

927 Uppsatser om Produce (fruits and vegetables) - Sida 18 av 62

"Jaha, nu har en halv miljon människor varit inne och tittat på fisken" : Journalisters tankar om att anpassa sig efter klick

Computational techniques have transformed the journalistic approach. Journalists now have the opportunity to integrate user-statistics from the news website with their work. Singer (2011) argues that journalists seem particularly afraid of items, which they perceive as trivial or otherwise unsavory, will prove popular - potentially creating management pressures to produce more of those stories. She describes this practice as ??traffic whoring??.

Dokumentation av ensilering med fokus på clostridiesporer i mjölk :

To produce milk of good standard the feed for the animals kept for milk production is an important part in the work of quality. This makes it important to feed them with good forage, especially when feeding with silage. The process of making silage is very complex and requires a careful handling to be successful. The fundamental idea is to create an anaerobic environment in the herbage to favour the desirable micro-organisms, in this case the lactic acid bacteria. This environment is created by careful handlings were the importance is to pack the crop well and cover it as soon as possible to exclude oxygen.

Att öka genom att minska - En kvantitativ undersökning av effekterna vid en sortimentsreduktion

For the last 50 years the amount of available consumer goods has exploded in number, due to improvements in production and technology. The problem is that the overall sales of many categories are stagnant and retailers are unwilling to grant the categories more shelf space. Therefore many categories are crowded with products and hard for consumers to navigate in. The purpose of this paper is to examine the effects of an assortment reduction on several variables relating to assortment perceptions, customer satisfaction and store choice. The study was carried out as an experiment with 127 participants.

Ny förpackning för Renat Brännvin åt Vin & Sprit AB

The purpose of this degree project is to come up with a new package to Renat Brännvin for »Vin & SpritAB« and make the product more attractive on the market of bars, restaurants and hotels. The commissionhas included to decide the material of the package, whether it´s possible to manufacture the productand to make an estimation of the costs.The conditions that »Vin & Sprit AB« set up was to make the product attractive to a younger targetgroup, in this case people from 20 to 40 years old. As Renat Brännvin is considered to be a product of firstclass it´s of great importance that the package reflects the look of a premium product.At first we looked at the history of the company »Vin & Sprit AB« and Renat Brännvin. We decidedthat the package schould consist of a bottle, glasses and a device used when serving the liquor. To getinspiration before sketching we studied different kinds of bottles, glasses and serving devices.

Art director - Idé, process och struktur

Det finns ett behov av personer som klarar av att generera en mängd fräscha, slitstarka och kreativa idéer under press. Denna undersökning omfattar hur mångsidiga Art directors kan arbeta för att framställa och producera material som håller hög standard. Fyra Art directors har intervjuats och givit sin åsikt i ämnet. Utifrån resultaten av intervjuerna och en mängd kreativa tekniker har vi utfört en grundläggande idéprocess. Resultatet av denna process är en konstutställning där vi har skapat ett koncept med fokus på miljö och framtid. - There is a need for people who can generate a large amount of fresh, durable and creative idéas under pressure. This investigation concerns how versatile Art directors work to manufacture and produce material of high standards. Four Art directors have been interviewed and given us their opinion on the subject.

The major food trees of the Angola black-andwhitecolobus (Colobus angolensis palliatus)in Diani Forest, Kenya

The Angola black-and-white colobus (Colobus angolensis palliatus) is a subspecies of Colobus angolensis inhabiting fragmented forests in coastal Kenya and Tanzania. C. angolensis is regarded as Least Concern in the red list of IUCN because its populations are abundant. However, the populations of C. a.

SILO 72 : Ombyggnad av Lantmännens silo i Östra Hamnen, Västerås

This project includes a small study of Västerås city's housing needs, and a proposal on theuse of the property 1:207, Lantmännens silo in the Eastern Harbour, Västerås.The project intends to produce a basic study of the useful systems for this rebuilding projectwith regards to sustainable development and energy saving light buildings.The end result, which consists of a detailed visualization of the proposal, intends to becomean iconic natural focus for the Eastern port of Västerås and an example of the use andadaptation of existing structures.The property must also link the eastern parts of Västerås with the center through anextension of Mälarleden.The work has been performed through literature studies, site visits, contacts with the City ofVästerås and by calculations.The proposal consists of architectural proposals drawings and visualizations.Furthermore, a suggestion is given of how the property can be used and fitted into theoverall plan for urban density development currently underway in the city of Västerås.Computer programs used have been Microsoft Office Excel, AutoCAD and ArchiCAD..

