

3809 Uppsatser om Production start - Sida 29 av 254

The Way We Produce : Möjliga kvalitetsförbättringar på Atlas Copco

The purpose of this master?s thesis was to find problems that occur in the production line at Atlas Copco Rocktec Division, in order to decrease the costs of defect in quality. When the problems were distinguished, the authors ought to choose the problem with the highest improvement potential. One request from the constituent at Atlas Copco Rocktec Division was to connect the improvement to the document The Way We Produce. The document provides information and values about Atlas Copco and consists of 10 principles to be able to reach their vision.

EKONOMISTYRNING I EN MOTORVERKSTAD: En analys av centralt ställda krav ur ett operationellt perspektiv

The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the design and function of an engine production management?s control system and its intended function, and to contrast it with the present management control systems in use on an operational level. Interviews conducted with employees from all levels of the engine production are the main source of this study?s empirical foundation. Information has also been gathered from relevant written material such as annual reports, internal documents etc.

Motivationsfaktorers relevans för medarbetarna på Sörmlands sparbank Vingåker : En kvalitativ studie

Bakgrund: I takt med att konsumenters preferenser har förändrats, har företag fått överge massproduktion till förmån för produktionssystem som bättre avspeglar konsumenternas ökade krav på flexibilitet. Ett sätt för att överbrygga denna utmaning är att implementera lean production. Även om detta sätt att producera på har tydliga fördelar för dagens företag, verkar lean production även kunna medföra problem i avseende på att kombinera med den befintliga, i många fall, traditionella styrningen i företaget. En del av styrningen som verkar vara speciellt svår att kombinera med implementeringen av lean production rör mätningen av produktionen. Vid en närmare granskning visar det sig att det råder vissa motsättningar mellan traditionell mätning och lean production som kan påverka företagets beslutsfattande negativt.

Steget från tanke till handling : En studie om viktiga faktorer för nyföretagande bland kvinnliga studenter

Women who support themselves through self-employment are relatively low compared to men, in Sweden. Women make up around 30 percent of newly started enterprises. The Swedish government considers that the Swedish economical growth would increase if there were more companies. Through encouraging women to start enterprises to the same extent as men, Sweden can increase growth rate and create more employment. Despite all efforts being made, advances are not really reached.

Statusbedömning av asynkronmotorer

Induction motors, often referred to as the workhorse of the industry, play an important role in production today. Therefore, it's important to diagnose any faulty induction motor prior to failure to avoid costly and time consuming production stops.This thesis compares methods for diagnosing induction motors in operation, MCSA, Park's vector approach and the standard method used by Swedish industries today. By simulating broken rotor bars and short-circuit in one of the windings, each method is tested and the results are compared using matlab.The results need further verification due to uncertainties of the condition of the test motor, even though the experiment gives a hint of the different advantages of each method. A combination of the methods should be able to tell if the motor needs further examination..

Kartläggning av energianvändning under byggfasen vid nyproduktion av flerbostadshus

The energy consumption in the sectors of residential and public buildings is 40 % of the total energy consumption in Sweden. The main part, 85 %, of the energy use in these sectors is for operation of the buildings. The rest is used in the building process. When energy-efficiency measures are taken the energy use during the operation time decreases and the fraction of energy consumption during the building time increases. This project is carried out in cooperation with JM AB and concerns the energy use during the building time of production of blocks of flats at the building site.The main part of the electricity that is used during the production of apartment buildings goes into the heating of portacabins and illumination of the building during the construction phase.

Bilder av Trotskij

My aim in this case study has been to create a method for creature design to test this method in a production and evaluate the results. To achieve this I studied and analyzed the methods of three concept artists and illustrators named James Gurney, Neville Page and Iain McCaig. From the analysis of these artist´s methods, combined with my own personal experience, a new method was formed. To test this method a creature was designed based on directives given by a game design group in the process of creating a table top role playing game in a fictitious world. These directives where given for the creature´s role and its living conditions.

Optimering av SNCR-system i en biobränsleeldad panna : möjligheter till minskade NOx-utsläpp för ENA Energi

Emission of nitrogen oxides as well as carbon monoxides is an inevitable result of combustion. A Swedish law "Law of environmental fee for emissions of nitrogen oxides as a result of energy production" (lagen om miljöavgift på utsläpp av kväveoxider vid energiproduktion (SFS 1990:613)) controls the emission of NOx from energy production by a system of fees. The system has resulted in a strong approach toward less emissions of NOx among the energy production plants. High emission levels, today exceeding 52 mg/MJsupplied fuel, leads to costs for energy production companies. This paper examines possibilities to reduce the emissions of NOx by optimization of the SNCR-technique in a biofuel fired heat and power plant.

