
Att göra tillit

Hur tillit skapas i interaktionen mellan människor

The purpose of this essay is to examine the origin of generalized trust. We compare existing theories on trust to determine what approach is more fruitful in explaining the prevalence, or absence, of trust. Our conviction is that trust should be viewed as an interaction, rather than a disposition or a rational choice. The sample is based on the countries of the OECD. In total, five different hypotheses are tested: i) that generalized trust is created by equal distribution of income, ii) that generalized trust is created through monitoring of the state, iii) that generalized trust is created through rule by law; iv) that generalized trust is created when the welfare apparatus is guided by principles of universalism; or iv) that generalized trust is created when the state integrates trust networks. Although there are some results in favor of each hypothesis, no hypothesis gains stronger support than the last. Nations that produce and distribute welfare in a way that promotes interaction between networks exhibit higher degrees of generalized trust than those that encourage interactions within confined networks. Thus, we conclude that there are good reasons for considering trust as a measure of integration.


Olav Nygård Sabrina Younis Vainio

Lärosäte och institution

Södertörns högskola/Institutionen för samhällsvetenskaper


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