

5109 Uppsatser om Public and private actors - Sida 20 av 341

Ska det framtida Göteborg växa och gro?: En diskursanalys gällande beslutsfattares syn på urbant jordbruk

An increasing global population and a worldwide growing urbanization has raised the questionabout the future food security in cities all over the world. Peak-oil limits the access to cheap fossilfuels which threatens the global food-supply chain. This has resulted in a larger awareness anddiscussion related to urban agriculture. Growing crops and keeping animals within the city-borderscould be one way of creating a more robust and sustainable food supply for city dwellers. However,to enable an expansion of the urban agriculture many theorists argue that policies and institutionalstructures that supports and promotes city farming have to be developed.

Chefers arbetstillfredsställelse i äldreomsorgen

Syftet var att kartlägga arbetstillfredsställelsen hos chefer i svensk äldreomsorg samt undersöka om det fanns några skillnader mellan chefer i privat och offentlig verksamhet. En rikstäckande webbenkätundersökning (N=104) genomfördes. Denna genererade både kvantitativ och kvalitativ data. Cheferna som sammantagen grupp visar på en förhållandevis hög arbetstillfredsställelse. Resultatet visade dock att det fanns signifikanta skillnader mellan privata och offentliga chefer vad gäller arbetstillfredsställelse. En högre grad av arbetstillfredsställelse kunde utläsas bland cheferna inom den privata sektorn.

Konflikten Om Arktis

The Arctic region has not been a topic of discussion or a reason for a conflict in the past, but with the development of environmental issues which has resulted in melting of the ice, so has the interest for the region developed. This has resulted in a conflict over the area, with five countries as main actors. This paper investigates the five main actors? goals with increased influence in the area, using the thoughts of Rational Actor Model, with states as utility-maximizing actors and foreign policy as the expression of national interest. Furthermore the paper investigates the means of getting to the goal, what kind of tools they use.The paper shows that all of the countries are interested in the economically benefits that are buried under the melting ice and the short cuts in sea routes that will be a possibility to use ones the ice melt more.

Barns bilder och skapande i kommunal och Reggio Emilia inspirerad förskola

This essay is focused on the questions of and responsibility for where, when, how and why communication and meetings through archaeology should take place. I have critically studied Swedish public archaeology through three diverse archaeological excava­tions, one took place in the end of the 1980s, and two others in 2012.I have asked for under what circum­stances and with which goals the public efforts become possible. I have inter­viewed leaders for the archaeological excavations and/or the public efforts and questi­o­ned how and why they reached out to the public. I also searched for results and effects in order to problematize and value the public activities.Through interpretation of the resear­ched material it becomes clear that economic issues as well as archaeo­logists interests and engagements are of vital importance for public archaeology. Co-operation in the local community and archaeological documentation is crucial for the deve­lopment of archaeology and its role in society.Keywords: Public archaeology, Community archaeology, Heritage, Communication, Manage­ment, Historic environment education, Time Travel, Living history.

Urinseparerande avloppssystem - En utvärdering med hänsyn till teknik, ekonomi, användbarhet och drifterfarenhet

This paper deals with the use of Internet at Swedish public libraries. The author asks whether public libraries should or should not limit access to information available on the Internet. Starting from the American discussion, concerning Internet at public libraries, the author shows the Swedish attitudes. The paper demonstrates that many Swedish public libraries have adopted rules forbidding retrieval of certain kinds of information, such as hard-core pornography and racist propaganda. The persons in charge of such actions claim that public libraries should provide high-quality educational literature and should not spread mass-produced, provocative information.

Tjocka kroppar och smala platser : om överviktiga personers erfaranheter av att vistas i offentliga rum

How is the fat body constructed in public spaces? This essay deals with the experiances of five participants, being fat in public spaces. The fat body is often constructed as "matter out of place", more or less expected to be invisiable in public spaces. But living with a fat body isnt all about assimilation, wearing black clothes to fit in or staying at home in fear of facing comments of your body. More than being a body constructed as improperiate in public spaces, the participants view can be described as "revolting".

Religion, utveckling och social förändring - en religionspsykologisk studie av analys av religion inom utvecklingsarbete

The role of religion, of religious individuals and organizations, is currently discussed within both a private and public sector of development. I have viewed documents from the World Bank and DFID where the religious presence is a growing fact and previous theories that religion would disappear with economic development have been abandoned. As a result DFID conducted a large study on the importance of religion for development work, RaD 2005-2011, under the directions of Professor Carole Rakodi. Rakodi (2011) concluded that religion was highly related to the success or failure of developmental projects, and to understand the values people had religion needed to be understood within its specific cultural context. She developed an analysis model to conduct this work.

