3567 Uppsatser om Project aid - Sida 21 av 238
Elektrisk servostyrning för fyrhjulingar
This thesis is a feasibility study for a future product development project. The purpose ofthis project is to evaluate the possibilities and difficulties associated with the design of anelectric power assist servo for all terrain vehicles (ATVs). The project has been carriedout in collaboration with Nira Control AB. Nira designs and manufactures electric andelectro mechanic products mainly for the motor sport market segment.Nira Control AB is developing a fuel injection system for a new line of large ATVs oncommission. To be able to compete with manufacturers like Yamaha and Honda thecommissioner should be able to offer optional power assist steering.
Radiolänk med GNU Radio
At the Department of Technology and Built environment at the University of Gävle there was an interest to study GNU Radio, which is an "open source radio project. The project is based on that most of the radio signal processing is made in an ordinary PC. The idea behind this degree project was that in a laptop there are several radio transmitters/receivers that takes space, generates heat and transmit in varied frequency band etcetera. All these radio transmitters/receivers could be replaced with a Software Defined Radio system. It means that one common, general radio hardware is used to different communications such as: WLAN, Bluetooth, GPRS, 3G etcetera. The waveform is generated in the software, which makes the system very flexible.
ESF-projektet ?Kvinnokraft?. En kvalitativ studie om nyckelaktörers uppfattningar om hinder för integration och projekt för somaliska kvinnor
Compared to all existing ethnic groups in Sweden, the integration of Somali women has failed the most within the aspect of employment. This bachelor?s thesis investigates the obstacles in the integration of Somali women by focusing on one case, a project named ?Kvinnokraft?, partly financed by the European Socialfund.By interviewing eight key actors, opinions about obstacles in the project have been identified. A theoretical framework that incorporates integration, project research, multi-level governance and intersectionality contributes to explaining difficulties in integrating Somali women.The empirical findings show that there are individual, social and institutional holdbacks. Stereotypical perceptions were common amongst officials, which contributes to a creation of an inferior position in the structures of the society for Somali women.
Nyutveckling av sjunkspärr
We got in contact with Marco AB, who we?ve had contact with before concerning earlier projects, to find out if they were interested in arranging a larger project for our last class (Examensarbete 15hp). They were very positive to this proposition, and soon they offered us a project regarding reconstruction of their current mechanical device that absorbs all the force from the lift itself when it is at a predefined level (sv. sjunkspärr). The current solution does fulfill the requirements that are given, however it is not a solution that gives a high level of satisfactory.
Undersökning av titanföreningar för tillverkning av standarder vid användning av röntgenfluorescens
SECO Tools manufactures tool inserts for all types of metal cutting machining. (Ti,W)C is a common raw material used in the production. At arrival, the material (Ti,W)C is always analyzed. Titanium has previously been analysed with x-ray fluorescence spectrometry, but as the calibration has previously been performed with two different types of titanium (rutile and metallic titanium), the results has differed. Because of that, this thesis project has been devoted to analyze titanium, to find the best titanium compound for producing standards.The work has been performed using literature studies and many experiments in the laboratories at SECO Tools inFagersta,Sweden.
Magnetisk separering av malmpebbles i KA3 - mekaniska konceptförslag : Magnetic separation of ore in KA3 - conceptual design propositions
This has been a thesis work for an bachelor degree at Umeå university. The work has been done at LKAB?s facilities in Kiruna and its main purpose has been to investigate and construct some conceptual designs for replacing a screen with magnetic separation in KA3 concentrator plant. First all information available about magnetic separation was gathered and studies of magnetic separation at the sorting plant and studies of the plant KA3 was conducted. Companies that manufacture magnetic separators were contacted.
"Vill man skapa ett bättre samhälle gäller det att inte stanna vid ett område." : En studie om fyra unga lokalpolitikers uppfattningar av politiskt engagemang.
This examination project is an investigation about the opinion and comprehension for political engagement of four young municipal politicians. The purpose with this project is to describe and understand the pronounced comprehension for political engagement. There is also an intention to investigate the educational in discussing political engagement with students in social studies at upper secondary school. The method that has been used is ?map of conceptions? because of its appropriate way to elucidate the comprehension and understanding of a certain subject. Those four young municipal politicians see political engagement as the will to improve the community. There is also an importance to have a large engagement in more areas than just one.
Programmeringsstruktur med dyslektiskt tänkande
During the period of this project I have programed a web site in php4, and also
built the database in MySQL. The purpose with the projekt is to create a common
web site for the various activities in the different churches located in the
area of Örnsköldsvik.
