

2211 Uppsatser om Product branding - Sida 27 av 148

Med musik som försäljningsredskap : En studie av musikens kommunikationsvärde i TV-reklam

This essay examines the persuasive side of music and its affect on consumer behavior when utilized in television commercials. It includes an interpretation of twelve study cases, in which three groups of four people is presented the same commercial, with different music being the only item dividing the groups. This is followed by a few questions about the product. The aim is then to see how the answers differ from one group to another, and how they match the music?s presupposed connotations suggested in the theory part of the essay, thus, observing the communicative, and eventually persuasive, power of music in television commercials.

Utveckling av nytt koncept till processmaskin

Metso Paper offers a front-running range of solutions and services for the pulp and paper industry. At the baling unit, design solutions are developed for manufacturing and handling of pulp bales. The machines are continuously developed to satisfy customer needs. One big step in the development of the baling line was to remove hydraulics from the machines and replace it with electrical motors and pneumatics. This was not done on the folding machine which is still driven by mainly hydraulics.

Språkvalets inverkan på effektiviteten av tryckta produktannonser

Although English is commonly used in Swedish advertising, little is known about its effects. The purpose of this paper was to investigate how a Swedish or English language choice in product advertisements affects the effectiveness of the ad. Further, a local/global dimension of the advertisement was created to investigate how the results differ for local and global brands. Subsequently, an experiment was conducted where the effect of language choice on several well-established measures of ad effectiveness such as awareness, comprehension of the ad message, credibility, attitude and buying intentions was analyzed. In line with previous research, English in product advertisements is not completely comprehended since English is not the local language in Sweden.

Hundratusen rullar fram i Sverige : Det enda som stoppar rörelsehindrade är omgivningen

Service Design is a relatively new, unexplored and exciting phenomenon that through an interdisciplinary work methodology designs services. A discussion has been going on for a long time regarding whether there is a difference between products and services. Services are often classified as immaterial, heterogeneous, non-storable and inseparable in relation to products. A question that arises is if something specific characterises the work methodology used regarding service design. The aim with this paper is thus to explain the work methodology when working with service design.

Employer branding ? Hur kan företag vinna kriget om talang?

Idag är varumärken några av de mest värdefulla resurser företag har, och dessa har utvecklatsfrån att särskilja likartade produkter till att även särskilja platser, människor och företag. Nuapplicerar även företag varumärkesaktiviteter för att särskilja sina egenskaper som arbetsplatsför att kunna attrahera de bästa medarbetarna samt att behålla sina befintliga; detta arbetekallas employer branding och är vad denna studie behandlar. Syftet med föreliggande studievar att undersöka hur företag genom fördjupad kunskap kring vad ekonomistudenterefterfrågar kan anpassa sina employer brands för att bli en employer of choice. För att kunnabesvara syftet har två undersökningar genomförts. I den första studien, som var av kvantitativkaraktär, har 206 ekonomistudenter besvarat en enkät bestående av 19 olika faktorer som devärderat; dessa faktorer var egenskaper och attribut som en arbetsgivare kan erbjuda.

Det avbrutna samtalet - reklamformatets betydelse i podcastmediet

Marketers are today confronted with new forms of media and tend to use different strategies to exploit these media. The podcast medium has emerged in a time of changes in terms of media planning. By using stimuli containing identical context with different forms of advertising, this thesis seeks to explore whether ads, sponsorships or product placements is more favourable for an advertiser to practice in the podcast medium. The purpose of this study is to investigate the differences in communication effects, such as attitude towards the brand and purchase intention, depending on the form of advertising. Testing if previous research, made on the same format but in different media, is applicable in the podcast medium carries out the study.

Är det möjligt att förolämpa någon via en annons : En studie om annonsers effekt på konsumenter

Advertisements have become a regular part of our everyday lives. We walk past them on the street; we admire them on the subway and even invite them into our living room in between prime time showings. The reality is that in today's modern times there is no escaping the daily bombardment of advertisement. To distinguish themselves from the continuous noise of the industry, advertisers battle to find unique ways to capture the attention of consumers. But is it possible that some advertisers take their techniques to an extreme in the struggle to be remembered This thesis aims at investigating whether it is possible to offend a consumer through an advertisement due to its extreme simplicity.

Prisma : Prisma

The problem being examined is the disturbing noise that is created in an open plan office on a company working with a creative process, such as a newspaper or a communications agency. The purpose of this study was to examine the needs for today for a sound absorber in open offices and create and design a design proposal. The aim is also to develop a marketing material the product proposal. The problem has been broken down into the following questions:- How does the user look at the need of a sound absorber in an open offices solution today?- Does an interior designer apply sound absorbers when they furnish the intended environment? - How can a design that meets the needs that exists be achieved and to speak the user?The study is based on three choice of methods a literature review on selected topics that relate to the topic, an interview with an interior designer to explore how an interior designer applies absorbers in open plan office and finally an extensive survey that treats the user's needs and appropriate appearance for the product proposal.The design process has undertaken the following methods, design brief, requirements specification, functional analysis and sketches to produce the final product proposal.

Världens Garderob : Om hur Emmaus Björkå kan stärka sin insamlingsverksamhet och nå ut med sitt budskap

?If we consume the product as a product, we consume its meaning through advertising? ? Jean BaudrillardSyftet med denna studie är att identifiera och analysera bakomliggande myter om lycka i kommersiella reklamfilmer, utifrån ett konstruktionistiskt perspektiv. Analysmodellen, som bygger på semiotik och neoformalism, genererade kunskap om de olika berättarstrukturerna kring lycka i de undersökta reklamfilmerna. Resultaten indikerade framförallt att berättarstrukturerna om lycka grundar sig i myter som är starkt kopplade till den kapitalistiska ideologin. Studien avser därmed att blottlägga och analysera myter om lycka i reklamfilmer ur ett kritiskt konstruktionistiskt perspektiv..