Television i allmänhetens tjänst : en studie av public service-begreppet

Title: Television in the Service of the Public - a Study of the Public Service Concept(Television i allmänhetens tjänst - en studie av public service-begreppet).Author: Daniel FärnstrandAim: To describe the ideals, or principles, that the Public Service Ideology or concept of Pub­lic Service is based upon. The two main questions the paper aims to answer are thus:· Which principles should, according to the theoretical norm, guide Public Service activity?· Which principles guide Public Service television in Sweden today, according to the actual guidelines for the Public Service organization SVT? Method / Material: A study of relevant literature is carried out. Further, the actual guidelines for SVT are summarized. The normative guidelines are then also summarized, and a compari­son is made between this summary and the actual guidelines for SVT.Main results: Although a comprehensive definition is hard to find within the theoretical frame­work, a summary of the theoretical ideal is carried out.

Riskkapitalägande i den svenska välfärdssektorn - kortaste vägen till (skatte-)paradiset

This thesis studies whether private equity owned firms within the Swedish welfare sector distinguish themselves in terms of tax planning and short-termism from a control group consisting of other privately owned welfare firms. For the first time, the comparison is made on the entire welfare sector, between 14 matched pairs within education, health care and elderly care. We use financial metrics associated with tax planning and short-termism in sign tests to examine whether the private equity owned firms differ from our control group. The financial metrics tested are actual and paid tax rates, level of interest, book-tax gap, investments, personnel expenses per employee, and cash earnings. We find that the private equity owned firms in terms of tax planning only differ in the level of interest, while no notable differences are found in terms of short-termism..

Aktiv- och Indexförvaltning : - Kan svenska investerare få högre riskjusterad avkastning genom aktiv förvaltning?

Nearly 74 percent of the Swedish population invests in funds and the options are therefore various. The Swedish private investors can choose between active and passively managed funds. Fund managers, who seek to generate higher returns than the market, manage active managed funds. Unlike the active managed funds, passively managed funds do not require any active investment decisions.Fama?s (1970) efficient market theory reflects all available information in the stock price, therefore it is not possible to predict how the stock price changes.

?Det enda sa?kra a?r att vi inte kommer att fo?lja planen? : En kvalitativ studie av tilla?mpningen av kriskommunikationsteorier fo?r att skydda anseendet

The value of a good reputation for organizations is increasing today as consumers and citizens become more aware of brands. If a crisis hits an organization, there is now more to lose than before concerning reputation. Therefore the organization?s communication strategies must be developed to sustain the organization?s reputation during and after a crisis.In the field of crisis communication there are two distinguished theories which concern what an organization with help from crisis communication should do to undergo a crisis without losing its reputation. These theories are image repair theory and situational crisis communication theory (SCCT).

Implementering av forskningsprojektioner om havsnivåhöjning i kommunal planering : Gränsorganisationer som redskap vid riskkommunikation mellan forskning och praktik

Climate change and the sea level rise that it contributes to is an ever more pressing issue for costal municipalities around the world. Today there is a great deal of scientific reports and projections on what these changes could entail. However, resent studies on south Swedish costal municipalities have shown great discrepancies when it comes to how these scientific projections are implemented in the municipal planning and adaptation strategies. In an effort to understand the underlying reasons for this lack of concurrence, this paper has applied Rolf Lidskogs theory of the hetrogenity of science. The theory gives an explanation to the complications in the science-policy interface, by describing complicating factors in the communication between these actors.

Sambors efterlevandeskydd : Hur kan skyddet stärkas?

Abstract Title: We are equal. A study of cultural differences and professionalism in international projects.Level: Thesis for Master Degree in Business Administration.Author: Zahra AhmadiSupervisor: Lars EkstrandDate: 2012-05The purpose of my study is to analyze and examine it well-educated people can reduce the cultural differences in interaction with other actors around the world. Part of aims study surveys and analyzes to understand how educated people can communicate and facilitate communication in order to achieve the goals and motivation in international collaboration. Problems can arise from cultural differences in connection with that persons face in society and in international collaboration. In this study, I assume theoretical framework that exists in cultural and communication theme and professionalism to find common objectives within educated groups.Method: The purpose of this study, I have chosen to use a qualitative approach.

Den offentliga förvaltningen ? demokratins eller ekonomins arena?

Ever since its conceptual birth, the questioning of consequences due to the implementation of ideas from the reformation doctrine, called New Public Management, has been a common occurance among those who have dedicated themselves to research in superior methods of Public Administration. What this thesis aims to do is shed light upon what value-conflicts may occur within public administration organisations when they begin to idealize the rationalization of economic issues. The goal of this thesis will be fulfilled through the creation of two ideal types of public administration that exist in opposition to each other. These two ideal types will show two different views on how decision-making and organisation will be managed in their respective sectors. By doing this, there will be clarification as to what conflicting values arise with the implementation of ideas taken from New Public Management, as well as defining the fundamental difference between which ethical decision model is used..

I jakt på tillämpning : Om F.O.V. Fabrics möjligheter att understödja kommersialiseringen av algbatteriforskning

The purpose of this essay is to explore the actor network of a high technology company in the textile industry called F.O.V. Fabrics. The background for doing this is a recent project, which we choose to call the Salt & Paper Battery Group, aiming to commercialize a newly discovered technology ? a battery based on cellulose from an alga. We start by examining a range of network theories in order to eventually shape a framework of our own.

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