

1144 Uppsatser om Private sewers - Sida 2 av 77

Säkerhet till varje pris : En jämförande studie om utvecklingen av privat säkerhet från Kuwaitkriget till Irakkriget

The purpose of this essay is to examine the development of the use of private securitycontractors in Iraq. The reason is that there has been a considerable increase of the number ofprivate security firms operating in Iraq during the last couple of years. The legislation in thefield of private military and security is indistinct and my hypothesis is that the lack of nationaland/or international legislation can be connected to the increased globalization. To come toany conclusions about this I have chosen to make a comparative study between the two casesthe Gulf War and the War in Iraq which started in 2003. In this comparison, I ask thefollowing questions: 1) Are there any signs of anarchy in the field of private security duringthe Gulf War respectively the last War in Iraq? 2) In what way has the use of private securitycontractors changed from Case 1 to Case 2 ?According to my research, there were signs of anarchy in the field of private security bothduring the Gulf War and during the latest war in Iraq.

Hållbart skogsbruk och naturvård ? ett skogsägarperspektiv

The Swedish government has set up 16 environmental goals for Sweden to achieve. One ofthem is ?Living forests?, which is the foundation for the ?National strategy for the formalprotection of forests?. The ?National strategy? puts the private forest owner at the centre ofattention in order to achieve the environmental goal ?Living forests?.

Lufthansa Private Jets kundsegmentering i Sverige

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka Lufthansa Private Jets verksamhet och marknadsföringsstrategi i Sverige utifrån kundsegmentering. Vi avser att undersöka hur Lufthansa Private Jet utifrån kundsegmentering kan lokalisera och expandera sin målgrupp i Sverige. Vår studie har en kvalitativ ansats. Undersökningen är en fallstudie som genomförts med hjälp av intervjuer med personer med olika anknytning till Lufthansa Private Jets verksamhet. Uppsatsen bygger på teorier och metoder kring kundsegmentering som vi anser relevanta för syftet med uppsatsen.

Privata säkerhetsföretag - Våldet som handelsvara

This essay tries, in different levels, to explain and create a deeper understanding for the phenomena ?private security companies?. By using Mary Kaldors theory about new wars, I will come to the conclusion that the insecurity that these wars create is an important part in understanding the emergence of a security need that these private security companies can provide. Later I investigate and explain howthe neoliberal privatization policy that is spreading through the world today has laid ground for development of the private security industry. When I have answered these questions I analyze how the private security companies can affect the state, war and peace both positively and negatively.

Exit Runt Hörnet! -Private Equity-fonders inverkan på Portföljbolagens Strategiska inriktning och Corporate Governance-arbete

Undersökningens syfte är att analysera hur portföljbolags Strategiska inriktning och CorporateGovernance-arbete påverkas av ett skifte till Private Equity-ägande. Uppsatsens empiriska material består av intervjuer med anställda i två stora, forskningsintensiva bolag som avnoterats från Stockholmsbörsen genom Private Equity. I undersökningen identifieras hållpunkter för portföljbolagets Strategi och Corporate Governance-arbete, vilka alla på något sätt påverkats av övergången till Private Equity. Det kan konstateras en märkbar förskjutning i portföljbolagets strategiska inriktning till följd av Private Equity-bolagets tydliga ägarstrategi.Vidare medför ägarskiftet förändringar i styrelse och ledning, samtidigt som avståndet mellan ägare-styrelse-ledning reduceras avsevärt..

Produktutveckling av EMV och LMV ? en jämförande studie

Existing studies concerning private labels are unclear as to whether private label manufacturers carry out product development themselves. Furthermore, there is a lack of studies comparing product development processes in private label companies and national brand manufacturers. This study highlights a set of critical product development factors and assesses their prevalence in four different companies in the Swedish retail business. The study is based on a number of qualitative interviews with key personnel responsible for various table fats. Findings indicate two levels of involvement in the product development process on the private label side.

Private Equity : En studie med fokus på värdeskapande

Uppsatsen syfte är att klargöra vilka faktorer som är av betydelse när det kommer till värdeskapande i private equity bolagens portföljbolag.

Projektfinansieringens betydelse vid Public Private Partnerships

Det finns fördelar med att använda projektfinansiering vid PPP. Undersökningen visar att projektfinansiering är ett enastående verktyg för riskallokering. Dessutom resulterar projektfinansiering i minskade kostnader för agentkonflikter. Emellertid är privat finansiering normalt sett dyrare än offentlig finansiering..

