

2211 Uppsatser om Product branding - Sida 28 av 148

Gåpall : Ett produktkoncept

This master thesis has been a product realization process. Having BRIO:s walking cart as thestaring point the purpose was to further develop the principle of such products and at the sametime broaden their sector of use. The final result is to be regarded as a complete solutionmeant as a foundation for further development at the BRIO Company. The product aims tosatisfy the demands and needs of the target group called theon the go parent. Trends, qualityand purchase power are features that characterize this particular target group.The project resulted in a walking stool namedBRIO Circus after its source of inspiration.

Att avgränsa ett matematiskt område : En jämförande läromedelsanalys mellan svenska och finska läromedel i matematik

Uppsatsen har som syfte att studera om, och i så fall hur, employer branding- tekniker tar sig i uttryck vid tre valda av författarna tidspunkter. Employer branding används av en organisation för att framstå som en attraktiv arbetsgivare. Vi har studerat platsannonsers bild och text, och åren som berörs är 1996, 2005 och 2014. Platsannonserna är hämtade från Dagens Nyheters platsannonsuppslag och summeras totalt till 60 platsannonser, fördelat jämnt på dem tre årtalen. Vi har valt att kategorisera materialets employer brandings komponenter i fyra delrubriker -materiella och immateriella erbjudanden, organisationskultur och organisationsimage.

Återhämtningsprocessen hos en svensk livsmedelsproducent efter ett allvarligt produktfel : En studie av Findus hantering av ?Hästköttsskandalen? under våren 2013

This study deals with a Swedish company in a food industry that got affected by product failure, which led to consumer trust crisis followed by media and was needed to be managed. Situation had a negative impact on company?s trademark, which acquired long recovery work by the company. Study is following a case example of Findus problems with having horse meat in their meat product that was supposed to contain beef meat. Study aims to research how the company dealt with situation, through crisis communication and recovery strategies.

Produktutvecklingsprocessen : En djupstudie i hur ekonomer, designers och designchef samarbetar i en produktutvecklingsprocess.

Competition in the market of interior design during the last several years has drastically increased. The consumers of today are very conscious about what the market can offer and therefore they have high demands on the products. It is not only the function of the product that matters but also the design that makes a difference. Companies are becoming more aware of this and as a result they have to find a way to set themselves apart in order to attract customers. This realization has led designers and economists to cooperate in a different way than before.

Bistånd som exportsubvention? : ????-En empirisk studie av svenskt respektive amerikanskt bistånd

The technological progress of the world has had a massive effect on how we communicate with one and other, it also has had an big impact on how companies communicate with their customers and consumers. Today you cannot only communicate a ?promise to your costumers and consumers you also have to ?deliver? what it is you promise. Strategic communication is today not only to market your product but to ensure that your strategic communication is shown even in you innovation, design and product development.  This thesis is conducted in collaboration with No Picnic AB.The purpose of this study was to get an insight in how Swedish companies use their strategic communication. We aim on bringing a new point of view of strategic communication with innovation, design and product development also as a communication channel.

Responsivitet på menyn : Produktnavigering på en e-handelsplats som är både flexibel och säljande, går det?

The competition in sports equipment and sports fashion today is fierce. And as e-commerce grows, the competing players has to remain accessible and usable regard-less of the device their customers visit the website on. Stadium is Swedens biggest player on the market and puts a lot of effort on their online activity. Something Stadium found interesting was the possibility of introducing elements that would increase the conversion rates directly into the product menu. This study explores the possibility to find a responsive solution for the product menu at Stadiums? e-commerce website which could contribute to increased conversion rates.The study is built upon an experiment and the foundations of the experiment is based upon a market analysis of used design patterns for product navigation in the domain of sport resellers.

Sensory studies of an energy dense drink for elderly people

The average length of life is increasing in the western world, hence the older population is growing. A common health problem among the elderly is malnutrition. Malnutrition causes decreased body strength and is associated with an amplified risk of infections, depression, fractures and increased mortality. The health care system is therefore faced with the challenge to prevent malnutrition among the growing population of elderly. This could be done by providing nutritious foods developed to meet the specific needs of elderly. The overall objective of this project was to test a healthy energy dense drink based on oats targeted for the elderly consumers as a strategy to prevent malnutrition among elderly.

Vilka kvalitetsfaktorer anses viktigast vid inköp av grönsaker och frukt för återförsäljare i Sverige :

Since Sweden joined the European Union all Swedish fruit and vegetables are classified according to EU Quality standards. One important function is the product description and how it can facilitate the trade; for example in better comparing prices and also to guarantee the quality of the product. This quality standards or product descriptions are written as words of an Act and obligatory for all countries that has joined the EU. It?s often a demand from the customers to be certificated according to some of many certificating systems. One example is the common worldwide GLOBAL GAP-certification system created by the organisation EUREP which represents the leading European retail traders.

