

633 Uppsatser om Prostitution laws - Sida 8 av 43

Rättsenlighet och ansvarstagande i de ensamkommande flyktingbarnens asylprocess

Earlier this year the Swedish migration board gave a part of their responsibility for the separated children to those municipalities that have signed an agreement with them, so that the children can get the best handling of their matters and also to lift the heavy pressure of the Swedish migration board. Our aim in this paper is to see how this division is made and which areas of responsibility they have. We want to see how this process is being handled in relation to these children?s rights, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Swedish law. To get the best information possible we used a qualitative method.

Gräsrotsfinansiering : rättsliga problem och hur gällande rätt föreslås ändras

Crowdfunding is a phenomenon that is subject to a great growth during the recent years, and the growth rate doesn't seem to stagnate. When new legislation named the JOBS Act in the U.S. becomes effective in late 2015, crowd equity will surely become a popular tool for financing businesses. Because crowdfunding great popularity is caused by the possibility to reach out to crowds through the internet, it is a global phenomenon, why it's relevant to examine current legislations in jurisdictions. This thesis covers an examination of Swedish laws of how they govern crowdfunding, and also suggestions on how the laws should be changed to more efficiently  correspond with the purposes of crowdfunding..

Kontroll genom lagstiftning. Vägen till den svenska prostitutionslagen

Prostitutionsfenomenet är på intet sätt nytt och har bidragit till diskussioner under flera århundraden. I Sverige kan vi följa synsättet på prostitutionen genom, bland annat, lagstiftning och vi kan se hur man gått från att fokusera på den sexuella handlingen till den prostituerades roll och slutligen till köparens roll. Detta har lett till att vi idag har en lagstiftning som innebär att köp av sexuella tjänster är förbjudet, däremot inte försäljning av detsamma. Sveriges lagstiftning är unik i världen och många andra länder har istället valt att legalisera prostitution helt eller att straffbelägga säljaren snarare än köparen. Detta får givetvis betydelse även i Sverige, om inte annat så genom det europeiska samarbetet.

Sharia eller västerländsk jämställdhet? : Kvinnor i egyptisk lagstiftning

Sharia or western equality?womenin Egyptian legislationThe Islamic law (Sharia) in most of the countries in Middle East and North Africa has been the basis for modern laws which regulate issues such as marriage, divorce and inheritance. These laws (personal status law or family law) have been debated frequently in the last decades.There are those who consider personal status law (PSL) as unjust, male-biased and discriminating against women especially in the issue of divorce. On the other hand there are voices who call to go back to the Sharia, because muslims has to follow the islamic law and its values, they are universal as they claim. In this essay I try to enlighten these two points of view which can be found in the debate in Egypt.

Made in Sweden : En studie av svensk jordbruksproduktions villkor på en konkurrensutsatt marknad

Background: The situation for Swedish agricultural production today is characterized by an increased competition, particularly after the country joined the European Union. Swedish agricultural production laws guarantee safe, high quality foodstuffs. However, due to these strict laws, Swedish farmers face higher production costs than their competitors. Meanwhile, cheaper imported goods compete freely on the Swedish market. Swedish agricultural production must find new ways to survive in the increasing competition.

Goda levnadsvillkor eller skälig levnadsnivå... efter 65 år : En jämförelse av omsorgsmodeller enligt LSS - lag om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade och SoL -socialtjänstlagen

The level of help and support given to elderly people over the age of 65 has been regulated by two separate laws; 1-the Act concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments (LSS) and 2- Act of Social Services (SoL). Recent changes in the legislation could cause local authorities to deal with these issues in different ways. The aim of this study was to examine and evaluate possible differences in the level of support for the elderly, dependant on which of the two laws was used in the decision process.The questions raised in this paper are· What are the major differences in the purposes of the two legislations?· How will the decisions be influenced dependant on what law is used? Do the decisionmakers identify the difference between the quality levels "good" and "fair"?· How is the process of care organised and managed within each of these legislations and how is the personnel used?· Are there differences in quality regarding freedom of choice, your own right to decide, influence, comprehensive view and continuity in the efforts given?· What development can you see in these fields of care.As a method I have used a case study involving four big cities in Scania. The most interesting and essential knowledge in the study was obtained from qualitative interviews with eleven decision-makers in the four communities.The result of this study indicates that there are more similarities than differences in the purposes of these laws.

Retorik i praktik : Postproduktion av ljud & bild i dokumentärfilm

I detta kandidatarbete svarar vi på frågan ?Hur använder man postproduktion som ett retoriskt verktyg för att förstärka en dokumentärfilms budskap??. Retorik står i konflikt med dokumentärfilm. Vi anser att retoriken vill påverka medan en dokumentär vill undervisa. Med hjälp av Aristoteles tre grundlagar för retorik, ethos, logos och pathos, försöker vi påverka tittarens tycke om en dokumentärfilms budskap via postproduktion.

Ont begär : horsbrotten i Fryksdals härad och Jösse härad i Värmland under mitten av 1600-talet

The 17th century was a time of change in Sweden. During the century many of the Swedish laws were altered. In the beginning of the 17th century this alteration resulted in a more severe sentence for most of the committed crimes, but a mitigation of the sentence for some of those crimes was effected in the middle of the 17th century. The aim of this study is to see how two local courts in the judicial system during the mid 17th century in Sweden treated adultery, and those who committed the crime against the background of what the law regarding adultery stipulated. The source material used are court records from Fryksdals hundred and Jösse hundred in western Sweden, and laws regarding adultery during the 17th century.This research shows that the laws regarding adultery were in themselves not gender specific, and their main concern was the marital status of those involved.

