

927 Uppsatser om Produce (fruits and vegetables) - Sida 17 av 62

Mångfaldsarbete i skolans organisation och undervisning

The purpose of this thesis is to clarify the concept of ?managing diversity? and to describe how it appears in the Swedish school, in the classroom as well as in the organisation. To support the study, interviews have been carried out with principals and teachers in three different Swedish schools.The thesis is divided into two sections; a literature study and an interview section where we describe the thoughts and knowledge of principals and teachers. From a diversity point of view, we discuss the relationship between documents, organisation and teaching.The study described in this thesis shows that managing diversity has not yet had its break-through in a Swedish school context. The official curriculum of the Swedish school system values diversity, although the directives are unclear as to how the managing of diversity is to be carried out in reality.

Att göra tillit : Hur tillit skapas i interaktionen mellan människor

The purpose of this essay is to examine the origin of generalized trust. We compare existing theories on trust to determine what approach is more fruitful in explaining the prevalence, or absence, of trust. Our conviction is that trust should be viewed as an interaction, rather than a disposition or a rational choice. The sample is based on the countries of the OECD. In total, five different hypotheses are tested: i) that generalized trust is created by equal distribution of income, ii) that generalized trust is created through monitoring of the state, iii) that generalized trust is created through rule by law; iv) that generalized trust is created when the welfare apparatus is guided by principles of universalism; or iv) that generalized trust is created when the state integrates trust networks.

Ny princip för spänningsreglering i Fortum Distributions mellanspänningsnät i Stockholm.

The voltage regulation in Fortum Distributions medium voltage network in Stockholm does not work satisfactory. This results in too high distribution voltages with many customer complaints as a consequence. The reason is the model responsible for compensating for voltage drops in the distribution network. Despite several adjustments Fortum has not been able to find the source of the high voltages and has therefore appointed an investigation in the form of a thesis work.The aim of this investigation is to locate the error and to produce a proposal regarding the solution of this error using the existing system, common industrial knowledge, state of the art research and the option to use voltage readings from the different substations.The conclusion of this master thesis is that the largest contribution to the high voltage levels is made by the large compensation for distribution loses. Furthermore an additional error in the model has been found.

Att genomföra projekt - Två teoretiska perspektiv på ett problemfyllt projekt i ett kunskapsföretag

This thesis examines a project that has been conducted at a software development company. The aim is to investigate which problems firms of this kind faces performing projects. We choose a theoretical frame consisting of a modern view on how to manage projects. The view argues that the management of each project has to be adapted to the situation at hand. This theory is divided into two separate streams of reasoning; one emphasize learning, delegation of responsibility and flexibility, while the other argues for control, time planning and the importance of keeping to the plans.When we compare the theories to the case we draw three main conclusions: A thorough phase of investigation is required to produce the necessary planning documents.

Förmedling och framställning av historia i Tv-spel : En analys av den historiska miljön och atmosfären i Red Dead Redemption

This bachelor´s thesis analyzes the video game Red Dead Redemption and the historical use of the environment and atmosphere in the game. The theory and method used is media research and social memory studies. Two questions were asked: how does Red Dead Redemeption convey and produce the historical environment and the historical atmosphere. Furthermore subqueries/criterias were used to help answer the main questions.The analysis was divided into two parts, the first part we analyze and discuss the games historical environment and the second part analyzes and discusses the historical atmosphere of the game.The conclusion is that both the historical environment and the historical atmosphere is present in the game through picture and sound, the text only works as a guide. The picture and sound live in a symbiotic relationship and depend on each other to fully immerse the player to the game.

Implementation of manoeuvre warfare in the Swedish army

Sweden and the surrounding countries have reorganised their armies towards a manoeuvre warfare concept. In Sweden new regulations were produced in the middle of the 90s using manoeuvre warfare as a basic idea. The purpose of this paper is to produce a clearer picture of the Swedish manoeuvre warfare concept and how it can be implemented. An inductive method of working has been used, qualitative data has been gathered and studied.The Swedish manoeuvre warfare concept has been difficult to define because of indistinct actions. It is only after complementing interviews that the picture has cleared up.

Art director : Idé, process och struktur

Det finns ett behov av personer som klarar av att generera en mängd fräscha, slitstarka och kreativa idéer under press. Denna undersökning omfattar hur mångsidiga Art directors kan arbeta för att framställa och producera material som håller hög standard. Fyra Art directors har intervjuats och givit sin åsikt i ämnet. Utifrån resultaten av intervjuerna och en mängd kreativa tekniker har vi utfört en grundläggande idéprocess. Resultatet av denna process är en konstutställning där vi har skapat ett koncept med fokus på miljö och framtid.

Äldres framtidssyn och funderingar med fokus på vård och omsorg

The western societies is characterized by a strong future concern and the members of the society are valued most of all according to their capability to produce. In our time the elder ness is representing a rapidly increasing number of relatively well kept elders. What sight of the future does the aging human have? Are one meditating of what kind of service and care one are going to need? The purpose with this study was to describe how individuals in ages between 60 and 96 sees, both the future and their coming need for care in relation to sex, age, social activities and experienced health. The material was taken from ?SNAC-Blekinge? witch is a part of a bigger national study; SNAC (The Swedish National study on Aging and Care).

