

653 Uppsatser om Protection - Sida 38 av 44

Beräkningsmedel för analys av lokal buckling i slanka stålkonstruktioner

This bachelor thesis has the purpose to visualize and document the air movementsprovided by different ventilation principles in an operating theatre. The visualizationwill be made as simple as possible in a physical model. The model and thedocumentation should be able to use in educational purposes.The study is based on the two most common systems for airflow, currently used inoperating theatres. The first principle is displacement ventilation in which the air issupplied at low velocity along the floor. The second principle is vertical parallel laminarairflow in which the air is compressed like a piston from ceiling to the floor.A review of literature resulted in the choice of size, design, and scale factor for themodel, as well as choices of ventilation principles and airflows.

Arbetsberedningar Utvärdering och åtgärder för ökad spridning av yrkeserfarenheter

This bachelor thesis has the purpose to visualize and document the air movementsprovided by different ventilation principles in an operating theatre. The visualizationwill be made as simple as possible in a physical model. The model and thedocumentation should be able to use in educational purposes.The study is based on the two most common systems for airflow, currently used inoperating theatres. The first principle is displacement ventilation in which the air issupplied at low velocity along the floor. The second principle is vertical parallel laminarairflow in which the air is compressed like a piston from ceiling to the floor.A review of literature resulted in the choice of size, design, and scale factor for themodel, as well as choices of ventilation principles and airflows.

Rhododendron ur undersläktet Vireya - något om dess karakteristika och användning i nordiska vinterträdgårdar :

Present essay aims to introduce the reader to central topics regarding Rhododendrons of subgenus Vireya. As a result of a donation, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, received a collection of Vireya from a local amateur grower, Kurt Myllenberg. Since the subgenus Vireya is uncommon in Scandinavian horticulture, the study tries to establish conditions for successful growing. The subgenus Vireya differ from the other Rhododendron species through mainly three characteristics: the presence of two tails, attached to each end of the seed; the ovary-style junction is tapering and the pedicels arises directly from a dome-like base and form an umbel and not a raceme. The subgenus is distributed mostly in the islands of Indonesia and New Guinea, but also from Malaysia to Nepal and in Australia. Since Vireya species mainly grows as epiphytes in the tree canopies, they need high drainage and not too much water.

Självmord och självskadebeteende : en studie om självmord och självskadebeteende inom Svensk kriminalvård 2002- 2012.

During the period 2002-2012, 74 people committed suicide within the Swedish judicial system. During the same period of time 702 self-destructive actions and suicide attempts were reported. The purpose of this work was to investigate and illuminate the causes which are responsible for individuals committing suicide while in custody or in prison. The theory of this  work is an ethnographic study of a special social context. A study of literature, statistics and earlier scientific research was used in this study.

Naturhänsyn på certifierade privata skogsfastigheter : en jämförelse i praktiken mellan FSC och PEFC i Sydsverige

Nature conservation on certified small private forest owners- a comparison between the two certification systems FSC and PEFC in southern Sweden Today two different certification systems are used in Sweden to certify forest, FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) and PEFC (Pan European Forest Certification). During the last years certification of forests in general and different certification systems have frequently been debated. FSC is a globally widespread system and about 10 million ha out of 23 million ha Swedish forest is FSC-certified. The FSC-standard is mainly used by major forest companies and to some extent also by smaller private forest owners. PEFC is a European system and about 2 million ha Swedish forests is PEFC-certified today.

Frihet till hat? : Hatbrott, rasistiska organisationer och inskränkningar av yttrandefriheten

The present paper is part of a project carried on by the Swedish Section of the International Commission of Jurists. Sweden has ratified several major international human rights instruments. Most of the rights are covered by national law, and only in exception is there a discrepancy between national and international law. Such a discrepancy is found in the UN Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination, in which the State parties agree on penalizing and prohibiting the founding of and participation in racist organizations. Sweden is not complying with this statute, despite the fact that the government has ratified the convention.

Målbolagsstyrelsens roll vid offentliga uppköpserbjudanden : De nya takeover-reglernas inverkan

Ett offentligt uppko?pserbjudande skiljer sig fra?n andra typer av fo?retagsfo?rva?rv pa? sa? sa?tt att det riktar sig till en sto?rre a?gandekrets. Eftersom ko?paren av praktiska ska?l inte kan fo?rhandla enskilt med aktiea?garna riktar sig ko?paren ista?llet, i ett offentligt erbjudande, till alla aktiea?gare i bolaget. Aktiea?garna har sedan att fo?rkasta eller acceptera erbjudandet.Fo?rfarandet kring ett offentligt uppko?pserbjudande kra?ver en aktiv ma?lbolagsstyrelse fo?r att tillvarata aktiea?garnas intresse.

Inställningen till partnering En jämförelse mellan byggmarknaderna i Stockholm och Göteborg

This bachelor thesis has the purpose to visualize and document the air movementsprovided by different ventilation principles in an operating theatre. The visualizationwill be made as simple as possible in a physical model. The model and thedocumentation should be able to use in educational purposes.The study is based on the two most common systems for airflow, currently used inoperating theatres. The first principle is displacement ventilation in which the air issupplied at low velocity along the floor. The second principle is vertical parallel laminarairflow in which the air is compressed like a piston from ceiling to the floor.A review of literature resulted in the choice of size, design, and scale factor for themodel, as well as choices of ventilation principles and airflows.

