

1549 Uppsatser om Professional encounter - Sida 24 av 104

Konsultchef ? ett annat sätt att utöva ledarskap En studie om ledarskap inom bemanningsbranschen

I och med organiseringen inom bemanningsbranschen uppstår en relation där konsulten som är uthyrd på uppdrag får två chefer att förhålla sig till. Då bemanningsföretaget är arbetsgivare till konsulten bli ledarskapet inom bemanningsbranschen ett ledarskap som sker på distans, där konsultchefen inte deltar i det dagliga arbetet. Det är här som vår studie tar vid, att undersöka konsultchefers ledarskap på ett av Sveriges största bemanningsföretag, Manpower, samt undersöka vilka konsekvenser ledarskapet får för konsultchefer och konsulter. Detta leder oss till vårt syfte: ?Att undersöka konsultchefers ledarskap på Manpower Professional?Vi har valt att presentera tidigare studier inom bemanningsbranschen och då främst inom ledarskapet.

I sökandet efter kärlek : Möjligheter och hinder med att träffa en partner för personer med Aspergers syndrom eller intellektuella funktionshinder

The aim of this study was to increase the knowledge of possibilities and obstacles for disabled people to meet a partner. The ambition was to know more about wishes for and needs of professional or other support. The methods have been literature studies, survey research, and interviews. A simple questionnaire was sent to administrative staff and social welfare officers who gave the information that they experienced those persons with intellectual disability or Aspergers syndrome had asked for support to meet a partner. To get a perspective from inside six semi structured interviews were made with disabled people having experience of relationships, love affairs.

Flytande bestånd och barnbibliotek: en intervjustudie med sex barnbibliotekarier

The purpose of this study is to examine the experiences and perceptions of children`s librarians regarding floating collections in public libraries in Gothenburg. In focus for the study are the experiences and perceptions that exist among children`s librarians when it comes to children as library users, the librarian`s working tasks and the professional role as a librarian. The empirical material has been collected through semistructured interviews with six children`s librarians. The material has been analyzed twice. The first analysis has been conducted through qualitative content analysis.

HÖGSKOLEBIBLIOTEKARIER OCH ÄMNESKOMPETENS : En undersökning av ämneskompetensens betydelse för högskolebibliotekarier i Skåne

The aim of this Master's thesis is to investigate the importance of subject expertise for academic librarians in Skåne. Virtually all librarians in Sweden have studied other subjects besides library and information science (LIS) before becoming librarians, and in this thesis we ask what happens to this expertise. How many librarians can be said to have a good background in the subjects they are working with? Do academic librarians use their subject knowledge on the job? Does it make a difference what subject one has studied when it comes to job opportunities? What do librarians themselves think of the importance of subject expertise? We are also interested in finding out how subject expertise fits in with the growing professionalization of librarianship.A quantitative questionnaire was sent to 195 academic librarians at four different institutes of higher education in Skåne. A total of 107 librarians answered questions about their LIS education, subject background and current job as well questions on how important they perceived a subject background to be for themselves and for academic librarians in general.

Från förnekande till integration. En kvalitativ studie av kvinnors förhållningssätt inför audiologisk rehabilitering.

Adjustment to acquired hearing loss can be understood as a process of learning and change where the point of departure is the subjective apppraisal of a person?s hearing loss in a social and cultural context. The aim of the study was to describe women?s thoughts, emotions and actions prior to audiological rehabilitation, since these are considered important for the ongoing process of adjustment and for the planning of rehabilitation. A phenomenographical approach was used in order to describe the variation in the women?s attitudes before attending rehabilitation.

Fotbollstränarnas tankar kring skadeprevention efter genomgången tränarutbildning

Sett över hela världen är fotboll den vanligaste idrotten som utövas. Skadefrekvensen inom fotbollen i Sverige ligger på 3-7 skador per 1000 träningstimmar och 14-30 skador per 1000 matchtimmar. Det vanligaste skadeområdet hos fotbollsspelarna är nedre extremitet där ankelstukningar är den vanligaste skadan. Orsakerna till skador inom fotbollen är inte helt klarlagda, men sådant som kan leda till skador är inre och yttre faktorer. Svenska Fotbollförbundet håller i tränarutbildningar som baseras på tre olika nivåer: bas, avancerad och professionell.

Ett annorlunda ledarskap : Ledarskapssyn i ideellt arbete i Svenska kyrkan

This study aims to examine attitudes and conceptions of staff who work with mentally disabled persons, concerning normalization and gender. Six qualitative interviews with such professionals were performed and subsequently analyzed. Since the method of this study is qualitative, no claim of generalizability is made. The interview material has been categorized into themes by means of coding. The result of the study is presented according to those themes.

qbits : Kombinerar användning och förvaring av bits

Aren?t you tired of never finding stuff? Take a bits as example, do you store these lose in your toolbox or carpenter belt? What if you could have it all accessible and assembled in a tool, always at arm?s reach?Today bits are used together with electric screwdrivers and handheld screwdrivers in a greater spread. For these different types of storage, from pure storage boxes to complex tools with storage built in, exist. The professional craftsmen commonly use some kind of box where the bits can be stored. Even so they tend to store their bits loose in a carpenter belt or toolbox, since they want the speed and accessibility of carpenter belt over the storage box?s tidiness.The project was started in the fall of 2010 and a referents group was early put together to ensure that the developed product became as user-friendly and attractive as possible.

