

330 Uppsatser om Priority - Sida 1 av 22

Optimering av prioriteringsverktyget Werner

E.ON Elnät has in their project Operational Performance developed a Priority tool forconstruction and operation. The tool will help the users to increase the capability to Prioritybetween new development projects and removal of faults. The tool can be seen as a measuringfor different bay?s reliability, size and the community usefulness. The result of the Priority isdirectly connected to which calibration that is chosen in the tool.The Priority tool is still under development and there is therefore an uncertainty about howsensitive the tool is for changes in the calibration.

Turordningsreglernas vara eller icke vara

AbstractThe purpose of this essay is to investigate the Priority rules in the event of termination due to redundancy, the rules functions according to the Swedish labour market and which other alternatives that exist besides the Priority rules. The alternatives to the Priority rules which are introduced in the essay are the Danish Flexicurity-model and a proposal from the Långtidsutredningen 2011. The rule of Priority is a very controversial law at the Swedish labour market, which makes the essay also describing the criticism against the rules. The criticism that the essay presents claims that the rules of Priority contribute to immobility effects for particularly older employees. Further on the essay presents the criticism towards the rules, that they disadvantage young employees on the labour market.  The essay investigates also what the researchers say about the criticism.The results that are presented in the essay points to the fact that the rules of Priority contributes to the immobility effects of employees but the rules can not be claimed to be the only reason.

Förbigående av företrädesrätten till återanställning med hjälp av bemanningsföretag : -Att anses som ett kringgående av LAS?

The aim of this essay is to discuss the problems concerning the right of Priority for re-employment in connection to employing temporary agency workers. This will be done with the help of relevant laws, preparatory work and literature that fall within the scope of the legal dogmatic method.Using temporary personnel is becoming considerably more common throughout the Swedish workplace. In recent years there has been a rapid growth of work agencies and a tendency to employ temporary personnel. At the same time employees are made redundant, suffering the consequences that arise from the workplace failing to abide by the rules of re-employment. In order to claim that the employer has failed to follow the right of Priority for re-employment, evidence must be sufficient.

Turordningsreglerna - snart ett obsolet arv?

Sweden's contribution to the world today is not labor-intensive industry, it is high technology and know-how. Many of the rules concerning employment security for the workers derived from the industrial era and have been to some extent modified by hand. This paper focuses on the discrepancy between the purpose of the Priority rules in Swedish law and how it works in the reality. My opinion is that due to the development of the labor market, a powerful revision of Priority rules is needed. In addition to today's job market is knowledge-intensive I point in the paper at a number of factors that contributed to the loosening of the Priority rules. Examples of these are the increased incidence of temporary staffing, more open markets and more multinational companies, political will to disadvantaged groups in the labor market should be prepared job and gender issues.

Schemaläggning av hissar vid prioritetsanrop : En studie i hantering av prioritetsanrop av hissar på svenska sjukhus vilka styrs av Nearest Car Algorithm

In our modern society, time is important. Technology is used in countless ways to faster get us from one point to another. The purpose of this report is to inquire whether there is a way to implement an option for personnel at Swedish hospitals to claim Priority on an elevator call, and to do this in an efficient way. An ordinary elevator system has been simulated with an implementation of textit{Nearest Car algorithm}, an algorithm which calculates the most suitable elevator car to serve a specific call considering the distance between the call floor and the car and the direction. Along with this algorithm, different ways to handle Priority calls has been implemented to see how they affect the mean transport time for both passengers with Priority and regular passengers in the elevator.

Vart tog brevskriverskan vägen? : En analys av Iselin C. Hermanns Prioritaire

The objective with this essay was to compare the modern epistolary novel Priority by danish author Iselin C. Hermann with the epistolary genre during its heyday in late seventeenth to early nineteenth century. I especially looked at gender: the similarities and differences between the female character in Priority and the female characters during the epistolary novels days of glory. I concluded that Priority has the same structure, characteristics as the heyday epistolary novel and that the female character does not have any typical similarities with its stereotypical female characters. In addition I also came to the conclusion that she is reminiscent to their original model Héloïse and follows the epistolary novels heyday convention when she dies at the end of the novel..

"Sist in - först ut" : Hur turordningsreglerna förhåller sig på den svenska arbetsmarknaden idag?

Abstract The subject of this thesis is the Priority rules that apply in connection with mining activity. Already back in the 1800s, there were rules in the so-called Lego Charter concerning protection of workers, mainly servants. When the first modern trade union was founded in the 1870s, also developed a collective agreement. These agreements were the order of Priority clauses had to intend to ensure employees' working lives. Exceptions had to be done by ensuring that individual employees' dependents. In 1974 the Act on employment entry and had intended to protect older workers.