Att sätta sig själv på kartan - En studie om konsten att attrahera ekonomistudenter

Uppsatsens titel: ?Att sätta sig på kartan? - En studie om konsten att attrahera ekonomistudenter Seminariedatum: 2007-06-04 Kurs: FEK 591 Magisteruppsats, Företagsekonomi, 10 poäng Författare: Maria Arfwidsson, Katarina Gabrielsson, Sophie Laurell Handledare: Tony Huzzard Nyckelord: Attraktion, Image, Employer branding, Självförtroende, Imageförtroende Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att utveckla en större förståelse till varför de valda fallföretaget i dagsläget inte ses som en attraktiv arbetsgivare för nyutexaminerade ekonomer. Metod: Studien är en fallstudie med en kvalitativ induktiv ansats. Studiens empiri har huvudsakligen samlats in genom kvalitativa intervjuer, semistrukturerade intervjuer och fokusgruppdiskussioner. Teoretiska perspektiv: Studien bygger på litteratur om image, identitet, employer branding samt teorier kring generation Y.

Design och utveckling av kommersielltbabypaket för blivande föräldrar

This project is implemented as a thesis at the Royal Institute of Technology in the master?s degree program Integrated Product Design and Industrial Design Engineering. The project has involved development and efficiency of a free starter package for expectant parents with useful content consisting of useful products for both before and after childbirth. Areas that have been investigated include packaging development, service design and appropriate content for the package.During the work, theory about packaging design, materials, manufacturing techniques and logistics have been processed to base the further work on. The project process has involved competitor analysis and interviews with store owners and customer surveys, that have been conducted to identify areas for improvement of the current solution.

Simulation av Xbox Live Indie Games gränssnittet

This thesis was developed as an assignment from Ludosity Interactive where the goal was to develop a copy of the Xbox Live Indie Games-marketplace from the Xbox 360. Ludosity Interactive had a necessity to easily test a game's attractiveness to potential customers using testing people from outside the company in a simulated Xbox Live Indie Games test environment; excluding this developed system there is no other way to do such an analysis without actually releasing the game on the Xbox Live Indie Games marketplace and then analyze the resulting sales from the product.The finished system had to be similar to the original system to the degree that a user could see past the interface itself and use the system just as he/she would have used the real marketplace. It also had to be easy to change and add games to the system so that Ludosity Interactive easily could show the games and the data that they deemed interesting for their tests. The final product was developed using C#, XNA and XML together with an Agileinspired development method in combination with Pivotal Tracker. This report describes how this product was developed..

Ljudabsorbent för öppna kontorslandskap

The problem being examined is the disturbing noise that is created in an open plan office on a company working with a creative process, such as a newspaper or a communications agency. The purpose of this study was to examine the needs for today for a sound absorber in open offices and create and design a design proposal. The aim is also to develop a marketing material the product proposal. The problem has been broken down into the following questions:- How does the user look at the need of a sound absorber in an open offices solution today?- Does an interior designer apply sound absorbers when they furnish the intended environment? - How can a design that meets the needs that exists be achieved and to speak the user?The study is based on three choice of methods a literature review on selected topics that relate to the topic, an interview with an interior designer to explore how an interior designer applies absorbers in open plan office and finally an extensive survey that treats the user's needs and appropriate appearance for the product proposal.The design process has undertaken the following methods, design brief, requirements specification, functional analysis and sketches to produce the final product proposal.

Stan är full av vatten : Vad karaktäriserar platsmarknadsföringen av ett vattenläge

Syftet med vårt arbete är att undersöka vilka förutsättningar och möjligheter elever har att utöva fysisk aktivitet på två geografiskt olikt belägna skolor. Vår undersökning är baserad på observationer, en enkät och intervjuer. Resultaten visar att de båda skolorna skiljer sig åt både när det gäller utemiljön och innemiljön. Vidare framkommer det att rektorernas och lärarnas inställning till fysisk aktivitet, på de båda undersökta skolorna spelar en avgörande roll för barnens fysiska aktivitet under skoltid. Alla är överrens om att den fysiska aktiviteten är bra för eleverna men har olika åsikter om hur den ska bli ett naturligt inslag i skolan.

Arbetsgivarvarumärke : - En kvantitativ undersökning av sambandet mellan ett arbetsgivarvarumärke och motivation

Titel: Arbetsgivarvarumärke - en kvantitativ undersökning av sambandet mellan ett arbetsgivarvarumärke och motivationKurs: Pedagogik med inriktning mot vuxna och arbetsliv CFörfattare: Kristoffer Fredriksson och Emilie RunnegårdHandledare: Gunilla RoosNyckelord: Arbetsgivarvarumärke, employer branding, employer brand, motivation, motivationsfaktorer, motivationsområden, lön, feedback, arbetsuppgifter, utveckling och omgivning.Syfte: Vårt syfte är att undersöka om arbetsgivarvarumärket kan utgöra en motivationsfaktor samt om det finns andra motivationsområden som de anställda på ett företag anser är viktiga för att de skall motiveras.Metod: Uppsatsen baserar sig på en kvantitativ studie i form av en enkätundersökning på ett företag.Slutsats/resultat: De viktigaste motivationsområdena för våra respondenter var: Arbetsuppgifter, relationen till chef och kollegor samt feedback och utvecklingsmöjligheter.Lön, fysisk arbetsmiljö och arbetsgivarvarumärket har mindre inflytande på deras motivation. .

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