Mikrosimulering av korsningen Vasa-/Viktoriagatan: En jämförelse av nuläget och tre ombyggnadsförslag med avseende på framkomlighet, säkerhet, miljöpåverkan och tillgänglighet

The main aim of this master thesis was to see the process of an interactive online reference service from idea to final product. The reference service we have studied is developed and used by the Library of the National Institute for Working Life in Stockholm, Sweden and goes by the name phibi. Our goal was to review the whole realization process from the reasons why a service like this was created, how the service was introduced and implemented inside the organisation and finally what the result and consequences were for both the library staff and for the users of the service. Phibi is designed to be a tool that fosters communication between the library staff and the remote users where the users get the opportunity to be helped with their questions by the library staff although they are not physically present in the library. To understand the process we conducted a case study with 11 interviews of the library staff, the superior and the initiator to phibi.

Jag gör det själv / Allt blir bra : Ett examensarbete om att hjälpa sig själv

The problem being examined is the disturbing noise that is created in an open plan office on a company working with a creative process, such as a newspaper or a communications agency. The purpose of this study was to examine the needs for today for a sound absorber in open offices and create and design a design proposal. The aim is also to develop a marketing material the product proposal. The problem has been broken down into the following questions:- How does the user look at the need of a sound absorber in an open offices solution today?- Does an interior designer apply sound absorbers when they furnish the intended environment? - How can a design that meets the needs that exists be achieved and to speak the user?The study is based on three choice of methods a literature review on selected topics that relate to the topic, an interview with an interior designer to explore how an interior designer applies absorbers in open plan office and finally an extensive survey that treats the user's needs and appropriate appearance for the product proposal.The design process has undertaken the following methods, design brief, requirements specification, functional analysis and sketches to produce the final product proposal.

Loyalty Created in a High Involvement Product Category

The research aims at revealing consumers? loyalty to a high involvement product category, connected to a loyalty membership club. Hence, the study aims at explaining similarities and differences between two markets, differently developed in terms of loyalty clubs. The study used IKEA, its loyalty club IKEA FAMILY and women as the company?s main target group, in a case format to study loyalty membership clubs.

Nedskrivning av goodwill : I vilken utsträckning redovisas upplysningar om koncerngoodwill i enlighet med IAS 36 p134?

Service Design is a relatively new, unexplored and exciting phenomenon that through an interdisciplinary work methodology designs services. A discussion has been going on for a long time regarding whether there is a difference between products and services. Services are often classified as immaterial, heterogeneous, non-storable and inseparable in relation to products. A question that arises is if something specific characterises the work methodology used regarding service design. The aim with this paper is thus to explain the work methodology when working with service design.

Mångfald hos drömarbetsgivare : En undersökning av företags och ekonomistudenters värderingar och attityder

Dagens arbetskraft präglas allt mer av en ökad mångfald, vilket ställer krav på företags hantering av heterogena grupper. Tidigare forskning tyder på att inställningen till mångfald får en större betydelse för att attrahera talanger. Syftet blir således att undersöka hur de mest attraktiva arbetsplatserna för ekonomistudenter förmedlar sitt arbete med mångfald, samt hur ekonomistudenter upplever och värderar arbetsgivarnas arbete med mångfald. En kvalitativ granskning av årsredovisningar och hemsidor har genomförts. Delar av datan kvantifierades enligt ett förutbestämt index.

Glasklart? En kvantitativ studie om en inglasad exponerings påverkan på kunden

Shoplifting is a serious problem due to the fact that about 2 % of a retail store's turnaround dis-appears annually. This paper discusses the problem with shoplifting where a closed retail display of glass can prevent this kind of misbehavior. Hitherto the scientific research regarding how consumers react to a closed retail display is non-existing. With this in mind we want to investigate and enlighten the phenomenon regarding consumer behavior and product appreciation. The study is carried out at a retailer in the beauty industry in Sweden both in stores where the selection of perfumes have been displayed behind glass and in stores in which they have been displayed with open access.

Design av Tjänster : Komplex affärsutveckling över tid och rum

Service Design is a relatively new, unexplored and exciting phenomenon that through an interdisciplinary work methodology designs services. A discussion has been going on for a long time regarding whether there is a difference between products and services. Services are often classified as immaterial, heterogeneous, non-storable and inseparable in relation to products. A question that arises is if something specific characterises the work methodology used regarding service design. The aim with this paper is thus to explain the work methodology when working with service design.

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