

653 Uppsatser om Protection - Sida 13 av 44

Barns behov av pappa och av skydd från våld : Diskurser inom verksamheterna Barn- och ungdomspsykiatrin (BUP) och kvinnojourer i form av skyddade boenden

This qualitative study aimed to examine which discourses can be found within the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (BUP) and women?s shelters against domestic violence, concerning children that have experienced violence within the family, from two perspectives: the child?s need of father and of Protection from violence. The study also aimed to examine which discourses can be found within the organisations concerning children?s well-being, how they define their mission concerning domestic violence and how this can affect the practical work with children that have experienced violence and their parents. The questions that the study aimed to answer were which discourses can be distinguished within BUP and the women?s shelters against domestic violence and how they can affect the different agencies? view of the child?s need and well-being.

36 § avtalslagen mot oskäliga ansvarsfriskrivningar i kommersiella avtal : En komparativ studie med Common Law

In claims for unfair dismissal due to alleged redundancy, the burden of proof should be shared to enable an employee to have the cause of redundancy tried. In such a case, the employee should present evidence of an invalid cause ? such as personal reasons ? and the employer should account for the redundancy. With reference to their conflicting interests, the law favours the employer if the redundancy can be accounted for even if the employee maintains his or her position. This would have been reasonable practice if the employer?s evidence was subject to the same scrutiny as that of the employee but, as long as redundancy is considered a valid cause in itself, this is not the case.Redundancy does not come from nowhere, but it occurs when employers carry out their management decisions.

En studie om möjligheter att stoppa förfalskningar : Spårbarheten i en global värld

The purpose of this study is to describe the traceability of products that protect against counterfeiting and examine how Protection against counterfeit products have been developed to date, and to display the opportunity to streamline the Protection of products and brands.Nowadays, in the global world, it is getting increasingly more difficult to track the products. Especially for the last link in the chain, which in most cases is the customer and who is constantly exposed to risks. This report deals with the possibilities of preventing and detecting counterfeit products. Fake products are not unusual in an historical perspective. It has been common with counterfeits ever since the Middle Ages continuously until today. Forgers have become more skillful and they are successful in most industries. Many of the fake products are of poor quality and can be downright dangerous to the customer.To answer the question, the author used a qualitative collection method.

Svenska kattägares inställning till vaccination

Background: Vaccination is an important part in cats? welfare. It both helps to prevent the individual cat from catching a disease or lessen the symptoms of it, and protects the entire cat population from an epidemic. It is the cat owner who makes the decision to vaccinate or not. Understanding the cat owners? perspective regarding vaccination may improve communication between the owner and the veterinary nurse, which may lead to a higher vaccination rate among cats.

Psykosocial återhämtning hos kvinnor drabbade av hjärtinfarkt : En litteraturöversikt

Abstract Background: The World Health Organization has expressed a great concern about the increasing prevalence of childhood obesity. Region Västra Götaland (VGR) has developed a web based program to support school nurses in their work to promote health among children with obesity. Previous research on childhood obesity emphasizes the importance of support from nurses and how their work is organized. Aim: The aim of the study is, firstly, to explore school nurses experiences with health promotion work among obese children. Secondly, to investigate whether school nurses use the salutogenic theory of health.

Riskanalys av järnvägen genom centrala Halmstad

The purpose of this risk analysis is to investigate if the transport of dangerous gods through Halmstad is a threat to the surrounding area. The report shall serve as a component in the making of pre-plans and the planning of exercises..

Saklig grund för uppsägning i samband med samarbetssvårigheter

Abstract Co-operation difficulties in the work place can be a problem serious enough. Co-operation difficulties can occur between employee and employer, as well as employees among themselves. Irrespective of between which individuals the co-operation difficulties occur, it will have negative consequences. These can consist of, for example that individuals might suffer mentally, inproductivity and also an unwished economic disadvantage for the employer. From the employers? side it is pointed out that it is important with employees who are possible to co-operate with in a satisfactory way.

Utredningar av socialt utsatta barn : en genomlysning av risk- och skyddsfaktorer

The aim of this study is to, from a child?s family relations, describe the usage of terms relating to factors of risk and safety in science and in investigations concerning children in need of Protection. It is also of importance in what way the terms are used when the Social Services suggest that measures should be taken, and in which way the children have been heard in the investigations.The issues raised in this study are: (a) How is the current life situation and life quality of the children discussed? (b) The value of factors concerning risks and Protection. (c) How is the children?s own descriptions taken in to consideration? (d) Is gender issues considered? (e) How is Lagerberg?s model (Lagerberg, 1998) useful in investigations?The method of analysis is mainly qualitative however it is combined with analysis of literature relevant to the study.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser när de medverkar vid genomförandet av abort : En litteraturöversikt

Background: Abortion implies that the pregnancy is interrupted. According to the World Health Organization approximately 46 million induced abortions are carried out each year. Different methods of abortion can be used such as medical and surgical methods. The medical method especially affects a nurse?s experience of the procedure.

