3567 Uppsatser om Project aid - Sida 19 av 238
Måste det vara så grönt? Ett visuellt Förpackningskoncept för ett ekologiskt livsmedelsmärke
»Does it have to be so green?« is a visual communication project focused on packaging design. I attempted to challenge the clichés of graphic design for organic products and designed a packaging concept for a fictional food brand. The project had a special objec¬tive which was to explore ways to use the package as carrier for in¬formation about the enviromental impact of the packaging itself.The process included research about packaging design and its ef¬fect on the consumer, an investigation of the Swedish market for organic foods, creating and defining a brand, and designing a cohe¬rent packaging concept for a product line which communicates the brand?s values and appeals to the intended target group.The project resulted in prototypes for a muesli package, tea car¬ton and honey jar, as well as a manual that explains the application of the graphic program..
Automatiserade metoder för somatisk embryogenes ger effektivare trädproduktion : En patentundersökning av befintliga metoder för processens flaskhalsar
This report is the result of a project in the course Independent Projekt in Molecular Biotechnology at Uppsala University during the spring of 2014. The foremost purpose of the course is to give students the opportunity to carry through exstensive work in a project environment. This project was formed based on a comission from the biotechnology company SweTree Technologies, and the goal has been to compose a summary of the different techniques and methods that exist in the field of mass propagation of trees through the method of somatic embryogenesis.The project group has obtained information about the area mainly throgh reading patents, trying to find key components and bottlenecks in other companies? somatic embryogenesis technologies. This paper is divided into different sections, containing the patents of the automation of different steps in the process.
Hisnande historier: från Bellman till Batman. Utvärdering av ett läs- och skrivfrämjande projekt i Ystad under höstterminen 1998.
This study investigates and evaluates a project called "Hisnande historier: från Bellman till Batman". "Hisnande historier" is composed to stimulate childrens literacy and it is directed towards pupils in the fourth class. The project is a co-operation between public librarians and compulsory school representatives in the municipality of Ystad. It contains visits by an author and exercises in reading and writing. We have been following the project during autumn 1998 at two schools in Ystad.
Släden : Ett redskap som förenklar förflyttningar av tyngre heminredning
Some people do not have the opportunity to visit a physical exhibition because of limited time or long travelling distances, it is here the need for a web-based exhibition arises.This dissertation describes the development of an interactive web-site representing a part of a physical exhibition of over 200 interviews on different peoples immigration to inner Scandinavia. The interviews contain text, audio clip, pictures and video clip.The website contains modern programming technologies such as HTML5, ASP.NET MVC3, SQL, JavaScript and jQuery.A cover of the technologies used and how the project has been designed and implemented is explained in the dissertation. In the end of the dissertation we discuss about how the result of the project follows the goals we set up in the start phase. The result of this project is an interactive and easy to use web-site showing a part of the physical exhibition online. An easy administration to insert new information and edit existing without any major computer knowledge..
Ungdomsprojekt i medvind : hur folkbibliotek framgångsrikt kan arbeta i projekt för ungdomar
The aim of this Master´s thesis is to explore how public libraries in a successful way can work in projects with young people. It intends to point out different factors that in a legible way affect the accomplishment and outcome of the project. Another purpose of the study is to uncover the various approaches existing within the projects towards young people and to find out why it is seen as important to work with youngsters, considering the hard work that it requires and the reluctance of the young to visit the library. The examination is based upon eight different and fulfilled projects. Information about these has been received through project descriptions, project reports and documents describing applications for economical benefits.
Datoriseringen i samhället : Äldres upplevelser
As technology have continued to develop over the latest decades and become more advanced the pressure on the general citizens understanding of technology becomes a essential part to live in our society today. The transition have affected our society in great ways and have made a great impact on different groups, one of them being the elderly population in our society. The purpose of this study is to examine how the fast technological development in the latest decades have affected the elderly in our society. This from their perspective by gathering empirical data through semi-structured interviews with elderly people involved in the Agnes-project, a research project focused on improving the general quality of life for older people and increase their knowledge about technology. The study has shown that after the older peoples time involved in the Agnes-project their quality of life had improved in different areas. Areas such as increased cognitive activity, increased interest in new technology and an improvement in their communication with friends and family.
This document is a summary of my work to create a project management system for a small firm working with computer graphics. The intention is to manage customers, projects, images and invoices in the easiest possible way. To make the system as flexible as possible a web-interface was chosen which makes it possible to access the system from any computer, making it independent of any particular operating system. The only requirement on the user environment is that the computer must have a connection to the Internet to be able to access the system. The different techniques that have been used to develop the project management system is primarily Ruby on Rails and a MySQL database.
Kartläggning och utvärdering av produkter och tjänster kopplat till begreppet Smart Grids
The Smart Grids development is driven by forces concerning safe electrictransmission done in an energy efficient way. Vattenfall Eldistribution AB has a visionto transform their electricity network into Smart Grids. To invest in Smart Grids theyhave a need to show their customers what advantages they will get from thedevelopment. This led to the formulation of this dissertation project where the aim isto identify products and services related to Smart Grids that will increase thecustomer satisfaction for Vattenfall Eldistributions private customers.The project started with a mapping of existing products and services on the Swedishelectricity market. From the mapping several development possibilities for VattenfallEldistribution were identified.
