

3809 Uppsatser om Production start - Sida 42 av 254

Konsten att förutspå konjunkturen - Hur användbara är enkätbaserade snabbindikatorer?

Foreseeing future changes in economic activity is of up most importance to a wide array of actors. The time lag in the presentation of official GDP statistics means that to somewhat accurately capture a tendency of where the business cycle is heading one need turn to qualitative sentiment indicators such as Purchasing Managers? Index (PMI) and official sentiment indicators for valuable clues. This thesis uses in-sample and out-of-sample methods to evaluate how well PMI and official Business Tendency Surveys (BTS) in Sweden and Denmark fair against the year-on-year growth rate of industrial production. Moreover, various Swedish regional sentiment indicators get examined and a case study of the indicator for the Öresund region is performed.

Arbete med introduktion och arbetsmiljö i bemanningsföretag : - En kvalitativ studie om hur bemanningsansvariga arbetar med introduktionsprocessen och arbetsmiljön för nyanställda och befintliga konsulter

Utifrån Arbetsmiljöverkets granskningar och senaste rapporteringar som visade att den snabbt växande bemanningsbranschen stod för flest inrapporterade arbetsolyckor jämfört med andra branscher, var syftet med denna studie att undersöka hur bemanningsansvariga arbetade med introduktionsprocesser och arbetsmiljöarbete för nyanställda och befintliga konsulter. Tre semi-strukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med bemanningsansvariga. Resultatet visade att arbetet med introduktion och arbetsmiljö, i de flesta fall, följer de riktlinjer och lagar som går i linje med hur arbetsgivare ska undersöka, genomföra och följa upp verksamheten på ett sätt som ger konsulterna en bra start på sin nya arbetsplats och att ohälsa förebyggs. Bemanningsansvariga betonade vikten av att introduktioner genomfördes för att konsulterna skulle få en så bra start som möjligt, eftersom dem inte har möjligheten att närvara i deras arbete på kundföretagen. Information gavs om anställningsförhållandena, och de tydliggjorde även det ?delade? arbetsmiljöansvaret som förekom för bemanningsföretag och kundföretag enligt arbetsmiljölagen.

Strukturering av besiktingsfeloch information : En undersökning av besiktningsbilagor

Inspection errors are nowadays usually written with pen and paper during building inspections. A company in Stockholm is developing a method by which inspections are made digitally from the beginning and where the inspection attachments shall be stored in a database. The idea of this method is that entrepreneurs can use the database to get an experience feedback from previous surveys so that they can improve their production processes. One problem that occurs is how inspection errors will be sorted into the database. They have to be sorted so that contractors or clients can use and sort out the information in a sensible way when they want to evaluate and make improvements in their production processes.This thesis examines how the inspection errors can be sorted in a structured manner.

?Vård i annans hem? - användning av arbetsmaterialet i Huddinge kommuns hemtjänst/boendestöd och personlig assistans

AbstractThe importance of good construction planning affects the final costs of the production and the timing of the project. Planning for building projects has been studied with the aim of identifying how three week planning appears in the construction industry today.A case study has been conducted in Navisworks Simulate to assess whether the software is suitable to connect the task schedule with the BIM model to create a 4D model. 4D models are used for performing 4D construction simulation to visualize the project. In order to use the benefits of the model, investment in equipment and software is required. This means higher costs for the companies.

Filmproduktionsprocesser : En jämförande studie om att filma analogt kontra digitalt

The art of producing films have been around for more than a century and the technology just continues to evolve. But although much has happened in 100 years, there are also processes, theories and practices that look the same now as then. I write this thesis because I want to find the differences between the analogue and the digital way of production. This study is based on a qualitative approach because my ambition is to seek the views concerning film production processes. The advantages of analogue film is that it contains more information than the digital formats and that it has a more cinematic style.

Prognostisering av utrustningar på Volvo Wheel Loaders

Volvo in Arvika produces wheel loaders, and the production is based on forecasts. When a machine is ordered, the customer can choose what type of equipment he or she wants, and these equipments are also made forecasts on. This is made by giving each equipment an estimated procentual usage that shows how many of the machines that will use this option. Today two people are working with the forecasts, planer A in Eskilstuna and planer B in Arvika. Planer A makes a forecast based on the historical outcome and planer B then makes adjustments of this based on how many options that are ordered.

Döden i grytan : Östskånsk företagshistoria under 1900-talet i konserveringsbranschen.

?Death in the pot.? The Fruit and Vegetable Preserving industry in East Scania during the 20th centuryA Company History.At the end of the twentieth century, only one of the six companies previously active in the Fruit and Vegetable Preserving Industry in East Scania survived as an independent company: Kiviks Musterier AB. Actual production remains at two sites only. The aim of this study is to determine the reasons for this development. The companies included in the investigation are AB Bjäre industrier, Gustaf Bong AB, Kiviks Musterier AB, AB Ruuthsbo konservindustrier, Th.

Identifiering och uppföljning av dagliga fel och brister på byggarbetsplatsen : Samt hur dessa kan hanteras enligt Lean-koncepttänkande

Byggbranschen brottas idag med en hel del fel och brister i byggprocessen. Exempel på problem är bl.a. höga byggkostnader, kvalitetsbrister samt att det förekommer slarv och okunskap. Produktiviteten i byggbranschen har inte utvecklats lika mycket som i tillverkningsindustrin som använder sin ledningsfilosofi Lean Production.Syftet med detta examensarbete är att få insikt i vilka vanliga fel och brister som förekommer i byggbranschen, samt att kunna ge förslag till förbättringar i enlighet med lean-tänkande. När man talar om Lean i byggsammanhang benämns det Lean Construction.

