

653 Uppsatser om Protection - Sida 12 av 44

Intellectual Property Rights : A Barricade to Technological Development. An Ethical Analysis on the Less Developed Countries

Debate over Intellectual Property Rights ?IPRs? particularly patent and copyrights is mainly on forward-looking industries in computer software. As part of a trade deal reached in 1994, the member nations of the World Trade Organisation must adhere to a global agreement known as TRIPS, for the Trade- Related Aspect of Intellectual Property Rights.This study is to analyse the ethical conception of Intellectual Property Rights and in particular its implications on the developing countries in relation to TRIPS. The approach will be to analyse a broad philosophical theories of property to see if there is any justification for a software program to be treated as private property and also argue base on John Rawls two principles of justice in relation to TRIPS Agreement. Some reflections will be put on the use of open-source software by less developing countries.From the study it was asserted that, strong IPRs Protection would hinder technological transfer and indigenous learning activities in the early stage of industrialisation when learning takes place through reverse engineering.

Ålder - en ny och komplex diskrimineringsgrund

Age is one of two new discriminatory grounds in Swedish law. EU took official position against age discrimination by means of Council Directive 2000/78/EC of 27 November 2000 establishing a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation. From January the 1st 2009 it is, by Diskrimineringslag (2008:567), illegal in Sweden to discriminate anyone based on age. The law covers all age groups and is applicable to various fields in society. Age differ from other discriminatory grounds since everyone has an age.

Finkalibriga projektiler, RSV och penetrerande stridsvagnsminor : vad krävs av ett ballistiskt skydd för att undvika penetration från dessa stridsdelar?

Detta arbete syftar till att undersöka vilket konventionellt ballistiskt skydd som krävs för att undvika penetration från finkalibriga projektiler, RSV-stridsdelar samt penetrerande stridsvagnsmina. Arbetet tar sitt ursprung i en handbok utgiven av FMV där stridsdelar som kan förekomma i Afghanistan behandlas. Handboken anger data och prestanda för dessa stridsdelar och det är därifrån arbetet tar uppgifter om genomslagsförmåga för stridsdelen. Skyddsprinciper och verkansprinciper för stridsdelar hämtas i huvudsak från rapporter utgivna av FOI samt från litteratur utgiven av FHS. Arbetets beskrivande delar inleds med en redogörelse för homogena ballistiska skyddsmaterial av metall samt keramer.

Skogen - vårt biologiska kulturarv

This article deals with the woodlands as a biological cultural heritage and how it is taken care of in the protected woodlands in Skåne, in the south of Sweden, especially the deciduous trees which is dominated by beech. High biological values have emerged as a result of grazing and different kinds of forestry. The protected woodlands have been ripped of its cultural influences which changes the biological values on which the original reasons for Protection was founded..

Studie av strandskyddsdispenser i Gävleborgs län : Jämförelse mellan länets kommuner

En studie av hur Gävleborgs läns kommuner tillämpar strandskyddsbestämmelserna vid dispensbeslut. Studien består av frågeenkäter, intervjuer samt en genomgång av dispensbeslut i tre utvalda län mellan 2002-2006. Resultatet visar på att det finns skillnader i såväl bedömningen av dispensansökningar som i dispensbeslutens formalia..

Parallel Registration of Ships

In present there is no Swedish legislation regulating bareboat registration of Swedish ships. Despite this absence however shipowners with vessels already registered in the Swedish Vessel Register do not hesitate to take advantage of the positive aspects of bareboat registration and thereby allowing the registration of their ships in another State as well. The fact that there is a lack of legislation in this area has left a legal loophole resulting in Swedish ships being registered in a second State without any regulation providing options or Protection for the different parties involved. With this as a background, the main objective of this thesis is to analyze parallel registration of ships, its consequences and the future of dual registration in Sweden. To fulfil this objective another aim is to impart a collected legal and economical presentation of the problems that may occur when a bareboat chartered vessel is registered in two different States simultaneously.

Angelägna allmänna intressen : En begränsning av möjligheten att genomföra kommersiellexpropriation?

Commercial expropriation occurs when real property is compulsory acquired by a private operator. This phenomenon is relatively new and has been criticized not only because of the rules concerning compensation, but also from the point of view of permissibility.An intervention in the Protection of property must fulfill the requirement of important public interest set out in RF 2 kap. 15 § in order for it to be allowed. There is no definition regarding what constitutes an important public interest, the only thing that exist is a non-exhaustive list in the preparatory work. This in turn has led to the creation of a broad discretion when it comes to determining what constitutes important public interests.

Skenbar arbetsbrist

In claims for unfair dismissal due to alleged redundancy, the burden of proof should be shared to enable an employee to have the cause of redundancy tried. In such a case, the employee should present evidence of an invalid cause ? such as personal reasons ? and the employer should account for the redundancy. With reference to their conflicting interests, the law favours the employer if the redundancy can be accounted for even if the employee maintains his or her position. This would have been reasonable practice if the employer?s evidence was subject to the same scrutiny as that of the employee but, as long as redundancy is considered a valid cause in itself, this is not the case.Redundancy does not come from nowhere, but it occurs when employers carry out their management decisions.

