

67 Uppsatser om Procedural fluency - Sida 2 av 5

Relationen mellan flyktingkonventionenoch barnkonventionen : Det internationella skyddet för ensamkommande barn under asylprocessen

AbstractMany of the refugees around the world today are children. Some of these children are travelling alone without anyone looking after them. These children flee from their countries to save their lives and as they are children they need special care and protection. This thesis has investigated the protection given to unaccompanied children during the asylum process in the two key instruments in the area: the Convention of the Rights of the Child and the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees. The Refugee Convention does not contain any procedural rights and does not specifically acknowledge children, even though they are included in the scope of the Convention.

Konsten att skapa frustration : En procedurell och visuell retorisk analys av ?Riskprofilen? ? en interaktiv film från Myndigheten för Samhällsskydd och Beredskap

A rhetorical analysis of the educational interactive film ?Riskprofilen?, produced by the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (Swedish: Myndigheten för Samhällsskydd och Beredskap). This essay uses the theories and methods of Procedural Rhetoric, as described by Professor Ian Bogost, and Visual Rhetoric, as described by Professor Brigitte Mral to analyse the interactive and visual component parts of the artefact, and compares them to the intended purposes of the artefact as stated by documents pertaining to its creation, found to be those of educating the public; marketing the agency; and driving traffic to its webpage. The artefact is through analysis found to fulfil the purposes of marketing the Agency and of likely increasing traffic to the website upon which it is hosted. Regarding the primary, educational purpose this analysis finds that the artefact does not teach a user the accident-avoidance strategies it claims to do, but is dependent upon further materials..

Rättsäkerheten vid omhändertaganden av barn på 1950 - 1960 - talet : Studier av socialarbetarnas dokumenterade arbete

The main purpose of this study is to examine and gain increased knowledge concerning the legal security of children taken into protective care. The purpose is also to enable contemporary social workers to reflect around phenomena in today´s social work, among other things how investigations are carried out surrounding children taken into protective care thought this historical study. To find out how social workers dealt with caretakings I have chosen to examine the personel files that the social workers compiled for each child and also interview a man who worked as a social worker at the time of the investigation. The paper is divided into two part studies were the first one studies legal security through Mattsson´s (2002) further development of KjÆnstad?s way to analyse legal security, namely through investigating the clarity of the law, procedural rules and the comtetenay of the social workers.

Kommunala underprisöverlåtelser och återbetalningskrav med stöd av art. 88.3 EGF ? En studie av svensk process- och sanktionsrätt utifrån den gemenskapsrättsliga effektivitetsprincipen

Private state aid enforcement with respect to below market value transactions carried out by Swedish municipalities ? A study on the conformity of Swedish procedural and substantial rules with the principle of effectiveness of EC law Recently in Sweden, several local governmental entities (municipalities) have engaged in commercial transactions that, essentially, have been aimed at transferring the ownership of public services ? for example schools and local medical care centers ? to private undertakings. A few of these transactions have been declared by Swedish administrative courts to constitute illegal below market value transfers of public resources. The essay seeks to determine whether the Swedish national provisions that govern legal claims based on the directly effective Art. 88(3) of the EC Treaty, are compatible with the principle of effectiveness, i.e.

Betaltjänstdirektivets inverkan på svensk rätt och dess processuella och institutionella autonomi

Denna magisteruppsats i offentlig rätt är ämnad att behandla implementeringen av direktivet om betaltjänster på den inre marknaden i svensk rätt. Betaltjänstdirektivet är väsentlig vid inrättande av den inre marknaden inom EU:s medlemsstater, då alla inre gränser skall avlägsnas för att möjliggöra fri rörlighet för varor, personer, tjänster och kapital; i det sammanhanget blir det viktigt med en modern och konsekvent rättslig ram för betaltjänster på EU-nivå. Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka implementeringen av de processuella och materiella bestämmelser i betaltjänstdirektivet som knyter an till principen om god förvaltning och därtill medlemsstaternas processuella och institutionella autonomi. Till de frågor som analyseras hör tolkning av begreppet god förvaltning och hur de utvalda principerna kan identifieras i svensk rätt genom implementeringen av direktivet. God förvaltning i denna uppsats förstås i vid mening som ett begrepp motsvarande vad enskilda har rätt att förvänta sig av det berörda förvaltningsorganet vid handläggning av ett enskilt ärende.Uppsatsen har visat att direktivet innehåller ett flertal bestämmelser som knyter an till principen om god förvaltning och som reglerar hur svenska myndigheter skall handlägga ärenden inom direktivets tillämpningsområde.


I have in my thesis produced a start of a multiplayer, voxel, strategy sandbox game withadvanced AI. The world is made out of voxels in the form of blocks that both the players andother units can affect and change. In a world where every block follows the laws of physicsfor both fluids and physics. The game is designed for several players that fights for controllover land and resources..

Direktiv 2001/18/EG om avsiktlig utsättning av GMO och dess inverkan på svensk rätt : en europarättslig studie om svensk institutionell och processuell autonomi samt principen om god förvaltning

This master's thesis on the subject of public law will deal with the implications ?Directive 2001/18/EC on the deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified organisms? might have on the Swedish legal system. The purpose of the directive is to harmonize the European Union States legislation regarding licensing of the deliberate release of GMO?s into the environ­ment, this to maintain a high level of environmental protection and at the same time preserve the internal market of the European Union. The thesis will primarily examine how the provisions of the directive relating to the general principle of good administration have impacted the proce­dural autonomy of Sweden.