Yttrandefrihet kontra lojalitetsplikt : Vilken princip väger tyngst när det kommer till kritiska uttalanden om arbetsgivaren via sociala medier

In this paper, the legal situation regarding freedom of expression versus the duty of loyalty is investigated, this in a context where an employee makes critical statements about his employer through social media.The duty of loyalty is a part of all employment relationships and it follows implicit from the contract regardless of whether it is specified in it or not. This duty means that an employee is required to put the employer's interests before his own and avoid all situations that end up in collision of the duties. The employee may no t either act in such a way that is intended to harm the employer. This means that the employee must be even off duty careful not to appear disloyal to the employer. This may lead to that a status update on Facebook, even when made on the employee's free time, can be regarded as disloyal conduct, with the dismissal or disciplinary action as a result.Case law states that the point of departure regarding criticizing the employer must be that the employee has an extensive such a possibility to that, without that being considered as disloyal conduct.

Natura 2000-områden: rättsverkningar i jämförelse med vanliga naturreservat

Syftet med uppsatsen, att utreda de skillnader i rättsverkningar som finns mellan Natura 2000-områden och vanliga naturreservat,har jag uppnått genom att använda mig av traditionell juridisk metod. Genom att jämföra lagtextformuleringar, förarbeten och bakgrund till bestämmelserna om de två områdesskydden har jag funnit att reglerna om Natura 2000-områden har en betydligt större räckvidd än bestämmelserna för vanliga naturreservat. Allehanda verksamheter och åtgärder omfattas av den särskilda tillståndprövning som gäller för ingrepp i Natura 2000-områden, medan vanliga naturreservat har begränsad räckvidd till de ingrepp som stadgas i reservatsföreskrifterna. Jag har även funnit skillnader när det gäller inrättandet och upphävandet av områdesskydd, och resultatet är att EU-kommissionen utövar en stark kontroll vad gäller Natura 2000-områden. Kommissionen kan tvinga medlemsstaterna att inrätta särskilt skyddat område, och om medlemsstaten vill upphäva skyddet måste samråd ske med kommissionen.

Utrymning av folkmassor - simulering och verklighet

The report contains a comparison between computer based modeling of evacuation and evacuation experiments with large crowds. Crowd movement, behavior and management is examined, as well as the evacuation time. The conclusions in this report are based on observations made during the evacuation of a football ground (Swedish)..

Fungiciders påverkan på kvävehalten i höstvete : hur påverkar användandet av fungicider utnyttjandet och inlagringen av kväve i höstvete?

A common perception is that fungicide treatments increases yield, but that the nitrogen of the particular grain is diluted so that the overall removal of grain nitrogen from the field remains unchanged. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that a healthy crop reduces the risk of nutrient loss from agricultural land. The results from genotype and plant Protection trials often show constant nitrogen content in the grain, although the yield has been increased. Results from such experiments are therefore processed in order to confirm this and show that it is no statistically significant difference between the protein content (and also nitrogen content) in crops which have undergone fungicide treatment compared to crops which remained untreated. The trials processed have been carried out in the southernmost part of Sweden and are distinguished to concern winter wheat production.The explanation to the results is that a healthy crop is able to maintain the biological functions of the plant in a more efficient way than a crop damaged by a fungal infection.

Verklighet eller en politisk illusion? : En studie av den svenska pressens syn på sjukförsäkringsreformen i USA.

Essay in Political Science, C-level, by Camila Alvarez Cea, spring semester 2010. Tutor: Alf Sundin?Reality or a Political Mirage? ? A Study of the Swedish Press Views on the Health Insurance Reform in the USA? The purpose of this essay is partly to examine whether the picture that Swedish press presents of the health insurance reform in the US, which is part of the Patient Protection and Affordable Act bill, will be of crucial importance to the possibilities that the American population has to receive health insurance. The main research question is accordingly: ?Does the picture that Swedish press presents of the health insurance reform in the USA, seem like something that will be of radical importance to the possibilities of the population to receive healthcare?? The purpose is also to examine in which model (demand or market) the opinions of the Swedish press fits. This purpose will be answered by using three specific questions asking whether their opinions differ when it comes to three criterions: organization, financing/resources and delivery systems.

Tillämpningen av positiv särbehandling : På grund av kön och etnicitet

Directive 2006/54/EG from the European Union concerns the equal rights between men and woman and the principle of equal rights. The purpose of the directive is that the member states provide the equal rights between men and woman. Affirmative action is one exception from the principle of equal rights which is settled in directive 2006/54/EG, article 3. The purpose for the affirmative action must be to encourage the equal rights between men and women.EU has specific criteria to use affirmative action, which is created by praxis of the Court of Justice of the European Union. These criteria are that the affirmative action must involve an objective assessment, there must be equal qualifications between the person which is affirmative action and the person who is not, the positive action cannot be automatically decisive and this special treatment should be proportionate to the purpose.

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