

653 Uppsatser om Protection - Sida 39 av 44

Ökad användning av biodrivmedel i vägtransportsektorn : en styrmedelsanalys

The Swedish road transport sector relies almost completely on fossil fuels. In 2007, as much as 96 percent of the total sales of fuels was made up of petrol and diesel, while at the same time the share of total emissions of greenhouse gases in Sweden that came from road transports amounted to close to 30 per cent. Sweden is by no means worse off than any other European country in these respects. In order to address the questions of high oil dependence and CO2 emissions the European Commission has proposed a reinforcement of the legislative framework, with a 10 percent minimum for the market share of biofuels in 2020. Furthermore, the proposed target is binding for the member states, unlike the current voluntary target of 5.75 percent by 2010. More than doubling the usage of biofuels in only a bit more than a decade will most likely not be possible without policy interventions.

Hållbar utveckling genom miljöbaserad offentlig upphandling? Miljökriterier i utvärdering av det ekonomiskt mest fördelaktiga anbudet

SummaryEurope?s public authorities are influential consumers. If they spend their money on greener products and services they can make an important contribution to the work towards a sustainable development. Green public procurement can thereby significantly improve the take-up of new environmental technologies. Through the effects of economies of scale, production costs be lowered and better equip us to fight environmental problems.

Tillsyn av djur på bete : betydelsen av lockgiva och regelbundna tider

During natural conditions cattle live in large herds, which are divided into subgroups of 10-15 animals. Humans have held cattle for over 9000 years. Today we mostly have cows for milk and meat production during more or less intensive forms. Most of the Swedish cattle have the opportunity to graze during the summer time. This partly arises from the Swedish Animal Protection law which stipulates that cattle must have the option to be outside and graze, also partly because it makes it easier for the farmer.

Avsättningsmöjligheter för slaggrus från avfallsförbränning vid Åmotfors Energi

The incineration of waste is steadily increasing in Sweden and so is the production of ashes. The bottom ash has for many years been used as construction material in landfills. Now many of the nation's landfills are closed and there is a great need to find another beneficial use for the ash. Bottom ash is a gravel-like material and with its material properties it can replace natural gravel in parts of roads and surface constructions. Today this use is only approved within landfill areas where leachate is collected and checked.

Utvärdering av Vissberga lakvattenbehandling

In connection with the admittance of the EC-directive (99/31/EC) in Swedish politic, through the constitution of waste depositing (2001:512) at year 2001, the rules about management the landfills and leachates tightened. At the landfill Vissberga in the municipality of Hallsberg, a leachate treatment plant was constructed just a year thereafter. This treatment plant consisted of an aerated pond with a following land treatment and a willow cultivation to replace the land treatment during the summer. In this case the parameters, which were estimated as the most important to reduce, were iron and nitrogen. The iron would react with the oxygen-rich water in the aerated pond and precipitate to ferric-hydroxide and than settle in a calm zone of the pond.

Underlag för bedömning av energibrunnar inom vattenskyddsområde

Denna rapport beskriver arbetet med utvecklingen av en ny modell för kaplanturbiner. Utvecklingen bygger på två kopplade differentialekvationer som under arbetets gång anpassats och implementerats i turbinmodellen.Modellen beskriver hur vattenflöde och turbinmoment påverkas av avvikelsen från den optimala kombineringskurvan för vinklarna på turbinens ledskena och löphjul, och är anpassad för ett referensaggregat med tillgängliga provdata. Även övriga enheter i vattenkraftaggregatet modelleras och sätts samman med frekvensregulator och elnät för att simulera aggregatets reglerstabilitet i önätsdrift.Verifieringen av turbinmodellen sker genom försök att återskapa de befintliga verkningsgradskurvorna med hjälp av modellen. Resultatet visar en god följning av de verkliga kurvformerna, dock med något lägre maximal verkningsgrad.Verifieringen av önätmodellen sker genom att prova stabiliteten i nätfrekvens och turbineffekt vid stegpålastningar. Resultatet ger en stabilare reglerstabilitet än i verkligheten, men uppfyller ändå förväntningarna på en fungerande modell.This report describes the development of a new kaplan turbine model.

Kartläggning av föroreningars förekomst och spridning i Gräsötippen enligt MIFO

It is estimated that 22 000 contaminated areas exist in Sweden today. In order to classify the risk of contaminant migration from these areas and to prioritize which of these contaminated areas should first be treated, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has designed a method, for the investigation of contaminated areas (MIFO). One of these contaminated areas is the landfill Gräsötippen outside Köping. The landfill has been used by both Yara AB and the Köping municipality between the years 1945 and 1975, and both industrial and household waste have been deposited there. The aim of this report is to survey which contaminants that can be found in the soil and water in the landfill Gräsötippen and to evaluate the migration of these contaminants.

Giraffens blodtrycksreglering

Through previous studies during my education, I have experienced that chemical deicing road salt is a known problem, mainly in southern Sweden. Road salt causes damage to the environment and also damage to vehicles and structures such as bridges, etc. Road salt causes vehicles and steel constructions to rust, leading to increased costs for repairs of damage to structures. Road salt also causes damage to the plants and the economy to suffer, when plant material and soil needs to be replaced. In order to get closer to a solution, I put up three questions.