Exekutiva funktioner hos unga personer med mild depression

Results from previous studies have shown that people with depression tend to have impaired executive functions, although it's not clear whether this is also true for mild depression in young people. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between mild depressive symptoms and executive functions in young individuals. 60 participants, between 18-33 years of age, took part in this study. They were divided into two groups; a "depressed group" (n = 8), with mildly depressed subjects, and a "none-depressed group" (n = 52). The depressed group was significantly impaired on several executive tests, namely TMT A (p = 0,025), TMT B (p = 0,040), FAS (p = 0,002), WAIS-R Digit Span Backwards (p = 0,047) and CWTa - subtest colour naming (p = 0,001), which evaluated abilities such as shifting, verbal fluency, working memory, attention and mental flexibility.

Att skriva sig språkligt medveten eller bli språkligt medveten för att erövra skriftspråket : Språklig medvetenhet hos sexåringar i montessoriskola och i förskoleklass

In Montessori pre-schools early reading and writing is an important feature. By tracing sandpaper letters with their fingers and voicing the sound simultaneously the children connect phonemes to graphemes and normally learn to write between the ages of four and five. 24 sixyear old children who attended Montessori pre-school and 26 six-year old children who had not attended Montessori school were assessed with a test assessing their linguistic awareness.The result showed that the Montessori children were more linguistically aware than the children who hadn?t received any literacy training. The scores of the Montessori children were highest on phonological awareness.

Välfärd, jämställdhet och demokrati

The purpose of the essay is to analyze the welfare state from a gender perspective. Further, the paper analyzes and critically examines three different normative solutions provided by Irish Marion Young, Nancy Fraser and Jürgen Habermas for the realization of a welfare state that includes women.Habermas argues that the welfare state has created a situation of dependency and state paternalism which reduces both individual and collective self-determination. Young follows Habermas? argument. She argues for a political climate where justice is reduced to the distribution of material goods rather than the elimination of underlying relations of domination and gender specific patterns.

?Om inte vi mammor mår bra mår inte barnen bra heller? : En studie om kvinnor som har barn med frihetsberövade män

The purpose of the essay is to analyze the welfare state from a gender perspective. Further, the paper analyzes and critically examines three different normative solutions provided by Irish Marion Young, Nancy Fraser and Jürgen Habermas for the realization of a welfare state that includes women.Habermas argues that the welfare state has created a situation of dependency and state paternalism which reduces both individual and collective self-determination. Young follows Habermas? argument. She argues for a political climate where justice is reduced to the distribution of material goods rather than the elimination of underlying relations of domination and gender specific patterns.

Marching Cubes med Deferred Rendering motor

Spel idag kräver en enorm mängd arbetstimmar för att skapas, därför behövs alltid sätt att spara tid och automatisera processer. Algoritmer för polygoniseringen av skalärfält, som Marching Cubes, har under de senaste åren blivit ett allt vanligare tillvägagångssätt för att automatiskt generera terräng. Scenkomplexiteten och kraven för visuell kvalitet i dagens spel ökar ständigt. Därmed kommer också kravet för prestandaeffektiva renderingsmetoder. Deferred rendering är en renderingsmetod som kan hantera scener med stora mängder ljuskällor och hög scenkomplexitet samtidigt.

Relationen : en väg till motivation

Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka sambandet mellan rättvisa och motivation bland skolelever, då det tidigare saknats specifik forskning inom området. Enkäter delades ut till högstadieelever för att mäta deras upplevelse av distributiv, procedural, informativ respektive interpersonell rättvisa i relationen till läraren samt deras motivation i skolarbetet. Totalt ingick 227 respondenter i studien. Resultatet visade på ett signifikant positivt samband mellan samtliga former av rättvisa och motivation i skolarbetet. Graden av informativ respektive interpersonell rättvisa visade sig även förutsäga graden av motivation i skolarbetet.

Processuell generering av oändliga spelvärldar : Praktiska problem och optimering

Enligt oss så är det största problemet med att processuellt generera en pseudo-oändlig spelvärld i realtid är att få genereringen att ske så sömlöst som möjligt samtidigt som världen upplevs som konsekvent. För att finna lösningar på detta problem så analyserar vi andra studier och spel som utnyttjar processuell generering. Vi använder sedan de metoder och tekniker vi funnit för skapandet av en egen applikation för att få en djupare förståelse för hur dessa fungerar i praktiken och hur mycket varje metod påverkar prestandan. I vår slutsats beskriver vi de problem vi fann, deras orsak och ger förslag på lösningar. På grund av studiens tekniska karaktär så riktar den sig främst till programmerare.

Stamningsbehandling enligt Lidcombeprogrammet : En långtidsuppföljning av svensktalande förskolebarn

The aim of this paper is to study the long-term effects of stuttering treatment according to the Lidcombe Program in Sweden and to answer questions whether underlying factors may have affected the treatment results. Participants were seven children, one girl and six boys aged 7:10-14:2, who all completed Stage 1 of the program approximately 2-7 years ago.The children were video recorded during a conversation with one of the authors and while reading aloud. Before the recording, their parents estimated the level of stuttering according to a Severity Range (SR) Scale. The evaluations were used as reference for determining whether the recordings were representative for the children´s current speech fluency. Proportions of stuttered syllables (%SS) were calculated from the video recorded material and compared with the proportions of stuttered syllables (%SS) at the time when the first stage of the program was initiated.The results showed that the Lidcombe Program had a significant (z=-2.37, p=0.02) long term effect on stuttering treatment for the participants in this study.

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