

1549 Uppsatser om Professional encounter - Sida 62 av 104

Vad gör de egentligen? En undersökning av bibliotekariers arbetsuppgifter

We have ourselves met misunderstandings about the tasks of librarians. The general opinion is that librarians are positioned behind the charging desk or are putting books on shelves. Other tasks are invisible and unknown to the public. The aim for this study is to explore the tasks that a selection of Swedish librarians does. The questions we have answered are: what do the librarians themselves claim to work with, which competences are necessary for this job, what does our study show regarding the librarian as generalist or specialist and finally; can the tasks that we find in our study help to understand the conceptions profession and status in relation to librarians.

Patientens behov och förväntningar i mötet med distriktssköterskan i hemsjukvården.

SammanfattningBakgrund: Första gången två personer möts är de främlingar för varandra.Möten innebär samspel mellan de människor som berörs. Mötet styrs averfarenheter, förväntningar och tolkningar av situationen. Genom att bekräfta,acceptera och vara tillmötesgående närmar sig parterna varandra vilket kanleda till öppenhet och bättre kontakt.Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva patienternas behov ochförväntningar i mötet med distriktssköterskan i hemsjukvården.Metod: Studien utfördes med en kvalitativ ansats. Åtta patienter medhemsjukvård intervjuades enskilt i sina hem. Narrativ intervju användes.Materialet analyserades sedan utifrån Lundman och Graneheims kvalitativainnehållsanalys.Resultat: Två teman framkom, Att få känna sig som en värdefull människapå sina egna villkor samt Att få medicinsk vård av en kompetentdistriktssköterska.

Enhetschefernas roll i rehabiliteringsprocessen - Vilka möjligheter och hinder upplever de?

Abstract This paper seeks to answer how well the unit managers in a community live up to its responsibility for rehabilitation. What opportunities and obstacles center managers feel that they have in the rehabilitation process and their expertise in rehabilitation are adequate. The essay is based on qualitative, in which six interviews were conducted to help capture the Heads of Unit subjective experiences. Five of the respondents are heads of units in the elderly, and an interview with the rehabilitation coordinator of the municipality. Respondents' comments and relevant literature form the basis for this essay.

Att sätta medborgaren i andra hand - en studie om tjänstemannens dilemman vid tillsynsärenden i djurskyddsfall

The situation of officials of public and governmental organizations have been recognized as increasingly risky, in which the influences of both threats and violence have become an issue that administrators have to manage. Experiences of feeling threatened in their workplace or in their professional lives has been marked by an increased number of reported cases in the work environment authority. Common to the problems faced by many agencies and important associations that dealt with its often derive personal and sensitive issues. The purpose of this study is to highlight how veterinarians and animal welfare inspectors on the counties of Blekinge, Kronoberg and Kalmar experience the interaction of regulatory and prohibition cases. Länsstyrelsen is the one that can decide what is to happen to an animal that has been kept under bad conditions.

Djurägares upplevelser i samband med avlivning på smådjursklinik beträffande känslor, personalens bemötande och stöd

The aim of this study was to get an insight into the pet owners? experiences associated with euthanasia at small animal clinics, concerning their emotions, the treatment by the personnel and the experiences around various types of support provided by the personnel. The target group was pet owners who had had their animal euthanized at a small animal clinic. Incomplete survey responses and responses where it was clear that the euthanasia took place in the owner?s home were excluded. In the end, a total of 442 pet owners participated and out of those were 92 % women and 8 % were men. The study was carried out using a web-based questionnaire consisting of standardized questions with the opportunity to give further comments to each question and in the field of ?Other comments? as well. Swedish small animal related companies and forums were contacted via email and were asked to alert about the present study on their website or forum.

Socialsekreterares och klienteters upplevelser av deltaganden i professionella nätverksmöten.

Nätverksarbete har växts sig allt starkare under de senaste trettio åren i Sverige. Arbetet syftar till att se individen i sin helhet. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur socialsekreterare och klienter vid barn- och ungdomsenheten i en specifik kommun upplever deltagande i nätverksmöten. Syftet är även att undersöka vilka positiva och negativa aspekter gällande nätverksmöten som socialsekreterare samt klienter lyfter fram. Metoden som använts för att besvara syftet är kvalitativ.

Den osynliga och utsatta icke-västerländska kvinnan ? oförmögen att påverka? : - En postkolonial feministisk analys av samhällskunskapsböcker med den icke- västerländska kvinnan som exemplifiering för hur jämställdhetsmålen uppnås

The focus of this thesis is on social workers? knowledge in assessing and making decisions in child welfare cases. The primary aim is to identify what skills or knowledge social workers find most useful within child welfare agencies in Swedish municipalities. Six different types of knowledge, social policy and the approach of child welfare cases are perspectives considered in the analysis. The interviews with social workers were held in three agencies in southern Sweden, in 2014.