Jämförande kostnadsanalys av retur- och engångsemaballage

This report analyzes disposable packaging and returnable packaging with the methods life cycle analysis and life cycle costs analysis. These two different packaging are analyzed through the company Clas Ohlson?s packaging-flow. To get a picture of how the flow works, a visit at the company and email contact have been done with Clas Ohlson to get relevant informationToday Clas Ohlson has a big flow of articles to the stores without larger variations in the demand, with the exception of autumn, which is when customers start shopping for Christmas. Clas Ohlson?s articles are placed on a pallet and are wrapped into plastic-film for protection and to make sure that nothing will be stolen.

Brikettillverkning på gårdsnivå :

In my work I have chosen to examine the profitability for small scale production of hemp briquettes. My study also includes a review of which briquette technique that is the most common one among small scale producers. The reason that I have chosen this subject is because of the discussions about climate and energy that we face almost every day. I also think the subject is extra interesting in these days when the grain prizes are at a historic high level. In order for me to achieve a reliable report, a hemp and briquette producer has given me the actual data from his farm. In that way I have been able to make my calculations from a concrete perspective.

Ekonomi i vallfrödominerad växtföljd :

This is a project about how you grow timothy seed and red clover seed successfully. The main part is about economic analyse to see if it is any economy by growing leyseed. There are lots of things to be aware of to get all the costs in your economic analyze. Timothy Timothy seed is planted on 4400 hectares in Sweden. It is possible to grow timothy seed in the south part of Sweden. Timothy is very sensitive for dry weather in spring and in the beginning to summer. Timothy gives acceptable harvest of seed for about three years. Red clover Red clover is also sensitive for dry weather and is suitable to grow in the south part of Sweden.

Is procuring qualified human capital from China a future for Sweden's wealth sustainability?

Our purpose was to examine why and how to start a ?bridge building enterprise? between qualified Chinese human capital and Swedish structure capital. The theoretical framework consists of literature from well renowned authors and is divided into four different parts: Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management, China & Intercultural understanding. The empirical foundation has been gathered from a great variety of different sources in an attempt to cover the many complex angels in which this subject can be looked upon. Chinese students, managers in international companies with experience from China, Chinese employees in Swedish companies and different people with good knowledge of different areas of China are all among our respondents.In our conclusion we have reached the three following conclusions for why one should start a ?bridge building? enterprise in between qualified Chinese human capital and Swedish structure capital:-To fill future shortage of qualified human capital in Sweden.-To improve communication between Swedish companies and the Chinese market.-To develop qualified Chinese human capital with western standards..

Insprutningens börvärde för en direktinsprutad dieselmotor

Studien visar att start av förbränning kan beräknas med god noggrannhet. Det har dock inteframkommit några konkreta fördelar med att välja start av förbränning som nytt börvärdegentemot dagens börvärde. Rekommendationen är därför att behålla dagens börvärde. Meddet är det inte sagt att modellen inte kan utnyttjas i styrsystemet, det kan finnas fall då det kanvara till stor hjälp att veta längden på tändfördröjningen och på så sätt exempelvis få enuppfattning av om andelen förblandad förbränning.Allt hårdare emissionslagstiftningar driver utvecklingen av dieselmotorn och tvingarfordonstillverkarna att ständigt jobba mot lägre emissionshalter. De senaste dryga 15 åren frånden första standarden Euro I fram till dagens standard Euro V har emissionsnivåerna minskatskraftigt.

Från vilda till domesticerade djur - kan man gå ett steg längre?

Domestication has resulted in the ability for animals to adapt to environments created by the human over time. The behavior differs very little between wild and domesticated animals, but the difference seen is how often and to what degree a behavior is performed. The need for efficiency in modern animal production has led to welfare problems in the productionsystems where the animals have difficulties coping with their environment. Attempts to environmentally adapt individuals by selection for reduced frequency of natural behaviours have been made. These have shown that natural behaviours are complex and are controlled by several different mechanisms, making selection for reduced natural behavior difficult, and it may also lead to unwanted and abnormal behaviours.

Vad påverkar fjärrvärmepriser i Sverige?: En ekonometrisk analys

The purpose with this thesis is to analyse different factors that can explain district heating prices for energy companies in Sweden. We are further interested in examining if the prices is affected by the use of industrial waste heat in their production and the company?s ownership structure. The method applied is a multiple regression analysis using a panel data set of 50 companies over 5 years (2008-2012). The data used is yearly data obtained from the Swedish district heating association.

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