Frihet-en medborgerlig rättighet En normativ analys gällande Lunds kommuns prioriteringspolicy gentemot handikappföreningar

The point of departure for this essay is the observation that themunicipality of Lund is giving Priority to handicap associations overother forms of associations. This act can be regarded as trespassinginto the realm of civil society. In respect of this, two aspects appearto be particularly interesting to explore. The first is to determinewhich perspective of freedom the municipality of Lund holds. Ireconstruct how the liberal and the communitarian state relate to thenegative and the positive freedom.

The Success of None-Joint Venture Strategic Alliances

The companies? managements acknowledge personal relations and trust, through good communication and predefined responsibilities and goals, as key factors to succeed in strategic alliance. These factors did not always exist according to the employees? involved. This research, in contrast, suggests that these factors are subordinate to the correlation between the company?s vision and the alliance objectives, hence level of Priority, which indicates that management has hidden motives for entering the strategic alliance.

Adhesion av mikroorganismer till lignocellulosa

The aim of the project was to develop a method to investigate differences in adhesion of microorganisms to materials that contains lignocellulose. The method was tested on a gram-positive (Micrococcus lutea) and one gram-negative (E-coliJM109) bacteria.The study was begun by cultivation of the two microorganisms. The cultivation was done to calculate the generation times of the bacteria and to obtain growth curves. Cells from these cultivations were also frozen (-70ºC) and later used for inoculation.At STFI-Packforsk AB the total charge on the mass was measured and later a conductivity titration on the mass was executed as well, all to find out more about the different properties of the mass. Properties that in a later part of this study could possibly be linked to the adhesion of cells to the pulp.

Företagsrekonstruktion och förmånsrättsreformen : Vad är det som gick snett?

Sweden needs a policy that stimulates economic growth. Year 1996 the Business Reorganization Act (1996:764) came into force. The goal with this law was to savebusiness, make it profitable and avoid unnecessary bankruptcies. Shortly afterwards itturned out that the law had no positive effect. A very few numbers of companies appliedfor reconstruction and the number of applications for bankruptcies continued to increase.In 2004, in order to stabilize the situation and bring about neutrality between twoproceedings, company reorganization and bankruptcy, the government proposed thereform of Priority rules.

Inhyrning av arbetskraft när företrädesrätt föreligger

Section 25-27, i.e. the rights of Priority of the Employment Protection Act, is a form of post-employment protection which exists to support those employed on a part-time basis and former employees. When a vacancy arises an employer should first and foremost offer part-time employees employment at a higher level of occupation or offer employment to former employees. The various types of employment contracts, other than those valid for an indefinite term, have increased during the last decades on the Swedish labour market. Labour hire has become more common and therefore we find it interesting to investigate how the rights of Priority apply.The purpose of this thesis is to describe and analyze the law with regards to labour hire when people with rights of Priority are available.

Triage - hälsoekonomi : resursallokering och kostnadsberäkning för olika proriteringsnivåer inom akutsjukvård

When a person arrives at the emergency ward at the Uppsala University Hospital with his or her symptoms he or she explains the problems and then a Priority process starts. The staff evaluate at which emergency level the patient is located in a model called Triage. The Triage model helps to decide the Priority need and is based upon templates which point out in which of the 5 categories a patient is to be placed, to eliminate any future risk regarding his or her health. A lower triage level means lower Priority but implies better health when the evaluation takes place. To obtain optimal effect of the Triage model the evaluation of symptoms must be reproducible so that patients with the same symptoms are placed at the same triage level regardless of whom among the staff conducts the evaluation. The purpose of the study was to see if the resources are allocated based on Priority level of the patients.

Förbättring av hanteringen vid utrikesfrakter på ITAB Shop Concept AB Jönköping

Our purpose with this report is to create a structural basis over how to improve handling with international freight at ITAB Shop Concept (further mentioned as ITAB). We have through interviews with employees at ITAB and observations identified problems that have caused difficulties at handling with international freight, from the time when an order is placed to when it?s delivered to the customer. We have also interviewed shipping companies.We have in the theory chapter written about shipping conditions for international freight and a main part of our theory is about NSAB 2000, which describes the obligations and rights shippers and consignee has.In order to improve the efficiency ITAB has to be aware of the problems in the company and try to solve them.The problems we have identified are described in the result chapter. One of the problems is that employees at the warehouse don?t know when gods is supposed to be shipped.

Metoder för lastprioritering i fjärrvärmecentraler

A problem in the field of district heating is the oil burners needed to provide power when a peak load occurs. One possible way of reducing the needed amount of oil is to reduce the power demand for space heating in the district-heating substations when the need for district heating water exceeds a certain limit. This can be done by use of a locally working controller function.In this Thesis the options concerning load Priority are evaluated. To evaluate the potential for using controller functions concerning peak load Priority an experiment was brought out in a chosen district-heating substation. The impact on the indoor thermal comfort during a heat reduction was also taken into account.

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