Samlingens pedagogiska betydelse : Vilket värde har den för barns lärande

Abstract: The purpose with this study was to explore different peoples preconceived opinions of three psychiatric diagnoses; Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), schizophrenia and Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). These designations are accompanied by a definite social stigma, which could have profound effects on a person diagnosed with either disorder. These designations carry the risk of excluding and labelling individuals and could provoke a feeling of abnormality and potentially segregate them from the Community. This study is a qualitative study of six individuals, (sample size equals six). The rationale behind the selection was to get a broad representation of different individuals? opinions.

Digitaliseringen av den kirurgiska v?rden. En effektiv organisation eller r?rigt kaos?

The digitization in the Swedish health care sector is rapidly growing. This study investigates whether the digitalization in health care has led to higher quality and an increased value for patients. Interviews with staff in various health care professional categories were conducted to qualitatively study how the implementation of digitization is perceived in practice by those directly involved. Furthermore, an observation was made, where a doctor was followed duringa workday to study the different digitalization software tools that are being used. Previous studies and other relevant literature accompanied the study of digitalization in health care. Organizational theories were compared with the practical organization management at the studied health care organization, as well as their dependence on other authorities and companies.

Speciallärarens yrkesroll : Handledare eller samarbetspartner?

From autumn 2008 Sweden has reinstalled the Special Education Needs teacher education. For future special education teachers and active teachers in the field, it is important to know the history and be aware of future visions to create a good role for the Special Education Needs teachers. This study examines attitudes towards special education and Special Education Needs teachers amongst school principals and classroom teachers at seven schools in Umeå municipality. School principals were interviewed, and a survey was handed out amongst the selected General Education teachers. From this it appears that school principals have a picture of special needs education and Special Education Needs teachers' work that corresponds well with the objectives of the school's governing documents.

Palliativ vård i hemmet - närståendes erfarenheter

Abstract Background: More and more people receiving palliative care in the home, leading to increased responsibility for the next of kin. Being a caregiver and at the same time next of kin is a complex situation for everyone involved. Next of kin´s everyday life changes drastically when everything revolves around the one who is seriously ill.Aim: To describe next of kin´s experiences of being caregivers to a palliative sick person at home. Method: A literature review in which eleven qualitative scientific articles were analyzed and summarized. Results: The results revealed three themes; experience of support, experience of changes in life and experience of strategies.

Community Manager - en ny yrkesroll? : På uppdrag av Dohi Sweden

Propose/Aim: The aim of this thesis is to examine the professional role of the Community Manager working for gaming companies. The thesis will examine which background and previous experience a Community Manager should have and the tasks included in the assignment to see how this new role can contribute to the development of gaming companies.Material/Method: The method used in this study is of a qualitative character. The data has been gathered through e-mail interviews with five people working as Community Managers in the gaming business and in addition, through a textual analysis of five job advertisements. The results were analyzed on the basis of carefully selected theories in the field of strategic communication.Main results: The main result of this study is that the Community Manager's most important task is to act as a link between the players and the game developers by communicating with both sides. The Community Manager can receive important feedback from the players which can contribute to the game development. .

Optimering av sotningsfrekvens i biobränsleeldad CFB-panna : panna 5, Mälarenergi AB, Västerås

During the past 30 years the fuels for energy production in heating and power plants have changed. Fossil fuels have decreased in usage whereas bio fuels in Sweden have increased with 60% since the 1970's. Different fuels affects combustion and the release of various substances and particles into the flue gas. This is caused by the diverse components and chemical structures of fossil fuels and bio fuels. When the flue gas leave the combustion chamber and enters the path to the chimney particles in the gas are being transported out of the combustion chamber.

Några biblioteksanvändares syn på bibliotekariers kunskap: En kvalitativ studie av uppfattningar vid ett folkbibliotek

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to investigate how public library users consider the knowledge of the librarians and to examine what the users expect from the librarians. To begin with, we contemplate our own view of the librarians, their knowledge and what help we expect at the library. Realising that we do not expect particularly much from librarians, although we have studied to become librarians for two years, we assume that the regular library user does not expect much either. This assumption resulted in our decision to investigate this particular question.

Könsmärkning och statusrelevans i folkbiblioteksvärlden

The main purpose of this Masters thesis is to examine gender division in public libraries by reviewing literature and interviewing eight public librarians and two chief librarians. The reason why we decided to investigate this topic is the lack of research concerning sex-segregation in library and information science. By choosing this subject we intend to deepen the understanding of the significance of gender both within the public library and of the occupation in general. Some researchers claim that the low status of librarianship is a result of the large proportion of women in the profession. We want to find out how our informants view the relation between professional status and female domination.

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