

3462 Uppsatser om Production flow - Sida 2 av 231

Effektivisering av produkionsflödet för stora cylinderrör på Företaget AB

 This study was conducted in autumn 2008 on the Company AB, which is currently in a growth phase. The company manufactures hydraulic systems for the heavy vehicle industry and has annual sales of approximately 250 MSEK with 165 employees.The rapid growth and unchanged planning is the starting point for this report. It all began in 2005 when the company received an unusually large order. During this period, the first priority was to satisfy customers and all other focus was disregarded. This has primarily resulted in a messy production and long throughput times.

Karaktärisering av hårdmetallpulvrets råvaror och dess påverkan på pulvrets flödesegenskaper

This thesis has been done at the powder department (GH) at AB Sandvik Coromant in Gimo. With a rheometer measurements has been made on raw materials and powder blends. The focus of this report has been to find correlations between raw material powders and press data, comparisons have also been made between raw materials and powder blends.The rheometer can show information of how a powder act in flow conditions, together with air and with pressure. Analyses has been done comparing the rheometer data with press parameters (for example: rejected orders, weight variations and the compaction pressure) with the goal to find correlations between the powders flow properties and the powders compaction in production.The measurements and analyses have been showing that the powder flow properties depends on the powders composition and that properties like flow rate, aeration and permeability varies between powder blends and batches of the same powder sort. It seems to exist a correlation between the pressure force and the flow rate of a raw material.

Medical Care : En jämförelse mellan kursinnehållet och dess utförande i Sverige och i Danmark som leder till ett internationellt certifikat i Medical Care

This thesis has been done at the powder department (GH) at AB Sandvik Coromant in Gimo. With a rheometer measurements has been made on raw materials and powder blends. The focus of this report has been to find correlations between raw material powders and press data, comparisons have also been made between raw materials and powder blends.The rheometer can show information of how a powder act in flow conditions, together with air and with pressure. Analyses has been done comparing the rheometer data with press parameters (for example: rejected orders, weight variations and the compaction pressure) with the goal to find correlations between the powders flow properties and the powders compaction in production.The measurements and analyses have been showing that the powder flow properties depends on the powders composition and that properties like flow rate, aeration and permeability varies between powder blends and batches of the same powder sort. It seems to exist a correlation between the pressure force and the flow rate of a raw material.

Kartläggning av truckflöden på Primary Products : Ur ett Lean Production perspektiv

The Transport division is responsible for the internal transports on Sandvik MaterialTechnology AB. At the moment there is no clear picture of how the straddle carriers aremoving at the division Primary Products and if it is working in a satisfying way. It isimportant to see the whole picture of the transportation flow so improvements can be made.The purpose of this essay is to survey and analyse the truck flow in a Lean Productionperspective. The essay is delimited to only include straddle carriers transportation ways in thePrimary Products division. To survey the truck flow we have used a method called Walkthrough.This means that we have walked thorough the whole Production flow andinterviewed some of the employed on the way to get the necessary information.

Utvärdering av tillverkningsmetoder för svarvbommar

On today?s competitive market, it is difficult to achieve profitability trough high prices on manufactured products. Profitability must be obtained through low manufacturing costs, high quality and short lead times. One of the companies on the market is Sandvik Coromant, manufacturer of tools and chips for metal cutting. This master thesis investigates the methods of manufacturing for boring bars at the manufacturing unit GVH4 at Sandvik Coromant in Gimo, Sweden.

Produktivitetsanalys ur ett LEAN-perspektiv : En studie hos OPPC, AstraZeneca

The objective of this thesis is to map the resources and methods used at the department OPPC, at AstraZeneca, and derived from that give suggestions on possible solutions that will increase their productivity.Mapping of the product flow, as well as gathering of process data, has mainly been done using observations, but consultation with the process technicians has also played a great role. Further have theoretical methods been used, based on literature studies, within the areas of Lean production and statistics.The work has incrementally gone forward since the steps taken has been restricted by the irregularity of production which led to the need of creating a fictive Production flow. This has affected the lead-time calculations in the way that they are meant to give an indication, rather than an absolute truth, on how different methods described shall be used.The current state analysis showed multiple areas of improvement when defining capacity as value adding time in relation to total throughput time. Using the "standard scenario" as a basis showed that the actual Production flow only constituted 50% of the total project time. Further it showed that the workflow contained more non-value adding activities than value adding activities, which is a result of how the work is distributed within the department as well as in the different projects.

Från frihet till fängelse: En studie av klientflödet på Häktet Kronoberg

In the last decades, lean production has proven to be one of the most important organizational paradigms in manufacturing. The lean concept has also spread into the service industry where it is applied within a range of different areas. The wide applicability of lean principles has spurred the authors of this study to apply the principles in the context of the operations of a Swedish remand prison. The thesis examines the process a client of the remand prison Häktet Kronoberg goes through from the time of arrest until he/she is released or convicted and transferred to jail. Based on lean tools and principles, the thesis maps and analyses this process.