In my project I have chosen to try to find a structure of programming that fits
my needs as a dyslexic. In the essay you can find a more thorough description
of my procedure and the structure that I have chosen to use. .
Samverkan kring arbetsrehabilitering : En kvalitativ studie av ett projekt
ABSTRACTThe purpose of our study was to examine how four different organizations cooperate on rehabilitation of people to get them back to employment. More specifically our aim was to investigate how different organizations in a project, involving workrehabilitation, looks at cooperation. Our main questions were vague at the beginning of our study, but finally our focus became clear. The questions were formed with help from the research of Hjortsjö (2006) and Fridolf (2000): Which possibilities and hindrances identify the different organizations which cooperate? What does cooperation mean to the representatives from the different organizations which are included in KARB? Our result shows that the respondents mostly think positive of the project KARB.
Optimering av produktionstidsplan : Studie baserad på implementering av ny planeringsteknik i Peab Sverige AB
Now a day?s there is dramatic change from traditional to digital information processing in construction industry. This change can be visualized in the project concept stage where it now has accessibility to join all the data in one place. Location-based planning technique simplifies scheduling by visualizing the schedule efficiently and has many advantages such as might shortened the project period by about 10 - 20 % if the company uses location-based technology, reducing risks in many ways by maintaining production continuity and identify collisions between things etc. Vico Office software has been used for Location based planning technique and in this thesis.The purpose of this thesis work was to demonstrate how location -based planning technology change the scheduling stage in Peab, potentially reducing the project time.
As my final project I planned to animate a movie. Usually I work with illustration and I see animation as the next step in my design work, to investigate how illustration and movement can collaborate. The purpose with my project was to develop my technical skills, improve my design process and broaden my work to eventually be able to work with animation. My ambition was to make an abstract animation and my focus was mainly on my personal process and knowledge. I also wanted to explore how much one can abstract a movie while still communicating a story or message..
Koldioxidutsläpp vid vägbyggnad - en fallstudie med jämförelse av alternativa byggnadssätt
Abstract This degree project examines how much carbon dioxide that emits during the construction phase of a road project. This is to make it possible to compare how the amount of carbon dioxide differentiates between traditional road construction and Swepave construction, which is PEAB?s alternative way to design roads. To make the comparison a calculation tool has been produced. To compare the amount of carbon dioxide emissions a reference project was needed.
This document is a summary of my work to create a project management system for
a small firm working with computer graphics. The intention is to manage
customers, projects, images and invoices in the easiest possible way. To make
the system as flexible as possible a web-interface was chosen which makes it
possible to access the system from any computer, making it independent of any
particular operating system. The only requirement on the user environment is
that the computer must have a connection to the Internet to be able to access
the system. The different techniques that have been used to develop the project
management system is primarily Ruby on Rails and a MySQL database.
Although Ruby on Rails was completely new to me, I decided to use this
framework instead of PHP, which I
already have a good knowledge of, because of the benefits Ruby on Rails
Med andra bilder inga ord. En illustrerad berättelse.
This project has been about illustration, text and format with illustration as the main communication path.A study has been made of how these three elements interact, particularly how text and format affect the illustrations. The goal has been to create an illustrated story in a form of a book. The story is about the feeling of being alienated from other people and invites the reader to make their own interpretations. The main target audience has been the ones who is interested in illustration and storytelling, no matter of age.Colors has been inspired from animated movies and the natur. Various textures such as wood, fabric and metal for example has been scanned to create a rough feeling.
Projektmodell för införande av affärssystem : Ett konsultbolags implementeringsprocess i tjänsteföretag
Companies acquiring ERP systems are often dissatisfied with the project and therefore consultancy firms wish to make use of project models in order to achieve success in implementations. Since research on ERP implementations in service companies is limited, there is a need for mapping of critical activities in implementation projects in this line of business. Under these premises, the purpose of our master thesis is to develop a model for implementation of ERP systems, specified in activities, which can be used by mid-sized consultancy firms with mid-sized qualified service companies as customers.A literature study including project models, modern models and methodologies for ERP implementation, commonly existent activities, success factors and system development methods was carried out. Starting out with this, a theoretical model for ERP implementation was generated. In excess of this, a case study was conducted, where the implementation of the ERP system Microsoft Dynamics AX at the service company Eurostep, performed by the consultancy firm Medius, was studied.