Pedagogistans pedagogiska ledarskap

The pedagogista is a new professional role in Swedish preschools. Some people question the role, which originates from Italy, since it is believed to carry out a pedagogical leadership that belongs to the head of the preschool according to the curriculum and the Education Act. Consequently, there is cause for examining what pedagogical leadership means in an organization with a pedagogista. However, re- search has shown the success of distributed leadership within schools. Hence, it ?s interesting to find out whether the pedagogical leadership of the pedagogista could be understood as distributed leadership and what that would implicate.The purpose of this thesis is to explain and understand the pedagogical leadership of the pedagogista.

Talande ord : En jämförande studie av taggar och kontrollerade ämnesord för indexering av skönlitteratur

How do you summarize the content of a fictional work, let?s sayLord of the Rings, into a few "telling" words that may represent it? This master?s thesis is a comparative study of how library users? freely chosen tags/keywords deviate from controlled vocabulary made by professional indexers when representing fiction. The thesis answers four main questions:? Do the tags that the library users give fictional works correspond to the categories used in professional indexing in Sweden?? Do the tags follow the standards for vocabulary, semantics and syntax used when indexing professionally?? Do the tags add something to document representations?? Are there differences between the tags used for adult fiction and the tags used for children?s literature?With a starting point in indexing theories of Frederick W. Lancaster, Annelise Pejtersen, and the semiotic theory of the indexing process of Jens-Erik Mai, 383 tags from totally 70 fictional works are analyzed.

Vägen ur ett alkoholmissbruk -En kvalitativ studie om sex före detta alkoholmissbrukare

The aim of this study has been to take part of six ex-alcohol addicts? narratives about their lives with starting-point in which factors that has been significant and/or determining to be able to leave a life in abuse and what change this process has implied for their identity. To achieve the purpose with this study has three questions been formulated. These are what in the person?s life have been important in the process of a life free from alcohol, what were specific and decisive that effected the decision to stop using alcohol and what is the attitude to them self and their new role as an ex-alcohol addict. Alcohol is a drug that is legal and accepted in the society and it´s hard to discover an addiction.

?Stå mellan hyllorna och kramas? : bibliotekariers attityder till ungdomars biblioteksanvändning och läsning

The aim of this thesis is to investigate the attitudes of librarians towards young people's approaches to libraries and reading. The study also includes statements of the young as regards their own library usages and reading habits, as well as the attitudes of youth leaders. The latter are compared to the statements of librarians, and serve as referential frameworks. 28 interviews were performed, of which 22 with young people. The interviews and the following discussion were based on five themes; the library as a room, usages of the library, reading habits, the library as an institution, and library changes and developments.

Skriftspråksutveckling i förskoleklassen

The aim of this essay was to investigate how teachers in the preschool class work with literacy. How do they justify the methods used to develop children's literacy abilities? I also wanted to know to what extent teachers enable multimodal approaches within written language practices. My study considers the impact teachers' professional identity has on working methods in the preschool class. I hope this essay will help teachers reflect on their learning approach. I gathered information by interviewing three preschool teachers and one compulsory school teacher for the early years working in three different preschool classes in three different schools.

Avancerade nybörjares och expertanestesisjuksköterskors upplevelser av sitt arbete vid generell anestesi

The aim of the study was to describe how anaesthetic nurses, within both advanced beginner and expert levels, experience their professional role as they perform a general anaesthetic.The study had a descriptive design with a qualitative approach in which ten advanced beginners- and ten expert anaesthetic nurses from an operating theatre and an ambulatory surgical ward at a hospital located in the middle of Sweden, participated. All data was collected in an interview with semi-structured questions which focused on how the anaesthetic nurses experience their work. The data were analysed with qualitative content analysis. The results are presented in categories and themes. The themes were formed from the categories.

Den nya bibliotekariens kompetens : en studie av bibliotekarier utbildade i Borås, Lund och Umeå

The main purpose of this Master's thesis is to investigate the new librarians' experiences and skills in the context of their present work situation and the ongoing debate about the librarian's professional identity and status. Further, the authors wanted to find out whether the new librarians' experiences and knowledge developed throughout their education correspond to the requirements of the employers. Finally, they try to assess theimpact of the "academization" of the library schools on the status of the profession. The data consist of an opinion poll. The investigation is based on questionnaires distributed as a web survey.

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