3567 Uppsatser om Project aid - Sida 3 av 238
Give me five - till bilderbokens försvar : En kvalitativ utvärdering av litteratururvalet till ett bok- och berättarprojekt för förskolebarn
The purpose of this this thesis is to evaluate the books that the Library Project "Give me five" uses accoring to their own project objective. Starting in the discussion of censorship that took place in Swedish media, the goal of the project is to defend picture books that portray child's inner and outer worlds. Some of the books are selected by librarians and some preschool teachers themselves have chosen. I have a in a thematic analysis examined if the books' themes meet the requirements of the project goals and if there is any difference on the books that preschool teachers chosen and the ones that the librarians have selected. I have in a image analysis investigated whether they have used books that challenge children's imagery, and if the books portray children's outer world.
Oxygen Health : Inlösning av syre i vatten
The project has been provided by Zenit design group and the goal for this project was tomanufacture and perform tests of a prototype that supersaturates water in a continuous flow ofwater. The project has involved finding and sorting out relevant data in scientific papers, books,communication with foreign manufactures and other platforms for information.The project has resulted in manufacturing of a test rig and an oxygen infuser based onmembrane technology. The test rigs purpose was to perform tests on oxygen infusers fordifferent comparison test and performance benchmarks in a in a laboratory provided by Zenit.The project led to satisfying results using the oxygen infuser manufactured by the authors withcomparable levels of saturation to the reference infuser.The theory behind this project is based on medical research, belonging terms will be explainedbut the authors have chosen to delimit the project from the medical area. The reason for this islack of knowledge in this area and its irrelevance to the mechanical engineering education insuch..
Preporsition for bachelor thesis project, working from the inside and out. Emphasising spatial quality and experience, More or less ignoring form and program. I?ve had issues with these aspects in earlier project, the form or the program takes alot of place in the project. I haven?t tried this approach before, it?s an attractive thought to allow the project take a form of it?s own, enclosing those spaces i create.The initial concept was to place the pools on the ground (not digging them into the ground) making them volumes that divide and define spaces.
Projektledning : En studie om en effektiviserad projektledningsmetod till TS Produktion
The term "Project" have become a growing work model that exist in almost all bransches. A project is a work effort made over a finite period of time with a start and a finish to create a unique product, service, or result. Science shows that time limitation has an impact on humans to perform under pressure, which challanges the contributor to deliver. This report contains an examination about project management, both coming from scientific results and an external business. The point of this study is to bring ideas of improvement, which can make the work method more effective in this company..
Att planera ett storskaligt krishanteringsprojekt : En fallstudie om MSB:s ebolainsats i Västafrika 2014-2015
In 2014-2015 a large-scale Ebola epidemic occurred in West Africa. The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency was given the order to conduct the Swedish response. The purpose of this case study was to investigate the impact on project planning of the three factors: the nature of the crisis, political initiative and developing countries. In this case study the crisis was an epidemic, and the project was initiated by the Swedish Government and conducted in two developing countries. The results were intended to contribute to developed understanding and recommendations for future project managers in similar projects.
En studie om individers upplevelser av arbetslöshet, mindfulness och stress
The aim of the study was to examine individuals' experiences of participating in 5 week mindfulness program as a tool for job seekers. Qualitative methods were used to interview three students and two mindfulness educators. The informants were asked to answer questions about their experiences of having participated or practiced mindfulness in the project. The results showed that all respondents experienced the project as positive. The participants describe that the project helped them to get out and meet other people and with routines in their life. The participants also said that unemployment caused alienation and they felt themselves to have poorer health when they were unemployed.
Färg möter ljus - med inspiration från staden
This project is about color and light and how it affects the atmosphere in the city. I choseto look closer into the central parts of the city, a place where I often feel a lack of lightand color, especially during the winter season. In the beginning of the project I made ananalysis of how intense colors are used in the city and how we can use color as a tool tocreate effectful spaces. Further into the project I chose to look closer into the effects thatare made by the facades, how the light from the windows affects the room outside when the dark falls. At the end of the project I caught a feeling inspired by the city and applied it into an installation of light..
Förstudier av kommersiella fastigheter : En analys av arbetssätt ur ett projektledarperspektiv
This thesis is written at WSP management and investigates the practice of pre-project planning and feasibility studies at Swedish construction companies, through the study of the ongoing feasibility study of the mall Sturegallerian in Stockholm, and through interviews with experienced project managers in the construction industry. There is currently a big span in the way Swedish construction companies plan the pre-project phase and the aim of this thesis is to present a more generic and standardized way that helps minimize project risks and maximize efficiency and profit. The result is a generic model which can be used in pre-project planning. The model describes the phases in the preproject planning process and the activities that span these phases. Is also describes the categories of professions that need to participate in the preproject planning group and which activities that each profession executes. The other result is a list of factors that need to be considered for a well performed pre-project phase, as found during the interviews. Among others the thesis stresses the importance of involving the client as a key participant in the process.