Effektivisering av kundorderflöde : En fallstudie på BUFAB Bulten Stainless AB

We were commissioned by Bulten Stainless AB to identify and analyze their customer order flow. Because the company had problems with delays in the production and deliveries to the customer, the task also included investigation of how the company work with prevention and management of delays. The purpose of the project also included to identify critical factors for effective order flow in smaller workshop companies.The information about the flow and how the work takes place within the company were collected through observations on the company and interviews with the staff. This information was used to draw maps over the customer order flow and to write a description of the current situation within the company. Both strengths and weaknesses of the companies work could be identified through analysis of the present situation.

Planering & produktionsstyrning : Lean filosofin vid produktion av asfalt

Lean is a production philosophy which is about increased resource use while meeting customer requirements. The foundation of lean comes from Toyota and their production philosophy The Toyota Way. Professor Jeffrey k. Liker has worked with Toyota's production philosophy and Lean for a long time and has created a 4 P model and 14 principles that characterize the Toyota production system (TPS), which many sources refer to.The aim of my work is to study the working procedure of asphalt projects from sales to the laid asphalt with a focus on planning and production management. The goal is to examine how the lean philosophy can be applied in planning and production to simplify the flow of asphalt projects based on Likers model and principles.

Ökat flöde genom timmersorteringen vid Ala sågverk

Ala sawmill in Ljusne, Hälsingland, has increased its flow through the sawing plant during the last couple of years. The problem now is the sorting plant, as this part of the mill is now slower than the rest. A close analysis of the sorting plant was therefore necessary to be able to increase the flow through. The aim of the project was to find solutions that can lessen downtime and increase flow. The goal was to increase the flow from 650 to 925 logs through the sorting plant per hour.

Nitrogen flow in Scania : substance flow analysis on a regional level

In this thesis, the flows of reactive nitrogen (Nr) in Scania were investigated and quantified. The thesis was also intended to form a basis for comparison between the urban nitrogen flow and other flows of nitrogen within Scania. The management of nitrogen in society has disturbed the natural nitrogen cycle. This is linked to a series of environmental problems such as eutrophication, acidification, global warming and smog. The method used was Substance Flow Analysis (SFA) for Nr. For calculation and flow charts Scania was divided into three subsystems; air, water and society.

Skadliga nollflödespunkter i Fortum Värmes fjärrvärmenät i Stockholm : En analys av dess förekomst och effekter

When several production units provide a district heating network, water is pumped from different directions. When the flows from the plants finally meet in the network, the water can be completely still. These places are called zero flow zones. In district heating networks with several plants, which also have different supply temperatures, large and frequent temperature fluctuations can occur when the zero flow zones move. This may cause wear on the pipes, a phenomenon called low cycle fatigue.For this reason it is important to examine where and when zero flow zones that cause temperature changes occur.

Utvärdering av labpilot - flödesbatteri : Experimentell studie

Results have shown that flow batteries may be a solution in the future as an effective and environmental friendly method to an energy storage system (ESS). The technology is reliable and has a high efficiency that comes with low energy losses and a long lifetime. The range of possible fields is suitable for cutting energy peaks in the power grid, by always have a ready and available energy storage that balances the production. By comparing the advantages of flow batteries with conventional batteries it is mainly the fact that they can conserve energy for a long time without being self-discharged thanks to that the storage capacity is in principle endless and limited by the size of the electrolytes tanks that makes them a great energy storage system. The batteries won?t take any damage or decrease in performance when charging or discharging it or if you exhausts it to 100 % and leave it discharged for a long time.

Flödesoptimering i begränsande resurs

Most companies have a bottleneck in their production, that is a constraining re-source. When the demand is higher than the capacity in the constraining resource it is impossible to produce the demanded output. This problem leads to delayed deliveries, unhappy customers and ultimately to decreased revenue. Bottlenecks therefore has a significant role in production and must be handled thereof.MW Power in Sävsjö, Sweden designs and manufactures water and steam boilers for the customer's unique needs. MW Power invested in a new plasma cutting ma-chine but the machine has not reached the expected capacity.

Att reducera ledtiden i en produktion med hög variation och låg volym - En casestudie på Lab.gruppen

Due to increasing product availability and higher demands on fast deliveries, the competition between companies is growing. To be able to satisfy the customers? requests an efficient logistics system with short throughput time is required. By using tools associated with Lean production companies are able to make great improvements in their manufacturing systems and reduce lead times to satisfy customer demands.There are two classifications associated with manufacturing, high variety and low volume (HVLV) and low volume and high variety (LVHV). The general belief is that the concept of Lean production is difficult to implement in a production environment with high variety and low volume due to the concept being adapted to mass production.

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