Exotiska kroppar till salu på den globala marknaden

Undersökningens syfte är att med hjälp av intervjuer redovisa sex gymnasielärares uppfattningar om deras yrkesetiska principer. Fokus ligger på principernas syfte, diskursaktualitet och applicerbarhet. Resultatet visar att lärarna ser yrkesetiken som ett förhållningssätt samt en del i status- och professionsfrågan. Diskursaktualiteten uppfattas som frånvarande på den aktuella skolan, men intresse för större aktivitet önskas hos några av dem. Yrkesetikens applicerbarhet anses som relativt god, men att problem finns..

Fastighetsköp i utlandet : En jämförelse mellan Sverige, Spanien, Thailand och Turkiet

AbstractBuying real estate property is a complex process for the uninitiated. Apotential buyer has to keep track of laws and regulations affecting theproperty. The purchase of a property is for many also the largest deal made inlife and because of that it is especially important to make sure everything getsdone correctly.A real estate property purchase contains a number of different elements, suchas engineering data and inspection of the property and documentation to makesure that the signing of contracts and clauses are done according to the laws ofthat country. These purchase process steps are ordinary people not familiarwith, and therefore they hire the help of a real estate agent.Buying a property abroad complicates things because the countries have theirown laws and rules that make them different from the Swedish rules which theSwedish real estate buyers are accustomed to.Our thesis is about exploring if a Swedish buyer knows the buying process inforeign countries, or whether they rely on the broker they hired. The countrieswe have chosen to examine and compare against Sweden is Spain, Thailandand Turkey.Our questions will be answered by interviewing buyers about how they feelabout their buying process, if they encountered any problems before, duringor after their purchase, and if they are happy with their purchase after theevent.Our study shows that the buying processes in all four countries are generallyequal to each other.

Retorik i praktik: Postproduktion av ljud & bild i dokumentärfilm

I detta kandidatarbete svarar vi på frågan ?Hur använder man postproduktion som ett retoriskt verktyg för att förstärka en dokumentärfilms budskap??. Retorik står i konflikt med dokumentärfilm. Vi anser att retoriken vill påverka medan en dokumentär vill undervisa. Med hjälp av Aristoteles tre grundlagar för retorik, ethos, logos och pathos, försöker vi påverka tittarens tycke om en dokumentärfilms budskap via postproduktion.

Natos intervention i Kosovo 1999 : En ställningstagande idéanalys av Natos argumentation om begreppet humanitära interventioner

This thesis is an analysis based on the problem of defining a humanitarian intervention and argues when or not, it is appropriate to operate it. The interest lies in finding out whether the argument itself is justifiable,not whether the act of interference was justifiable. My hypothesis is that both private and international operatios misuse the definition "humanitarian interventions" as an excuse to trespass the laws of war. Behind the idea of protecting human rights, freedom and democracy, is the liberalist idea of all individuals being equal. The respect for their freedom and rights drives outside actors to intervene when crimes are comitted against them.

"Det är som att gå till McDonalds, man vet vad man får? : En lingvistisk textanalys av fem svenska dagstidningars framställningar av sexköpare, sexsäljare och sexköp

Lagen om förbud mot köp av sexuell tjänst (Brottsbalken 6 kap 11 §) infördes i Sverige 1999. Den är en unik lag internationellt sett, eftersom att den friskriver sexsäljaren från ansvar samtidigt som den straffar sexköparen. Föreliggande studie har mot den bakgrunden ställt upp frågeställningarna: Hur framställs sexköpare i den svenska dagspressen? Hur framställs sexsäljare i den svenska dagspressen? Hur framställs sexköp i den svenska dagspressen?Den tidigare forskning som har framförts består av två studier om medier, en studie om svenska myndigheters kännedom om prostitution, en SOU om detsamma, en studie om framställningar av prostitution i kanadensisk press samt en C-uppsats om framställningar av prostitution i svensk press.Den teoretiska ramen präglas av socialkonstruktivistiska ansatser, med teorier om makt och positioneringar i fokus. Vetenskapsteoretiskt har studien antagit ett socialkonstruktivistiskt förhållningssätt.

Avfallshantering : På Härjeåns Nät AB, med fokus på energi- och materialåtervinning

This thesis was conducted at Mälardalen University in Västerås and Härjeåns Nät AB, mainly in Sveg. Härjeåns Nät AB is a network company that delivers electricity in Härjedalen municipality, Ånge Municipality, Ragunda and Bräcke municipality. The maintenance and dismantling of electricity and broadband networks generates a lot of waste. The purpose of this work is to present proposals on the management of the waste. The goal is that all of Härjeåns offices should have equal management for the waste and an overview of how to manage the various wastes.

Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere- a qualitative thesis about the organization Empower and their sex working women in Thailand.

This thesis examines the organization Empower and their members, who consist of sex working women in Thailand. The purpose is to explore the more liberal point of view of prostitution and how the female members perceive Empower. Furthermore the study investigates if the organization can improve the sex workers empowerment. The study also delineates how these women reflect on their professional role as a sex working woman and whether the women relate to feminine discourses. The study is implemented in Chiang Mai, Thailand during the fall of the year 2010 and is based on qualitative methods like interview, focus group, observations and text analysis.

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