

2211 Uppsatser om Product branding - Sida 16 av 148

Att betala utan pengar : En studie om Sveriges största bankkoncerners produktutvecklingsprocesser av betalningslösningar och hur dessa kan effektiviseras genom ökad kundinvolvering 

New innovation and technology have influenced the development of product development processes and the four largest banks in Sweden have more or less been forced to adapt their products and services along new customer requirements. It may therefore be considered appropriate to involve customers in this process. This by collecting customer information and allow customers to influence the process to a greater extent. The payment solutions of Sweden?s largest banks' continue to evolve and to pay with electronic money has come to change banks' product development processes of payment solutions.

Hur används sociala medier inom politiken idag? : En kvalitativ studie som jämför Twitter och Instagram, och hur dessa används inom politiken

This paper aimed to investigate how Swedish politicians use social media Twitter and Instagram and if there was evidence to discern of personal branding and identity creation. Main method used was the observation of four politicians? shared content on Twitter and Instagram. In order to strengthen the results of the study, interviews were also made on the same politicians, of which two responded. The study showed, among other results that Twitter is used more for political aspects and Instagram to show personality and lifestyle.

Hur kan lockfåglar hjälpa livsmedelsbutiker med att öka en specifik produkts försäljning trots varumärkets inflytande?

Exposing products is important in the retail industry and the development is constantly moving forward. Shops usually have a special product, they want to sell more because of various reasons. How to expose that particular product sold most of there are various theories. What this report is about is a theory that seeks to stores use a "decoy". It carried out to see if this theory was still current was that three interviews took place with two store managers and a CEO for various grocery stores.

Ny förpackning för Renat Brännvin åt Vin & Sprit AB

The purpose of this degree project is to come up with a new package to Renat Brännvin for »Vin & SpritAB« and make the product more attractive on the market of bars, restaurants and hotels. The commissionhas included to decide the material of the package, whether it´s possible to manufacture the productand to make an estimation of the costs.The conditions that »Vin & Sprit AB« set up was to make the product attractive to a younger targetgroup, in this case people from 20 to 40 years old. As Renat Brännvin is considered to be a product of firstclass it´s of great importance that the package reflects the look of a premium product.At first we looked at the history of the company »Vin & Sprit AB« and Renat Brännvin. We decidedthat the package schould consist of a bottle, glasses and a device used when serving the liquor. To getinspiration before sketching we studied different kinds of bottles, glasses and serving devices.

Corporate Social Responsibility och varumärkesarbete : Hur företag använder CSR för att stärka sitt Employer Brand

Uppsatsen berör det allt vanligare begreppet CSR (Corporate Social Responsilitility), det vill säga företags samhällsansvar. Genom att uppmärksamma trender och studenters intresseområden kan företag öka sin attraktivitet i sitt arbetsgivarvarumärke, Employer Brand. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur företag kan implementera information om sitt CSR-arbete i Employer Branding-strategin för att på så vis öka sin attraktionskraft gentemot studenter.I studien studeras tre företag; EY, Accenture och Sweco. Företagens Employer Branding-strategi och CSR-arbete beskrivs och redovisas översiktligt. Vidare kartläggs hur företagen väljer att kommunicera ut det CSR-arbete de bedriver gentemot studenter och andra intressenter.

Varumärket som strategisk resurs : Fyra värmländska varumärken och deras koppling till regionen

The purpose of this essay is to investigate how four companies in Värmland, Sweden, are working strategically with their brands. This is a qualitative method in which we have used a combination of interviews and literature review in order to investigate the link between brands and the Karlstad region.Even though there is a huge interest in brands, there are only a few companies who can describe clearly what their own brand represents. This probably due to the fact that the brand is still regarded as a tactical tool, rather than as a strategic one. Because of this we find it very interesting to investigate how organizations in Värmland think about this issue. Are brands regarded as a strategic resource, and how strong is the link between their brands and the region?The result indicate that organizations are working strategically with their brands, but they can still get better.

Employer branding : En studie av ?The Employer Brand Mix?

AbstractTitel:Employer Branding: En studie av ?The Employer Brand Mix?Nivå:C-uppsats i ämnet företagsekonomiFörfattare:Hannan Mohammed SeragHandledare:Jens Eklinder Frick & Jonas MolinDatum:2014Bakgrund & syfte:Allt fler företag konkurrerar med varandra för att attrahera ochbehålla rätt personal. Det resulterar i att företag börja rikta sitt fokus på sinanuvarande och potentiella medarbetare.Ur denna bakgrund har begreppet EmployerBranding trätt fram inom marknadsföring. Konceptet Employer Branding går ut på attstärka ett företags arbetsgivarvarumärke för att attrahera och behålla de mesttalangfulla medarbetarna.Barrow och Mosley (2005) har skapat modellen ?The Employer Brand Mix? för atthjälpa ett företag att bli en attraktiv arbetsgivare.