Skötselmetoder för bestånd med produktions- och naturvårdsmål :

This study is made on assignment by the local board of forestry in Skåne, Blekinge and Halland. The change of the forest law 1994 brought a new type of management plan. A more active planning was introduced in order to equate the environment goal with the production goal. The purpose with this study is to give a better picture of how planning for nature conservation in production forest is made and to develop support for selection of silviculture methods for stands with combined goals. With combined goals means production forestry with a reinforced consideration to both nature and culture, called PF-classified stands. This was done by: ? Describing silviculture models from the literature that are possible to use for stands with combined goals. ? Describing silviculture models that is used in practice in stands with combined goals. ? Describing how the classification of stands with combined goals is used. Which means, were in the terrain, with which frequency and in which type of forest PF-classification is used. ? Comparing differences and similarities of theoretical and practical used models. The study was done partly as a literature study and partly as an interview study of forest planners.

Sinnlig stimulans i vaken vila : en studie av växter i en restorativ trädgård

Den här studien berör några av de miljöpsykologiska grunderna i Alnarps Rehabiliteringsträdgårds uppbyggnad. Den ger förslag på hur karaktären rofylld kan förstärkas och hur säsongen kan förlängas i den restorativa delen av välkomstträdgården med växter som tilltalar flera av våra sinnen. Deltagarna som kommer till trädgården har i regel stressrelaterade åkommor såsom utmattningssyndrom och har varit sjukskrivna en längre tid. De är ofta mycket känsliga på grund av fysisk och psykisk utmattning. Studier visar att deltagarna har behov av en kravlös miljö där de kan få vara ostörda.

Krubbitning hos häst : implikationer på djurvälfärd och argument för en nollvision om förekomst av beteendet

Most descriptions of stereotypic behaviours have in common that these repetitive behaviours only has been observed in captive animals and therefore it has been proposed that stereotypies exist because we house animals in environments that are sub-optimal to them. Some scientists claim that performance of stereotypies in itself decreases the animal's welfare due to costs in time, energy and health and a poorer quality of life. Other scientists assert that individuals performing stereotypies may have a better welfare compared to the rest of the animals in the same environment, since these individuals have developed strategies to cope with stress. Studies have estimated the prevalence of abnormal behaviours in horses to 18-30 % of the population. Several studies on cribbing have revealed a prevalence of 4-5 %, although some results indicate that more than 10 % of the horse population performs this stereotypy.

Vinkelfelet i mätkretsens påverkan på riktade jordfelsskydd

Utfört examensarbete undersöker vinkelfelet i mätkretsen för riktade jordfelsskydd och hur det påverkar dess felbortkoppling. Uppkomna vinkelfel i mätkretsen kan påverka det riktade jordfelsskyddet så att verklig felström och uppmätt felström inte stämmer överens, vilket kan leda till uteblivna eller obefogade felbortkopplingar. Vattenfall ställer krav på att vinkelfelet får uppgå till max ±2 grader för mätkretsen. Eftersom vinkelfelet i många fall har en hög påverkan på jordfelsskyddets noggrannhet undersöks vad Vattenfalls vinkelkrav egentligen innebär. Största orsaken till vinkelfelet uppstår oftast i strömtransformatorn och därför undersöks hur mycket två strömtransformatorer med olika klassificeringar som är vanliga i elnätet påverkar vinkelfelet i mätkretsen.Jordfel är det vanligast uppkomna felet i mellanspänningsnät och dess storlek beror till stor del på hur mycket kapacitivt bidrag som finns på linjerna samt värdet på nollpunktsresistorn.

Små skogliga vattendrag i Värmland - Generell beskrivning, förekomst av traktorspår samt spårens inverkan på bottenfaunan :

Modern forestry requires a high degree of machine traffic for clear felling and scarification operations. The machines most frequently used are big and the traffic often results in tracks on the forest ground. There are many small streams running through a forest, in connection to logging operations, machines might cross these frequently. These crossings could result in the erosion of fine particulate inorganic matter, which ends up in the stream. The aim of this thesis was to give a general description of small forest streams of order-one in the county of Värmland and to determine the frequency of machine tracks in small streams.

Riskbedömning vid Saltvikens kopparverk

AbstractAt Saltvikens copperindustry, which is located in the municipality of Oskarshamn, copper was refined from sulphiteore some hundred years ago. The ore underwent several steps in the process before the final product was received. These steps all had an influence on the environment through discharge of heavy metals. The area where the copper industry was located is today considered to be of specific national interest due to its valuable nature and cultural values, as well as its value for recreational outdoor activities. Therefore, it is important to determine the present level of contamination and if any transport of contaminants have occurred, and to identify the risks that are associated with the site both at present and in a longer time perspective.Thirtynine soil samples and 16 sediment samples have been analyzed.

Vägsaltets effekter på växter i urban- och offentligmiljö : ett växande problem

Through previous studies during my education, I have experienced that chemical deicing road salt is a known problem, mainly in southern Sweden. Road salt causes damage to the environment and also damage to vehicles and structures such as bridges, etc. Road salt causes vehicles and steel constructions to rust, leading to increased costs for repairs of damage to structures. Road salt also causes damage to the plants and the economy to suffer, when plant material and soil needs to be replaced. In order to get closer to a solution, I put up three questions.

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