Daily rests of wild boar Sus scrofa sows in southern Sweden

For a few decades, the wild boars are established over large areas in southern and centralSweden. Where they cause problems in terms of damage to crops in the agriculturelandscape, where rooting, browsing and trampling, but also damage to the crop when wildboars chosen daily rest in the cultivated fields. Along with the growing number of wildboars the rate of car accident with wild boars has also increased.Here I examined the daily rests of wild boar (Sus scrofa) sows in southern Sweden, todetermine the factors which the wild boars sows choose for daily rest. By determining whatfactors are important in this selection of daily rests, we may be able to make managementmeasures to reduce the damage wild boars make in the agriculture landscape by attractingthem to places where they do less economic damage and accidents on roads.In this study I have examined 123 daily rest positions from 14 different individual wildboar sows fitted with GPS collared in Southern Sweden, Skåne County in Christinehof,Högestad Kronovalls estate. Data was collared over the years 2004-2006 during the periodfrom June 1 to September 30.

Bromodellering genom bromodulen i Revit Structure - Anpassning av programvara för skapande av ändskärmsbroar

This bachelor thesis has the purpose to visualize and document the air movementsprovided by different ventilation principles in an operating theatre. The visualizationwill be made as simple as possible in a physical model. The model and thedocumentation should be able to use in educational purposes.The study is based on the two most common systems for airflow, currently used inoperating theatres. The first principle is displacement ventilation in which the air issupplied at low velocity along the floor. The second principle is vertical parallel laminarairflow in which the air is compressed like a piston from ceiling to the floor.A review of literature resulted in the choice of size, design, and scale factor for themodel, as well as choices of ventilation principles and airflows.

Svartedalens naturreservat : en social rikedom värd att utveckla!

Svartedalens nature reserve a social richness worth develop. The nature reserve of Svartedalen is an area of high biological and social values. The reserve is located close to several densely populated areas. The reserve has been classified as a national area of interest for nature conservation and outdoor life, and as a Natura 2000 area according to both the bird- and habitat directions. The reserve is the largest landarea in Västra Götaland, 3 410 hectares, where a resolution has been made about all these forms of Protection. The foundation Skogssällskapet owns 1 956 hectares of the reserve, at 1 384 hectares of the property they pursue FSC-certified silver culture, according to current management plan.

VDC i produktionsfasen Implementering av virtuellt byggande för Veidekke Bygg Väst

This bachelor thesis has the purpose to visualize and document the air movementsprovided by different ventilation principles in an operating theatre. The visualizationwill be made as simple as possible in a physical model. The model and thedocumentation should be able to use in educational purposes.The study is based on the two most common systems for airflow, currently used inoperating theatres. The first principle is displacement ventilation in which the air issupplied at low velocity along the floor. The second principle is vertical parallel laminarairflow in which the air is compressed like a piston from ceiling to the floor.A review of literature resulted in the choice of size, design, and scale factor for themodel, as well as choices of ventilation principles and airflows.

Det ensamkommande barnet Ansvarstagande, mottagande & skyddsnät : En kvalitativ textanalys med inslag av en förvaltnings/implementeringsmodell

Based on the Migration Board's statistics report, the number of children that has gone missing within a time interval of 4 years (2010-2014) comprises 1331 children in total, of whom 146 are girls and 1185 are boys. A rising interest about what has happened to those children created a fundamental platform for this thesis. By reading Åkerman?s report from 2012, and the book De förlorade barnen: en rapport by Mikkelsen and Wagner (2013) the curiosity grew deeper. The research questions that were established were divided into three parts.

Länsstyrelsens krav vid beviljandet av förvärvstillstånd : En studie om huruvida länsstyrelsen agerar i enlighet med gällande rätt i de fall när tillstånd vägras och fastigheten ej löses in till ett pris där eventuell jakträtt åsätts marknadsmässigt värde

En av de grundläggande rättigheterna som tillerkänns den enskilde är egendomsskyddet. Denna rättighet är stadgad i regeringsformen. Ingrepp i den enskildes egendomsskydd medges om det syftar till att tillgodose ett angeläget allmänt intresse samt om inskränkningen klarar det test på proportionalitet som skapats genom praxis.Kravet på förvärvstillstånd i jordförvärvslagen är en typ av ingrepp i den enskildes egendomsskydd. Att den enskilde inte fritt kan förfoga över sin egendom genom att sälja den till vem han vill utgör ett sådant ingrepp. För att ingreppet ska anses vara proportionerligt krävs det att enskild ersätts genom att staten löser in fastigheten till det pris som avtalats.

Kväve i Östra Mälaren : hur kunskap förvaltas och används i tillståndsprocesser

The nitrogen cycle in freshwater bodies is complex and consists of many separate processes affected by a number of important factors for example oxygen concentration in the water, temperature and circulation. Knowledge of the different components of the nitrogen cycle exists; however, a complete and comprehensive picture is difficult conceptually as well as theoretically. The available literature illustrates that the research on nitrogen and the related freshwater processes is still associated with high uncertainty of how much of the supplied nitrogen from the catchment is transported with the water versus and how much is lost due to denitrification, sedimentation or uptake by plants. This report is an interdisciplinary survey of Nitrogen discharge permitting. The research focuses in particular on the decision-making process, the levels of scientific standard and the administrative framework.Application for Nitrogen discharge permits are decided by the Environmental Court with council from their own experts as well as relevant government authorities and organisations.

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