Visstidsdirektivets implementering i svensk rätt : Har korrekt implementering skett?

The essays main intent is to examine whether there has been a proper implementation of the Council?s directive 1999/70/EG into Swedish law regarding the requirement for measures to prevent the abuse of successive fixed-term employment contracts. To achieve this purpose there is a need for an examination of current law. The essay also has some secondary purposes. One of these secondary purposes is the question of whether the implementation of the Council?s directive 1999/70/EG has lead to a reduction of the workers employment Protection, which is closely connected to my main question and the violation case.

Sammanställning och utvärdering av små avloppsanläggningar utifrån tillförlitligheten hos angivna reningsgrader

The private sewage systems in Sweden releases around 600 tons of phosphorus per year, compared to about 350 tons from municipal sewage treatment plants, and they account for approximately 21% of the total anthropogenic discharge of phosphorus into Swedish waters. About 40% of Sweden's nearly 1 million private sewage systems are inferior with respect to emissions to surface and groundwater. The technology of small sewage plants is under development and knowledge of treatment effects for different solutions is poorly consolidated. Municipal authorities lack resources to keep up with the technologic development and assess the reliability of the treatment performances that suppliers report for their products. The thesis aims to conduct a market review and evaluation of wholly or partially prefabricated small sewage plants, to make it easier for municipalities and property owners to assess different technical solutions. The goal is a compilation of the products on the market, evaluated on the basis of the reliability of specified degrees of reduction.Information on sampling procedures and test results were collected through a questionnaire to all active suppliers and the responses were then used to classify the products.

Värdefull eller värdelös? - Kulturhistorisk värdering och färjestationen i Helsingborg

This essay in historical archaeology deals with cultural-historical values of buildings and inthis case the old train- and ferrystation in Helsingborg. The building has from the day of itsopening in 1898 been exposed to threats of demolition since its original purpose was as atemporary building with intension of being replaced within a couple of years. After havingseen two World Wars, eventhough Sweden never participated, and the ferrytraffic with its upsand downs the station was an important part of Helsingborg. All the ferrytraffic over the straitto Denmark was handeled by the old train- and ferrystation untill 1955, when a competativeferrycompany was built close to the old station. After a hundred years of service the oldstation was closed down when a new station was built i Helsingborg in 1991 with theintension of gathering all travelers in one building.

Kvaliteten hos charkprodukter efter borttagandet av namnskydd, samt införandet av EU:s köttdefinition

Until the 1st of January 2003 there were thirteen processed meat products provided with name Protection in Sweden. These products had to contain a certain amount of meat and/or a certain amount of fat to be allowed to carry a recognized name. Among these thirteen products, one could find, for example, meat balls (köttbullar), liver pâté (leverpastej), and Falun sausage (Falukorv). While imports of these products started to increase, the system with name Protection lost its ability to guarantee a certain quality for all products sold in Sweden and the legislation was removed on December 31st 2002. At the same time, a common definition of meat was adopted in the European Union.

Omvända skattskyldigheten i byggsektorn Gränsdragningen mellan vara och tjänst?

In tune with the cross-border trade the infringement of intellectual property rights has become a growing problem in Europe and the rest of the world. In June 2008 negotiations about a new international agreement was initiated between Europe, its member states and ten other countries, which will restrict infringements of intellectual property rights. The agreement is called ACTA, which stands for Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement. On January 26, 2012 the European Union (EU) and twenty-two of its twenty-seven member states signed a letter of intent to the agreement and the EU?s internal processes of the agreement began.

Yttrandefrihet i sociala medier

AbstractSweden has had a long tradition of freedom of the press and freedom of speech. Today the judicial area is regulated by the constitution of the press and the constitution of speech. The purpose of the two constitutions is to secure the right for every Swedish citizen to express their thoughts, opinions and feelings.The constitutions are designed to regulate the techniques with which the information is distributed and not to regulate the information in itself. This fact has caused a debate to arise on the subject whether the constitutions are still suitable to regulate the judicial area when the technical development causes the constitutions to get out of date and in need of constant updating. As a rule the usage of social media is not regulated by the constitution of speech the information distributed through these webpages can be included by the Protection given by the constitution but very few of these webpages fulfill the criteria?s demanded by the constitution.The purpose of this essay is to ask the question whether the constitution of speech should be reformed to better regulate the technical development in the future.

Val av område och områdesskydd för Natura 2000 med skogshabitat : En jämförande studie av fyra län i Sverige

The Natura 2000 Network is one of the European Unions many tools concerning nature conservation, and is without comparison the premier contribution when it comes to halting the loss of biodiversity. This essay is a case study on how the regional work with the Natura 2000-network has been carried out in four different counties. These counties are Södermanland, Västernorrland, Jämtland and Örebro. They have been compared based on the theoretical concept of sustainable development. This essay describes how the officials in the County Administrations view the regional implementation of Natura 2000 when it comes to the selection of Natura 2000-sites with forest habitats and the creation of an additional protective measure.

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