Varumärkesvärde ur två perspektiv : En gap-analys av försäkringsbranschen

Aim: The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze how insurance companies work to create value and confidence in their brands and then compare whether consumers perceive brands as companies seek.Method: The study is a gap analysis of both qualitative and quantitative in nature containing both interviews with insurance companies and a survey carried out on consumers. The study has been developed by analytical induction.Data: Consists of interviews with representatives from the insurance companies and survey responses from 99 consumers.Conclusion: From the study it can be concluded that the insurance industry is unique in its kind as a difficulty and complexity is obviously applicable to convey an overall impression to the consumer, which in turn will produce a brand value to the company. Creating a high brand value through good marketing where it maintained a good congruence between firms striving and consumer perception, is according to the scientists complicated because the lack of perceived quality affects the the big picture..

Strumpstickmaskinen och dess roll på den svenska marknaden

Idag är det inte många textilföretag som har möjlighet att ha strumpproduktion i ett land som Sverige på grund av lönsamhetsskäl. Det är billigare att producera i låglöneländer i Europa eller Asien, men det tär istället på våra naturresurser och vår miljö att transportera produkter fram och tillbaka. På grund av de höjda lönerna i Kina och valutakursen för euron som höjts drastiskt i Europa har Sverige dock kommit till ett läge då det blir ekonomiskt lönsamt att flytta tillbaka en del av produktionen till Sverige. Dessutom ökar trenden med ekologiska och närproducerade varor, vilket ökar efterfrågan på svensktillverkade produkter. Studien syftar till att ge privatpersoner och företag ett underlag till att undersöka sina möjligheter för produktion av strumpor på den svenska marknaden.Utvecklingen av strumpproduktionen i Sverige pågår hela tiden och företagen uppdaterar sina maskinparker och utbildar sina anställda, vilket leder till en utveckling av marknaden.

Development of new food products with components active against Helicobacter pylori - with purpose to improve gastric health in humans

Gastric and intestinal disorders are common and costly human health problems worldwide. Helicobacter pylori are a gram-negative, pathogen bacteria and the most common cause of duodenal and gastric ulcer in the stomach the intestinal mucosa. Prolonged infection and colonization can lead to chronic gastritis and stomach cancer. H. pylori are present in the gastric and intestinal mucosa of half of the world population and a relation between infection and low socioeconomic status has been shown.

Valsningsteknik för extremt höghållfasta tunna stål

New high strength steels require improved cold rolling techniques. The aim of this degree project was to develop a new and money saving cold rolling technique to manufacture steel strip for saw blades. The work is based on earlier rolling experiments made with a high carbon steel grade at LuCoil Steel AB. The work also focused on the mill requirements to cold roll high strength steels. The results show that LuCoil?s existing cold rolling mill was actually designed for rolling low carbon steel.

Bättre passform på blusar - ett examensarbete i samarbete med Ka of Sweden

Arbetet gjordes i samarbete med Ka of Sweden där uppgiften varit att framställa enbättre passform för blusar i vävt material. Den nuvarande passformen saknar en brabystanpassning och har liknande ärmhål bak och fram. Jag valde att arbeta fram denteoretiska delen först och sammanställa måttlistor för att sedan arbeta fram denempiriska delen med konstruktioner, avprovningar och färdigt första prov.Resultatet av mitt arbete blev mycket bra och det har varit kul att få arbeta mot ett företag.The work was done in collaboration with the Ka of Sweden where the task was to produce a better fit for the blouses of woven material. The current fit does not have a good bust adjustment and have similar armhole front and back. I chose to work out the theoretical part first and compile lists of measurements and then work out the empirical part of constructions, fittings and finished the first sample.

Tonala skillnader mellan en traditionell och en modern gitarrkonstruktion : En jämförelse mellan två klassiska gitarrer

During my studies to become a guitar builder at Carl Malmsten CTD, I have found an interest in the construction of the classical guitar. I am fascinated by the simplicity of its construction. A simplicity that becomes more complex when you start to study it in detail.In my final thesis I will not try to explain this complexity. The subject is to investigate two different principles regarding its construction. I would like to find out if the sayings concerning one of the principles will yield a guitar with greater ability to produce volume and projection.At a close distance the difference between the guitar?s volumes is not to speak of, but a significant difference can be seen regarding one of the guitars ability to project its sound.

Det elliptiska säkerhetsområdets robusthet : hur robust är metoden med de elliptiska säkerhetsområdena förett symmetriskt men icke normalfördelat datamaterial?

Quality Control is a term often used within production and is referring to managing processes so they produce capable products. Within Quality Control, process capability index is a common measure to oversee processes. Safety Region Plots were introduced to do this graphically. In Albing & Vännman (2010) the concept of Safety Region Plots is expanded to incorporate an elliptical shape. The method of Elliptical Safety Region Plots assumes a normally distributed data.

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