys av LOs presentation av arbetskraftsinvandring under åren 2000-2006

Central labour market actors have come to an agreement ? Sweden is going to need labour migration. In spite of the agreement the actors disagree upon how the labour migration should be designed. This essay examines how the union organisation, LO presents labour migration in their rapports during the years 2000-2006. This is done through Laclau and Mouffes discourse theory and a merge with postcolonial theory.

Läxor ur tre perspektiv - Lärarens, Förälderns och Elevens berättelser om läxor.

The workplace has a direct impact on the physical, psychological, economic and social well-being of the workers. A healthy workplace leads to increased health among the employees which also makes the employees more productive (Källestål, 2004). A poor working environment can have negative consequences for individuals, companies and society (SOU, 2009:47).This is a qualitative study that investigates companies? view of health promotion and how they practice health promotion in working life. Five private and five public companies, with representatives from the management were interviewed.

Från Facebook till ?Fakebook?? : Facebooks inverkan på rekryteringsprocesser och dess eventuella påverkan på individens profilutformning

Our purpose was to investigate when a specific phenomenon is taken out of context and used in a manner not originally intended for. Facebook is meant to be used in the private sphere as a way for individuals to communicate and keep in touch with family, friends and acquaintances. However, Facebook has begun to be used increasingly in the professional context like recruitment. We have through qualitative interviews explored how the respondents, professional recruiters and future job applicants, think about the use of Facebook in a recruitment process. By applying theories dealing with roles and lifestyles we have been able to pinpoint our empirical data.

Solavskärmning med solceller och dess inverkan på energianvändning och inneklimat

In this thesis an explorative study was undertaken with the aim to study how a number of private care providers, as well as politicians and officials from councils in and around the Stockholm and Uppsala counties, think about the future of the Swedish elderly care from a property perspective, i.e. homes for the elderly. The analysis shows that there is a demand for capacity in 6 out of 16 municipalities, and that the property is an important part of this capacity, and the fulfillment of it. This was mainly due to the cost of capital, but also because of several other factors such as lack of land, a wish to guide the design, ideology, and in many cases a wish to use the property as an instrument of domination to control private health care providers.Also, the property was show to be connected to economic competition, to freedom of choice, and to quality. The problems related to the property in the market for elderly care still remains to be solved.

Biblioteket som en språkplanerande institution: En studie av språkplanering på färöiska bibliotek.

This thesis is about language planning in Faeroese libraries as seen from the countrys specific situation, with Faeroese as a mothers tongue, but with great dominance of the Danish language within media. The purpose of my thesis is to examine language planning activities within the library, and the consequences this planning has for the system. Different theories about language planning provides a framework for my model of the library as a linguistic eco-system with actors performing status planning, represented by the government with its influence in cultural politics, the librarian with his or her library tasks and the user with his or her needs. The thesis has a qualitative attempt, and the empirical material consists of different documents about the country and materials from interviews made with seven qualified librarians, employed within general libraries in the Faeroe Islands. The analysis shows that the librarian in different ways promotes the Faeroese language within library activities, and because of the attention paid to the user in the public library he/she influences the librarians planning.

Folkbibliotekssponsring : en undersökning av alternativa finansieringsmöjligheter för svenska folkbibliotek

As public libraries in Sweden receive the bulk of their budget from local government funding, which has stayed static or, at best, seen small increases, libraries have been faced with inadequate resources with which to satisfy increasing expectations from users. As few libraries are over-funded in the first place, ways may have to be found to combat this situation. The aim of this Masters thesis is to examine alternative sources of funding for Swedish public libraries, and my main focus of interest is that of sponsorship. The method used is a literature study combined with an empirical study, in which interviews were conducted with five persons each with long experience of working with public libraries. The literary study deals with the concept of sponsorship, and the motivations for companies to sponsor are also examined.

Rädslans koreografi : Unga mäns föreställningar om rädsla, hot och maskulinitet i den offentliga vardagen

"The choreography of fear" is a discourse-analysis study which focus at how young men speaks about fear, threat and violence in the public everyday life. The study adopts socialcontructionism as theoretical approach and also uses theories about gender, hegemony masculinity, fear as a social constructed phenomenon and moral-panic. The study is based on qualitative interview whit young men in age 18-30 and the method is mainly discourse-psychology. The section of Analysis discuss subjects as what and whom the young men consider to be a threat and which areas in the public space they consider to be dangerous and how they choose to handle the menace. The Analysis also focuses on how the informants speak about fear, how they define fear and what they consider arouse fear..

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