Kartläggning och analys av tjänsteprocessen i IKEA-varuhus ur kundens perspektiv

This thesis has been done in collaboration with Peab Stockholm Building 3, which is a region within the Peab Sverige AB. The report is based on a survey and studies of Peab business management systems and production literature. For general information gathering has literature from well-known sources collected in libraries and through the Internet. It shows through the work that Peab has routines for experience feedback in the construction process, but that these procedures work in a small scale and the practical work experience feedback does not work at all. This is also something the construction industry in general also perceived as problematic. The questions in the report are of a wide scale and concerns construction errors cost, how the employees perceive that the company takes advantage of the skills and the mental stress in production line. The goal is to find how Peab Stockholm Building 3 will work on the experience feedback to allow for better productivity. In conclusion, the report author tries to demonstrate what can lead to increased productivity and improved work experience..

NUDGING Kan nudging leda oss till att äta mer klimatsmart - Ett empiriskt experiment på IKEA med syfte att få restauranggästerna att äta mer vegetariskt

Food consumption generates externalities such as carbon dioxide emissions, which contribute to global warming. The principal issue is that emissions are not covered by the "polluter pays principle". For this reason, new policy instruments need to be tested and implemented to correct the externalities. In food production, beef and dairy production has the largest environmental impact in terms of carbon emissions. As food is a necessity, simply reducing production will not solve the problem.

Maternal behaviour in pigs and its relation to piglet performance and survival

Piglet survival is of importance because it affects the farmer?s economy and the welfare of the pigs. There are several factors affecting piglet survival and they are often linked to each other. This paper will focus on how the behaviour of the sow can affect the growth and survival of the piglets and also possible causations of differences in maternal behaviour. Sows in intensive production systems have different possibilities to express their maternal behaviour than free ranging sows.

Konsten att styra konst: - styrning av kreativa projekt inom en nätverksorganisation

This paper describes a case study of the largest film production ever conducted in Scandinavia. The study aims at explaining the complex relationships in the network structure in which the project took place. Coordination of creative projects carried out in a network context, includes handling conflicting interest and contradictions. Creativity needs space and freedom while projects need structure and coordination, whereby controlling these projects becomes complex. Adding to the complexity, does the loose form of organization that the network structure represents, without any long term structure.

Spelutveckling för Facebook ? från koncept till produkt

Abstrakt Under vårt kandidatarbete arbetade vi under 20 veckor med att utveckla ett webbaserat spel riktat mot Facebook. Vi använde Agile/Scrum som projektmetod för vårt arbete och förändrade metoden och utvecklade verkyg för att effektivisera den för vårt syfte. Vi kom fram till att det är svårt att göra ett socialt spel och att det viktigaste i produktionen är att se till att det finns en tydlig koppling mellan spelarnas interaktion med varandra och den grundläggande spelmekaniken. Vi tappade fokus under utvecklingen och lärde oss den hårda vägen vikten av att planera realistiskt och börja ifrån grunden när man utvecklar ett spel. Spelet vi skapade använder sig av slumpässigt genererad terräng, är skrivet i JavaScript och utspelar sig i en viktoriansk miljö. Nyckelord: Facebook, spelutveckling, webbutveckling, internet, sociala spel Abstract During our bachelor thesis we worked for 20 weeks with the development of a web-based game for Facebook. We used Agile/Scrum as our project planning method, changed the method to make it more effective for our purpose and developed tools for the method. We came to the conclusion that it's hard to make a social game and that the most important thing in the production is to make sure that there's a clear connection between the players' interaction with each other and the foundations of the game mechanics. We lost focus during the development and learned the hard way the value of planning realistically and to start from the core when developing a game. The game we created uses a random generated terrain, is written in JavaScript and takes place in a Victorian environment. Keywords: Facebook, game development, web development, internet, social games.

Döden i grytan. Östskånsk företagshistoria under 1900-talet i konserveringsbranschen.

?Death in the pot.? The Fruit and Vegetable Preserving industry in East Scania during the 20th century A Company History. At the end of the twentieth century, only one of the six companies previously active in the Fruit and Vegetable Preserving Industry in East Scania survived as an independent company: Kiviks Musterier AB. Actual production remains at two sites only. The aim of this study is to determine the reasons for this development. The companies included in the investigation are AB Bjäre industrier, Gustaf Bong AB, Kiviks Musterier AB, AB Ruuthsbo konservindustrier, Th.

Småskalig elproduktion i Arvika

Arvika Fjärrvärme AB, a district heating company from Arvika, today cover 74 % of their total energy production with biofuel wich runs a 16 MW bioler giving process water at saturated liquid state.In recent years Vaporel AB has introduced a new tecnique that gives an external generation of steam after boilers. The concept is built on an adiabatic pressure drop of the saturated liquid in a so called Flashbox which makes a small part of the liquid to evaporate. The generated steam is lead into a turbine where electricity is in a conventional manner.The purpose with this rapport was to do a basic study for the specific system at Arvika where it?s possible to see the potential production of electricity that follows an installation of a flasbox.The final goal was to introduce an economic analysis of a flashox installation at given conditions.To reach our goals we have created a model in Excel where we used the given conditions at Arvika Fjärrvärme to do our calculations. The model has been tested at three different states, of process water returning to potboiler, to be able to decide the optimal operation for the system at present.The studies have resulted in a pressure of the processwater at 14,5 bar (at) and a pressuredrop to 9,5 bar (at) in the flashbox.

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