Konstruktion och utveckling av en självbalanserande robot
This project is part of the course MF10YX, introductory mechatronics. The purpose of theproject is to integrate modules from the group members previous specializations into amechatronic system in the form of a self-balancing robot. The prototype ?Charlie? should be ableto race along a 10 - 30 m line. It should be able to start manually and autonomously detect andstop after the finishing line.
En jämförelse mot SchlumbergerSemas projektmodell Promise
Huvudsyftet med detta examensarbete var att jämföra SchlumbergerSemas projektmodell PROMISE (Project Management in Sema) mot ett mindre antal projektmodeller och som en orienterande del till jämförelsen skapa en utvärderingsmetod för PROMISE projekt. Utvärderingsmetoden ges inte någon större del i detta examensarbete, förutom den skapade checklistan som utformades efter den inledande litteraturstudien. Den största delen i detta arbete består av den jämförelse som gjordes mot PROMISE. De projektmodeller som jämfördes mot PROMISE var PPS (Praktisk Projekt Styrning) som är TietoEnators projektmodell samt PQM (Project Quality Management) som är Svenska Projektfabrikens projektmodell. Jämförelsen utfördes övergripande på områdena processorientering, fas, dokumentation och organisation.
Optimal högtalarplacering i en lastbilshytt
This Degree Project was about finding the best loudspeaker placement in a heavyweight truck and also the best suited loudspeaker for this task. The project took place in Södertälje, Sweden, on behalf of Scania CV AB. The goal was to create a new listening environment in a truck cabinet.The results were accomplished by the performance of a few different tasks. First a benchmark was made on Scanias top competitors. Second a listening test was made to get an apprehension of what people find lacking in the sound reproduction of the sound system.
Ny i Inre Skandinavien : Webbaserad Personutställning - Ett verktyg för visning och underhåll av intervjuer
Some people do not have the opportunity to visit a physical exhibition because of limited time or long travelling distances, it is here the need for a web-based exhibition arises.This dissertation describes the development of an interactive web-site representing a part of a physical exhibition of over 200 interviews on different peoples immigration to inner Scandinavia. The interviews contain text, audio clip, pictures and video clip.The website contains modern programming technologies such as HTML5, ASP.NET MVC3, SQL, JavaScript and jQuery.A cover of the technologies used and how the project has been designed and implemented is explained in the dissertation. In the end of the dissertation we discuss about how the result of the project follows the goals we set up in the start phase. The result of this project is an interactive and easy to use web-site showing a part of the physical exhibition online. An easy administration to insert new information and edit existing without any major computer knowledge..
Att väcka tankar och känslor om jämställdhet. En studie om enhetschefers styrning av närbyråkraters jämställdhetsarbete.
Current technology offers many possibilities for remotecommunication. Nevertheless, people with cognitive and communicativedisabilities have limited access to common communication technology like textmessaging via a mobile phone. This study is part of the project Text messagingwith picture symbols - a possibility for AAC users and people with cognitiveimpairments. Semi structured interviews were used to investigate three menand four women?s experiences of using Windows mobiles with adaptedfunctions for text messaging.
Produktutveckling av komfortlösning till lastbilshytt
This report describes a project carried out in cooperation with Klippan Safety AB. The purpose of this project has been to develop a product that facilitates the living area in a truck cabin for the customers. To be able to develop, in a structured way, that kind of product, the project has been based on different product development theories. The project contained of following parts: marketing research, product generation, product evaluation and prototyping. After information from the marketing research and discussions with the company, the decision was made that the task was going to consist an improvement of the existing product referred to as 'the comfort module'.
Energianalys mellan programmen IES (Integrated Environmental Solutions) och Enorm
An increase interest of new methods and tools has begun to grow in the real estate business, this new trend causes an increase in new programs that aim to simplify processes of energy-efficiency and environmental issues.After consulting with Björn Alsmark from Bjerking AB, an architect and engineering company, we made a decision that the Degree Project is going to examine the program IES (Integrated Environmental Solutions) with some integrations from Revit Architecture application.To be able to examine IES, we got access to a completed project from Bjerking. The project is a nursery school in Uppsala. An application has been handed in from Bjerking to make this project to a Green Building-certificated project. According to Bjerking own calculations (with the energy-calculation program Enorm), the consumption of energy of the nursery school is 48 percent lesser than required by BBR.An evaluation of IES and Enorm has been made with an aim to compare these two programs and find out if IES is an appropriate program to replace Enorm. Does Enorm or IES come up to BBR´s recommendations?The Degree Project cover 15 ECT, that required several adjusting and delimitations, and the study sketch ended with a literature study.After finishing the study sketch the modeling of the nursery school began.