Att producera eller reproducera text? : En studie av fem gymnasiepojkars arbete med skrivprocessen i en provsituation

AbstractAuthor: Annelie JohanssonYear: Spring 2006Swedish title: Att producera eller reproducera text? En studie av fem gymnasiepojkars arbetemed skrivprocessen i en provsituation.English title: To produce or reproduce text in essays. A studie of five high school boys? workwith the writing process in a test situation.City, university: Växjö, Växjö Universitet, institutionen för humaniora [Växjö, Växjö University, School of the Humanities]Pages: 53Content:The major aim of this study is to investigate how five male high school students in the ages seventeen to eighteen produce or reproduce in their texts during an essay examination. Focus is also put on the five students? writing processes in a classroom situated writing task and on their own comments to their writing.

Jon Blund - Blåsningen: En warstory om ett ärligt menat köp av ett ruttet bolag

Decision-making and valuation when buying small caps is a poorly explored area. Likewise, since disputes about deficiencies in the company?s financial and legal standing are, almost without exception, resolved in arbitration with confidentiality requirements for both sides, there is very little empirical knowledge about such disputes. This paper hopes to add empiric experience by describing such a take-over ? the purchase of the Jon Blund companies.

Energikloka hus i Järinge - energiteknisk uppföljning

Energy-wise houses in Järinge - technical follow-up The company JM built energy-efficient houses in Tensta in Stockholm. They have built a total of 16 houses divided into two parts of A-houses and B-houses. The buildings are an attempt by JM to minimize energy-use of the buildings without affecting the comfort and living standards. The project aims to examine the data for the 16 houses on the basis of data and produce a report showing how the buildings worked through a technical perspective. JM approximates that the purchased energy will not be higher than 95 kWh/m2 per year.

Högtrycksbrandsläckning - Ett beslutsunderlag för Räddningstjänsten

The purpose of this report is to collect, compile and complement the scientific and experience based knowledge concerning high pressure fire fighting today. The goal is to produce a decision data for the Rescue Service concerning the use of high pressure systems for fire fighting. Focus is on hose reel high pressure systems but other systems are discussed too. The report begins by describing the technical properties of the different systems. Then the fire fighting properties are evaluated, including manoeuvrability and safety for users.

Optimal bredbandig vågform framtagen genom generaliserad osäkerhetsfunktion

The waveform of a radar signal affects the resolution in velocity and distance. The ambiguity function is used as an aid for analysing narrow band radar signals simultaneously in time and frequency. An analysing tool for wide band radar signals is missing.This thesis describes a generalised ambiguity function to be utilised for study of wide band signals. Waveforms are further synthesised with help of the developed analysing tool. The aim is to start with a certain ambiguity function and find a waveform that reproduces the same ambiguity function.Mathematical formulas are presented and implemented in Matlab to produce the wide band ambiguity function.

Äldres framtidssyn och funderingar med fokus på vård och omsorg

The western societies is characterized by a strong future concern and the members of the society are valued most of all according to their capability to produce. In our time the elder ness is representing a rapidly increasing number of relatively well kept elders. What sight of the future does the aging human have? Are one meditating of what kind of service and care one are going to need? The purpose with this study was to describe how individuals in ages between 60 and 96 sees, both the future and their coming need for care in relation to sex, age, social activities and experienced health. The material was taken from ?SNAC-Blekinge? witch is a part of a bigger national study; SNAC (The Swedish National study on Aging and Care).

Lantbruksföretagets tillväxtstrategi och finansiella sökbeteende : en empirisk studie av sex lantbruksföretag med tillväxtambitioner

The structural rationalization of the agricultural sector in Sweden has led to many expansive, professional companies orientated towards growth. The agricultural sector is a very capital-intense sector and is characterized by the need for large sums of capital in form of buildings, inventory and arable land. The capital need is especially large for companies who have an ambition of growth and development of the company in the near future. The study is built upon six cases that all can be categorized as large agricultural farms with a turnover exceeding 20 million Swedish crowns. The companies are located in the middle and in the south of Sweden and are in the sector of primary production with focus on dairy-, pork-, egg-, chicken-, beef-, vegetables- and grain production as well as in the business of refining milk towards consumers. The study aims to identify the motives and driving forces that lies behind the growth of a farm-based company. The agricultural companies' motive for growth is studied based on which factors that influence the ambition to grow and to what extent these factors accord to the picture given by earlier research of small companies outside the agricultural sector.

Miljöoptimera avfallsindustrin i Sverige : - återvinn restprodukten gips

One of the most common ways to produce heat and electricity in Europe today is by the incineration of waste or combustion of coal. These materials can be very sulfurous and during combustion sulfur dioxide is produced. This is an environmental and health related toxic substance which is why power plants have strict regulations on removing it from the flue gas. Sulfur dioxide is removed from the flue gas by adding a limestone reagent. The sulfur dioxide reacts with the limestone and the synthetic product obtained is ?Flue Gas Desulfurization gypsum?.

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