Egna märkesvaror ? dagligvaruhandelns kronjuveler : En kvalitativ studie om de svenska dagligvaruhandelskedjornas förmedling av egna märkesvarors image

The four grocery chains Axfood, Bergendahls, Coop and ICA, all providing private labels, dominate the Swedish grocery market. Through private labels, it may be possible to convey an image about the grocery chain's overall brand. Furthermore, it is important that the grocery chain's employees have a fairly consistent understanding regarding the company's image to achieve success.The main purpose of this study is to examine how the intended image the Swedish grocery chains head offices will communicate through private labels is perceived among the store employees. The study intends to provide an expanded view among the grocery chains' work on internal communications regarding the image of private labels. The research method is qualitative.

Kaos eller ordning? : Ambulanssjukvårdens organisationskultur. En fallstudie

This case study has its starting point in an unpublished study where the results showed that there is a conflict between the leadership and the employees in a private company. The conflict is identified as a result of the company leadership is steering for cost savings and efficiency The aim of this study is through analysis of  the open questions in a quantitative survey describe how the staffs  attitudes and culture is affecting the leadership of the organization. The ideological aspect is very clear and through the aspect of the structural differences between the public and private sector makes it possible to identify the staff?s social rules, ideology and group norms.  These are shown to be in conflict with the economical perspective of the private sector.

Private equity företagens styrning av sina portföljbolag.: Två fallstudier av relationen mellan private equity företag och portföljbolag.

The purpose of this thesis is to examine and analyze the characteristics of the management control system private equity firms use to manage their portfolio companies. The thesis takes a share holder value perspective, and it is assumed that the goal of the management control system is to increase the shareholder value in the portfolio company. In a qualitative study two private equity firms and two portfolio companies, one for each private equity firm, were studied in detail. In total, nine in debt interviews were completed. The results from this study suggest that the characteristics of the control system are dependent on the surrounding context; the focus on shareholder value and the specific characteristics of the private equity industry shape the characteristics of the management control system.

Varför väljer föräldrar en kristen friskola?

The purpose of this essay is to illustrate the ideas that have influenced parents' choice of a Christian private school and how parents justify their choices. The essay also aims to examine the expectations that parents have in the schools, as well as the pros and cons as they consider private school compared to other schools.My study is based on qualitative data collected through interviews with parents who have chosen to place one or more of their children in a specific Christian private school. Using a qualitative approach has made it possible for me to get a deeper understanding of this investigation. I have also used the previous research on this field and theoretical starting points to explain and connect to my inquiry as Maslow's hierarchy of needs and the school Weber document types and identity in a multicultural society.The study shows that parents seek to or from the public school due to various reasons. To seek out a Christian private school depends on different reasons.

Energisystem med utnyttjande av restprodukter för gödsling av Salixodling för energiproduktion : studier av kretslopprojektet i Enköping och dess applicering på en kommun i Ryssland.

The purpose of this work is to study a circulation project in Enköping municipality, where the society?s rest products are used to make beneficial products. In Enköping the rest products from waste treatment plants and Private sewers are used to fertilize and irrigate Salix plantations that later are harvested and burned at the local combined heating and power plant, ENA Energy AB, to produce electricity and heat. Possibilities to apply this kind of project ona municipality in Russia are also explored.Guryevsk municipality in Kaliningrad region was chosen since there is a need to improve energy systems and reduce emissions to water and air. This municipality strives to become environmentally friendly.

Private equity-företag - centrala investeringskriterier vid buyout-investeringar

De senaste fem åren har buyout-segmentet på den svenska private equity-marknaden vuxit kraftigt i omfattning. Buyout-investeringarna har ökat från 6 555 mkr år 2001 till 37 171 mkr 2006. Då pengar investeras i ett portföljbolag följer ett stort ansvar att dessa investeras så att en god avkastning uppnås som kompenserar den risk investerarna tar. Därför måste buyout-företagen i förväg noggrant analysera investeringsobjekten för att göra välgrundade kapitalplaceringar.Syftet är att beskriva vilka investeringskriterier private equity-företag tittar på inför en eventuell buyout-investering och att redogöra för vilka av dessa kriterier som är de mest centrala. Vidare är syftet att klargöra vilket avkastningskrav private equity-företagen har på sina buyout-investeringar.

Klassficering av förmögenhetsöverföringar inom bolagssektorn : ur ett civilrättsligt och skatterättsligt perspektiv

There exist a number of different types of value transfers between companies in a group. Most of these transfers are undertaken on the basis of private law. These transfers also give rise to tax law consequences. Taxation is normally based on how the classifications of transfers are made in private law, which means that there exists a relation between private law and tax law. Despite this relation, the classification is not always made in the same way in private law and tax law.

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