Uncord Audio - Formgivning av produkt för trådlös ljudöverföring

The thesis work was conducted with the company Free2Move AB. The company is located in Halmstad and is an acting provider of wireless communications for industrial customers, mainly focused on Bluetooth? technology.In today's society most people have their music on their computer, MP3 player or mobile phone. What if you could avoid the cable between your sound system and sound source and transfer music wirelessly instead? Together with the company's engineers, I have developed a new comprehensive product for wireless music transmission.

KOMMUN-IKATIONEN : En studie om kommuners externa kommunikation och varuma?rke.

AbstractTitle: External communication and brand strategies in Swedish municipalities? Author: Philip Hagne & Einar Svensson? Tutor: Jessica Gustafsson? Purpose: The aim of this thesis was to study and obtain greater understanding on how Swedish municipalities use external communication and branding strategies to gain and attract more residents. The key questions to be answered in this thesis were: What does the external communication look like in the selected municipalities? Are the selected municipalities trying to establish their own brand? What does the work on creating the brand look like??Method/Material: This thesis is based on material collected trough interviews with people working with external communication in eleven swedish municipalities. The selected municipalities where divided into two groups based on their negative or positive population growth between 2005 and 2012.

Socialt entreprenörskap som varumärkesprofilering

AbstractInterest in the subject appeared from real events. We seemed to discern a trend in society. Wehave noted that the amount of social enterprises to a greater extent is formed in Sweden.Companies like GodEl, Postkodslotteriet and DEM Collective are typical illustrations ofcompanies included in the category of social enterprise. It seemed as socially profiledcompanies is the new generation companies. The purpose of this essay is to make aninventory of possible competitive advantages that arise from social branding.

Analys och kontroll av hållfasthet på grenställsarm

The thesis was done in collaboration with EAB situated in Smålandsstenar. In the initial discussion faze on doing a thesis with them there was a need to analyze and ensure the strength of an existing product, cantilever racks. This included performing FEM calculations on a model and comparing the results with physical tests.EAB has two models of cantilever racks, a light duty and a heavy duty. Within the heavy duty model series there are five product variants that differ in both size and load capacity. We will be working with the product variant with a load capacity of 1000 kg/arm which is the variant that is in the middle of the series.When we started work on the thesis we did a literature study and couldn?t find any well defined methodology that integrates both product development and computer aided design analysis.

The Potential of B2B Lovemarks: A Managerial Perspective on Strong B2B Brands

Kevin Roberts has extended the comprehension of strong consumer brands to a higher level where loyalty beyond reason is established. He calls this new status Lovemarks. As the concept of Lovemark has only been applied in B2C markets, this thesis is directed to find out the applicability of Lovemarks in B2B context. In order to fulfill the research purpose, three main questions are answered based on a cross-sectional research approach: What role do intangible factors play in B2B branding? Is the idea of B2C Lovemarks transferable to B2B context? How should a B2B Lovemark be characterized? The results of the qualitative interviews indicate insights of high investment and involvement, integrated brand communication, balance between function versus emotion, brand?s trustworthy personality, customer partnership, and finally, the potential establishment of B2B Lovemarks.

Nätverket som varumärke : En fallstudie av Glasriket

Destination branding is becoming increasingly acknowledged by regions working with tourism. Underlying is the fragmented web of actors in the supply chain of which the tourism product consists of. The main purpose of our thesis was, from a management perspective, to gain an understanding and describing how a network and the actors within it can build a consistent brand. We therefore chose to make a case study research on The Kingdom of Chrystal, or Glasriket, which is one of the most famous tourist destinations in Sweden. Our research is based on theoretical and empirical data.

Textstorlekens påverkan

Purpose;the purpose of this study is to investigate whether a product ad observer's purchase intention, perception of product quality, brand image perception and price perception is affected depending on the size of the text that was used in the ad to communicate the product price.Methodology;the study was conducted using a quantitative method through a survey. The implementation of the study has been done by using three variants of the same suit ad where the three different variants have been manipulated on the text size on the price information, by reduced / increased the text size. The implementation has also been carried out using two different ad sender, with three ads for each sender.Result and conclusion;the text size on the price of a product ad mainly affects the observer's price and quality perception, where the small text will have a positive effect on quality perception and a negative effect on the quality perception. Even brand image changes depending on the text size where small text will have a positive effect..

Ideella föreningar : Konkurrens på lika villkor?

Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera företaget ÅF:s employer branding-arbete, närmare bestämt samverkan mellan ledningen, HR-avdelningen och marknadsavdelningen.Uppsatsen är av kvalitativ fallstudiekaraktär ochämnar utveckla teori genom en kombination av en deduktiv och induktiv undersökningsansats. Insamlad data är baserad på intervjuer medrepresentanter på ÅF.Sammanfattningsvis har vi kommit fram till att ÅF:s samverkan inom employer branding-arbetet i stort överensstämmer med den teoretiska modell som presenteras. Det finns en huvudsakligen god samordning av ledningens, HR- och marknadsavdelningens samt employer brandmanagers aktiviteter som syftar till att stärka arbetsgivarvarumärket. Dock finner vi en diskrepans mellan ÅF:s och litteraturens definition av begreppet samt en allt för stor fokus på de externa aktiviteterna som en följd av employer brand managers starka band till marknadsavdelningen..

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