Controllerns roll i utvecklingsprojekt : Fallstudie hos Volvo CE och Scania CV
In order for companies to be competitive they perform different types of development projects. Due to globalization a greater focus is added on costs, not least on costs in development projects. Project controllers are involved in development projects in order to review the financial aspects. The authors have examined the role that project controllers hold in respect of two Swedish manufacturers, Volvo CE and Scania CV. The investigation has revolved around three main issues where the authors conducted interviews with controllers that do not work in development projects and project controllers in development projects. The goal of the interviews was to gain a greater understanding of the role of project controllers, how this role will differ from those that do not work in development projects and the difficulties faced by project controllers.
Ett fönster in till den stora biblioteksvärlden : en uppsats om GÖK-projeket, med tyngdpunkt på Linnestadens bibliotek i Göteborg
This master's thesis deals with the public library project called the GÖK-project, whichconcerned three Swedish public libraries: Linnestaden (Göteborg), Örnskoldsvik and Kalmar.The general outlines for the project were: reconsideration of the conception of the literaryquality, improvement of the library services, adjustment to the library user and reconsiderationof the conception of adult education to the public libraries of the 90s. The projectcaused a big national debate with effort put on the conception of the literary quality.The topic of this master's thesis is partly the GÖK-project and its general outlines, partly theaccomplishment of the project, the main point put on the public library in Linnestaden(Göteborg)..
Projektdokumentation : Kritiska framgångsfaktorer
Projects of all kinds generate documentation that needs to be organized and stored for future use. Well adapted tools, together with a unified modus operandi need to be available for both the project members and those having a more organizing role if an organization is to be effective.A study of the tools available to project members at Svenska Kraftnät have been performed along with an analysis of the guidelines for the tools' usage. The study has focused on the needs of the project members, not the organization as a whole, thus providing a bottom-up approach to the problem instead of the more organizational top-down approach. Interviews of around 20 project members, whose roles include project leaders, technical experts and documentation supervisors, have been conducted to get an idea of the practical problems that exists.All systems, except for a local network storage device, were found to at least meet Svenska Kraftnät's current demands. The usage guidelines, however, covers only the general process that a project should follow and lacks detailed information on a per system level in several areas.
När backa inte längre var ett alternativ : Genomförandet av Arenastaden i Växjö
This thesis suggest an explanation for is how it is possible to understand that the large arena project in Växjö grew to cost sums of money that initially in the project not would have been an alternative to discuss, how goals changed and how the institutional environment changed the prerequisites of the project. As empirical part of the research, to describe and analyze the project, the municipality?s documentation of the project have been analyzed and semi-structured interviews have been made. Theoretical perspective is taken from the neo-institutionalism in sociology of organizations and change, and theories of the complexity of large projects with major symbolic value and importance. The project starts with the municipality?s investment and cost to be hold back, defined as a necessary condition in order to fulfil an ambitious drive towards new sport arenas. Eventually the necessary condition was abandoned and the arenas were built with the municipality responsible for the investment, cost and risk in the project.
SSD - Stair Support Device
Together with Hälsoteknikalliansen the project team recognized the need to improve availability in the staircase environments. This is a difficult environment, especially for our elderly. The staircase leading to and from apartments is such a major obstacle that many people do not dare to go into the staircase leading to their front door. The market study that the project team conducted showed that many were in need of a living support, often a relative, who helped and supported them when they went into these stairs. It also appeared that these people manage everyday life just fine, but they suffer the problems that stairs to and from their apartment causes.
Viking Future Centre : Vision om en identitetsbyggnad i Göteborg
This thesis project is a vision of an identity building in Gothenburg, situated on the pier called Bananpiren. The purpose of the project is to create interest and stimulate discussions around the place and the building.In order to gain inspiration of what such a place can contain and express, a number of similar projects have been analysed, for example the Sydney Opera and the Yokohama International Port Terminal.A number of suggestions was then created and analysed, all of which are presented in chronological order in order to show the rejections and the developed designs that resulted in the final formation to proceed with.The result was finalised in a number of presentation images of the project that can be used by Cullbergs Arkitektkontor AB when presenting the project..
OnTag Scorekort : Utveckling av en mobilapplikation för Android
In recent years seemingly everything has become digital. Some areas, like classical sports, have been slower to adapt to new technical development. Golf is an example of this. Usually when people play golf they bring their clubs, golf balls and a paper scorecard on to the golf course. The advantages of keeping score in a digital way areevident.